桐山 信一 Nobukazu KIRIYAMA
創大教育研究 (ISSN:21851395)
no.22, pp.1-14, 2013-03-20

要約\n\n 福島における子どもの甲状腺検査結果(平成23・24年度)が報道され,ガン患者が一人見つかった。甲状腺異常のデータ(結節・嚢胞などの症状)を統計的に比較すると,平成24年度が23年度に比べて有意に増加していた(p<.001)。また,質的には5mm 以上の結節の出方で,過去に実施された長崎のデータに比べ,福島のデータには次の違いが見られた。\n(長崎:0,福島(H23):0.93,福島(H24):1.14;N=250換算)\n\n\n したがって,原発事故直後に福島の子どもたちが放射性ヨウ素による甲状腺被爆を受けた可能性が強く疑われる。また,甲状腺異常(特に大きな結節)が増加していることから,今後その中から悪性の甲状腺癌が発生する確率が高まるだろう。したがって,事故後4年以内では,甲状腺異常の出方に注目する必要がある。甲状腺検査データは,今まさにリアルタイムで起こっている危機的事象を示す貴重な資料であり,科学教育の題材としても重要なものである。\n\n\n The thyroidal inspection data (2011, 2012) of the child in Fukushima were reported in nets.One cancer patient was found in that. As a result of our analysis, the thyroidal abnormal cases(nodule, cyst) of 2012 were significantly increased statistically in comparison with those of 2011 (p<.001). For the nodule (5millimeters and further), a difference was seen in data of Nagasaki\ncarried out in the past and data of Fukushima. Therefore, children of Fukushima were more likely to expose to radiation in thyroid gland with the radioactive iodine just after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. And because thyroidal abnormality continues increasing, it is thought the probability that thyroid cancer produces will rise in future from the abnormality\nincreased. Therefore, it will be necessary to pay more attention to thyroidal abnormal increase after an accident within four years. The thyroidal inspection data are right valuable documents indicating a critical phenomenon caused in real time now. It is important to use data of Fukushima for science education.
記野 邦彦
創大教育研究 (ISSN:21851395)
no.21, pp.187-191, 2012-03-20
内田 稔
創大教育研究 (ISSN:21851395)
no.28, pp.117-123, 2018-12-31
桐山 信一 Nobukazu KIRIYAMA
創大教育研究 (ISSN:21851395)
no.22, pp.1-14, 2013-03

要約\n\n 福島における子どもの甲状腺検査結果(平成23・24年度)が報道され,ガン患者が一人見つかった。甲状腺異常のデータ(結節・嚢胞などの症状)を統計的に比較すると,平成24年度が23年度に比べて有意に増加していた(p<.001)。また,質的には5mm 以上の結節の出方で,過去に実施された長崎のデータに比べ,福島のデータには次の違いが見られた。\n(長崎:0,福島(H23):0.93,福島(H24):1.14;N=250換算)\n\n\n したがって,原発事故直後に福島の子どもたちが放射性ヨウ素による甲状腺被爆を受けた可能性が強く疑われる。また,甲状腺異常(特に大きな結節)が増加していることから,今後その中から悪性の甲状腺癌が発生する確率が高まるだろう。したがって,事故後4年以内では,甲状腺異常の出方に注目する必要がある。甲状腺検査データは,今まさにリアルタイムで起こっている危機的事象を示す貴重な資料であり,科学教育の題材としても重要なものである。\n\n\n The thyroidal inspection data (2011, 2012) of the child in Fukushima were reported in nets.One cancer patient was found in that. As a result of our analysis, the thyroidal abnormal cases(nodule, cyst) of 2012 were significantly increased statistically in comparison with those of 2011 (p<.001). For the nodule (5millimeters and further), a difference was seen in data of Nagasaki\ncarried out in the past and data of Fukushima. Therefore, children of Fukushima were more likely to expose to radiation in thyroid gland with the radioactive iodine just after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. And because thyroidal abnormality continues increasing, it is thought the probability that thyroid cancer produces will rise in future from the abnormality\nincreased. Therefore, it will be necessary to pay more attention to thyroidal abnormal increase after an accident within four years. The thyroidal inspection data are right valuable documents indicating a critical phenomenon caused in real time now. It is important to use data of Fukushima for science education.
植田 豊
創大教育研究 (ISSN:21851395)
no.18, pp.95-98, 2009-03

Recently, there are a lot of psychological troubles, like bullying in the society. Resolving these problems, music activities are more regarded as important. This time, through comparing the philosophy of art expressions of Dewey and Ikeda Daisaku, I led the ideal music activities which are effective for this society. Firstly, comparing two sides, the aspect of cultural values of art is both mentioned in the art expression. Dewey claims that cultural values of art can measure through degree of the contribution to human. He thinks music promotes internal experience of human which makes human minds grow. On the other, Ikeda emphasizes the contribution to others' growing. Ikeda thinks growing of human mind because of music activities can affect others' minds. Secondly, two sides mention the substance of expression of art. Dewey thinks art can be expressed by fusion of subjectivity and objectivity through selected medium, while Ikeda thinks own feelings must be expressed without selection. From these conclusions, I could lead several ideal music activities, like recitals of the music class and music activities in Okinawa. I want to research more about these activities and find other ones.第7回創価大学教育研究大会報告 : 口頭発表報告