萩原 俊治
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
vol.4, pp.293-317, 2005-03

As I had stated in my two previous papers, i.e. You name it therapy, but I name it violence-The first violence of narratives and Oh, my bear, not be so nice to me... -Levinas and Marx, narratives work as 'the first violence', which consist of two conditions: 1) not fully listening to another's narrative and 2) imposing one's own narrative on others. In such narratives I have included literary works, theoretical works, our daily gossips, songs, etc. As a result, people whose narratives are not listened to and who are forced to accept another narrative, will be frustrated and use on others or on themselves 'second violence', namely physical, verbal or mental violence: murder, suicide, fighting, cursing, battle, indulgence in alcoholic drinks or drugs, etc. Why do we become frustrated? Of course, it is so natural that, when someone does not fully listen to you and imposes his own narrative on you, you become frustrated. But, why? In this paper I try to explain it more clearly using the concepts of Henri Bergson in his Essai sur les donnees immediates de la conscience. It is my intention to resolve `the first violence' more fully. Yet, from my observation, very few people will agree that Bergson's concepts are 'decent'. For example, even S. K. Langer, who highly evaluates Bergson's thought, regards one of his main concepts 'pure duration' as 'dream'. Still I can affirm surely that at least the concepts in his Essai sur les donnees immediates de la conscience are decent. I stand by this because in his Essai Bergson deals with our daily ability, i.e. the ability to live in duration, to grasp our inner and outer world as quality or as quantity. For example, when we are in the mental disorder 'depersonalization', the ability to live in duration and to grasp our inner and outer world as quality is lost. From my point of view, the very existence of such disorder shows clearly that Bergson did not fictionalize his Essai. Bergson says in his Essai that 'deux corps ne sauraient occuper en meme temps le meme lieu (two substances cannot occupy the same place at the same time)', i.e. every substance has impenetrability to each other. According to him, in our consciousness, a word also works like a substance, i.e. every word has impenetrability to every other word. For example, when we refer a creature before us as 'a dog', we cannot refer it as `a cat'. Like this, two words would not occupy the same place at the same time. From my point of view, every narrative, which is formed by words, would also work like a substance, i.e. when we form a narrative about an incident, we would not allow another narrative to be formed. If we do form the opposite about it, people would regard us insane. As we are not insane, we would not tell two narratives about an incident at the same time. This is what I call the impenetrability of a narrative, from which each narrative works as nonactive violence to another narrative told at the same time: the former inevitably excludes the latter and the reverse is also true. But when we make a false or incorrect narrative about an incident or someone, the narrative will work as active violence, because, excluding some correct narrative about them, we deal with them unfairly. From my point of view, most of these false or incorrect narratives are brought from secondhand information, which we don't grasp from an incident or someone as quality. Upon interpreting more precisely the intrinsic quality of each person or incident and tell narratives about them, the more near we approach the real facts of the person or incident. Often though, we neglect their, or its, quality and, thereby, make incorrect narratives. Regarding such incorrect narratives, I introduce in this paper a Japanese sociologist's statement about autism.
稲垣 俊史
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
no.4, pp.19-29, 2005-03

This paper addresses the question of how long it takes to learn a second language in order to provide the best possible estimate of the time required for Japanese speakers to develop a high proficiency level in English. The data examined come from assertions made by Japanese educators in English, Japanese learners' TOEIC scores, English speakers' acquisition of Japanese at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute, and the time needed for Japanese speakers to acquire native-like English vocabulary. Results indicate that Japanese speakers need around 2,500 hours to attain a high level of English proficiency and at least twice as much to attain native-like English vocabulary. Given that Japanese students normally have approximately 1,000 hours of exposure to English in secondary school and university, the findings suggest that, first and foremost, we should be realistic about the outcome of English language teaching in Japan without expecting too much from it.
小倉 慶郎
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
vol.7, pp.51-70, 2008-03-31

This paper aims to present the law of translation that governs the manner in which literal/free translation takes place. Since ancient times, the issue of whether translation should be source- or target-oriented has been furiously debated. Although one camp has always been lambasting the other for its strategy, the reasons for a translator's use of both methods were never clear. First, we examine the examples of translation in different genres and attempt to discover the rules that made the translator adopt one particular strategy. Next, we propose the law of translation with regard to "foreignizing/domesticating" strategies, which has thus far never been identified. Finally, we seek to check the validity of this law, citing a short history of translation in varied cultures.
Britton Joseph
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
vol.6, pp.11-27, 2007-03

The Japanese youth are re-defining and re-shaping themselves-physically, mentally and spiritually. What does this new presentation mean for Japan's future and how is it influencing the youth culture's perception of communication? This paper, part of which is based upon my interviewing (400) 18-22 year old Japanese, along with a control group of (20) 23-60 year old working Japanese over a period of 7 years will begin by exploring the changing nature of Japan's youth and their tendencies. A special focus will be placed on the rising power of Japan's otaku-nerds/geeks; especially the akiba-kei- the gadget obsessed, self-centered, young men and the fast growing number of women. Next, we will take a journey into the unique communication paths they are forging with robots and through the mediums of simulated games and virtual social networks. And last, we will examine the refreshingly new social interaction products they are cultivating and, in turn, the challenges these innovations place upon society. My premise is that Japan is becoming an otacool nation. This word I have created is a combination of otaku and the intriguingly, fashionable social distinction of being cool.
小倉 慶郎
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
vol.7, pp.51-70, 2008-03

This paper aims to present the law of translation that governs the manner in which literal/free translation takes place. Since ancient times, the issue of whether translation should be source- or target-oriented has been furiously debated. Although one camp has always been lambasting the other for its strategy, the reasons for a translator's use of both methods were never clear. First, we examine the examples of translation in different genres and attempt to discover the rules that made the translator adopt one particular strategy. Next, we propose the law of translation with regard to "foreignizing/domesticating" strategies, which has thus far never been identified. Finally, we seek to check the validity of this law, citing a short history of translation in varied cultures.
西谷 真稚子
言語と文化 (ISSN:13478966)
vol.4, pp.107-123, 2005-03

チャールズ一世が処刑前夜を過ごしたセント・ジェームズ宮殿に隣接するセント・ジェームズ・パークは、もともとヘンリー八世が鹿狩り専用の猟場として造営した御苑である。内乱後の空位時代には、損壊を受けた宮殿と同様荒廃の憂き目に合い、すんでのところで実行はされなかったものの議会によって樹木伐採の命まで下っていたという。王政復古がなってまもなく始められたこの苑の復興をうたったのがエドマンド・ウォラーの'On St James's Park, As Lately Improved by His Majesty'であるが、カントリーハウス・ポエムの中でも建造もしくは再建を旨とするいわゆるbuilding or reconstruction poemと呼ばれる詩群に属するこの詩についてまず特筆すべきことはふたつあるように思われる。ひとつは復興をうたわれているのが敷地部分を含めるにせよ建物である場合がほとんどである中、この詩で扱われているのが専ら外部空間である点である。建物の帯びる象徴性とはまた異なった表われかたをする象徴性がそこに見られると考えることができるだろう。もうひとつは、セント・ジェームズ・パークを再興する人物がチャールズ二世その人であることである。たとえば同詩人そしてエイブラハム・カウリーがうたうサマセット・ハウスの再建においてまずは再興者として称賛されているヘンリエッタ・マライアは新国王の母という立場で王権への近さは持つ。王政復古以前、以後に関わらず他の王党派の貴人たちの建物の再建・復興も含め、これらはもちろん間接的、時に直接的に国王を嘉するものではあるけれど、本詩のように王その人の手になる、いわばこれ以上直截な記号性を持つものはない営みはその称賛の仕方にかえって独特なものを持つかもしれない。以上のふたつの点が詩の展開にどのように作用しているかをたどりつつ、その展開をカントリーハウス・ポエムおよびトポグラフィカル・ポエムというジャンルと照らし合わせて考察することがここでの試みである。