鵜飼 正樹
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.30, no.1, pp.95-124,191, 1985-05-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

This paper is based on participant-observation of a travelling theater troupe (taishu gekidan), the Ichikawa H. Gekidan. This kind of troupe has its orign in Kabuki, Shinpa, and Kengeki, and the elements from each of these traditions are mixed. An actor may be known by any one of three different kinds of names : his real name, his stage name, and the name of the character he is portraying. The Ichikawa H. Gekidan can thus be analyzed at each of these levels. At the level of the real name, family relationships are recognized. There are two families in the troupe, in addition to individual members. Each actor also has a stage name. The stage name reflects the teacher-pupil relationship, which is a psuede-familial one. Seniority and ability determine those who are called “older brother (nisan)” and “Older sister (nesan)”. Within each play, new relationships are formed that are different from these at the levels of real and stage names. Parts are divided into the “good guys (tachiyaku)” and the “bad guys (katakiyaku)” and the good never fail to defeat the bad. These three levels are distinguished according to time and place. For instance, the name of the character is used on stage, while the stage name is used backstage. However “Nisan-Nesan” relationships are preserved in every day life, which also functions to conceal family relationships from outsiders. Sometime family relationships come into conflict its stage-name relationships. Each actor has a reputation for virtuosity in certain type of roles (yakugara) such as lover (nimaime), “good guy (tachiyaku)” etc. Ideally an actor is cast in a role (haiyaku) that matches his strength (yakudokoro), but sometimes this cannot be achieved because of unavoidable factors such as limited personel.
中牧 弘允 近藤 雅樹 片倉 もとこ 鵜飼 正樹 岩田 龍子 石井 研士

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