青木 麻衣子 パイチャゼ スヴェトラナ 遠山 樹彦
北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 (ISSN:18821669)
no.121, pp.91-106, 2014

本稿は,留学生の子どもに焦点を当て,かれらに対する教育の現状と課題とを,外国人登録者数に占める留学生の割合が高い札幌市を事例に検討するものである。これまで,留学生を対象とした日本語教育については,主として大学における教育の一環としてさまざまなプログラムが開発され,すでに普及と検証が積み重ねられてきた。しかし,その子どもに対する教育は,学校教育の範疇であり,日本語指導を必要とする児童生徒という括りで行われてきたため,滞在期間が不確定な親に伴って移動せざるを得ない子どもたちが,教育上,どのような課題を抱えているのかは把握されてはこなかった。本稿は,先行研究の検討,政策文書の分析および小学校での保護者,教員,日本語ボランティアに対する聞き取り調査から,その実態を提示する。The aim of this paper is to analyze and present the current educational situation and issues of children of international students and researchers in Sapporo, where the number of international students among foreign residents is quite high, and to consider the support system for them under the national policy for increasing the number of international student. While a number of Japanese language programs have been developed and designed for international students, the education for their children have been regarded as the one for foreign children living in Japan collectively. Although the Ministry of Education (MEXT) revised the related registrations and allow schools to have special curricular for students who need the special assistance for Japanese language education as their own necessities, it is still on the way to c omprehend their different needs. This paper examines previous research and educational policies for foreign children in Japan. Furthermore, using data from interviews with parents, teachers and volunteers in a primary school in Sapporo, we present and analyze the reality, problems and challenges that are faced by children of international students in their process of learning at Japanese schools. Particular attention is paid to the problems of language learning and language development of both Japanese and mother tongues with their parents' recognitions and expectations for their children's education and their plan of length for staying in Japan. In the final part of this paper, we consider that the international education policy should include more support for enhancing their living and experiences in Japan. It is necessary for them to remain studied or worked longer in Japan. For people who have not decided or are not able to decide the period for staying in Japan yet such as international students and researchers, the support system for their families, especially their children's education might be one of the important factor whether they still remain in Japan or go back home or to another country. It is also needed to mention for having a corporative system for support these children in local society especially with universities.
伊井 義人 青木 麻衣子 Yoshihito II AOKI Maiko 藤女子大学人間生活学部人間生活学科 北海道大学国際本部留学生センター
藤女子大学紀要. 第2部 (ISSN:13461389)
no.49, pp.1-9, 2012-03-31

Thursday Island, located to the far northeast of Australia and made famous in Japan by Shiba Ryotaro's novel "Mokuyo-To no Yakai" (the night meeting on Thursday Island), once had a population consisting of 60% Japanese. In the Meiji period, in particular, many youths from the coastal area of Wakayama travelled to Thursday Island with the dream of striking it rich as a pearl diver. Although production gradually decreased, the pearl industry on Thursday Island continued to operate through to the Pacific War. However, at the outbreak of the war, most residents from Japan or of Japanese descent were confined in internment camps on the Australian mainland, and those without family in Australia, were forcibly repatriated to Japan after the war. Now, only a few families of Japanese descent remain living on Thursday Island, and it seems that the memory of the time when many Japanese emigrants lived on the island is fading. In this study, our aim is to gain a detailed understanding of the "perspective" of the Japanese emigrants on Thursday Island via an analysis of historical documents and previous studies. Further, we aim to show the multi-faceted and 3-dimensional nature of the lives of the Japanese emigrants on the island before and after the Pacific War by superimposing this "perspective" onto the individual life of Tomitaro Fujii.
髙橋 彩 青木 麻衣子 鄭 惠先
北海道大学国際本部留学生センター = Hokkaido University, Office of International Affairs, International Student Center
no.15, pp.80-89, 2011-12

「ホリデーイン日高」は毎年留学生センターと国立日高青少年自然の家が共催で行う国際交流行事である。2011年は「ホリデーイン日高」のプログラムを、留学生への支援サービス的なものから多文化交流に比重を置いた、より教育的なプログラムに改訂した。日高の夏祭りである「樹魂まつり」への参加が主な内容となるプログラムのため、限られた時間と従来からの活動の中に、どのような交流のための「しかけ」を盛り込めるかが課題であった。参加者同士の積極的なかかわりをつくるため、バーベキューやワークショップ等の活動を入れたほか、グループでの活動を通した様々な交流場面を作ることで、異文化コミュニケーションを促した。終了時のアンケートではグループの仲間と交流ができたと回答した参加者が9割を超え、多文化交流の目的は概ね達成された。しかし、関係教職員の振り返りやアンケートから、いくつかの課題も浮かび上がった。この稿では、今年度の改訂の意図から、その過程、実施状況と今後の課題・展望について報告する。Holiday in Hidaka is a cultural-exchange program, co-organized by International Student Center, Office of International Affairs, Hokkaido University and National Hidaka Youth Outdoor Learning Center. The program has been a support program for international students, designed to offer them the opportunity to enjoy a trip and learn about Japanese culture. International students have been considered to have difficulties with going on trips for financial reasons and language barriers. However, there has been a change in the situations of international students: English sings for international travelers are now seen around Sapporo, and there are various exchange events for international students offered by other organizations. This year, therefore, the organizer decided to change the character of the program from the event to support international student life to a program for cross-cultural understanding, focusing more on interaction between participants. This is a work in progress report of our effort to develop an international exchange program for multi-cultural education.