橋本 信之 Nobuyuki Hashimoto
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.66, no.1, pp.13-58, 2015-05-30
田中 茂樹
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.33, no.3, pp.493-520, 1982-11-15

1. Preface 2. Being legally obliged and Legal Obligation 3. The Recognition of Legal Obligation 4. Obligation and Sanction or Coercion 5. The Binding Character of Obligatory Rule and Ought In this essay I shall examine a new theory on legal obligation, which is presented by Professor H. L. A. Hart and the Ordinary Language School. Japanese legal philosophy has received and criticized H. Kelsen's notion of Ought (Sollen). So Hart's attempt to reconstruct Kelsen's notion of Ought and Basic Norm (Grundnorm) is fresh and interesting. But Hart's notion of legal obligation is not so clear to elucidate the relation between coercive force and legal obligation in a legal system.
岡本 仁宏
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.40, no.1, pp.81-157, 1989-03-20

This essay is a commentary on the situation of theoretical debates about the American "Progressive" era. Of course this era, about 1900-1920,is represented by the name of the two presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. This essay has mainly two subjects. One is to review the recent interpretations of historical meaning of this era and the other is to search for clues to analyse the political thought of this era, particularly focusing on what is called the republican tradition. In the beginning of the first chapter, many historical interpretations by the end of the 1960s on the progressive era are sketched in one table, which includes some key terms of the "progressive", the "concensus", the "new left" and the "organizational" schools. And then among various interpretations after 1970,views of two historians, D. T. Rodgers and R. L. McCormick, are summarised and briefly reviewed on thier trait. In thier views, the contemporary political process and structure with pressure groups and enormous bureaucracys originate in this era. Thier views are remarkable in that thier frames of recognition are deeply influenced by theories of mordern political sciense. Their views leads to understanding the political thinking of this era as various expressions of distress and agony in the emerging process of the contemporary society. In the second chapter, among diverse arguable themes we pick up a theme of the political tradition of republicanism. The problem of republicanism in American political tradition is an important and hotly controversial issue. The dominant position of the liberal tradition in America (L. Harts) has been attacked by proponents of the republican tradition and vice versa. Referring to works of J. G. A. Pocock, J. P. Diggins, R. N. Bellah, D. Ross and so on, this essay describes what influence of republicanism can be discovered in the progressive political thought. Then some other related issues are commented, including historical conciousness in comparative point of view.
冨田 宏治
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.57, no.2, pp.111-148, 2006-06

2. Modern Japan as Visualized Empire Modern Japan and Modernity of M. Foucault Tennou's Pageantry and Visual Domination Visualized Empire and Visual Domination Historical Precedent of Visual Domination
森脇 俊雅
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.36, no.2, pp.201-240, 1985-06-20

Introduction I. What Is Collective Action Problem? II. Discussions of Collective Action Problem (1) Political Entrepreneur (2) Game Theoretic Analysis (3) Some Criticisms III. Political Implications of Collective Action Problem
丸田 隆
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.51, no.1, pp.163-213, 2000-04

The content of this article is as follows : 1. Introduction 2. Japanese Culture and Japanese Nationality (1) Interrelation between Japanese Culture and Nationality Argument (2) Japanese Language 3. Analysis of the Japanese Nationality Argument (1) Anti-jury Argument based upon Japanese Nationality (2) Classic and Revised Japanese Characteristics Argument (3) Japanese Legal Consciousness and Nationality Argument 4. Mixed Court System and Nationality (1) Structure of Mixed Court System (2) Pro-Mixed Court Argument in Japan (3) Examination of Japanese Nationality in the Procedure of Mixed Court Trial 5. Conclusion 1. This paper examines three basic aspects on the civil participation into the judiciary in Japan : first, to analyze the Japanese nationality discourse in the context of the so-called "Japanese Culture, " second, to explore both the function and the reality of the mixed court system and, finally, to scrutinize whether or not the Japanese culture obstructs the normal function of the mixed court system in Japan. 2. Although Japan once had a criminal jury system before World War II (1928-1943), since then Japan has had no civil participation system in trials (with the minor exception of using lay assessors in the civil mediation stage.) In the modern world, it might be atypical enough to see a country that employs professional judges, solely recruited from among young legal trainees and trained as career judges, who exclusively preside over trials without any involvement of lay citizens. In the construction era immediately after World War II, there was a proposal to introduce the jury system into Japan by the SCAP (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers). Japanese high officials declined to accept the idea, explaining that the Japanese were too immature, the jury system was incompatible with Japanese character, and the Japanese' respect and deference to the higher authority. 3. The exploitation of Japanese uniqueness, such as Japanese culture, nationality, weather, national ritual in order to reject introduction of foreign goods was well exemplified by the Japanese high officials who confronted foreign pressure about the restricted trade policy. Their cliche is since Japan has its own tradition and culture, the foreign goods are not suitable to Japan and will bring adverse effects to the nation. They often utilized the claim of Japanese uniqueness claim to contest international pressure to open the Japanese market, for products like oranges and rice (they said that Japanese liked more oranges with soft skin and sticky rice.) 4. Apart from the high official's claiming the Japanese uniqueness, the Japanese nationality argument is often cited as a reason to resist implementing a new legal system in Japan. Above all legal scholars and lawyers use the Japanese nationality argument against the introduction of jury systems in Japan. Because the Japanese are inclined to rely upon the authority, resist expressing shy to express their own opinion, and shy away from arguments, have no concern with others, the jury system where a group of lay citizens find facts and concludes with a final verdict would bring a disastrous result, and thus they believe in the trials presided by professional judges. The basic tenet of this way of thinking is that without the best and brightest people's (high officials' or professionals') control, the Japanese will lose their way and cannot manage things by themselves. This contention has two presumptions : Japanese people are incapable of with handling fact-finding because of their national characteristics and, secondly, those who manage judiciaries (mainly professional judges) are exempted from those kind of general characteristics. Are these presumptions appropriate? 5. Basically from where did the stereotypical generalization of the Japanese character come? Some "anthropologists" and "sociologists" seriously have examined the source of the Japanese uniqueness. Some explained with a geological reason
足立 忠夫
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-47, 1990-03-20

This paper discusses the legality and constitutionality of the hearing presided by the single "designated member" which has been conducted as a customary practice in every case of the Osaka Expropriation Committee, and concludes that the practice is unconstitutional, illegal, or at least irrational.
深尾 裕造
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.51, no.1, pp.215-272, 2000-04

Introduction I Foretescue and the Brute : Nembroth Type Kingdom and Brutus Type Kingdom 1. Brutus & the Institution of the Kingdom (Dominium regale et politicium) 2. De Legum Laudibus Anglie ch. XVII revisited II Sir Edward Coke and the Brute : Analysis of the Prefaces to his Reports 1. Cokes' Earlier Reports and the Brute 2. Coke's Conquest Theory 3. The Imposition Debate & the Proclamation Case in 1610 4. Coke & the Norman Conquest 5. The Mirror of Justice, rediscovered III Selden and Rationalization of Fortescue's Constitutional Theory : Analysis of his Note Conclusion Transformation of the Theory of the Origin of Government : Hobbes and Hale
北山 俊哉
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.46, no.2, pp.287-320, 1995-06-30

Until sometime in the postwar Japan, there was a phrase that Tokyo was the political capital and Osaka was the economic capital of Japan. This is no longer true since the economy of Tokyo area has acquired a dominant position not just in Japan but also in the world, while Osaka area's economic position has relatively declined. Why this has happened is the question that this paper attempts to answer. This article argues that the notion of "industrial order" explains the different developmental trajectories of the two regions. Industrial order consists of the particular mix of the industrial governance mechanisms-markets, corporate hierarchies, the modern state, the community, and the association. Tokyo area has successfully established the industrial order of "flexible mass production, " the main governance mechanisms of which are the market, hierarchies, and the community. Osaka area was not so successful in building the similar industrial order. This article also tries to demonstrate the establishment of particular industrial order in one region depends on the social and political process of the region as well as rational response which is assumed in the neo-classical economic model. I use the cases of sewing machines and camera industries to show how the establishment of the industrial order is constrained by the social and cultural resources of the regions.
冨田 宏治
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.40, no.3, pp.673-719, 1989-09-30

Preface Chap. 1 The Structure of "MINPONSHUGI" 1. The International and the Domestic Politics 2. "The Notion of Common-Interests" and "Nationalism" 3. The Conception of the Political Equality