吉田 真平 藤田 真敬 大塚 康民 柳田 保雄 柏崎 利昌 田村 敦 別宮 愼也 森本 浩吉
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.58, no.3, pp.27-40, 2018 (Released:2018-11-27)

In Japan, “hay fever”, seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by pollen, has become more popular and has been called national affliction. Although there are less serious symptoms of hay fever, symptoms including sneezing, runny nose and itchy eye, sleep impairment, fatigue, impairment of learning and cognitive performance, have potential safety risks for flying or driving. The usage of some medications such as anti-histamines with less adverse effects on central nervous system, are approved for pilots under an appropriate regulation. However, the criteria of approval and conditions in the regulations differs from organizations in countries. In this article, we summarize current medications for “hay fever” including antihistamines, montelukast, subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy. We also compare aeromedical regulations for these medications between Japan and U.S.. The immunotherapy, minimizing allergic reaction for “hay fever”, may be one of the potential option for pilots.
大塚 康民 岩田 吉弘 菊川 あずさ 小野沢 昭彦 宮本 吉教
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.47, no.3, pp.153-161, 2007

The Blue Impulse is the aerobatic team in Japan Air Self-Defense Force. During aerobatic flight,the degree of flight stress (physical and psychological) in pilots is considered to be very high.However, there are few reports concerning endocrinological responses (catecholamine (CA) andchromogranin-A (CgA)) to aerobatic flight. Then, we determined the levels of urinary CA andsalivary CgA during actual aerobatic flight training. Urine and saliva were collected before and afterthe flight from eight healthy pilots to measure the levels of CA (noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline(Ad)) and CgA. Although the levels of NA for postflight were unchanged for preflight, the levels ofAd for postflight were higher than for preflight. Otherwise, the levels of CgA for preflight wereremarkably higher than control level as reported in previous literatures, and the levels of CgA forpostflight were almost the same as for preflight. Our results suggest that the levels of Ad and CgAwere presumably altered by psychological stress associated with aerobatic flight training in the BlueImpulse pilots.
菊川 あずさ 今村 崇裕 加藤 博司 尾崎 博和
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.62, no.3, pp.18-63, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-10-30)

The objective of this report is to document the published Aeromedical Laboratory articles named “The Reports of Aeromedical Laboratory” from Mar. 2007 through the Jun. 2020. During the 15 years, various research program of the laboratory researchers with 89 articles in “The Reports of Aeromedical Laboratory” have had great and positive influence on Aeromedical field.
溝端 裕亮 藤田 真敬 大類 伸浩 菊川 あずさ 小林 朝夫 高田 邦夫 立花 正一 岩本 鉄也 山口 大介 木村 幹彦 別宮 愼也
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.56, no.4, pp.79-93, 2016 (Released:2020-04-11)

Spatial disorientation (SD) is a false perception of position, motion or attitude by the pilots, and the largest risk factor for fatal accidents. Prevention of SD is difficult. Early realization and withdrawal from SD using instrument flight is the best way to prevent accidents. To prevent accidents due to SD, aircraft’s systems have been developed, and SD training have been conducted. Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) provides pilots with visual and auditory warning. Automated Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS) recovers flight attitude automatically when aircraft goes near into the ground. Spatial Orientation Retention Device (SORD) is multi-sensory warning system. Tactile Situation Awareness System (TSAS) gives vibration to the pilots to indicate pilot’s posture. Three Dimensional Landing Zone (3D-LZ) System projects view of landing zone to the cockpit even in bad weather. In this study, we collected information related to SD training among 21 military forces belong 17 countries. SD training usually includes lecture and experience learning. Pilots receive initial training and periodic training in 17/21 forces. Average frequency was 4 years (range: 6 months to 6 years). Japan Air Self-Defense Force has not conducted periodic SD training. The way of experience with SD is use of simulator similarly JASDF or in-flight demonstration. The simulator training is lower cost and safer than the in-flight training. To maintain and develop aircraft’s systems and SD training is continuously necessary.
新田見 教子 金澤 富美子 菊川 あずさ 小野沢 昭彦 宮本 吉教
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.47, no.2, pp.141, 2007 (Released:2020-04-11)

Since 1957, aeromedical studies have been performed in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force Aeromedical Laboratory at Tachikawa base. The objective of this report is to document the published Aeromedical Laboratory articles named “The Reports of Aeromedical Laboratory” from 1958 through the year 2006. During the 49 years, various research programs of the laboratory researchers with 754 articles in “The Reports of Aeromedical Laboratory” have had great and positive influence on aeromedical field.
金澤 富美子 菊川 あずさ 金丸 善樹 髙澤 千智 大類 伸浩 丸山 聡 柳田 保雄 小林 朝夫 柏崎 利昌 藤田 真敬
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.57, no.1, pp.1-13, 2017 (Released:2017-05-25)

Pilot fatigue, which causes 21% incidents in US Civil Aviation, 25% lethal accidents in US Air Force's night tactical flight, and 12% lethal accident in US Navy, has been recognized as an insidious threat through out aviation. Despite our recognition of fatigue, no guideline was published until 2011, due to its difficulty in objective assessment. Recently, objective assessment for fatigue has been partly established and contributed to open guidelines. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) published guidebook as "Plain language about shiftwork" in 1997. Aerospace Medical Association published position paper as "Fatigue countermeasures in aviation" in 2009. International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and International Federation of Air Line Pilots’Association (IFALPA) published "Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) Implementation guide for operators" in 2011. Those guidelines says that aviation-related fatigue is caused by disorder of sleep and circadian rhythm. Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) or Motion logger watch (Actigraphy) are recommended for objective assessment of fatigue. Best counter measures for shift work and aviation related fatigue are adequate sleep. We review those guidelines and discuss applicability for safe flight in Japan Air Self-Defense Force.
大塚 康民 岩田 吉弘 小野沢 昭彦 宮本 吉教
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.46, no.4, pp.109-113, 2006

Urinary catecholamine responses of fighter pilots were investigated in Aerial Combat Maneuver(ACM). The levels of urinary adrenaline (Ad) and noradrenaline (NA) were determined in fighterpilots during ACM with three types of aircraft (F-4, F-15 and F-2). The levels of Ad for post-flightwere significantly higher than for pre-flight, while changes were not significant for NA. The ratios(post-/pre-flight) of Ad in ACM with different types of aircraft are relatively similar values. Ourresults indicate that the ratio of urinary Ad as a good indicator to stress adaptation during ACM infighter pilots.
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.50, no.1, pp.9-62, 2010 (Released:2020-04-11)

パイロットの疲労は現在、航空運航における重要な問題となっている。この主な理由としては、民間と軍の航空運用において、不規則な労働時間、長時間任務、サーカディアンリズムの乱れ、睡眠不足等が日常的なものになってきていることにある。疲労がもたらす影響の全体像は正しく評価されていないが、その有害な作用の多くは、以前から知られているものである。十分に休息をとった人に比較して、断眠した人は、考えることも行動することも、より時間がかかり、より多くの失敗を犯し、また記憶能力も低下する。これらの影響は航空業務エラーや事故を引き起こしうるものである。1930年代、乗務員の疲労を軽減させることを目的として、飛行時間制限、次の飛行までの推奨休息時間及び乗務員の睡眠等について勧告がなされた。これらの勧告は、更新が必要であるにもかかわらず、当初に導入されて以 来、乗務員の勤務規定や飛行時間制限についてはほとんど変更されていない。疲労、睡眠、シフト勤務、サーカディアンリズム(概日リズム)生理学についての科学的な理解は過去数十年にわたって著しく進んだが、現行規則や産業界での慣行は、多くの場合これら新しい知識を適切に取り入れることができていない。このためパイロットの疲労問題は、確実に航空安全に対する懸念をともないつつ増加してきている。事故統計、パイロット自身からの報告、業務飛 行における研究の全てにおいて、疲労が航空運航において次第に重要な問題となりつつあることが示されている。このポジションペーパーでは、関連する科学文献を概観し、該当するアメリカの民間及び軍の航空規則をまとめるとともに、飛行中及び飛行前後の疲労対策を評価し、疲労の検出や対処のための最新技術について述べた。各項目では問題点の考察の後に、ポジションステートメントを明記した。ポジションステートメントでは、最新の科学知識を用いた現行方針の更新を最終目標とすることを念頭において論じた。また航空安全を改善するための方法や技術についても記述した。
大塚 康民 溝端 裕亮 西 修二 小林 朝夫 菊川 あずさ
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-9, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-10-30)

Flight line personnel are exposed to exhaust emissions from aircraft engine during line maintenance work. The exhaust emissions include volatile monocarboxylic acids (VMCAs) that can cause sensory irritation of eyes, nose and throat. The purpose of our study was to determine levels of VMCAs in the exhaust emissions from F-15 fighter aircraft and T-4 JASDF jet trainer. The VMCAs in the exhaust emissions were collected by using a honeycomb diffusion denuder device, and analyzed by gas chromatography. Formic acid and acetic acid were detected in both F-15 and T-4 aircrafts. Higher levels of formic acid (163 ppb) and acetic acid (104 ppb) were detected in T-4, although those were under irritation threshold and the exposure limitations. The present results suggested that health risk of flight line personnel to those volatile acids were limited.
大類 伸浩 藤田 真敬 菊川 あずさ 蔵本 浩一郎 小林 朝夫 溝端 裕亮 立花 正一 高田 邦夫 山田 憲彦 別宮 愼也
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.56, no.3, pp.43-66, 2016 (Released:2020-04-11)

Gravity-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) is a major threat to fighter pilots and may result in fatal accidents. High +Gz (head-to-foot direction) acceleration force induces cerebral blood loss and results in gray-out, black out, and G-LOC. Countermeasures to avoid G-LOC include anti-G strain maneuver, anti-G suits, and pressure breathing for G, etc. They effectively decrease G-LOC incident, but have not eradicated it. Objective detection of G-LOC related symptoms is the prerequisite. In spite of many G-protective measures, G-LOC monitoring system has yet to be developed. Technologies for non-contact monitoring or motion capture have ventured into health care market. Real time physiological sensing for heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, etc, is used to medical, health care, physical fitness and sports area. Those advanced technologies might have potential for future G-LOC monitoring. This article reviews current status and future of countermeasures for G-LOC, and related technologies.
髙田 邦夫
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.64, no.1, pp.1-15, 2024-03-01 (Released:2024-03-31)

Global warming is a major threat affecting “increasing heat stroke” and “chronic inactivity related to summer heat (Natsubate (summer fatigue))”. Numerous review articles have described heat stroke in detail, however to our knowledge, there is no review article on the prevention of both heat stroke and Natsubate. In this paper, we speculated on the pathophysiology of Natsubate with reference to findings of heat stress, exercise, and water regulation. Subsequently, a balanced heat stroke and Natsubate prevention methods is discussed based on the pathophysiology of heat stroke and the inferred pathophysiology of Natsubate. Heat stress due to summer heat can lead to leaky gut and also dysautonomia via the brain-gut axis. On the other hand, intensified drinking behavior to reduce heat stress (overhydration, rapid rehydration, and extreme internal cooling) also leads to water intoxication and dysautonomia. Water intoxication and dysautonomia due to these factors are assumed to be the pathophysiology of Natsubate. If too much focus is placed on heat stroke prevention, healthy lifestyle and heat acclimatization may be impaired, and the body and mind may become more susceptible to heat stroke and Natsubate. In order to prevent both of heat stroke and Natsubate, it is thought that by daring to improve maximal oxygen intake and heat acclimatization even under summer heat, we can create a body and mind that prevents heat stroke and Natsubate. On the other hand, these efforts under summer heat may lead to heat stroke and Natsubate, making it difficult to strike a balance. The key to this balance is to refrain from raising the body core temperature too high and engaging in too strenuous activities, and to practice proper hydration.
高澤 千智 藤田 真敬 小林 朝夫 大塚 康民 鳥畑 厚志 大類 伸浩 高田 邦夫 立花 正一 柏崎 利昌 別宮 愼也
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.56, no.3, pp.67-77, 2016 (Released:2020-04-11)

It has been issued that many accidents are caused by impaired driving or impaired flying due to side effects of medications. In 2013, US Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) warned about aircraft accidents due to side effects of medications. Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (JMIAC) also made recommendations to Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (JMHLW) to confirm notification about driving ban in the patient package insert. The aviators who use an impairing medication are required to wait an appropriate periods after last medications before flying. FAA defines a waiting time from last medications to flight as five times of pharmaceutical half-lives. Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (JMLIT) also defines as two times the dosing interval. The dosing interval is generally determined by pharmaceutical half-lives. Considering above situations, Japan Air Self-Defense Force, Aeromedical Laboratory (JASDF AML), recommends a waiting time from last medications to flight as five times of pharmaceutical half-lives. Newly marketed medications are monitored through post-marketing surveillance and reviewed qualification for aviators. Monitoring periods are three years or more in US Air Force, but one year in FAA, JMLIT and JASDF. We review aeromedical decision making for the safe flight with medicated aviators and related articles.
林 俊介 橋本 晃男 鶴原 亜紀 相羽 裕子 荒毛 将史 大類 伸浩 野見山 武徳 小林 朝夫
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.57, no.4, pp.37-45, 2017 (Released:2018-01-16)

Vigilance maintained at all times, or “See and avoid” concept recommended is a primary means of mid-air collision avoidance. It is well known to be difficult to detect aircraft mid-air on a collision course which has constant relative bearing to another aircraft and constant velocity of each aircraft. To understand the collision course making other aircraft appear motionless is essential for pilots to avoid mid-air collision. Since 2008, Aeromedical laboratory has conducted flight simulation of a collision course for cadets. This simulation flight consists of three sections, including the comparison of a collision course with a non-collision course, attention distribution, and visual scanning. Our collision course simulation effectively provides knowledge of visual scanning, attention distribution, see-and-avoid other aircraft, and human perceptual limitation.
伊原 良奈 相羽 裕子 牛島 雅子
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.51, no.3, pp.21-31, 2011 (Released:2020-04-11)

In order to investigate the changes in required psychological characteristics in pilots, we reviewed the studies on the pilots’ opinions, which were conducted in 1968, 1998, and 2009. In all these studies, the response rates for “sense of responsibility” and “calmness,” belonging to the category of personality and intention, were found to rank high. The response rates for “flexibility” seemed to rank higher in the studies of 1998 and 2009 than in the study of 1968. In the studies of 1998 and 2009, the response rates for “judgment,” “attention,” and “communication ability,” belonging to the category of ability, were ranked high. These results suggest that the pilots’ opinions about required psychological characteristics in pilots seemed to have hardly changed compared with about ten years ago, but they seemed to have slightly changed compared with about forty years ago.
相羽 裕子 荒毛 将史 小川 隆昭 伊原 良奈 牛島 雅子 富塚 有次 池上 俊三
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.55, no.1, pp.1-19, 2015 (Released:2020-04-11)

Pilot aptitude tests are used to select capable candidates. In particular, military aviation requires effective pilot aptitude tests because military pilots have to operate complex cutting-edge combat fighters in a rigorous environment. The pilot aptitude tests have developed since WWI (World War I), and have been refined over the decades. In most military pilot aptitude test batteries, paper-and-pencil and apparatus tests (electro-mechanical apparatus) have been used to evaluate cognitive abilities of candidates. Recently, as computer technology has become both cheaper and more efficient, some kinds of computer-based tests have been introduced into most countries. However, the computer-based test has not been implemented in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force yet. We reviewed many cumulative literatures about the pilot selection system and described the present situation and problems involved in improving the pilot selection system. This review article addressed the objective of pilot selection, cognitive and non-cognitive abilities that are important for pilots, the history of pilot selection, and the method for the development of pilot selection system.
相羽 裕子 荒毛 将史 小川 隆昭 伊原 良奈 牛島 雅子 柴田 ゆみ 池上 俊三
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.55, no.4, pp.41-54, 2015 (Released:2020-04-11)

This review summarizes many cumulative literatures about the pilot aptitude tests and describes the present situation and problems involved in development of the pilot aptitude test. This part of the review (Part 2) addresses the present and future of the pilot aptitude test in the United States Air Force and the Japan Air Self-defense Force (JASDF). In addition, we focus on the study of multitasking ability, development of new pilot aptitude test in the JASDF and applied possibility of the methods in neurocognitive science. We also discuss the future issues about pilot aptitude test. Throughout the review, the organization which uses the pilot aptitude test should evaluate the reliability and predictive validity of the test periodically and flexibly. Then the organization should consider the improvement plan by using the achievement of the advanced research.
高澤 千智 馬塲 めぐみ 藤田 真敬 丸山 聡 鳥畑 厚志 大類 伸浩 桑田 成雄 菊川 あずさ 小林 朝夫
航空医学実験隊報告 (ISSN:00232858)
vol.56, no.2, pp.31-41, 2016 (Released:2020-04-11)

Preventing incapacitation of aviator during flight is one of major missions in aerospace medicine. To prevent incapacitation and maintain health status of pilots, airline companies and Air Forces develop manuals and guidelines for aeromedical examination or use of medications. Though guidelines for aeromedical examinations and major diseases are defined in detail, there are no detailed guidelines about medications in chronic disease or common disease. Since early 1990s, as life-style related diseases increase, Aeromedical Laboratory has received numerous inquiries and cases to be reviewed in aeromedical council. To standardize aeromedical decision making and share information, Pharmacochemistry Section, Second Division of Aeromedical Laboratory published “Working Papers for aeromedical decision on medicated aviators” in 1999. This paper include following contents about common disease and medications. (1) Notice in initial medication (2) Aeromedical decision Cases to be avoided if possible, to be evaluated for returning flying duty during medications, to be allowed flying with medications (3) Effects for psychomotor activities (4) Cases of aviation accidents (5) Cases of aeromedical council (6) Reports of side effect In 2014 issue, we classify the risk of medications for aeromedical missions. We also have a planning to distribute digital issues in the same time. Points of considerations are academic reason and application for practical operations.