ケスター ミヒャエル 渡辺 惺之 COESTER Michael WATANABE Satoshi
名古屋大学法政論集 (ISSN:04395905)
vol.280, pp.293-304, 2018-12-25

渡辺惺之(訳).家族法・国際家族法に関するシンポジウム(2018)開催は、1.基盤研究(A)研究課題「私人の権利行使を通じた法の実現 : 法目的の複層的実現手法の理論化と制度設計の提案」(研究代表者:神戸大学大学院法学研究科教授 窪田充見)及び 2.基盤研究(A)研究課題「多様な権利内容に応じた実効的な国際的権利保護制度の構築」(研究代表者:名古屋大学大学院法学研究科教授 酒井一)による助成を得たものであり、本稿は助成の成果である。
渡部 訓 Watanabe Satoshi
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.76, no.4, pp.251-286[含 英語文要旨], 2009-03

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was established at the end of 1974 by the central-bank governors of the G10 countries, to restore international financial system stability in the aftermath of the failure ofBankhaus Herstatt. Its first major achievement was the adoption of the"Concordat" which set up the basic principles for international cooperationin the area of banking supervision. Since the adoption of the Concordat, the Committee has held regular meetings three or four times a year to further promote internationalcooperation in banking supervision. Among its major achievements were: (1) the use of supervision on a consolidated basis; (2) the effective monitoring of banks' solvency and liquidity adequacy; (3) best practicesconcerning country risk management and supervision; and (4) the prudential control of foreign exchange operations and the role of supervision. Also, the Committee provided members with opportunities to exchange information on the following banking supervisory matters: (1) the quality of bank capital; (2) arrangements for bank audits and affiliation relationships between banks and non-banks; (3) deposit insurance arrangements; (4) the supervision of banks' trust business; and (5) the role of profit and loss analysis in bank supervision. However, doubts emerged regarding the effectiveness of international cooperation in banking supervision under the Concordat in the summer of 1982, when Italian bank Banco Ambrosiano and its Luxembourg affiliateBanco Ambrosiano Holding collapsed and the Eurocurrency market was seriously disturbed.The Committee promptly reappraised the original Concordat and finalized its revised version in May 1983. In a change from the original Concordat, under which primary responsibility for supervising foreign subsidiaries and joint ventures rested with the host authorities in the division of responsibilities, the revised Concordat incorporated the principle of consolidated supervision, emphasizing the joint and overlapping nature of parent and host authorities' supervisory responsibilities.This paper discusses international cooperation in the area of bankingsupervision promoted by the Basel Committee by reviewing a wide range of documents such as publications and reports of the Committee.Also, it focuses on the revision of Concordat in the aftermath of the failure of Banco Ambrosiano.
Sasaoka Kenji Yamamoto Takahiro Watanabe Satoshi Shiraishi Kenji
American Physical Society
Physical review B (ISSN:10980121)
vol.84, no.12, pp.125403, 2011-09

The alternating-current response of a quantum point contact (QPC) is numerically investigated using the nonequilibrium Green function method combined with an effective mass theory. We found that the susceptance of a QPC increases stepwise with increasing gate voltage, when the width of the quantization plateau in the gate voltage-conductance curve is narrower than the width of the region where the conductance changes gradually. We also show that the height of a susceptance step is proportional to the ac-bias frequency. These simulation results are in excellent qualitative agreement with recent experimental results. Moreover, we found that the transition from capacitive susceptance to inductive susceptance occurs with increasing gate voltage. The capacitive-inductive transition point is independent of the ac-bias frequency, but it does depend on the contact width.
SEKI Hirosato MIZUGUCHI Fuhito WATANABE Satoshi ISHII Hiroaki MIZUMOTO Masaharu
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.92, no.10, pp.2514-2521, 2009-10-01

The single input rule modules connected fuzzy inference method (SIRMs method) by Yubazaki et al. can decrease the number of fuzzy rules drastically in comparison with the conventional fuzzy inference methods. Moreover, Seki et al. have proposed a functional-type SIRMs method which generalizes the consequent part of the SIRMs method to function. However, these SIRMs methods can not be applied to XOR (Exclusive OR). In this paper, we propose a "kernel-type SIRMs method" which uses the kernel trick to the SIRMs method, and show that this method can treat XOR. Further, a learning algorithm of the proposed SIRMs method is derived by using the steepest descent method, and compared with the one of conventional SIRMs method and kernel perceptron by applying to identification of nonlinear functions, medical diagnostic system and discriminant analysis of Iris data.