遠藤 一佳
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
no.81, pp.57-66, 2007-03-30

Recent hypotheses regarding the origin and body plan evolution of brachiopods are reviewed. Brachiopods are firmly placed within the lophotrochozoa, one of three major bilaterian lineages revealed by molecular phylogeny. Comparisons of mitochondrial gene arrangements further suggest that brachiopods are closer to annelids than to molluscs, a scheme supported by morphological comparisons of Cambrian fossils, including those of halkieriids and wiwaxiids. Any scenario explaining the brachiopod origin may involve curling of the dorso-ventral axis along the anterior-posterior axis. This hypothesis could partly be tested by methods of molecular developmental biology. Some potential pitfalls of this approach are discussed with reference to the deuterostome-like features of brachiopods and to the ubiquity of co-option of developmentally important genes.
安井 金也 舒 徳干
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.76, pp.7-22, 2004-09-22 (Released:2017-10-03)

Vertebrates, urochordates, and cephalochordates have been classified into the phylum Chordata because of possessing a notochord and a dorsal hollow nerve cord in common. However, their phylogenetic relationships within deuterostomes or even within chordates are still controversial. Nucleotide sequences of ribosomal RNAs or deduced amino acid sequences of mitochondrial genes have provided phylogenetic relationships that support monophyly of deuterostomes, but failed to do so for chordates . Molecular analyses of the earliest development of notochord and nerve cord in vertebrates, ascidians, and lancelets (amphioxus) have clarified that although genes involved in this event resemble each other between the groups, processes underlying the establishment of body plan are rather diversified. Despite that advances and accumulation of data in molecular studies on chordate phylogeny have amplified our knowledge, they seem not to converge on support to homology of the notochord and nerve cord among chordates or to monophyly of this group. Early Cambrian vertebrates and urochordates from China, mainly from the Chengjiang fossil beds, suggest that by that time all of the three extant chordate groups had appeared with the body plan comparable to that of modern forms. Since there is no record of chordates from strata lower than the Yu'anshan member that contains Chengjiang beds, early chordates might have diverged quickly. Divergent molecular mechanisms underlying early development of modern chordates and the seemingly short-spanned radiation of early chordates implicate alternative scenario on chordate phylogeny. To step forward, combination of palaeobiology, earth sciences and molecular biology is essential.
木村 由莉 横山 芳春 平野 弘道
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.90, pp.5-15, 2011-09-30 (Released:2017-10-03)

Molluscan fossils in storm-generated shell beds are commonly transported and damaged. Here we report a case study on assessing mollusc shell transport from original habitats to lower shoreface storm deposits. Fossil assemblages recovered from eight storm-generated shell beds in the Pliocene Dainichi Formation, Kakegawa Group, Japan, were examined. We assessed temporal changes in the relative frequency of three ecological categories (mode of life of bivalves, substrate preference, and habitat depth), using available information on modern molluscan species. The studied stratigraphic section was subdivided into two distinct units based on taxonomic compositions and the ecological categories. The lower unit (D-1, D-2, D-2') is characterized by rocky-bottom dwellers such as Area arabica, Cardita leana, Chama sp., Lima vulgaris, Collisella spp., and Siliquaria cumingii. The gravelbottom dweller Arcopsis symmetrica is more common in the lower unit. The upper unit (D-3 to D-7) can be distinguished from the lower one by a decrease in deposit feeders that are better able to escape sudden burial than suspension feeders. In this unit, suspension feeders that generally inhabit quiescent environments increase in the place of the deposit feeders. The results indicate the followings: (1) the storm-generated shell beds in the study section represent indigenous fossil assemblages; (2) thin and flat bivalves (e.g., "Macoma" spp. and Saccella spp.) exclusively deposited on the laminar surface (D-2') were more or less transported, whereas gastropods accumulated in lag deposits (D-2) of hummocky cross-stratified beds were residues after a storm event and its attendant winnowing of fine sediments; (3) paleontological evidence obtained from the lower unit indicates the existence of a rocky coast during the time when the Dainichi Formation began to deposit in the study area (Dainichi, Fukuroi City); and (4) the changes in the ecological categories from the lower to the upper unit are compatible with the upward-deepening sedimentary sequence recorded in the Dainichi Formation.
天野 和孝
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.80, pp.5-16, 2006-09-28 (Released:2017-10-03)

Recent whale-fall communities from lower sublittoral to bathyal sea environments have been studied in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. In contrast, a few fossil whale-fall communities were found from the middle Oligocene to middle Miocene deep-water deposits in Japan and Washington State, USA. It is certain that these communities have acted as dispersal stepping stones for the chemosynthetic species. On the other hand, the hypothesis that the communities acted as evolutionary stepping stones from shallow water to hot vent via cold seep site are controversial. The ecosystem around the whale-bones appeared in the Oligocene. The whale-fall communities are characterized by small mussels as Adipicola and Idas through time. However, other taxonomic composition have changed from the Oligocene to the Recent. The Oligocene communities include some articulate brachiopods and no vesicomyids, while the Miocene communities in Japan share many common genera including vesicomyids with the Recent communities, other than small limpets and other gastropods. For making clear the evolutionary change of whale-fall communities, it is necessary to find more Recent and fossil wood-fall communities as well as whale-fall communities.
佐藤 武宏
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
no.57, pp.p50-63, 1994-11

これまでの各論で述べた様々な動物群による捕食形式とその捕食器官, また捕食によって生じる捕食痕についてまとめたものが, 表2である.本論では化石に残る捕食痕を生じさせる捕食様式に焦点をあてて議論を進めてきた.破壊という捕食様式を中心として捕食被食の関係を観察する際に, 被食者である巻貝を例にとると, その対捕食者戦略としてはVermeij (1983)などがまとめた, 密な巻き方, 外部装飾, 殻口部の肥厚と歯の存在などといった物理的な戦略が第一に挙げられるだろう.このような形態的な対捕食者戦略は化石サンプルからもその発達を考察することができるため, 極めて重要である.しかし, 現実には形態的な対捕食者戦略以外の戦略を採用しているものも少なくない.例えば毒を持つ, 捕食者にとってまずさを感じさせるような防御機構を持つといった化学的戦略も有効であろう.また, 生態的な戦略としては二枚貝の持つ固着の戦略(Harper, 1991)やイタヤガイ科貝類の遊泳(Hayami, 1991), 堆積物の中に深く潜るといった戦略, あるいは捕食に対しては直接的には何の防御手段を持たないがr戦略的な繁殖様式を持つといった戦略も考えられるだろう.進化の過程において海底洞窟などのような捕食圧の低い, 隠生的な環境に生息することによって原始的な形態を保持しつづけているグループも報告されている(Hayami and Kase, 1992).破壊という捕食様式に注目すると, 各論で詳しく述べたようにタマガイ科, アクキガイ科の巻貝, タコの仲間, カニの仲間, およびシャコの仲間による捕食は極めて特徴的な捕食痕を示すものであり, 捕食されて破壊された貝の貝殻や再生痕の認められる貝殻から捕食者をある程度特定することが可能であろう.このような捕食者と被食者の種間関係を硬組織上に記録された情報から推定することが可能であるということは化石サンプルへの応用を考える際には非常に重要な意味を持つであろう.なぜならば種間関係の時間的な推移を知ることで初めて具体的なエスカレーションの検証が可能になるからである.しかし, それにはまだいくつかの問題点も残されている.その一例として非生物学的な破壊, すなわち運搬や堆積に伴う物理化学的な殻の破壊や欠損と捕食による破壊を分離する必要がある.ということが挙げられよう.Kidwell and Baumiller (1990)は堆積物と水を満たした回転ドラム内にウニの標本を入れて様々な条件下での破壊や磨滅の様子を詳しくしらべているが, 同様に堆積物を加えた回転ドラムや流水水槽などを用いて貝殻の物理的な破壊実験を行ってその特徴を分析する, あるいは様々な条件下での貝殻の溶触実験を行って比較を行うなどの実験的なアプローチが必要であろう.また, この生物による破壊と非生物起源の破損を分離することはこれまでの古環境解析の手法にも大きな問題を提起するだろう.これまでは産出化石が自生的なものか他生的なものかということは, 捕食の影響を考えずに, 古環境の復元に際して重要な鍵であるとされてきた.しかし, 実験等によって得られた知見などによって堆積過程における破壊を単離することが可能になるならば, より一層精度の高い古環境復元が可能になると予測される.破壊された化石サンプルを加えて化石を評価することができるということはある意味では非常に無駄の少ない研究であると言えよう.これまでの古生物学の研究の主題には分類学や機能形態学といった完全な標本が必要とされるものが多く選ばれており, 不完全な, 破壊の見られる標本はしばしばなおざりにされてきた.しかし, 破壊された個体も含めて群集内のすべての個体を評価することを主眼とした研究においては.「不完全な」個体は非常に重要な意味を持つ.また, このような個体群動態を通じて進化プロセスを考察する研究ではいわば(伝統的地質学にありがちな)山師的な研究方法が通用しないということがいえよう.分子古生物学の分野でもどれだけ古い化石サンプルからDNAやタンパク質を抽出することができたか, という方針に対して分子のデータを用いて系統関係を再構築したり, 種分化を伴う生物地理学に応用したりといった方針の重要性が説かれている.それと全く同様に捕食被食の関係を研究する場合でも, 捕食痕を持つ最古の化石を追い求めることももちろん重要ではあるが, 多くのサンプルを用いた群集の時間的推移やその進化プロセスを検討する研究も重要であることはいうまでもないだろう.これまで多くの種間で捕食被食の関係は確認されているが, その共進化システムやエスカレーションのプロセスにまで考察を加えたものは多くはない.各論で述べたように被食者を中心としたその対捕食戦略の発達について水槽実験や化石標本の形態計測などから検討したものはいくつか見られるが捕食者の捕食戦略に対して考察を加えたものはほとんど見られない.佐藤(1994)は浅海域における巻貝の重要な捕食者であるガザミPortunus (P.) trituberculatusの捕食器官であるハサミの同種内での地理的変異とその被食者の分布パターンとの関係がエスカレーションによって導かれる結論に調和的であることを指摘しているが, 今後このような, 捕食者と被食者のそれぞれの戦略を比較した研究が多く行われることが必要であろう.理論的な捕食被食関係のシミュレーションや実験を中心とした考察は一般に一対一の種間関係のみで行われてきた.しかし, 現実にはある被食者に対して複数の捕食者が影響を与えていたり, ある捕食者が複数の種を捕食したりすることは一般的に見られることである.のみならず, ある種が捕食者であると同時に被食者であるような中間捕食者の立場や共食いを行う種である場合もあり得る.さらにある種が捕食被食の種間関係によってのみ制約を与えられている場合は極めて稀であり, その他にも競争関係や共生関係, 資源利用の制約といった複雑な種間関係から同時に制約を与えられていることが多い.複数の系に対するシミュレーションや実験等のアプローチはまだその手法も十分に確立されているとは言い難いが, 複雑な系における進化プロセスを考察することによってこそいわば拡散共進化的な群集全体の進化過程がより明確に理解されるのではないだろうか.また, 現生生物の観察においてもどの種間関係がその種にどれだけの影響を与えているのかを単離することや, その種間関係によってもたらされる同種内異変をどう解析するかが今後の課題として重要性を持つであろう.
冨田 幸光
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.63, pp.20-28, 1997
和仁 良二
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.101, pp.43-59, 2017-03-31 (Released:2019-04-03)

This paper reviews the Cretaceous ammonoid paleontology mainly in the North Pacific region, especially for recent publications. The species diversity changes through Cretaceous and its relevant articles are first reviewed. The review is continued from the points of view of the morphological analyses of shell shape, the relationship between ammonoid fauna and lithofacies, the isotopic analyses of ammonoid shells, the relationship with other organisms, and taphonomy, etc., for normally coiled and heteromorphic ammonoids, respectively. Finally, the characteristic of ammonoid diversity change in North Pacific region and the ammonoid extinction around the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary are reviewed.
矢島 道子
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.79, pp.77-80, 2006-03-28 (Released:2017-10-03)
長谷川 卓
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.101, pp.75-80, 2017-03-31 (Released:2019-04-03)

We often consider whether the sedimentary features observed in strata of remote areas with similar ages represent identical event or not. One of them may precede the other with a mutual or causal relationship. International correlation is prerequisite for such basic discussions. We are still waiting for definitions of GSSPs (GSSP: Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) for five Lower Cretaceous stages. It is partly due to the endemism of index fossil groups including ammonoids from middle-late Jurassic. There have been some important progresses; a working group of International Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy under International Commission on Stratigraphy voted and selected basal horizon of a zone of calpioneriids as a candidate of primary marker for the basal Cretaceous boundary. GSSP for the Aptian/Albian stage boundary was decided and ratified in March of 2016; planktonic foraminiferal Microhedbergella renilaevis was selected as a primary marker and a negative excursion of carbon isotope value as a crucial secondary marker. Cyclostratigraphy and astronomical tuning across Cretaceous GSSPs and chemostratigraphy of rare elements appear to be more significant for finer international correlation.
横山 芳春 安藤 寿男 橋本 聡子
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.76, pp.32-45, 2004

Large oyster shell beds are contained in incised-valley fill deposits of the Cycle 1 of the Miwa Formation, Shimosa Group, Lake Kasumigaura area, Ibaraki Prefecture . This paper describes taphonomic processes of large oyster shell beds well exposed in three localities . Six shell bed types can be recognized on the basis of their lithology, sedimentary facies, mode of fossil occurrence and associated fossils : 1) autochthonous aggregated, 2) autochthonous scattered, 3) parautochthonous aggregated, 4) cross-bedded aggregated, 5) crossbedded scattered and 6) shell-fragment aggregated types. The large oyster shell bed higher than 5 m and wider than 30 m at east Hama (Loc. 1) is characterized by type 1 with two layers of type 3 five to 20 cm thick that seem to have formed by sudden storm events. The second shell bed at west Hama (Loc. 2) shows two mounds 3 m high and or wider than 7-10 m composed of type 1 and covered by massive muddy sediments. This means that the oyster banks were buried under estuary mud. The last example at Sakihama (Loc.3) is the largest oyster shell bed in this area with height of 5m and width of 70m. It can be divided into three unit bounded by two erosional surfaces. The unit I is composed mainly of type 1 representing in situ oyster reefs, and subordinately of 3 formed by reworking through tidal current. The unit II composed of types 4 and 5 forms a shallow channelfilled structure that seems to have been formed as a tidal channel. The overlying unit III above a flat erosional surface mostly consists of type 6. Reworked oyster shell fragments might have concentrated intermittently and condensed through muddy sediment bypassing within tidal flat to embayment.
甲能 直樹 高泉 幸浩
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.53, pp.1-6, 1992-11-30 (Released:2017-10-03)

Two isolated teeth belonging to the subfamily Halitheriinae (Carus, 1868) are described from the Late Miocene Aoso Formation of Sendai Prefecture, northern Japan. One of the teeth, the left upper third molar, is relatively large in size and has a centrally located hypoconule that is coalesced with a reduced hypocone. These characters are typical of somewhat derived halitheriine dugongids so far known in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic realm. This record is the first occurrence of the subfamily Halitheriinae from the western Pacific region and provides evidence that the halitheriine had been distributed in the Late Miocene age western Pacific Ocean before the hydrodamalines migrated from the eastern to the western North Pacific. It indicates a more complicated migratory and evolutionary history of the Pacific dugongids than previously known in the Pacific Ocean.
籔本 美孝
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.105, pp.21-32, 2019-03-30 (Released:2019-04-17)

The first osteichthyan fish fossil from Japan was described by D. S. Jordan in 1919. It is Iquius nippnicus from Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture. Fish fossils described for the first time by a Japanese researcher were Clupea tanegashimaensis and Percichthys chibei from the Pleistocene Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture by S. Saheki in 1929. By 1994, about 28 species of ray-finned fish fossils from Japan were described, and the number has increased to 68 by 2018. Some major fish fossil assemblages have been found in Japan. The Wakino fish fauna from the Early Cretaceous lacustrine deposits in Kyushu consisted of three different fish faunae including 21 species, whereas the Tetori fish assemblage from the Cretaceous freshwater deposits in Ishikawa, Gifu and Fukui prefectures composed of five or six fishes including two described species. The Miocene Tottori marine fish assemblage consisted of many shallow water species including seven described species, and the Miocene freshwater fish assemblage recognized 15 species including described four species from Iki Island in Nagasaki Prefecture. The Pleistocene freshwater fish assemblage consisted of six species from Kusu Basin in Oita Prefecture, and the Pleistocene marine fish assemblage recognized more than 20 species from Tanegashima in Kagoshima Prefecture. Some specimens of each fish fossil assemblage have been studied and described, but the rest of the specimens are still waiting for further research. Each fish fossil group has sufficient potential of PhD projects, and not only the phylogenetic research of each taxonomic group but also the Mesozoic freshwater fish assemblages have the possibility to elucidate the relationship between Japan and the Eurasian continent and their biogeographic studies, and Cenozoic fish fossils have the potential to elucidate the origins and transitions of East Asian freshwater fish fauna including Japan and origins and transitions of Recent fish fauna in the western North Pacific Ocean.
舟川 哲
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
no.73, pp.20-37, 2003-03-20

本論では, 南大洋における後期始新世から漸新世にかけてのテクトニクスイベントおよび堆積物から読みとれる気候イベントを総括し, 海洋の微化石群集の変化が, これらとどのように結びついているかを論じた(図14).(1)後期始新世では, 南タスマン海膨が沈降を開始し, インド洋-太平洋間に海路が徐々に形成され始めた.すでにこの時期に海水温の低下がみられるが, その原因はよくわからない.酸素同位体比および南極大陸縁辺の堆積物からみると, このとき南極大陸には短期間ではあるが, 小規模な氷床が形成されていた.この寒冷化によって, 海洋の石灰質微化石(浮遊性有孔虫, 石灰質ナノ化石)は, 温暖種が段階的に絶滅した.珪質微化石は, 温暖種が徐々に絶滅する一方で, 新たに出現する種がみられるようになり, 群集全体の種数も増加した.(2)E/O境界付近では, インド洋-太平洋間に表層水が通過できるような海路(タスマニア海路)が形成され, 周南極海流の原型が出現した.このため南極大陸ではさらに寒冷化が進み, 東南極大陸を中心として大規模な氷床が拡大した(Oi1イベント).この時期は, 北大西洋における深層水(NCW)の出現時期とも重なる.氷床の拡大と同時に, 現在の南極発散線に相当する湧昇域が出現し, 海洋表層の生産性が増大した.これに伴って, 珪藻の出現イベント, 放散虫群集の構成種の入れ替わり, 石灰質ナノ化石群集における寒冷種の増加などが起きた.(3)前期漸新世の前半(33.7〜30Ma)では, 海洋微化石群集はそのほとんどが寒冷種群から構成されており, 構成種の入れ替わりや新たな種の出現はほとんど認められない.その後, 前期漸新世の後期では, 南極半島の縁辺にあるパウエル海盆が開き, 太平洋と大西洋の間に表層〜中層水が通過できる海路が形成され, 現在の形に近い周南極海流が完成した.これに伴い, 南極大陸では, 前期/後期漸新世境界の付近でふたたび大規模な氷床の拡大がおこった(Oi2aイベント).