Yohsuke Ohtsubo Toshiyuki Himichi Kazunori Inamasu Shoko Kohama Nobuhiro Mifune Atsushi Tago
The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.38, no.2, pp.25-32, 2022-12-25 (Released:2022-12-25)

Japan issued many political apologies after World War II, although these failed to foster intergroup forgiveness. One possible reason for these failures may be the presence of within-country opposition to government apologies. It has been suggested that some elements of political apologies may be intended to mitigate such within-country opposition. Two studies (total sample size=1,500) tested whether a statement that dissociates past injustice from the country’s present political system and a statement that praises the country’s present system would mitigate opposition to a political apology. The results did not support the mitigating hypothesis. Moreover, we tested whether these statements would be particularly effective in reducing the opposition of strong opponents (e.g., individuals high in Social Dominance Orientation). Although this effect was significant in Study 1, a preregistered study (Study 2) failed to replicate it.
Keiko ISHII Takahiko MASUDA Masahiro MATSUNAGA Yasuki NOGUCHI Hidenori YAMASUE Yohsuke OHTSUBO
Psychologia Society
pp.2021-B014, (Released:2021-07-21)

The dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4) is associated with novelty-seeking and risk-taking behaviors that have had an adaptive value in the history of human migration. It also plays a role in moderating the extent to which people adhere to cultural norms and practices. The aim of this study was to replicate previous findings about how DRD4 polymorphism interacts with cultural differences in social orientation, which revealed Westerners’ emphasis on independence and East Asians’ emphasis on interdependence. Testing Japanese and European Canadian undergraduates (n = 784), we succeeded in replicating these previous findings: the Canadian students were more independent, whereas the Japanese students were more interdependent. However, none of the interaction effects between culture and DRD4 were significant. Implications for candidate gene research investigating gene–environment and gene–culture interactions are discussed.
Yohsuke Ohtsubo Kazuho Yamaura Ayano Yagi
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.31, no.2, pp.135-142, 2015-11-30 (Released:2015-12-17)

Reconciliation processes are influenced by two important dispositional variables: (i) the victim’s disposition to forgive the offender, and (ii) the offender’s disposition to apologize to the victim. We translated extant English measures of each of these dispositions into Japanese using the back-translation method. We then examined the validity of the two resultant measures, the Japanese Trait Forgivingness Scale (J-TFS) and the Japanese Proclivity to Apologize Measure (J-PAM). Consistent with previous findings, J-TFS scores were correlated with agreeableness, neuroticism (inversely), and subjective well-being, while J-PAM scores were correlated with agreeableness and subjective well-being. Interestingly, these two reconciliatory tendencies were positively correlated with each other, even when controlling for agreeableness (i.e., a preference for harmonious social relationships). In addition, two autobiographical recall studies (of actual instances of forgiveness and apology) confirmed the validity of these two measures. The J-TFS predicted the extent to which participants had forgiven a workplace offense inflicted by one of their co-workers, while the J-PAM predicted whether participants had apologized to their victims following a recent transgression.