大嶋 繁 小田 藍 根本 英一 土橋 朗 小林 大介 齋藤 侑也 白幡 晶
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.11, no.2, pp.66-75, 2009-11-30 (Released:2010-05-12)

Objective : There are two types of studies on the relationship between adverse events and genetic background and the relationship between constitution and genetic background.  To investigate the relationship between adverse events and constitution retrospectively, we first reviewed the appearance of the constitution responsible for the adverse events in the relevant sources of information.Methods : Fifty two pharmaceutical interview sheets, 150 case reports and two manuals; “jyudaina fukusayou kaihi notameno fukuyaku sidou jyouhousyu”, “jyutoku fukusayou sikanbetu manual” were selected for review.Results : Fourteen items about the constitution were found in the pharmaceutical interview sheets.  No items about the constitution were found in the case reports and manuals.Conclusion : Rules for the preparation of pharmaceutical interview sheets and case reports to use the constitution information is necessary for retrospective analysis of this issue.
内野 克喜 山村 喜一 齋藤 侑也 磯崎 貞夫 田村 善藏 中川 冨士雄 関根 一雄 小島 至
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.104, no.10, pp.1101-1107, 1984-10-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
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We developed a simultaneous detection method of 9 kinds of diuretics in the urine by using thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) method and/or high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method. The diuretic drugs were extracted from the urine according to modified Tisdall et al. method by use of 1M phosphate buffer and ethylacetate. The TLC method was performed with a commercially available chromatographic plate containing mixed fluorescent substance and isopropyl alcohol-ammonia mixture as a development solvent. The HPLC method was accomplished with UV detection at 271nm. To examine the limit of detection of the methods, normal subjects were individually administered with commercially available tablets of 11 kinds of diuretics, 9 drugs were detected from 24 h urine of normal subjects. However, 2 drugs were not detected. By applying these methods to urine samples of female patients with hypokalemia, furosemide (FD) and trichlormethiazide (TCT) were detected. The chromatographic peak of FD on HPLC method was further assigned by mass spectrometry. The quantitative determination of TCT in the urine was also developed by HPLC method, and the urine concentration in a patient with self-administration of TCT was 0.80μg/ml.
大嶋 繁 小田 藍 根本 英一 土橋 朗 小林 大介 齋藤 侑也 白幡 晶
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.11, no.2, pp.66-75, 2009

<b>Objective </b>: There are two types of studies on the relationship between adverse events and genetic background and the relationship between constitution and genetic background.  To investigate the relationship between adverse events and constitution retrospectively, we first reviewed the appearance of the constitution responsible for the adverse events in the relevant sources of information.<br><b>Methods </b>: Fifty two pharmaceutical interview sheets, 150 case reports and two manuals; "jyudaina fukusayou kaihi notameno fukuyaku sidou jyouhousyu", "jyutoku fukusayou sikanbetu manual" were selected for review.<br><b>Results </b>: Fourteen items about the constitution were found in the pharmaceutical interview sheets.  No items about the constitution were found in the case reports and manuals.<br><b>Conclusion </b>: Rules for the preparation of pharmaceutical interview sheets and case reports to use the constitution information is necessary for retrospective analysis of this issue.
遠藤 敏成 久津間 信明 小林 大介 沼尻 幸彦 上田 秀雄 駒田 冨佐夫 齋藤 侑也 森本 雍憲
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.6, pp.615-622, 2002-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

When a pharmacist informs a patient of premonitory symptoms to prevent any adverse effects of each prescribed medicine, such instructions are often to complicated to be understood by the patients, mainly due to the fact that numerous medicines have a wide range of adverse effects, and furthermore, an such adverse effects have many premonitory symptoms. We attempted to make a computer aided adverse effect informing program to assist pharmacists. This program arranges the symptoms according to their order of importance, and gives the probable information of adverse effect, which is not mentioned in the package leaflet. The most frequent and common premonitory symptoms of adverse effect were suggested to be fever and fatigue as a result of running the program when many individual patient prescription data were inputted.The incorporation of this program into the computer system that manages the patient's medicine history will be useful for pharmacists to inform patients of understandable premonitory symptoms and to monitor any potential adverse effect.
小林 大介 久津間 信明 中山 惠 鵜近 篤史 鈴木 暢之 佐次田 優子 遠藤 敏成 上田 秀雄 沼尻 幸彦 駒田 富佐夫 齋藤 侑也 森本 雍憲
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.6, pp.571-575, 2002-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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When a novel additional adverse effect is reported for a marketed medicine, the medical information leaflet has to be revised to inform physicians and pharmacists of this. Pharmacists are responsible for informing patients of early warning symptoms to avoid the subsequent appearance of severe adverse effects. However, at present, patients may suffer from severe adverse events because such symptoms may remain unrecognized until the medicine is on the market. As a result, investigations to predict and prevent novel additional adverse effects of medicines are required. In this study, we investigated a novel additional adverse effect classified as a pharmacological effect based on the drug safety update (DSU). As a result, skin disorders including toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens Johnson syndrome, and pseudomembranous colitis have become evident as additional adverse effects of antibiotics, with a high incidence. In addition, neuroleptic malignant syndrome and aplastic anemia have also been reported as adverse effects of central nervous system agents.Therefore, it is important to provide patients with information about the early warning symptoms related to such adverse effects, even though such adverse effects are not contained in the patient information leaflet.