林 日出男
The Japan Association of College English Teachers
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
vol.64, pp.39-55, 2020 (Released:2021-04-01)

Drawing on the distinction between societal and educational motivations in L2 learning suggested by Gardner (2010) and extending this duality to learners’ perceived needs for English (PNE), this study explores the causal relationship involving dual motivation types and dual senses of need for English with EFL learners. Data collection from Japanese and Korean college English learners followed by SEM analyses (with 310 Japanese and 330 Korean participants) found that intrinsic reasons for learning English and societal PNE impact both societal and educational motivations significantly across the two groups. Educational PNE, in contrast, showed only negligible impact on either type of motivation, casting doubt on the motivational effectiveness of classroom-generated need for English. A subsequent multi-group SEM analysis found that intrinsic reasons play a significantly greater motivational role with the Japanese than with the Korean participants. The Korean participants, on the other hand, demonstrated a greater role of societal PNE than the Japanese counterparts. These are discussed to reflect the enjoyment-based English learning and teaching in the Japanese university and the relatively large social demand for English competence in Korean culture.
The Japan Association of College English Teachers
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
vol.66, pp.97-111, 2022 (Released:2023-04-04)

The current research targeted Japanese high school EFL students (N = 296) to examine the causal relationships among vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs), self-efficacy, self-regulating capacity in vocabulary learning (SRCvoc), and vocabulary size gains. To this end, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) and formulated three hypotheses for the structural model: (1) SRCvoc promotes VLS use and subsequent vocabulary size gains; (2) self-efficacy fostered by SRCvoc reinforces further VLS use; and (3) success in vocabulary size acquisition is associated with self-efficacy increase. The results of the SEM support the structural model and its three hypotheses for the students in this study. However, the weak relationships found among the four variables were in contrast to those of prior studies targeting students in contexts other than Japanese high schools. By comparing the results of previous and current research, we consider the possibility of influences of different variables on vocabulary learning in different learning environments.
田中 博晃
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
no.50, pp.63-80, 2010

The current study aims to enhance students' intrinsic motivation in different achievement levels (TOEIC 420 level, 550 level, and 690 level). In more detail, the purposes of this study are as follows: (1) to enhance intrinsic motivation to listening activity of three groups; (2) to enhance intrinsic motivation to speaking activity of three groups; (3) to enhance intrinsic classroom motivation of three groups. This study further explores facilitating factors of intrinsic motivation. Thus, this article also aims (4) to examine which psychological need (the need for autonomy, competence or relatedness) plays the most significant role in students' motivational development. 138 university students who were enrolled in a first-year English language course participated in this study. The intervention was given to them for fifteen weeks. The questionnaires were administered three times (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the intervention). The data were collected in both qualitative and quantitative way and the results were discussed with educational implications.
ODA Masaki
The Japan Association of College English Teachers
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
vol.65, pp.1-10, 2021 (Released:2022-04-01)

This paper discusses how the developments of applied linguistics have affected the developments of English language teaching (ELT) materials. After giving a brief review of the history of applied linguistics and ELT in Japan, I will critically examine the discourses of ‘good’ and/or ‘politically correct’ ELT materials at different periods of time in relation to the following issues. 1. ELT materials as a window to the world. 2. Moral and cultural values represented in ELT materials 3. The issue of ‘authenticity’. Materials play an important role in learning a foreign language in classrooms. In secondary schools, authorized textbooks are the major source of information for the learners, whereas in universities, a wider range of materials, including but not limited to commercially available textbooks, are selected by each institution, or sometimes by each instructor. In either case, moral and cultural values represented in ELT materials play significant roles in learners’ beliefs about English. Therefore, teachers have to continuously assess what the learners can learn from the materials in the specific contexts of learning they are in, and more importantly how the teachers can optimize the effectiveness of the materials in their classrooms.
横山 吉樹
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
no.22, pp.p135-147, 1991

This paper atternpts to show that foFeigner talk can be con-structively explored in the framework of Audience Design, a concept pFesented by Bell (1983). This paper reviews the history of foreigner talk and explores how previous researchers viewed it. In assessing foreigner talk as audience design, it deals 14th Bell's three assumptions, and attempts to show that foreigner talk is primarily audience design. In aseessing referee design, it Feviews Tarzan talk and baby talk, howing that the refeFee design can account for at least some characteristic features of both types of talk.
Jacet journal (ISSN:02858673)
no.55, pp.93-110, 2012

Our previous research disclosed that oral reading such as "read and look up" combined with "personalized oral reading" is highly correlated with speaking ability. This is because this sort of oral reading embeds semantic and grammatical verification and restructuring, and thus increases learners' cognitive load. This result led to a further hypothesis; if oral reading instruction which involves high cognitive load is continued for a certain period of time, learners' speaking ability can be improved. A two-month experiment was conducted to verify this hypothesis with the first-year upper secondary school pupils as the participants. The participants were divided into two groups according to the different degrees of cognitive load accompanying the oral reading activities they were engaged in. The result of the experiment disclosed different levels of improvement in the participants' speaking ability, depending upon different degrees of cognitive load of the oral reading activities; greater cognitive load led to greater improvement in speaking ability. This finding endorses the pedagogical value of oral reading activities as preparatory practice in speaking as long as they involve high cognitive load.
TANAKA Hiroaki
Jacet journal (ISSN:02858673)
no.56, pp.87-106, 2013

靜 哲人 望月 正道
no.58, pp.121-141, 2014-03-31

This paper reports on the development and validation of a new English placement test specifically designed for Japanese university students. After discussing problems with EFL placement tests currently used at tertiary institutions in Japan, the paper describes the concepts, specifications, and development process of the new test. It then presents the results of validation attempts based on the response data collected from a sample of 1,800 Japanese EFL learners. The main findings are: (a) the test exhibits a very high Rasch person reliability of .94, with its items well targeted for the intended population; (b) the test consists of items with quite a wide range of difficulty and those difficulties are invariant across sub-samples; (c) the test produced substantially different mean scores for the 18 institutions at which the participants were enrolled; (d) the test exhibits a high criterion-related validity against the TOEIC^[○!R] test, predicting 68% of its total score variance; and (e) the test data show the best fit to a three-factor correlated model. The paper concludes with the interpretation that the evidence gathered illustrates the validity of the new test.
金子 恵美子
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
no.52, pp.31-50, 2011-03-30

The production of a relative clause (RC) by second language (L2) learners in relation to the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy (NPAH), which refers to an implicational relationship among different types of RCs, is a well researched area in second language acquisition. However, how L2 proficiency affects spontaneous use of RCs is relatively unaddressed. This study investigates how the NPAH effects (Comrie, 2007) interact with learner proficiency in spontaneous speech. RC samples created by learners at four different proficiency levels were excerpted from a spoken corpus compiled in Japan, and accuracy and frequency of these RCs were examined. The results indicate that overall, L2 learners tend to use a less marked (or easier) RC type. However, it has further become evident that the NPAH has a differential influence on the production of RCs depending on proficiency levels. In the present research, learners at a particular level overuse a formulaic template, "generic noun+(relative pronoun)+animate subject+verb," thus creating a more marked, or difficult type of RC with higher accuracy. This can be characterized as a communicative strategy by an adult L2 speaker who has to maintain face-to-face communication.
谷村 緑 仲本 康一郎
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
no.48, pp.81-93, 2009-03-23

In this study we will explore how metaphors help students comprehend poetry from a cognitive linguistics perspective. A metaphor in cognitive linguistics is not just a figure of speech but is pervasive in everyday language as well as in poetry and fiction (Lakoff & Turner 1989). For example, when English speakers say "we still have a long way to go," they understand life as a journey: LIFE IS A JOURNEY. In this paper we put a special focus on the mega-metaphor which is a type of metaphor effective to develop ideas in poems. It occurs repeatedly throughout a text and works like a central theme. Through the course the students learnt metaphor as a strategy to comprehend and interpret texts and to learn how language works to convey meaning. We analyzed 26 term papers on conceptual metaphors which were developed at poetry in order to evaluate and monitor the students' understanding. We found out that the students for the first couple of months had great difficulties finding metaphorical expressions in light of conceptual metaphors. However, they enjoyed reading poetry once they acquired the strategies for reading it. In the end they were able to read poems as independent learners.
小木野 初
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
no.14, pp.137-150, 1983-09-30

This article is an attempt to find an efficient way for the teaching of reading in English by investigating an experiment on reading. The experiment was designed on the basis of an assumption that there are two separable, though dependent, reading processes: microprocess and macroprocess. Microprocess is the process for understanding details within the structural elements of a text primarily at the word and sentence levels. Macroprocess is the process for understanding the thematic structure of a text, sorting out the thread of the overall organization, and integrating information in a text. It is claimed that Japanese students have difficulty in grasping the overall organization of a text and in understanding relative importance of ideas and details within a text since they receive English language instruction mainly through translation which is one type of microprocess reading. Teaching a foreign language exclusively through translation is one-sided since the comprehender responds to the total organization rather than to some molecular parts of a text. Thus we framed a hypothesis that reading comprehension can improve through teaching reading strategies which help students comprehend textual organization and highlight information in a text. This kind of macroprocess reading is called structural reading here in the paper.
猪井 新一
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
no.25, pp.39-52, 1994-09-07

The present study is aimed at investigating whether pronunciatlon questions on a written test are really valid as a means of evaluating a learner's actual pronunciation ability. A test of 20 questions on primary stress and another 20 questions on phoneme discrimination was administered to 44 college freshmen. The phoneme discrimination questions were made up of two subsections, each of which comprised 10 questions. The written test was followed by an oral version of the same questions. The data obtained from the written test and the oral test were analvzed in terms of the extent to which the answers were identical, and in terms of the extent to which scores on the written test were correlated with those on the oral test. As for primary stress, about 80 percent of the data was identical on the written and oral tests, and a significant correlation was observed between scores on the written and oral tests. As for phoneme discrimination, however, the overall agreement rate was about 10 percent lower than the one for primary stress, andno significant correlation was found on one of the two subsections. It can be concluded that primary stress quesions on a written test are fairly valid as a means of assessing a learner's pronunciation ability while the validity of certain types of phoneme discrimination questions on the written test is doubtful.
村角 洋子 Yoko MURAZUMI 日本女子大学付属高校 Junior High School attached to Tsukuba University and Senior High School attached to Japan Womens Unrversrty
大学英語教育学会紀要 = JACET bulletin (ISSN:02858673)
no.12, pp.47-62, 1981-11-15

The motion verbs "come" and "go" have been given explanations in both deictic and empathetic trameworks of research. However, when we look at the uses of these two verbs in greater detail, we find that these explanations are not complete. In this paper I have tried to find the most appropriate and available explanation that can account for every kind of use. First of all, we examine the deictic analysis of these verbs done by Fillmore arld deai with several problems in this analysis. Secondly, we compare the concepts of empathy and deixis. By deixis, we found that languages are produced by a very speaker-centered or egocentric point of view. By empathy, we found that language permits partial access to other people's inner states through linguistic communication and that information available through language compensates for the impossibility of directly experiencing the other person's point of view.
森永 正治
大学英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:02858673)
no.2, pp.45-57, 1971-12-18

In this paper, I've triecl to express my own opinion about College English Teaching, especially its basic id.eas, i.e. aims, nlateri-als, methods, students and evaluation. I have put the stresson the deanglo-america,nizecl English as a means of international communication. In comparison with the English teaching at junior a,nd sinior high school leve, 1, College English Teaching has not been considered seriously about its materials and the teaching nl.pthods. In order to make our students more able in ushlg English, we have to examine and study the material and methodsmore carefully in details. Just trallslating Engiish or American literature into Ja,panese is of little or even no use in the world today. Though my opinion is poor and not so scientific, my attitude toward College English Teaching is firmly built up, and I have introduced from my experiments five ways I've been trying:English poetry, pair conversation, composition, short tests and out side class.My students and I have been developing human relations through English. I always go to class wishing the students continue to study English as long as they. Iive and Ito be a help to them.