菅沼 悠介 川又 基人 白水 薫 小山 拓志 土井 浩一郎 金田 平太郎 青山 雄一 早河 秀章 小花和 宏之
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.126, no.1, pp.1-24, 2017-02-25 (Released:2017-04-20)

Unmanned aerial vehicle-based “Structure from Motion” (UAV-SfM) photogrammetry is becoming increasingly important for obtaining high-definition topographic data in a variety of earth science research. Antarctica is one of the best fields in which UAV-SfM surveys are applied, because detailed geomorphological data are essential for reconstructing past Antarctic ice sheet changes and understanding landform evolution processes in a hyper-arid and hypothermal environment. However, application of UAVs in Antarctica has been limited because of difficulties arising from low temperatures and the restricted availability of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-assisted navigation system at high latitudes. In this article, we provide methodological solutions for these difficulties, and report several preliminary results of UAV surveys in central Dronning Maud Land and the Soya Coast in East Antarctica. A digital elevation model (DEM) obtained in central Dronning Maud Land clearly shows 3D structures of polygons developed on glacial tills. At the Soya Coast, a DEM analysis reveals detailed geomorphological characteristics, such as moraine ridges originating from a former ice stream and differential erosion of the basement due to weathering. Based on these results, we suggest that the UAV survey has certain merits for conducting an efficient field survey in the extremely large areas of Antarctica within a limited time, and has great potential for reconstructing past Antarctic ice sheet changes and obtaining a further understanding of landform evolution processes.
福田 洋一 服部 晃久 奥野 淳一 青山 雄一 土井 浩一郎
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.68, pp.1-13, 2022 (Released:2022-05-18)

National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) has been conducting absolute gravity measurements not only at Japanese Antarctic research station, Syowa since early 1990s, but also other foreign research stations in Antarctica recently. To validate the absolute gravimeter employed, test measurements were conducted at the gravity point located at the machine shop in NIPR usually before and after the measurements in Antarctica. The observed gravity values at the point, however, often varied exceed the expected instrumental errors. To explain the causes of the large gravity variations, we compared the observed gravity values with the precipitations at three AMeDAS(Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System)stations, groundwater levels at a Tokyo Metropolitan Government observatory, and the height data at four GEONET (GNSS Earth Observation Network System)stations. The result of the comparisons showed that 1) the seasonal or shorter gravity variations were mainly caused by the precipitations and the resultant soil moisture and/or shallow groundwater changes, and 2) the secular or longer period gravity variations were explained by the uplift after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake and the long-term variations of the groundwater level at deeper depths. After removing these effects, the standard deviation of the gravity residuals was less than 3 µGal (1 µGal=10−8 m/s2).
青山 雄一 大田 信介 榊 三郎 藤田 豊久
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.36, no.4, pp.283-286, 2014 (Released:2014-07-25)

要旨:44 歳の女性,運動中に突然の激しい頭痛が出現し翌日に前医を受診,頭部CT(HCT)にて左後頭葉に限局するクモ膜下出血(SAH)を認め,発症5 日目に当科を紹介受診.頸部痛を伴う頭痛と項部硬直を認めたが,他の神経脱落所見はなかった.HCT と頭部MRI では左後頭葉に限局するSAH を認め,頭部MR angiography(MRA)ではSAH の局在と離れた左右の中大脳動脈(MCA)の末梢部に分節状攣縮を認めた.その他に出血源となる異常はなく,他の臨床検査所見でも原因となる異常は認めなかった.保存的加療にて頭痛は発症1 週間ほどで消失し,新たな神経症状も出現しなかった.発症8日目の血管造影では,頭部MRA 同様に左MCA 部に分節状の攣縮を認め,可逆性脳血管攣縮症候群と診断した.攣縮は発症約1 カ月後のMRA では消失していた.以後の再発を認めていない.
青山 雄一 木下 良正 横田 晃 戸上 英憲
産業医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.24, no.1, pp.37-44, 2002-03-01

正常圧水頭症(normal pressure hydrocephalus;NPH)の3主徴のうち歩行障害は,治療効果を推測する上で重要な症状である.しかし,これまで歩行障害の客観的評価やシャント術後の歩行障害の改善度の定量的評価法はなかった.今回我々は,3次元動作解析システムおよびforce plateシステムを用いて特発性NPH患者のシャント術前後において歩行解析を行った.術前,下肢3関節角度パターンは小さく不規則であった.床反力パターンは足底接地によるつま先の踏み込み部分のベクトルピークがない1峰性であった.術後には歩行障害が改善するとともに下肢3関節角度パターンが正常化していた.床反力パターンも足底接地が改善し,踏み出しのピークを持つ2峰性となり,正常パターンに近づいていた.歩行解析を応用することによりシャント術前後の歩行を客観的に評価することが可能であったNPH患者の1症例を報告した.