和田上 貴昭
日本社会事業大学研究紀要 = Study report of Japan College of Social Work : issues in social work (ISSN:0916765X)
vol.66, pp.47-57, 2020-03

This research aims to reveal how professionals who are providing supports to children abuse in Germany interpret physical punishment. Investigation has been implemented to four experienced professional members who help to solve children abuse, data was then qualitatively analyzed in SCAT. The following four points are shown in the result- (1) the number of supporters of physical punishment has deceased since the stipulation of the laws of prohibitions in 2000, (2) light physical punishment are still being accepted, (3) any conceptual changes o about physical punishment are expected to take time as it’s related to how the parents were raised, (4) the right for children to have sustainable growth and stable family life should be prioritized as a support to children rights.
藤岡 孝志
日本社会事業大学研究紀要 = Study report of Japan College of Social Work : issues in social work (ISSN:0916765X)
vol.64, pp.115-129, 2018-03

社会的養育臨床における支援者支援養育論をここでは展開する。それは、職員支援や里親支援を中核としたものであり、職員や里親が支援されてこそ、子どもの安定的な養育が実現する。 すなわち、この養育論の中核となるのは、支援者支援である。そして、その支援者が支援されることで、安定的で継続的な養育環境を子ども達に提供し続けることができる。 安定した養育者には、安定した愛着行動を子どもたちは向けることができ、愛着対象の内在化が実現する。その安定した養育者の統合感の保持がその内在化を促進すると考えられる。施設職員・里親は、被虐待児やネグレクト児のトラウマや愛着上の様々な課題に対処せざるを得ず、疲弊し、自己統合感の侵蝕を常時受けていると考えられる。子ども達の問題行動・課題行動(暴言、暴力、嘘、万引き等の非行行動・逸脱行動、不眠、基本的生活習慣の構築のしづらさ、ルールの守れなさ 等)による施設職員や養育里親、養子縁組里親の傷つきや疲弊は、深刻である。だからこそ、その侵蝕による自己統合感の低下、主体的な養育への意欲の低下、解離的な一貫性のない養育への無意識的な自動化・ルーチン化などをさけるための共感疲労対策などの支援者支援が欠かせないのである。本論文は、以上の点を3 部に分けて、論述した。Ⅰ支援者支援養育論―社会的養育臨床における「支援者支援」の点―、Ⅱ愛着臨床と支援者支援学、Ⅲ支援者支援の実際 である。そして最後に、Ⅳ支援者支援養育論の要点をまとめた。施設の小規模化、グループホーム化、里親支援の強化などの理念が推し進められていくには、『支援者支援養育論』が確立されることが大前提となるとの論考を展開した。
藤岡 孝志
日本社会事業大学研究紀要 = Study report of Japan College of Social Work (ISSN:0916765X)
vol.58, pp.171-220, 2012-03

Based on the investigation by Japanese edition of questions developed by C. Figley et al(1996,2002), I examined the Optimal Level Model of Compassion Fatigue that relates to Compassion Fatigue and the functioning as a care giver to children with some troubles.Inspected by the number of people with Compassion Fatigue and relations with other indexes, care givers and social workers were divided to main three parts, A, B, C type.Types A indicated low level on Compassion Fatigue mainly on area 1. Type B indicated middle level on Compassion Fatigue mainly on area 2,3,4. Type C indicated High level on Compassion Fatigue mainly on area 5. The burnout risk of Type C was higher than other groups.Furthermore, I examined differences in 5 groups, and High/Low groups on Compassion Fatigue.1) Significant difference between Compassion Fatigue High and Low was watched in three factors, Satisfactions with colleagues, with clients or children and Satisfaction in life except for Satisfaction to profession as a care giver.2) Compassion Fatigue became high related to burnout significantly. So it was suggested that Compassion Fatigue could predict burnout of a care giver or a social worker.About differences of support items for care givers in Low and High groups of Compassion Fatigue, many items of supports were high level in Low group of Compassion Fatigue. But some items had high score in the high Compassion Fatigue group.From these findings I considered the meaning of Optimal Level Model of Compassion Fatigue.Furthermore, I examined the relationship between Compassion Fatigue and Functioning (Professionalization as care givers and social workers) used FR behaviors questionnaires and Caregiving Behaviors on the stand points of Attachment theory.As a result, it was suggested that FR behaviors rose in relation to Compassion Fatigue in all four factors of FR behaviors.On the other hand, Caregiving Behaviors on the stand points of Attachment theory did not have the difference among all groups of Compassion Fatigue.Furthermore, I examined necessity of individual support and made each comment format for individual support as practice example of supports on the standpoint of Optimal Level Model of Compassion Fatigue.Four tasks based on these were shown last.1. Researches to make clear the characteristics of three types of Compassion Fatigue. 2. Necessity of construction of Functioning as a care giver. 3. Examination and working-out on support items for care givers or social workers, 4.Necessity of construction of study to think about support to a care giver or a social worker.
千葉 和夫
日本社会事業大学研究紀要 = Study report of Japan College of Social Work : issues in social work (ISSN:0916765X)
vol.59, pp.85-98, 2013-03

筆者は大学卒業後、(財)日本レクリエーション協会に奉職し"レクリエーション指導者養成事業"の企画や実践に当たってきた。そこでは見事なプログラム展開を見せる優れた指導者に出会うことがしばしばであった。そして、その"見事さ"とは何か?を考え始めるようになってきたのであったが、一つの答えは"グループ(小集団)"活用との結論に至ったように想起される。すなわち、彼らは"グループダイナミクス""エンカウンターグループ"などの知見を意識的・無意識的に活用していたのであった。 筆者は、その後18 年間を経て日本社会事業大学に転職した。"グループワーク"の講義に当たって、当初は前述したような観点に立って展開していたが、"グループダイナミクスなどを活用したソーシャルワーク(Social Work with Groups)"という視座からやや離れた内容に陥りがちであったことは否めなかったように思われた。 以上のような内発的・外発的動機により、"グループワーク論"を実践的基盤から理論モデルを活用して立て直し、その有効性をより鮮明に描こうとした。After graduating from university, I worked at National Recreation Association of Japan and was in charge of the planning and practicing of "recreation leadership training projects". Through that job, I met plenty of great leaders who developed excellent programs, which led me to think what makes such "excellence", and I remember I concluded that one answer was utilization of "groups (small groups)". That is, the great leaders utilized knowledge of, for example, "group dynamics", "encounter groups" and so on, consciously or unconsciously.Subsequently, after 18 years, I took a new job at Japan College of Social Work. In the beginning, I developed my lecture of "group work" on the basis of the viewpoint described above. However, I think it is undeniable that the contents of my lecture tended to somewhat depart from the viewpoint of "social work utilizing group dynamics and the like (Social Work with Groups)".With the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations described above, I have tried to reestablish a "group work theory" on the practical basis by utilizing theoretical models and to exhibit its effectiveness more vividly.