黒田 美代子
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
vol.7, pp.43-52, 2000-12-24

The Mideast Peace Process involving Syria, Palestine, Israel and the U. S. has no prospect of bearing fruit despite the efforts of President Clinton to mediate the dispute. As his term comes to the end there seems no end to a conflict that has lasted more than fifty years. To most people, the problems between the Palestinians and the Israelis seem insoluble ; however, the author feels that there is a solution. The United Nations Security Council, as a legitimate international body, has historically held serious and wide-ranging discussions on the problem ; further, they have passed resolutions which show the way toward a lasting solution. However, the logic of power politics prevails at peace talks and the spirit of international cooperation and conciliation has been sacrificed to the reality of power. The failure of the peace process is therefore structural in nature : one party wants to negotiate based on the resolutions passed by the Security Council ; the other party insists on using the logic of power politics. In the end, both parties must rely on principle rather than power politics. As long as the adherence to power politics remains more important than the belief in principles based on ethical and moral right, the pease process will wither before it has had a chance to bear fruit. By observing the U. N. resolutions, the process of peace can become a reality rather than a dream. This paper will seek to clarify the problems caused by the misinformation disseminated to obscure the essential aspects of the situation, making an understanding of the problem so hard to grasp. It is to be hoped that once the parties involved come to adhere to the U. N. resolutions, a permanent peace will be achieved.
砂岡 和子
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
vol.4, pp.113-120, 1997-12-24

本稿は日本の平安朝古記録に現れる疑問文のうち、漢語の口語要素を反映すると思われる文型と語彙を電算機のデータベース機能を用いて抽出し、古記録文中に中国近代漢語の一痕跡を探索せんと試みるものである。日本国語学の漢文訓読・訓点学の学術成果と伝統を未消化の内に、拙稿をしたためることの非難は覚悟ながら、中国語史の視点で日本漢文資料を調査した結果を提示したい。古記録文は西暦9世紀後半から10世紀にかけ、男性平安貴族によって記された勤務日記、儀典心得の類を指す。時は唐風文化の最盛期で、貴族たちはこぞって漢文体による文筆活動を行った。彼らの基礎教養は純漢文であるが、古記録は私家文書の性格を有し、中国漢文を模しつつ日本語文法と訓読漢語語彙が融合した文体で綴られた。日本国語学では、この種の文体を純漢文に対して変体漢文と称すこともある。国内の研究は当然ながら、日本語史からみた研究が主で、漢語口語層に焦点をあてた先行論著は管見する限り見あたらない。従来国語学では、漢語の口語の範囲を、俗語や方言などに狭く限定して捕えがちであるが、口語は日常の漢語にも常見するのであり、事実平安古記録文にも口語漢語の影響を発見できる。さてふりかえって、中国語学界をみると近年中国語史の研究が盛んになり、魏晋南北朝より唐、五代を頂点とする近代漢語の研究が活況を呈している。これは唐代原資料である膨大な敦煌文献の発見と、その整理解読作業の進展が大きな推進力となっている。日本でも、この唐代口語解明につき動かされるように、日本漢字資料中の漢語口語語彙研究が進み、『万葉集』『古事記』『日本書紀』中の中国語口語語彙が検証されつつある。拙稿は日本平安期における漢語口語資料を '口語疑問文' という角度から個別検証したものである。古記録文中の口語疑問句に焦点をあてた理由は次の2点にある。第一に近代漢語史において、唐代は新出の疑問文型ならびに語彙が際立った時期であること。第二に疑問句表現形式は、中国語と日本語で大いに異なるため、古記録文の漢語の影響を観察するのに有効な指標となりえるはずである。論題を唐代口語としたが、六朝期や晩唐後の五代を排除するものではない。六朝に芽生え、五代に至って成熟期を迎える中国近代漢語研究の確実な原資料は、質量とも敦煌資料の右にでるものは、現在まで見あたらない。従って口語研究は唐代をもって近代を代表させるのが一般的である。しかし結果からいうと、平安古記録文中の口語語彙および文型は、むしろ古代漢語から脱皮しつつある比較的保守的な近代口語層に属し、中唐から晩唐期の敦煌文学作品に顕著な新出口語は稀であった。よって正確には「平安古記録文中の近代前期漢語口語疑問句」とでも命題すべきところであるが、近代漢語という定義や時代区分を現段階で厳密にすることは難しい。そこで便宜的に近代漢語のピークを唐代で代表させ、題名とする。幸いにして平安古記録文の検索は、東京大学史料編纂所が古文書データーベースのサービスを開始し、電算機による迅速大量の検索作業が可能となった。遠隔からもアクセスでき、語彙そのものの検索と統計は驚くほど簡便になった。しかし最も基本的な作業である、原資料の校勘作業に今回は手をつける余裕がなかった。加えて本稿で選んだ検索キーワードが正鵠を射ているか、統計結果の意味分析、古記録文献資料間の言語の質差をどう観るかなど、今後検討補正しなければならない課題は多い。本稿は1997年9月10日より15日まで、中華人民共和国浙江省杭州市敦煌飯店で開かれた、中国敦煌吐魯番学会、杭州大学敦煌学センター共催の97年敦煌学討論会において口頭発表した論文に、加筆修正したものである。中国側の本討論会論文集は出版未定で、本学紀要に先に発表をお許しいただくことにした。中国発表時の論題は「日本平安古記録文中的口語疑問句」であるが、本紀要掲載に際し上記のように改めている。なお、中国での討論会参加にあたって、駒沢女子大学国際交流委員会の97年度国際交流費助成を得たことを感謝する。拙稿の執筆にあたり、古記録文の諸先行研究の所在と、東京大学資料編纂所検索サービスの情報を御教示賜った、本学日本文化学科倉本一宏助教授、ならびに杭州での上記討論会で発表の際、貴重な提言を頂戴した鄭阿財台湾中正大学教授、顔廷亮甘粛省社会科学院研究所教授、黄征杭州大学敦煌研究中心教授、張金泉同古籍研究所教授、ならびに討論会に同席された諸先生に紙面を拝借し深謝する次第である。
亘 純吉 Junkichi WATARI 駒沢女子大学人文学部映像コミュニケーション学科
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
no.17, pp.325-360, 2010-12

The aim of this study is to consider the visual image of analyze "the image of women recorded on move films and slide shows" that have recorded the Movement for the Improvement of Living in the post-World War II Era from the view of cultural anthropology. To summarize : 1. The Movement for the Improvement of Living raised the status and increased the influence of women in the family through the specific experiences of developing products such as the improved Kamado (a cooking stove), at the same time had them aware of the power of associated movements united by the new values. 2. The films and slides shows used in the Movement for the Improvement of Living as well as the films that recorded the movement are both produced under the ideology of the modern western rationalism. The movement is an expression of the paradigm that "social participation" and "self-discovery" relate strongly to each other. 3. The Movement for Improvement of Living had not turned its attention to the socio-political structure that had produced poverty in farm and mountain villages. The movement failed to recognize the situation that the villages were marginalized and trapped in poverty, and it did not involve the ideological liberation toward the social reform within itself. Therefore, the movement could not bear a possibility to become a popular social movement that could change the situation of the villages.
石田 かおり Kaori ISHIDA
駒沢女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13408631)
no.13, pp.27-41, 2006-12

Recently, the decline in the use of make-up has stood out. High school girls wearing make-up was seen daily and junior high school girls and even elementary school girls wearing it was not unusual either. Many adults oppose the use of make-up for children and school girls. But there is no guide, no advice, no discussion about it both in school and at home. To advice them and to discuss about it we should have standard of beauty value, but we have no criteria. In this paper we will grasp the current state of girl children and the school girls' make-up and toiletries in Japan with various questionnaires to make proposal of the education of make-up and toiletries. The proposal is based on the ideal beauty value which we should take. This paper is the first step of this plan. The decrease of the make-up beginning age started in the latter half of 1990's. Then it happened the "high school girls' boom". High school girls brought us in our daily life heavy eye make-up, for example mascara and eyebrow make-up, lip gloss, and hair color. High school girls' make-up and beauty expression has spreaded out to other stage, including junior high and elementary girls. A toy maker, which is one of the leading companies in Japan, was the first maker to sell a school girls' own cosmetic bland. It was in 1998. In 2004 "The cosmetic parlor" was open in Shibuya 109-2, in this building there is many fashion brand shops for school girls. Now we can get cosmetics for children and school girls at toy shops, in big discount electrical appliance stores, fancy stationary corner in department stores and super markets. The conscious to make-up of girl children and school girls is the same as it of female adults in Japan. They underestimate their face and body in beauty. Make-up is an indispensable way to live with "normal" body and face for them. Make-up releases Japanese female adults from their faults in beauty, it is the same as girls. This is negative make-up. Not only adults but also girls have fear to have aged. The grasp of the current state of the make-up of girl children and school girls in Japan is the grasp of the issue in beauty culture and beauty value in Japan. So the proposal of education of make-up and toiletries for girl children and the school girls is the proposal of education for all people in our society.