三浦 久美子 齋藤 美穂 Kumiko Miura Miho Saito 早稲田大学大学院人間科学研究科 早稲田大学人間科学学術院 Graduate School of Human Sciences Waseda University Faculty of Human Sciences Waseda University
日本色彩学会誌 = Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan (ISSN:03899357)
vol.31, no.4, pp.256-267, 2007-12-01

本研究は、香りの持つ印象及び気分の作用を整理し、香りに対する調和色の法則性の検討を目的とした。実験は、100名(男性42名/女性58名)の対象者に、8種の香り(シナモン、ペパーミント、バニラ、ローズマリー、レモン、アニス、ペッパー、ローズ)の印象評定(SD法)及び気分評定を課すと同時に、18色(3トーン、5色相の有彩色及び3色の無彩色)により構成されたカラーチャートから、調和色及び不調和色をそれぞれ3色まで選択させるという手続きによって行われた。因子分析の結果、香りの印象評定主軸として<MILD>、<CLEAR>、 <DEEP>、気分評定主軸としてはくPLEASANT>、<GLOOMY>、<SERIOUS>の3因子が、各々抽出された。香りに対する調和色は、特に香りの印象との関わりにおいてその法則性を見出すことができた。すなわち、香りが<MILD>な場合は赤や紫、 <CLEAR>な場合は青や緑の色相が調和するとされ、さらに<DEEP>因子が高得点の場合は低明度色、<DEEP>因子が低得点の場合は高明度が調和すると判断される傾向にあることが示唆された。Based on the impression of a fragrance and its effects on the mood of individuals, we studied how individuals associate fragrance with color. One hundred subjects (42 male and 58 female) were randomly assigned eight fragrances (cinnamon, peppermint, vanilla, rosemary, lemon, anise, pepper, and rose) , and were requested to describe the impression (SD method) of fragrances and their effect on the mood. In addition, the subjects were asked to select, two sets of three colors each from color charts consisting of 18 colors (3 tones each from 5 hues and 3 achromatic colors) , such that one set matched a fragrance, and the other did not.The following three factors were obtained by factor analysis for the impression of each fragrance : <MILD>,<CLEAR>, and <DEEP>. The factors for the effect on mood were : <PLEASANT>,<GLOOMY>, and <SERIOUS>. Based on the results, we found the following associations between fragrance and color : red and purple for <MILD> fragrances (high factor score) , blue and green for <CLEAR> fragrances (high score). Moreover, for <DEEP> fragrances, bright color showed a low score, while dark color showed a high score.
Tetsuya Tagami Hironori Kimura Sumire Ohtani Tsuyoshi Tanaka Takashi Tanaka Shiro Hata Miho Saito Yasushi Miyazaki Rika Araki Masami Tanaka Kazuya Yonezawa Morio Sawamura Takuyuki Ise Atsushi Ogo Takuro Shimbo Akira Shimatsu Mitsuhide Naruse
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
vol.58, no.6, pp.449-457, 2011 (Released:2011-06-30)
13 26

Hypercholesterolemia is one of the most representative disorders of the common diseases. To evaluate the prevalence of hypothyroidism in the population of adult hypercholesterolemia, we prospectively examined the thyroid function in patients with untreated or treated hypercholesterolemia as a multi-center survey. Subjects were the patients who were treated with some antilipemic agents or the untreated patients whose total cholesterol (TC) was over 220 mg/dL and/or LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) over 140 mg/dL. Among 737 cases recruited, 725 cases (300 males and 425 females) participated in the survey including the thyroid function test. The patient's backgrounds include hypertension (51%), diabetes mellitus (49%), fatty liver (17%), smoking (15%), and habitual drinking (10%). The 72% of the patients were treated with some antilipemic agents and the mean values of TC, LDL-C, triglyceride (TG), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio (L/H) were 204.5 mg/dL, 119.6 mg/dL, 144.4 mg/dL, 60.7 mg/dL and 2.25, respectively. The primary hypothyroidism was seen in 27 cases (3.7%) (11 males, 16 females) with subclinical hypothyroidism in 17 cases (2.4%) and overt hypothyroidism in 10 cases (1.4%). The central hypothyroidism was seen in 4 cases (0.6%). The prevalence of hypothyroidism was 4.3% in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Taking account of the large number of patients with dyslipidemia and importance of avoiding unnecessary administration and associated adverse effects, evaluation of the thyroid function could be warranted in patients with dyslipidemia although cost-benefit issues waits further investigation.