三浦 稜将 八板 昭仁 宮田 睦美
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.5, no.2, pp.21-29, 2015-03-31

Present study investigated the relationships between rationales for the result of attacks and successof attacks during attacks involve a receive, a toss and a spike. Quarter finals, semi-finals and finalof All Japan Intercollegiate Volleyball Championships tournament were analyzed using mathematicalQuantification Theory Type One. Main factors for the success of attacks were judgment of opponent’s blocks and tosses. For the blocks, large positive influences on success of attack was observed when3 players jumped to block and at least one player performed block 2 or block 3. On the other hand,large negative influences on success of attack was revealed when 3 players jumped to block and atleast 2 players performed block 1. For the judgment of tosses, the largest influence on success of attackwas shown by toss-A followed by toss-B and then toss-C. Moreover, it was found that players can becategorized into “reliable type player”, “constant type player”, “gamble type player” and “clunker typeplayer” when regression coefficient calculated from mathematical Quantification Theory Type One wasemployed for the analysis.
井上 善文
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.2, no.1, pp.51-59, 2011-09-30

International Accounting Standards Committee issued the International Accounting Standards No.41(IAS41) “Agriculture” on February, 2000. The purpose of this paper is outline briefly how the conceptof agricultural activity and to point out how the accounting treatment of agricultural activity, biologicalassets, biological transformation. This standard adopted a new approach for measurement method of fairvalue. This approach will set a new trend of measurement of agricultural products in the world. We willdistill what to learn to establish the accounting standards for the agricultural activity in Japan.
水本 正人
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.3, no.1, pp.21-31, 2012-09-30

The cause of deflation since the 1990’s needs closer examination.At the same time, the population of those who are of working age has been reduced. Therefore, itcan be said that deflation is caused by the aging population, which the Governor of the Bank of Japanoften insisted was true. But the reduction of workers has been moderate, and besides it is not true thatthe domestic demand has dropped because of decrease in the consumption by elderly people. Deflationis apparently caused by business fluctuations and monetary circumstances. We need to have a policy toextract us from deflationary environment. It is believed that domestic demand and growth will fall in thefuture, and thus we need an economic policy with a firm future vision.
長谷川 伸
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.5, no.1, pp.23-28, 2014

The purpose of this study was to investigate the muscle activation levels of the hip muscles duringpitching motion as ball speed was increased. Six college baseball pitchers were participated in thisstudy. Surface electromyography data were recorded in pivot leg from 6 muscles : adductor longus(AL), gracilis (GR), adductor magnus (AM), rectus femoris (RF) , biceps femoris (BF) and gluteus medius(GM). The pitching motion was divided into 5 distinct phases: wind-up, early cocking, late cocking,acceleration, follow-through. The results demonstrated that high level muscle activity (greater than 40%maximal voluntary contraction) was found in GM during early cocking phase, and in AL, GR, AM andBF during late cocking phase, and in AL, GR and BF during acceleration phase. Then, the activity levelof the hip muscles in the slow ball pitching and fast ball pitching was compared. Significantly highermuscle activity was showed in fast ball pitching in AL, GM, and BF during early cocking phase, in BFand AL during late cocking phase, and in AL, GM, and RF during acceleration phase. The findings fromthis study indicate that high muscle activity have been shown in the abductor of the hip joint duringearly cocking phase that produce translational movement, and high muscle activity have been shown inthe adductor and extensor of the hip joint during late cocking phase and acceleration phase that producerotational movement.
宮田 睦美 八板 昭仁 青柳 領 北田 豊治
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.6, no.2, pp.1-9, 2016-03-25

The purpose of this present study was to investigate the relationships between rationales for theresult of attacks and success of attacks during attacks involve a receive, a toss and a attacks.We covered six games of top four teams in Division I of The Kyushu Intercollegiate Women’sVolleyball League Matches. As an analysis method, this study used the results of attacks as objectivevariables and ten items, 1) receive position, 2) receive quality, 3) toss position, 4) toss quality,5) toss type, 6) combination, 7) attack position, 8) attack type, 9) judgment of opponent’s block,and 10) attack strength, as explanatory variables to calculate multiple correlation coefficients, partialcorrelation coefficients, and a category weight for each item using Mathematical Quantification TheoryType I.Main factors for the success of attacks were 9) the judgment of opponent’s blocks and 4) tossquality. As for 9) the judgment of opponent’s block, block pattern-6 (one player cannot performblock) and block pattern-4(two players jump for a block an incomplete condition)had large positiveinfluences on success of attacks. The toss quality had a significant impact on success in the order oftoss-A (assisting a strong attack to all courses on the court or possibly assisting for feinting), toss-B(assisting a strong attack to the limited courses on the court or possible assisting for feinting), andtoss-C (an assisted toss that is only able to return the ball to the other court), which showed that the accuracy of the toss had a significant impact on the result of the attack.
長谷川 伸 久保 誠司
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.13, no.2, pp.85-90, 2023-02-28

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between sprinting ability and ball speed incollege baseball pitchers, and to examine the evaluation method of sprinting ability considering bodyweight and lean body mass. Thirty-one college baseball pitchers participated in this study. Height,weight, lean body mass, body fat mass, muscle mass, and skeletal muscle mass were measured, andbody fat percentage, body mass index (BMI), and skeletal muscle index (SMI) were calculated. Ball speedwas measured using Rapsodo pitching 2.0. The baseball pitcher was asked to throw 10 full pitches fromthe pitcher's mound toward the catcher. Maximum ball speed was used as an index of ball speed. Toevaluate sprint ability, sprint times of 10m, 30m, 50m, 100m, 200m, and 400m were measured, andrunning speed, momentum, and kinetic energy were calculated. Pearson's product-moment correlationcoefficient was calculated to investigate the relationship between the measured indices. Ball speed wassignificantly correlated with body weight, BMI, lean body mass, muscle mass, and SMI. In addition,ball speed showed a significant negative correlation with running speed in 200m and 400m sprints, and showed a significant positive correlation with momentum and kinetic energy in 10m, 30m, 50m,and 100m sprints. The results of this study suggest the importance of considering body weight whenevaluating the sprinting ability of baseball pitchers.
包 賀喜格図
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.3, no.2, pp.53-63, 2013-03-25

Kawahara Misako is the first Japanese woman teacher who went to China for educational supportin the late Qing Dynasty from 1901 to 1911. Under her father’s influence, she made up her mind to beengaged in the education of Chinese women. She taught in the Daido School of Yokohama of Japan, theWuben Female School of Shanghai, and the Yuzheng Female School of Inner Mongolia successively.There are more than fifty articles and chronicles on Kawahara Misako, which mainly make negativecomments on her identity as a spy. In recent years, the positive comments on her contributions to thedevelopment of modern female education in Inner Mongolia are increasing gradually, which meanscertain change in comparison with the former overwhelmingly negative comments on her identity as aspy.After carefully observing the two recognitions of her identity as a spy and her contribution toeducation, it can be easily seen that the former emphasizes on the political background and her supportfor the war at that time while the latter focuses on her educational contents, educational contributionand her positive influence upon the later generations. It is hard to conclude that she is a spy accordingto the present historical data. However, it is necessary to have a further ponder and probe into thefollowing problems: Why was she engaged in the female education of China? Why was she determined toaccept the task of going to Inner Mongolia? Why did she do the work for supporting the war? Why didshe have the seemingly conflicting features: to support the war and to teacher for peace? By researchingin the educational environment and family background which she experienced in the special MeijiPeriod and her words and deeds in different periods, a relatively real Kawahara Misako can be seen.This paper starts from the background that the educational ideology of nationalism waspredominated by the continental policy of Japan in Meiji period. Then it investigates and analyzes theeducational activities of Toadobunkai in China, particularly its function in establishing the YuzhengFemale School, the nationalistic educational ideology of Kawahara Misako and her recognition of theeducation of China. Eventually, it attempts to explain the reasons for her two ideologies of differentnatures.
藤山 慎平 黄 仁官
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-12, 2018

The purpose of this study was to examine body composition, isometric and isokinetic strength, 1RMtests and physical fitness in free style and Greco-Roman style wrestlers with top-ranked in Japan. Thesubjects were ten national-leveled wrestlers with light-weight crass of Free (FS group, n=5) and Greco-Roman style( GS group, n=5).The obtained results were summarized as follows:1. GS group was decreasing the score of 3sets of sit-up test significantly.2. FS group showed significantly higher isometoric back strength respectively and elbow extensionstrength than GS group( p<0.05).3. FS group showed significantly higher T score of all isometric strength than GS group( p<0.05).In conclusion, these results suggest that 1) GS group tended to be inferior in physical capacitycompared with FS group in light-weight crass wrestlers and 2) that it would be necessary to dotraining which fit the specificity in both style to succeed in the world.
有吉 晃平
九州共立大学研究紀要 = Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University (ISSN:21860483)
vol.4, no.2, pp.1-6, 2014-03-30

When setting up the training programs in consideration of the game characteristic in a badmintongame, it is important to analyze the rally time and rest time in the game level. However, there is littleresearch in college badminton games.This study aimed to identify the features between a national tournament and a local tournament ofthe college player's badminton games.Subjects for this study are the women's finalist and semifinalist for the college national tournamentand the college local tournament games. A time analysis of these matches was performed.In the result, the mean total game time was no significant difference between the national and thelocal tournament games. In the Doubles games, national tournament games had faster rallies than localtournament games. In the singles games, national tournament had faster and longer rallies than localtournament games. The result obtained by this study can assist to sets up training program of collegebadminton players.