陳 韻如 都甲 さやか
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.417, pp.1-42, 2016-01-21

“Bird-and-flower” and “landscape” subject matter had both already appeared in Chinese painting during the Tang dynasty. Despite differences from the perspective of discourse with landscape painting, which had developed its own, no specialized terminology for bird-and-flower painting had appeared at that time. Nevertheless, the history of bird-andflower painting from the Tang to Song dynasties is of great importance. This study analyzes significant results in the development of bird-and-flower painting between the Tang and Song dynasties (eighth to eleventh centuries). In doing so, the author has discovered that changes and developments in the idea of “landscaping” led to a process of incubation, formation, and development for bird-and-flower painting during the Tang to Song period. Several essential points in the study include the following. First, archaeological evidence from wall paintings reveals that, in the period between the eighth and ninth centuries, bird-and-flower subject matter developed out of the different categories of figure painting and decorative design. Second, the study shows the maturation of “natural landscaping” around the ninth and tenth centuries, in which refined scenery was arranged in a painting according to the nature of the things depicted therein, representing the beginnings for the foundation of an independent bird-andflower painting category. And third, with the achievements of such painters as Huang Quan and Huang Jucai in the latter half of the tenth century, the results originally in “natural landscaping” went through a period of change, leading to the pursuit of a further developments for a “fusion of feeling and setting” seen in the paintings of Cui Bo later in the eleventh century. This study points out that the construct of “painting surface” in bird-and-flower painting of the eleventh century differed from that of the previous generations. Not only did “units” develop according to the nature of things on the “painting surface,” an emphasis was placed on the relationship between these “units” to form a “fusion” of unity, thereby expressing further meaning and implication beyond the view of nature in the painting. The probe in this study of a series of developments explains the “transformations in bird-and-flower painting” in terms of trajectories, influences, and art-historical significance.
赤岡 功 武石 彰 李 在鎬 姜 判国 陳 韻如 井村 直恵 光田 稔 平野 実 Akaika Isao Takeishi Akira Lee Jaeho Kang Pankuk Chen Yun-ju Imura Naoe Mitsuda Minoru Hirano Minoru アカオカ イサオ タケイシ アキラ LEE Jaeho KANG Pankuk CHEN Yun-ju イムラ ナオエ ミツダ ミノル ヒラノ ミノル
県立広島大学経営情報学部論集 (ISSN:18827985)
no.2, pp.207-225, 2010-02

本稿は,平成21年3月7日に県立広島大学に於いて開催された文部科学省科学研究費補助金による企業経営シンポジウム「今,企業経営を考える-グローパルマーケットでいかに生き残るか-」の内容を纏めたものである。シンポジウムは,基調講演(「自動車産業における企業の境界」京都大学武石彰), 3つの研究報告(「韓国の自動車部品調達と日本からの示唆」京都橘大学 李在鏑, 「韓国ハイニックス半導体の再生」 県立広島大学 姜判国,「台湾 AcerWistron社の再生を通じた競争優位の再構築」 九州国際大学 陳韻如・京都産業大学 井村直恵) および,パネルディスカッションで構成された。本稿では,これらのシンポジウムの内容の中で、Ⅰ基調講演とⅡパネルディスカッションの内容について記載する。
陳 韻如
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
no.11, pp.51-63, 2004-04-30

The firm that announces a format and forms a standard group is called a sponsor. It is often the case that the sponsor obtains the initiative in the defacto standard cases. However, the emergence of voluntary standard tells a different story. This research examines the process through which a non-sponsor obtains the initiative and has its technology adopted as the standard within a voluntary standard group. The research addresses an alternative view for adequately understanding the interaction mechanism in the voluntary standard process based on the notion of resource dependence perspective. Although a dynamic view is required, until now this perspective studies have been conducted using static analysis. This research proposes a conceptual framework that enables us to capture the process in a dynamic context. In conclusion, there are three findings on how non-sponsor Matsushita obtained the initiative in DVD standards groups. First, the essentiality of Matsushita's DVD-related technology and family relationships (subsidies, alliance partners etc.) constituted its power base, as it bargained to participate in the standard group (SD group). These resources were to contribute to SD group's advantage against rival group (MMCD group), enabling Matsushita to co-sponsor the format with Toshiba. Second, Matsushita strengthened its power within SD group by gradually enlarging the essentiality and the concentration of its resources in both technology and supporter aspects. The high essentiality of Matsushita's resources led its technology to be adopted by the group. Since the unification standard of DVD was developed on SD format, Matsushita's technology was incorporated into DVD standard. Third, the re-writable DVD standard discussed in the next stage was SD-RAM format, which was submitted by Matsushita. Matsushita reduced the substitutability of SD-RAM with other formats by licensing its re-writable technology in early stage to other participants in the DVD consortium. By doing so, Matsushita took the initiative and SD-RAM was widely adopted as the standard.