阿部 和厚
高等教育研究 (ISSN:13440063)
vol.7, pp.71-92, 2004

<p> Recent developments in health sciences, medical practice and technology, requires further development of medical professionals, such as medical doctors, dental doctors, pharmacists, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists, clinical technologists, radiological technologists, social workers, psychotherapists and others. These professionals have requested highly advanced higher education.</p><p> While the numbers of universities for medical and dental doctors have been limited over the last three decades, institutions offering four year courses for nurses have increased from a few, to approximately 100 in the last decade, mainly by transition from three to four year courses. Institutions offering four year courses for other co-medical professionals have also been similarly increasing.</p><p> The acceleration of educational reforms into medical and dental universities offering six year courses is required following the report of a Ministry of Education and Sciences' committee in 2001. The report requires new core curriculum aimed to develop clinical ability to international standards during higher education. The reforms include:</p><p> ・Early clinical exposure in the freshman years;</p><p> ・The development of problem based learning activities within the curricula from basic medical sciences, clinical application to clinical diagnosis and therapy;</p><p> ・Learning attitudes and various diagnostic techniques in clinics and the practice of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE); and</p><p> ・Role play to develop an understanding of clinical relationships with patients.</p><p> The curricula for co-medical professionals, other than that for medical and dental professionals, is underdeveloped with regard to working together with other medical staffs, including doctors, in a clinical team, and the understanding of the clinical relationship with patients.</p>