寺岡 文雄 北原 一慶 多田 広宣 中川 正史 高橋 純造
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.39, no.2, pp.274-279, 1995-04-01 (Released:2010-08-10)

Dimensional changes of complete dentures, which were constructed by six conventional polymerization methods, were investigated after polymerization and during storage. The discrepancy at median line and alveolar ridge was larger in the dentures constructed in a water bath at 70°C for 40 min and then at 100°C for 30 min, in a hot press and by microwave polymerization than in a water bath at 70°C for 24 hrs, for 8 hrs and by autopolymerization. The discrepancy at the denture border of the dentures constructed by autopolymerization during storage in water for 30 days was 0.174±0.048 mm and in the case of the dentures constructed by other polymerization methods was less than 0.1 mm. Since the dimensional changes of the dentures during storage in water occurred up to 7 days, it seems reasonable that wearing dentures or occlusional adjustment should be carried out after storage in water for more than 7 days. The discrepancy was 3 to 4 times in the dentures stored in air than in water. When the dentures which were stored in air for 30 days was immersed in water for 30 days, the discrepancy at the denture border of the dentures constructed by autopolymerization was restored to 0.214±0.097 mm, but in the case of other polymerization methods, it was restored to about 0.14 mm.
赤尾剛 中村 隆志 丸山 剛郎 高橋 純造 荘村 泰治 木村 博
歯材器 (ISSN:02865858)
vol.11, pp.685-691, 1992

ラミネートベニア修復物の仕上りは, 一連の複雑な工程や技工士の熟練度によって影響を受ける.この問題点の解決法のひとつとして, コンピュータ技術を応用したラミネートベニア修復用CAD/CAMシステムの開発を試みた.その第一段階として, レーザ変位計とコンピュータ制御3軸走査モデリングマシンCAMM-3を組合せた歯牙模型形状自動計測システムを開発し, その計測精度を検討した.その結果, 模型の色調を灰色に決定にし, レーザ変位計と模型表面の距離を常に一定に保ちながら走査する追随式計測法をとることによって, 最も精度良く計測することができようになった.このシステムを使用して, 上顎前歯模型表面の形状を計測し, 精度の高い三次元形状データを得ることができた.