松森 慎悟 Shingo MATSUMORI 駒沢女子大学人間健康学部健康栄養学科
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
no.17, pp.407-412, 2010-12

The bread called bagel is becoming popular in Japan now. The features of bagel are that it is a shape of doughnut and there is a process of boiling it before bakes. As a result, it is said that a peculiar texture will arise. But the quality properties and the cooking properties of the bagel are not understood well. Therefore, though it investigated in the quality properties based on the origin and the history, it became a conclusion that it was difficult to derive the definition of an original bagel from information complex, and the food that was arranged in the United States and kept being changed now. Then, it thought by classifying it into three types expected that the author would develop according to the type by the land in the future. The three types are a New York types, a Japanese types, and a European types. I want to investigate the affect by the difference in a making process on the bagel, and to establish the Cooking properties of three types in the future.
小松 英雄
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
vol.6, pp.123-146, 1999-12-24

上代の借字 (いわゆる万葉仮名) は楷書体に基づいていたために、語句のまとまりを表示することができなかった。平安初期になると、草書体の仮名が形成されて、その欠陥が克服された。連綿や墨継ぎを効率的に制御して語句のまとまりを表示すれば、清音と濁音との音節に同じ文字を当てても、語句の同定に支障を生ることがないので、仮名は清濁を区別しない音節文字の体系として形成された。上代の韻文は語句の線条であったが、平安初期になると、清濁の対立が捨象された仮名の線条に切り替えられ、共通の仮名の線条に複数の語句を重ねる表現技巧が発達した。その結果、韻文の形式が {57577} に限定され、三十一文字の狭い枠のなかに豊富な表現を盛り込むことが指向されるようになった。それが、『古今和歌集』に代表される平安初期の和歌である。仮名の線条にことばを組み込んだ和歌は、一次的には視覚でとらえて理解するように構成されている。平安末期になると言いさし形式の表現技巧が発達し、和歌が再び語句の線条に戻ったために、以後の歌人たちは、『古今和歌集』を和歌の鑑と仰ぎながら、それらの和歌が仮名の線条として構成されていることを見抜けなくなり、今日に至るまで語句の線条として理解されてきた。したがって、和歌の表現解析は、注釈の伝統から脱却して、再出発する必要がある。検討の過程をつうじて、『古今和歌集』の構成原理を明らかにし、あわせて、巻19の「短歌」が示唆する日本語韻文史の諸問越について考察する。その帰結は、末尾の <結語> されている。
三輪 晴啓
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
vol.9, pp.227-234, 2002-12-24

Schroder's government will continue to rule Germany for another four years as a result of a narrow victory in the general elections held in September 2001. A coalotion of the two ruling parties, the Social Democrats and the Greens, were elected over their conservative opponents. It appears that twelve years after Reunification, the German People prefer a government with middle-lefts at the helm. In the second term, Schroder, however, will face serious chalenges, both domestic and international and ranging from political to economic and social problems-- many of which still remain after more than a decade of Reunification. Among his first acts will be to take effective measures against a stagnant economy; perhaps the most important crisis facing him will be to repair the damage caused to U. S. - Germany relations by Schroder's recent speech denouncing U. S. policy vis-a-vie Iraq.
羽鳥 修 Osamu HATORI
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
no.15, pp.115-133, 2008-12

The American Presidential Erection of 2008 is drawing near. The parties have already nominated each candidate; the Democratic Party's nominee is Barack Obama and his VicePresident Joseph Biden; while Republicans field John McCain and Sarah Palin.The aim of this paper is to explore the meaning of this "historic election," even though the Democratic campaign originally was between Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama is the first African-American presidential candidate and Clinton would have been the first female candidate in America political history. This means a black or a female president would be the first such president in U.S. history. Obama finally got the nomination. Is his nomination "historic" in itself? This seems to be unquestionable, but more important is who Obama is. What does this choice mean? Why was he nominated? What made American voters choose Obama? What did over 35 million voters who participated in the primaries and the caucuses of the Democratic Party expect of Obama? Answers to these questions lie in Obama's duel strengths. One is his race, which Obama has separated from traditional black candidates'stances. The other is his "diversity," which finds sources in his social background; having an African father and an American mother. This diversity has been effectively utilized in his " grassroots" campaign strategy. This is why Obama has been supported by a wide spectrum of supporters, especially by those of the younger generation, who supported Obama in his campaign organizationally and financially using such contemporary tools as the social networking sites "YouTube" and "Facebook." Technology makes it easier than ever to create networks and share enthusiasm among young people. Obama spoke not only directly and personally but spiritually and inspirationally to voters in his campaign. Those who voted for Obama are expecting him to promote the American dream of uniting a racially and culturally diverse country; the national motto "E Pluribus Unum"(one from many) indicates this. Obama's nomination reflects the public sentiment of over 17.5 million voters; this is a very" historic election, " which American voters showed through the primary race in the Democratic Party.
Jones J. B.
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
vol.9, pp.117-168, 2002-12-24

This paper will explore Forster's concepts of religious meaning and the sacred in A Passage to India. It is generally acknowledged that the three sections of the novel: Mosque, Caves and Temple, stand for the three seasons in India, but they may also indicate conceptions of three systems of religious belief: the Christian/Moslem system that stresses allegorical understanding of opposites, like Good and Evil; the nihilist vision of nothingness and endless, meaningless repetition through time, (non-belief in this case) symbolized by the Marabar Caves; and the creation/destruction and all-embracing mysticism of Hinduism in the final part, Temple, which uses a religious festival to portray and dramatize the Hindu belief system. Forster presents these three belief systems as a way of exploring what it means to believe; he does not favor one system over any other; he may possibly be charting the evolution of religious belief in the individual as well as its development on wider levels of human consciousness. On a more mundane level, Forster takes up the question of the potential for mutual understanding between Indians and Anglo-Indians and appears to conclude that the two cultures were destined to remain divided in understanding each other until some future time of higher consciousness and tolerance. Forster offers gentle and ironic hope for the future in the person of Ralph, Mrs. Moore's son. In fact, Mrs. Moore herself is an embodiment of this hope in the present time of the novel: the sacral nature of creation is reaffirmed by her instinctive intuition; her sense of the sacred is Forster's affirmation that there is meaning in human existence-that the journey each of us makes through life is a journey toward God. In Whitman's words: O my brave soul! O farther sail! O daring joy, but safe! Are they not all the seas of God? Oh Thou transcendent, Nameless, the fibre and the breath, Light of the light, shedding forth universes, thou centre of them, Thou mightier center of the true, the good, the loving, Thou moral, spiritual fountain-affection's source-thou reservoir, (O pensive soul of me-O thirst unsatisfied-waitest not there? Waitest not haply for us somewhere there the Comrade perfect?) Thou pulse-thou motive of the stars, suns, systems, That, circling, move in order, safe, harmonious, Athwart the shapeless vastnesses of space, How should I think, how breathe a single breath, how speak, if, out of myself, I could not launch, to those, superior universes? -Whitman "Passage to India"
森田 和夫 Kazuo MORITA
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
vol.11, pp.181-193, 2004-12-24

There is the man who enjoys it more than 40 minutes while watching fish inside a big water tank of an aquarium, like a man in the song that is "The fool on the hill" written by Lennon & McCartney. The song said, "Day after day, alone on a hill, the man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still..." Of course the man in the aquarium is not a fool. So why is not he tired from it? The reason is because the big water tank shows his subconscious image to himself, like a mirror of magic. An aquarium resembles an abstract animation film. It resembles pleasure of playing with toys. For example it is maybe the same as playing with toy blocks. I wished to make such animation films since I was a student. There is the application named Flash. As a trial of abstraction expression in new Epoch, I examined early abstract animation films for significance of abstract animation films of the present day. Then I made a sample data of the Toy-Animation by ActionScript included in Flash. I showed the process that made the Toy-Animation in the following.