山本 洋平
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.54, no.4, pp.219-230, 1975-04-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

So far cold from LNG imported into Japan has been used only for the production of liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen and at the refrigerated warehouse at Tokyo Gas's Negishi works.Similar projects are currently planned at Sodegaura, Chiba, and at Semboku, Osaka.However even if all these planned projects are realised, they will together use only a very small percentage of the LNG cold which is available.Therefore in the interests of energy and resources conservation, it will be desirable to develop other projects which can use LNG cold in applications such as freezing of food stuffs; crushing of metal wastes; and sea water desalination.
重田 昌友
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.67, no.8, pp.652-661, 1988-08-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

This paper describes the basic properties demanded and the manufacturing technology of electrode substrate used in phosphoric acid fuel cell. Because of low cost, acceptable properties and durability, only all carbon electrode substrates that are treated at over 2000°C temperature are practical.The electrode substrate has been improved in;·diffusibility to achieve higher electrical current density.·electrical conductivity to reduce ohmic loss.·thermal conductivity to remove heat generated in cells, smoothly.·mechanical properties to reduce handling loss.·chemical stability under operating condition at cathodic potential in hot phosphoric acid.Several carbon electrode substrates have been developed for phosphoric acid fuel cell. A carbon paper electrode is made from carbon fibers and a resin through conventional paper manufacturing. A molded electrode is made from short carbon fibers, a binder resin and other material to make micro pores in it after baking. An integrated electrode that consists of a carbon separator and a pair of ribbed electrode substrate (mold type) has been developed to reduce electrical and thermal resistance, and to im-prove mechanical properties.
賀田 立二 緒方 九洲男
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.8, no.4, pp.414-428, 1929

三浦 正俊
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.53, no.10, pp.822-834, 1974-10-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

In July of 1973, a large scale national project* for nuclear steel making has started.This project will take six years and some 7, 300 million yen. Main organization of research is the Engineering Research Association for Nuclear Steelmaking.This association studies a total system and five sub-systems, which are heat exchanger, super heat resisting alloys, isoheat materials, reducing gas making and reduced pellts making. The development of Inuclear steel making technology as a national project aims at the completion of a direct-reduction steelmaking pilot plant which will be connected to the multi-purpose high-tempereture gas cooled reactor with a thermal output of 50 MW. With an aim at the above mentioned objective, efforts will be made to develop the design, construction and operational techneques for the pilot plant with a budget of about 7, 300 million yen to cover the relevant expenses for six years, commencing from 1973. To achieve this objective, the firstphase plogram will be directed toward research and development of technologies covering the system design and major components of the plant.The project, in the meantime, is being carried out so that the 50MWt multi-purpose high-temperature gas cooled reactors being planned by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute will attain their full power in 1982. The second phase of this national project accordingly will include the construction and operation plant for nuclear steelmaking to be directly connected to the multi-purpose high temperature gas cooled reactor. After success is achieved in the operation of the pilot plant, the scale of the plant will be expanded so that it will finally be developed into a commercial-scale plant. The period required to attain this prototype scale will be covered by the second-stage program.The nuclear steelmaking pattern we are expecting to realize is asshown in Fig. 1. Based on the given condition that the temperature of reducing gas to be blown into the reduction furnace should be 800 to 850°C, efforts will be made so that a reactor-outlet herium temperature of 1, 000°C can be guaranteed in consideration of temperature drop in the heat exchanger. The heat of 1, 000°C taken out of the multi-purpose high-temperature reactor will be used through the intermediate heat exchanger for manufacturing and heating of reducing gas. In Japan, the reducing gas will be manufactured from vacuum residual oils because of the scarcity of petroleum and natural gases. As for the steelmaking system has been adopted in which the reduced iron produced by shaft furnaces is turned into crude steel by electric furnaces. With this pattern of nuclear steelmaking, the first-phase progrm, extending over a period of six years, will aim at the completion of research and development of major relevant components such as a high-temperature heat exchanger, heat-resistant superalloys, high-temperature heat insulation materials, reducing-gas manufacturiug units and reduced iron manufacturing unts as well as researches for the development of system design to link the reactor system with the steel making system with a high degree of consistency and safety.* This Project based upon National Research and development Program by the Agency of Industrial Sciency and Technology, M. I. T. I.
磯野 義人
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.69, no.10, pp.905-914, 1990-10-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

The possibility of obtaining artificial rain falls on and area by the man-made mountain range with a huge air-supported membrane structure is discussed.The arid area selected as a ideal geographical model is Saudi Arabia and various aspects of climate condition of the area are considerd.The man-made mountain range proposed is held by continuously supplied air by many blowers. The minimum size of the structure will be 10km long, 1.2km width and 600m high.The membrane material of the structure will be TEFLON coated glass fiber fabrics. And cable reignforcements at certain intervals are also recommended.As a conclusion, the idea has high capability in realization of rain falls but more detailed research is required for the location of site, etc.
吉田 龍夫
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.40, no.5, pp.349-358, 1961

赤平鉱の選炭工場は昭和16年に建設され18年4月より水選を開始したが, 当時は210t/hr.の能力しかなく, さらに昭和28年の上歌志内鉱合併の機会に280t/hr・に増加し, その後出炭の増加に伴い新しい選炭技術の研究を実施し, ここに斯界の注目を浴びる程の独自の選炭工場を完成した。今回の増強合理化において, 設備的にもわが国で初めての試みがかなり多く, 特にタカブジグを主選機とする選炭系統, 油圧式自動硬抜装置の採用, 精炭脱水用レゾナンス・スクリーン, フンボルト遠心脱水機, およびコンターベックスのなど入などが上げられ乳合理化後今日までの累計でひ合理化が生み出した収益は約6億円に達していると見積られる。
古浜 庄一
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.56, no.9, pp.721-731, 1977-09-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

For the energy source of automobiles, more than 30 years ahead, fuel cell or hydrogen will be of greatest promise. In respect of transportability, liquid hydrogen is more advantageous. For good thermal efficiency, low NOx emission and suppression of abnormal combustion, the maximum output power of hydrogen fueled engine should be increased as much as possible and then, in the most past of practical operation, the engine should be operated in lean mixture. For this purpose, there are two methods; one is cooling intake air by liquid hydrogen, the other is hydrogen fuel injection during compression stroke, which also has to use liquid hydrogen to minimize the compression work.And this paper also describes in detail the characteristics of hydrogen gas, liquid hydrogen and metal hydride for an automobile fuel, and a phenomenon and some control methods of backfire.
三井 寿雄
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.38, no.1, pp.7-16, 1959

ここでいう太陽エネルギーの利用とは石炭や石油あるいは雨雪などのもつ二次的なポテンシャルエネルギーの利用ではなくて, 太陽の生のままの輻射エネルギーの利用である。太陽エネルギーは無限であるが余りにも稀薄なので, この利用研究は結局はその濃縮法の研究と用いられる材料の研究とになる。<BR>本報では種々の低温および高温における太陽エネルギーの利用法, それらの特徴および将来の展発の可能性などについてのべられている。
藤田 昌
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.49, no.7, pp.518-529, 1970

My purpose is to explain the discussion of the reform of the American oil import quota system which had been held in the committee of the Cabinet Task Force, and to anticipate for America to select a tariff plan soon or later after a long adjusting period, and to think about the influence upon the world oil market and Japan if America selects a tariff plan.<BR>About this problem, Mr. W. Levy says, if America adopts a tariff scheme, OPEC member countries would strongly insist the reform of their tax-rate, and so the world oil price-level must necessarily go upward. If it is true, Japan, the greatest oil importer, will lose much money.<BR>But I don't think such that under the following reasons.<BR>(1) Even if America adopts atariff plan, the time will be after 1975, and it will be carried out with a long adjusting term. And if that will be so, American tariff scheme won't have so great influence upon the world oil market, considering the affluence of the world oil stock.<BR>(2) The opinion of the OPEC member countries isn't same with each other, some want to revise tax-rate, others want more amount of tax revenue.<BR>(3) After 1985-1990, the share of Atomic power in the first energy supply, will attain a fairly large percentage, and the price of crude oil will be decided in relation to this cost of atomic energy. So the price level of crude oil will go downward to that even point.
堤 正文
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.54, no.6, pp.367-367, 1975
菊地 英一 荒西 康彦 小泉 明正
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.59, no.2, pp.76-85, 1980

The advances in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are reviewed from a viewpoint on the development of new type catalysts. The reaction mechanisms and kinetics are briefly described to lead the Schulz-Flory molecular weight distribution. The product distributions from metal-catalyzed synthesis and the carrier effect are discussed on the basis of the Schulz-Flory equation. Finally it describes the recent efforts to develop the new type catalyst which gives a peculiar selectivity for the specified product distribution.
矢川 憲利
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.69, no.6, pp.424-429, 1990-06-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

Infrared spectrum is generally divided into two distinct regions; near infrared with wavelengths shorter than about 4μm and far infrared with wavelengths greater than about 4μm. In this paper, thermal properties of infrared radiation and effectiveness of far infrared radiation for space heating are investigeted.The thermal properties of infrared radiation are as follows:1) For human skin and clothing fabrics, the reflection of radiation is low in the wavelength region over 2μm while the radiation emitted by a radiant space heater exists almost in this region.2) For the skin, the transmission of near infrared radiation is higher than that of far infrared radiation.3) The thermal sensation for each wavelength is not different in the wavelength region over 2μm.It is generally accepted that space heaters emitting far infrared radiation make comfortable environment. But the investigation of infrared radiation properties shows that far infrared radiation itself is not specially effective for space heating. On the other hand, far infrared radiant heaters make comfortable environment because they are low temperature radiant heaters which make uniform and moderate radiant environment without any excessive wind that makes human body feel uncomfortable.
内藤 游
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.3, no.5, pp.334-339, 1924
