高野 真悟 阿部 順子 鈴木 賢一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.87-96, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)
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This report explains the concept of arts in health in the UK is and how it is implemented and financially managed by which organizations in British hospitals. In the UK, artistic activities are understood to contribute to the comfort and recovery of patients and the people around them. These activities are offered through partnerships between the government and arts in health organizations. Arts in health activities are diverse. We can classify them into eight fields, including arts in psychotherapy, arts on prescription, participatory arts programs for specific patient groups, arts in healthcare technology, arts-based training for staff, general arts activities in everyday life, arts in the healthcare environment, and arts in health promotion. These activities are offered strategically with specific objectives and targets. The targets are not only patients but also the people around the patient, such as a patient's family, visitors, medical staff, and citizens. While British hospitals have profited from various artistic activities in healthcare since the 1970s, most Japanese hospitals do not use them. This is due to the Japanese belief that medical treatment by experts is the most important function of a hospital, not recuperation. UK arts in health organizations are classified into four types of organization in partnership with hospitals: the internal section of National Healthcare Service (NHS) hospital type, the hospital charity type, the exclusive to specific NHS hospital type, and the independent type. An arts in health organization has three functions, including arts in health activities, research and development (investment, provide grants, development of resources, and investigation on efficacy), and organizational management (fund raising, public relations, and report). The importance of these three functions differs depending on the social and historical background of the organization. The three leading hospitals in the UK—Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Royal London Hospital, and Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital—are filled with diverse visual art work collections of museum quality, selected by an art manager. These collections are installed to enhance the well-being of the people who use the hospital. Information about the practices in these three hospitals demonstrates the benefits and the costs of arts in health. These three hospitals have specific art management organizations, which provide various art programs in their hospitals, conduct research in collaboration with universities and other researchers, and manage finance and promotion to sustain their activities. They work for their own specific hospitals, but they possess autonomous human and financial resources. In the UK, the intervention of art in healthcare provides useful health outcomes, such as enhanced feelings of happiness and well-being, and the reduction of national medical costs. This view is shared by the government, policymakers, NHS staff, and arts in health organizations. Today, artistic activities are developing in Japanese hospitals. The UK model provides an excellent example of good practice, especially how to implement the autonomous management of Japanese arts in health activities.
阿部 順子
一般社団法人 日本高次脳機能障害学会
高次脳機能研究 (旧 失語症研究) (ISSN:13484818)
vol.26, no.3, pp.283-289, 2006 (Released:2007-10-05)

心理士は,認知リハビリテーションとして,認知障害を改善するための訓練および,障害への対処法を学ぶ訓練を行う。さらに,本人を取り巻く支援の環境を作るために心理教育を行う。これらのトータルなかかわりによって高次脳機能障害者の社会生活への適応を支援している。実際,モデル事業において心理士は,リハスタッフの中で高次脳機能障害に対する関与時間がもっとも多かったが,関与時間の 4割がカウンセリングで占められていた。名古屋リハでは高次脳機能障害データベースの分析を通して脳外傷後の高次脳機能障害の回復について検討した。神経心理学的検査の結果,脳外傷者の認知機能は受傷後 1年までの回復がもっともよく,早期に訓練を開始した場合および若い年代の回復がよいことが示された。最終的に,脳外傷者の社会生活への適応の様相を GAFの評定を通して明らかにし,適応を改善するアプローチの実際について事例を報告する。