脇田 浩二 宮崎 一博 ソパヘルワカン J. ズルカルナイン I. パーキンソン C.D. ムナスリ Koji Wakita Kazuhiro Miyazaki Jan Sopaheluwakan Iskandar Zulkarnain Christopher D. Parkinson Munasri Geological Survey of Japan Geological Survey of Japan Research and Development Centre for Geotechnology Research and Development Centre for Geotechnology Tokyo Institute of Technology Tsukuba University
地質学論集 = The memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan (ISSN:03858545)
vol.48, pp.152-162, 1997-06-30

東南アジアの古大陸スンダランドの周りには, 様々な年代の付加体やゴンドワナ大陸起源の微小大陸片が集まってきて, 中生代・新生代を通じて次第に大陸成長を続けてきた。インドネシアの中部ジャワ, 南スラウェシ及び南カリマンタン地域において付加体の詳細な調査研究の結果, 白亜紀における海洋プレートの沈み込み, 深海堆積物の付加, 微小大陸片の衝突などが次第に明らかになってきた。これらの三池域の地質は, 構成岩相や地質時代などがお互いに良く類似している。しかし, それぞれの地域が受けた構造運動の違いが, 構成岩石の性質に微妙な違いを与えている。中部ジャワのルクロコンプレックスは, 典型的な付加体で, 白亜紀全体を通じて定常的な海洋プレートの沈み込みと海洋堆積物の付加で特徴づけられている。南カリマンタンのメラトスコンプレックスは, その被覆層とともに収束境界に沿った島弧で形成されたと推定される。一方, 南スラウェシのバンティマラコンプレックスは, 海洋プレートの沈み込みに引き続いて起こった微小大陸片の衝突の歴史を記録している。The Sundaland craton in Southeast Asia is surrounded by a number of accretionary complexes of various ages, and accreted microcontinents which were originally rifted from the Gondwanaland. Continental growth along the southern and eastern margins of the Sundaland resulted from accretion of sediments and collision of continental fragments throughout Mesozoic and Cenozoic times. Cretaceous tectonic processes in the Indonesian region such as subduction, accretion and collision have been revealed by detailed geologic investigation of accretionary complexes in Central Java, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan. The components of these complexes are similar to each other, but the precise nature of the components differs somewhat. Differences of structure and lithology suggest differing tectonic histories. The Luk-Ulo Complex of Central Java is a typical subduction complex generated by continuous subduction of oceanic plate through out Cretaceous time. The Meratus Complex and its overlying formations in South Kalimantan are also products of oceanic plate subduction in an island arc setting. On the other hand, the Bantimala Complex of South Sulawesi records the effects of oceanic plate subduction followed by collision of a continental fragment.
村角 洋子 Yoko MURAZUMI 日本女子大学付属高校 Junior High School attached to Tsukuba University and Senior High School attached to Japan Womens Unrversrty
大学英語教育学会紀要 = JACET bulletin (ISSN:02858673)
no.12, pp.47-62, 1981-11-15

The motion verbs "come" and "go" have been given explanations in both deictic and empathetic trameworks of research. However, when we look at the uses of these two verbs in greater detail, we find that these explanations are not complete. In this paper I have tried to find the most appropriate and available explanation that can account for every kind of use. First of all, we examine the deictic analysis of these verbs done by Fillmore arld deai with several problems in this analysis. Secondly, we compare the concepts of empathy and deixis. By deixis, we found that languages are produced by a very speaker-centered or egocentric point of view. By empathy, we found that language permits partial access to other people's inner states through linguistic communication and that information available through language compensates for the impossibility of directly experiencing the other person's point of view.
永井 聖二 Nagai Seiji 筑波大学大学院 Graduate School Tsukuba University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.32, pp.93-103, 1977-09-30

The study of teacher socialization has been relatively neglected in the field of educational sociology in Japan. In this paper, the author aims to delineate teachers' culture as a first step of the study of teacher socialization. According to the data of questionnaire survey administered to the primary school teachers in Tokyo metropolitan area (613 respondents), following findings were obtained: (1) The outstanding criterion with which teachers are ranked high by their colleagues is skillful teaching performance in their classrooms. (2) And much more notably, the criterion without which teachers are evaluated low by their colleagues is to act in concert with them. It can be pointed out that teachers working in such cultural situation can scarcely have chance to make use of originality in their schools.