Tatsuya Takahashi Minouk Schoemaker Klaus Trott Steven Simon Keisei Fujimori Noriaki Nakashima Akira Fukao Hiroshi Saito
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.13, no.2, pp.99-107, 2003 (Released:2007-11-30)
18 42

The US nuclear weapons testing program in the Pacific conducted between 1946 and 1958 resulted in radiation exposure in the Marshall Islands. The potentially widespread radiation exposure from radioiodines of fallout has raised concerns about the risk of thyroid cancer in the Marshallese population. The most serious exposures and its health hazards resulted from the hydrogen-thermonuclear bomb test, the Castle BRAVO, on March 1, 1954. Between 1993 and 1997, we screened 3, 709 Marshallese for thyroid disease who were born before the BRAVO test. It was 60% of the entire population at risk and who were still alive at the time of our examinations. We diagnosed 30 thyroid cancers and found 27 other study participants who had been operated for thyroid cancer before our screening in this group. Fifty-seven Marshallese born before 1954 (1.5%) had thyroid cancer or had been operated for thyroid cancer. Nearly all (92%) of these cancers were papillary carcinoma. We derived estimates of individual thyroid dose proxy from the BRAVO test in 1954 on the basis of published age-specific doses estimated on Utirik atoll and 137Cs deposition levels on the atolls where the participants came from. There was suggestive evidence that the prevalence of thyroid cancer increased with category of estimated dose to the thyroid. J Epidemiol2003;13:99-107.
Masayuki Ueda Marie Tsunogae Hiroshi Saito Takeya Suzuki Takahiro Ota
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.5621-20, (Released:2020-09-19)

A 24-year-old female patient was admitted for a right frontal intracranial hematoma with an uncal herniation due to a ruptured arteriovenous malformation and therefore underwent emergency surgery. Neuroimaging revealed left-sided midbrain notching against the tentorium, indicating Kernohan's notch phenomenon. She denied experiencing any short-term neurological deficits but right-sided delayed hemiparkinsonism developed 18 months later. Dopamine transporter tracer uptake was severely reduced in the left striatum, suggesting nigrostriatal degeneration secondary to Kernohan's notch. Uncal herniations are potentially fatal, but surgery can save the patient's life and improve the functional outcomes. Clinicians should therefore be aware of delayed hemiparkinsonism as a rare complication of Kernohan's notch phenomenon.
野口 有生 平戸 久美子 斉藤 裕 高崎 克哲 矢内原 巧 中山 徹也 Yusei NOGUCHI Kumiko HIRATO Hiroshi SAITO Katsunori TAKASAKI Takumi YANAIHARA Tetsuya NAKAYAMA 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 昭和大学医学部産科婦人科学教室 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Showa University School of Medicine
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 = Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica Japonica (ISSN:03009165)
vol.40, no.3, pp.359-364, 1988-03-01

分娩時ヒト子宮頚部組織における遊離アラキドン酸生成能と, それに及ぼす妊娠性ステロイドの影響を調べる目的で次の実験を行ない, 以下の成績を得た. 1) 正常分娩のヒト子宮頚部組織800g上清を酵素源とし, L-3-phosphatidylcholine, 1-stearoyl-2-[1-^<14>C]arachidonylを基質とし, インキュベーションを行ない, 遊離されたアラキドン酸産生量よりphospholipase A_2活性を測定し, 更に各種のkineticsを行ない, ヒト子宮頚部組織内でリン脂質より遊離アラキドン酸産生に介在するphospholipase A_2活性が存在することを示した. 2) 培養液中に妊娠中増加する各種の妊娠性ステロイド(cortisol, pregnenolone, 20α-dihydroprogesterone, pregnenolone-sulfate, DHA, DHA-sulfate, estrone, estradiol, estriol)を添加し, 本酵素活性に及ぼす影響を検討した. 各種妊娠性ステロイド添加では, 本酵素活性に対し, 明らかに影響を示すものはなかつた. 3) 分娩第1期に母体にDHA-sulfate (マイリス) 600mgを2時間で点滴静注した後, 分娩に至つたDHA-sulfate投与群と非投与正常分娩例との本酵素活性の比較では, 投与群40±13pmoles/mg protein であり, 非投与正常分娩例の39±7pmoles/mg proteinと比し差はみられなかつた. 以上のことよりヒト妊娠子宮頚部に, phospholipase A_2活性が存在することが明らかとなり, また, 本実験条件下ではprostaglandin合成機構の一過程であるphospholipase A_2活性に対する妊娠性ステロイドの関与は認められなかつた.Prostaglandins (PGs) play an important role in cervical ripening. It is known that the hydrolytic release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids regulates the rate of PG formation. To study the PG biosynthesis in cervical tissue, phosphatidylcholine containing ^<14>C-arachidonic acid in Sn-2 position was incubated with the 800 × g supernatant of cervical tissue obtained from pregnant women at delivery. The only recognizable radiolabeled metabolite, ^<14>C-arachidonic acid, was found on an autor-adiogram of TLC, which corresponded to authentic arachidonic acid. Therefore, phospholipase A_2 activity was calculated as the rate of the release of arachidonic acid from phosphatidylcholine under the conditions used. The optimal pH of phospholipase A_2 activity in 800 × g supernatant was found to be 7.0. It was found that the addition of Ca^<2+> increased the enzyme activity. It was demonstrated that the concentrations of DHA-sulfate (DHA-S) and conjugated estrogens were higher in ripened cervical tissue than in non-ripened tissue and that PGI_2 and PGE_2 production increased following the addition of DHA-S. The effects of steroids mainly derived from feto-placental unit, cortisol, pregnenolone, 20α-dihydroprogesterone, pregnenolone-sulfate, DHA, DHA-S, estrone, estradiol and estriol on arachidonic acid release were also studied in vitro. After the onset of labor, DHA-S was administered to the patients in vivo and their cervical tissues were collected at delivery. It was found that steroids including DHA-S did not affect phospholipase A_2 activity under the conditions used. These results indicate that cervical tissue posseses the ability to release arachidonic acid from phospholipid, although this step in PG formation might not be affected by steroids including DHA-S.
Tomonobu Ishigaki Tomoya Ishida Mina Samukawa Hiroshi Saito Yuya Ezawa Motoki Hirokawa Takumi Kato Makoto Sugawara Harukazu Tohyama Masanori Yamanaka
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.27, no.5, pp.1299-1302, 2015 (Released:2015-05-26)
1 14

[Purpose] Glenohumeral posterior capsule tightness possibly relates to posterior capsule thickness (PCT). The purpose of the current study was to analyze the relationships between PCT and glenohumeral range of motion (ROM) in horizontal adduction (HAdd) and internal rotation (IR). [Subjects and Methods] This study recruited 39 healthy collegiate baseball players. We measured PCT by using ultrasonography and ROM of the glenohumeral joint of the throwing shoulder by using a digital inclinometer. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated between PCT and HAdd or IR ROM. [Results] There was no correlation between PCT and HAdd ROM, but PCT was significantly correlated with IR ROM. [Conclusion] This result indicates that posterior shoulder capsule tightness only relates to IR ROM, and that restricted HAdd ROM might reflect tightness of other tissue, such as the posterior deltoid.