高野 真悟 阿部 順子 鈴木 賢一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.87-96, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)
1 1

This report explains the concept of arts in health in the UK is and how it is implemented and financially managed by which organizations in British hospitals. In the UK, artistic activities are understood to contribute to the comfort and recovery of patients and the people around them. These activities are offered through partnerships between the government and arts in health organizations. Arts in health activities are diverse. We can classify them into eight fields, including arts in psychotherapy, arts on prescription, participatory arts programs for specific patient groups, arts in healthcare technology, arts-based training for staff, general arts activities in everyday life, arts in the healthcare environment, and arts in health promotion. These activities are offered strategically with specific objectives and targets. The targets are not only patients but also the people around the patient, such as a patient's family, visitors, medical staff, and citizens. While British hospitals have profited from various artistic activities in healthcare since the 1970s, most Japanese hospitals do not use them. This is due to the Japanese belief that medical treatment by experts is the most important function of a hospital, not recuperation. UK arts in health organizations are classified into four types of organization in partnership with hospitals: the internal section of National Healthcare Service (NHS) hospital type, the hospital charity type, the exclusive to specific NHS hospital type, and the independent type. An arts in health organization has three functions, including arts in health activities, research and development (investment, provide grants, development of resources, and investigation on efficacy), and organizational management (fund raising, public relations, and report). The importance of these three functions differs depending on the social and historical background of the organization. The three leading hospitals in the UK—Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Royal London Hospital, and Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital—are filled with diverse visual art work collections of museum quality, selected by an art manager. These collections are installed to enhance the well-being of the people who use the hospital. Information about the practices in these three hospitals demonstrates the benefits and the costs of arts in health. These three hospitals have specific art management organizations, which provide various art programs in their hospitals, conduct research in collaboration with universities and other researchers, and manage finance and promotion to sustain their activities. They work for their own specific hospitals, but they possess autonomous human and financial resources. In the UK, the intervention of art in healthcare provides useful health outcomes, such as enhanced feelings of happiness and well-being, and the reduction of national medical costs. This view is shared by the government, policymakers, NHS staff, and arts in health organizations. Today, artistic activities are developing in Japanese hospitals. The UK model provides an excellent example of good practice, especially how to implement the autonomous management of Japanese arts in health activities.
鈴木 賢一
芸術工学への誘い (ISSN:21850429)
vol.19, pp.17-27, 2015-03-31

木村 優花 川上 和宜 中村 匡志 横川 貴志 清水 久範 小林 一男 青山 剛 鈴木 亘 羽鳥 正浩 鈴木 賢一 高張 大亮 小倉 真理子 陳 勁松 中山 厳馬 若槻 尊 山口 研成 山口 正和
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.143, no.12, pp.1075-1081, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-12-01)

Since it is important that patients take their oral anticancer therapy as prescribed, pharmacists need to assess adherence. In addition, oral anticancer drugs are expensive, and reuse of leftover drugs at outpatient pharmacy clinics is useful in reducing drug costs. The present study aimed to clarify when and why patients have leftover capecitabine tablets, and the cost of leftover capecitabine tablets reused at an outpatient pharmacy clinic, focusing on adjuvant capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (CAPOX) chemotherapy for gastric cancer. We retrospectively studied patients who received adjuvant CAPOX chemotherapy for gastric cancer between November 1, 2015, and April 30, 2021, at the Cancer Institute Hospital of the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research. The cost of leftover capecitabine reused by pharmacists was calculated based on the National Health Insurance drug price standard for the study period. This study included 64 patients who received adjuvant CAPOX chemotherapy. Thirty-seven patients had 152 leftover capecitabine tablets. The most common reasons for leftover capecitabine tablets were nausea and vomiting (21.7%), missed doses (18.4%), and diarrhea (13.2%). The leftover capecitabine tablets for 25 patients were reused at the outpatient pharmacy clinic at a cost of JPY 604142.8 (JPY 24165.7 per patient). The study results suggest that evaluating capecitabine adherence and the reasons for leftover capecitabine tablets at outpatient pharmacy clinics as well as reusing leftover medication can contribute to reducing drug costs.
鈴木 賢一郎 坂野 鋭 大塚 作一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.742, pp.7-10, 2005-03-11

本報告において, 我々は日本語テロップの縁取りに着目した文字認識手法を提案する.日本語テロップには可読性の向上のために黒い縁取りがなされている.この縁取りと文字領域の輝度勾配は比較的安定していると考えられることから, このエッジをSobelフィルタで検出し, 加重方向ヒストグラム特徴と同様の方法でヒストグラム化する特徴抽出系を設計した.認識実験の結果, 位置, サイズが完全に正規化された人工データでは100%, また, 評価用映像データベースに現れるテロップでは約70%の認識率が得られ, 提案手法の有効性を確認した.
鈴木 賢一
芸術工学への誘い (ISSN:21850429)
no.19, pp.17-27, 2015-03-31

楠川 充敏 鈴木 賢一 中井 孝幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.776, pp.2107-2117, 2020 (Released:2020-10-30)

1. Objectives In Japanese universities, the realization of a new type of group learning environment, based on the use of analogic and digital media, has been promoted: Learning Commons (hereinafter, "LC"). Recently, examples of LC built separately from university library have increased. In the previous report, we conducted surveys in libraries where the reading area and the LCs are integrated, aiming to clarify the seat choice behavior of individual and group users. However, it was still to define if all the users actually choose only one of those two types, or if some of them rather choose both types. For this reason, we tried to clarify the differentiated use behavior of reading areaff and LCs, aiming to acquire a useful knowledge for future learning space planning. 2. Research method We conducted a questionnaire survey and a behavior observation survey regarding the use status (addressed to users), and a questionnaire survey regarding the facility conditions (addressed to library staff). The surveys were conducted in four Japanese universities: Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Ritsumeikan University, Chubu University, and Kyoto Sangyo University, which have different LC installation types. All of those institutions have more than 6,000 students and multiple departments. The different LC installation types have been identified as “integrated open type” (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.), “integrated separate type” (Ritsumeikan Univ.), “distributed combined type” (Chubu Univ.), “distributed independent type” (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.). 3. Results We noted that, as for the actual conditions, LC facilities have been built outside the library building in those universities where the number of students is larger. Our hypothesis was that most of the single users tend to chose reading areas, and that most of the group users tend to chose LC; however, the results showed that around the 50% of the plural places users tend to choose both facilities, regardless of single or group use. The analysis of this portion of users’ behavior made clear that, between the reasons of their place choice, there are the possibility of using learning tools as PCs and copy machines, and the factor of nearness (LC facilities situated near the faculty building were largely used). In the “distributed type”, a large number of users chose both reading areas and LC because of the quiet environment. From this, it can be thought that by separating LC from the library building, it becomes possible to create various acoustic environments inside the vast surface obtained. Also in the “integrated open type”, where there are no partitions between reading areas and LC, and where, within the same floor, there is a differentiation of quiet and lively spaces, many users’ purpose was “to find a quiet environment”. This behavior could only mean that the concept of “quietness” is not only linked to the absence of sound. 4. Conclusions From those considerations, it seems necessary to provide a differentiation in the sound environment of the learning spaces. Even by planning spaces where there is a sort of “noisy” acoustic condition, it becomes possible to increase the place choice factors of the users.
楠川 充敏 鈴木 賢一 中井 孝幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.776, pp.2107-2117, 2020

<p> <b>1. Objectives</b></p><p> In Japanese universities, the realization of a new type of group learning environment, based on the use of analogic and digital media, has been promoted: Learning Commons (hereinafter, "LC").</p><p> Recently, examples of LC built separately from university library have increased. In the previous report, we conducted surveys in libraries where the reading area and the LCs are integrated, aiming to clarify the seat choice behavior of individual and group users. However, it was still to define if all the users actually choose only one of those two types, or if some of them rather choose both types.</p><p> For this reason, we tried to clarify the differentiated use behavior of reading areaff and LCs, aiming to acquire a useful knowledge for future learning space planning.</p><p> <b>2. Research method</b></p><p> We conducted a questionnaire survey and a behavior observation survey regarding the use status (addressed to users), and a questionnaire survey regarding the facility conditions (addressed to library staff).</p><p> The surveys were conducted in four Japanese universities: Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Ritsumeikan University, Chubu University, and Kyoto Sangyo University, which have different LC installation types. All of those institutions have more than 6,000 students and multiple departments. The different LC installation types have been identified as "integrated open type" (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.), "integrated separate type" (Ritsumeikan Univ.), "distributed combined type" (Chubu Univ.), "distributed independent type" (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.).</p><p> <b>3. Results</b></p><p> We noted that, as for the actual conditions, LC facilities have been built outside the library building in those universities where the number of students is larger.</p><p> Our hypothesis was that most of the single users tend to chose reading areas, and that most of the group users tend to chose LC; however, the results showed that around the 50% of the plural places users tend to choose both facilities, regardless of single or group use.</p><p> The analysis of this portion of users' behavior made clear that, between the reasons of their place choice, there are the possibility of using learning tools as PCs and copy machines, and the factor of nearness (LC facilities situated near the faculty building were largely used).</p><p> In the "distributed type", a large number of users chose both reading areas and LC because of the quiet environment. From this, it can be thought that by separating LC from the library building, it becomes possible to create various acoustic environments inside the vast surface obtained. Also in the "integrated open type", where there are no partitions between reading areas and LC, and where, within the same floor, there is a differentiation of quiet and lively spaces, many users' purpose was "to find a quiet environment". This behavior could only mean that the concept of "quietness" is not only linked to the absence of sound.</p><p> <b>4. Conclusions</b></p><p> From those considerations, it seems necessary to provide a differentiation in the sound environment of the learning spaces. Even by planning spaces where there is a sort of "noisy" acoustic condition, it becomes possible to increase the place choice factors of the users.</p>
中前 博久 日野 雅之 太田 健介 鈴木 賢一 青山 泰孝 酒井 宣明 阪本 親彦 長谷川 太郎 山根 孝久 巽 典之
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.39, no.3, pp.216-220, 1998 (Released:2009-04-28)

症例は22歳,未婚女性,看護学生,低色素性貧血ならびに不明熱にて入院となった。入院後,鉄欠乏性貧血と診断し,鉄剤の投与を行っていたが周期的に貧血の進行がみられた。特に外泊後に急激な貧血の進行が認められていたことより,われわれはfactitious anemiaを強く疑い,テレビモニターでの監視ならびに所持品検査を行ったところ,患者病室のロッカーならびに自宅より多数の注射器,注射針および血液の入ったボトルが発見された。以上より本症例をfactitious anemiaと診断した。患者は自己瀉血を認め,心療内科医のカウセリングにより貧血の改善傾向がみられたが,退院6カ月後に通院しなくなった。十分量の鉄剤投与に反応を示さない極度の慢性低色素性貧血患者にはfactitious anemiaを考慮する必要がある。
藤井 尚子 戸苅 創 鈴木 賢一 小松 弘和 森田 明理 小田 久美子 岩田 広子 小黒 智恵子 村瀬 裕

本研究は、入院患者が着用する衣服である「病衣」について、名古屋市立大学附属病院の看護部や化学療法部の医師と連携し学際的研究チームを構成し、現状の病衣の実状調査をふまえ「脱着容易性」と「患者の回復意欲の向上」に重点をおき、名古屋市の伝統技法「有松・鳴海絞り」の伸縮性を応用する病衣デザインの開発と研究を進めた。成果は以下のとおりである。(1) 国内外における病衣および療養環境の先行研究調査に基づく中長期療養型病衣の提案(2) 容易な脱着性を実現する病衣の基本的構造およびデザイン要件の抽出「有松・鳴海絞り」を活用した病衣プロタイプの製作および検証(3) 病衣デザインの公的発表
鈴木 賢一郎 坂野 鋭 大塚 作一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.740, pp.7-10, 2005-03-11

本報告において, 我々は日本語テロップの縁取りに着目した文字認識手法を提案する.日本語テロップには可読性の向上のために黒い縁取りがなされている.この縁取りと文字領域の輝度勾配は比較的安定していると考えられることから, このエッジをSobelフィルタで検出し, 加重方向ヒストグラム特徴と同様の方法でヒストグラム化する特徴抽出系を設計した.認識実験の結果, 位置, サイズが完全に正規化された人工データでは100%, また, 評価用映像データベースに現れるテロップでは約70%の認識率が得られ, 提案手法の有効性を確認した.