近藤 大博
Japanese Society for Global Social and Cultural Studies
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1-9, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

月刊総合雑誌は、文明開化期に誕生し、それ以来、日本人の生活の知的文化的側面において重要な役割を担ってきた。現在もなお、50 数誌が発行されており、数多くの熱心な読者を有している。月刊総合雑誌は、一貫して政治、社会、文化面での思索家たちの営みを紹介し続けてきた。日本近代史そのものを映し出してきていると表現してもよい。日本近代史の理解を深めるため、総合雑誌の歴史をたどり、日本近代史において果たした重要な役割を探る。
佐々木 健
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.10-24, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

This is an introductory essay towards establishing what intellectual and cultural heritage Adam Smith (1723-1790), one of the representative figures of the eighteenth-century “Enlightenment”, specifically “Scottish Enlightenment”, left for the twenty-first century. Attempts are made in this essay to analyze and dissect the thought world of Adam Smith in its logical make-up and intellectual-historical setting.The first thing to note is the intellectual interest Smith took throughout his academic career in the seven subjects of “artes liberales” and those fields of study which fell under the three branches of Logic (or a theory of knowledge), Natural Philosophy and Moral Philosophy according to the eighteenth-century British manner of dividing Philosophy, or logikē, physikē and ethikē in the Stoicist division of sciences.Secondly, in his lectures and essays, Smith discussed and criticized several existing branches of learning or systems of ideas, such as natural philosophy, natural theology, natural morality, natural jurisprudence, and so forth. The point to be noted is that while these names referred to those sciences which were actually taught and prevalent in the intellectual climate of the age in question, Smith stressed the “natural” character of every one of these systems. In this sense he was a legitimate successor to Hume in the philosophy of human nature or Moral Philosophy as it was called in the eighteenth-century climate. By “natural”, Smith meant: starting from the basis of human nature and never getting remote from it; according to human nature; in accordance with the principles of human nature; capable of meeting the basic needs of human nature. Bringing ready-made systems of thought back to the foundation of human nature, Smith reduced them to its principles. By using the method of what K. Marx and, following him, a twentieth-century Japanese philosopher K. Miki called “the genealogy of theories”, Smith demonstrated how physical and social theories, systems of thought, moral and ethical rules, social institutions are formed and constituted on the basis, and starting from the foundation, of human nature.It is important to focus upon the vital role which the “imagination” plays in Smith’s system of thought. It is the imagination that, starting from the basis of human nature, brings into a complete form what remains imperfect on the basis of human nature. Insofar, the imagination takes on the task of artificial completion of what nature cannot carry out to an end.These are the questions which the essay tries to examine. This is in order to reconstruct the imagination and remake it; render it original and creative; and as is the subject of the essays to follow, revitalize it so that it can meet the needs of a new intelligence and help it find its way through the chaos of
小森 正彦
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.25-36, 2005-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

Industrial clusters in the US, Europe and Asia are equipped with provisions for “quality of life” (QOL), while those in Japan are often artificially located in isolated areas and lack QOL.Knowledge workers appreciate urban convenience, life amenities, open culture, natural environment, leisure activities, and other aspects of QOL, on top of challenging and rewarding jobs; therefore, a region’s QOL, among other factors, can attract and sustain knowledge workers, thereby promoting innovation and strengthening the industrial cluster’s competitiveness. In return, an industrial cluster can create employment, increase a region’s revenues from personal income and other taxes, provide “civic entrepreneurs” who take the leadership of regional development, and improve a region’s QOL.This productive cycle between QOL and industrial clusters can be a key factor in improving a region in a sustainable way. Local governments should not forget to improve the region’s QOL when developing industrial clusters in the age of inter-regional competition in the knowledge economy.
立石 佳代
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.37-48, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

With the globalization of development and production, the position of automobile part suppliers is rising. From among auto parts manufacturers that operate and carry out technological innovation overseas, independent of automobile manufacturers at home, a new type of suppliers have emerged – Tier One Automobile Part Suppliers. They can provide key auto parts on a global scale. This is where the Japanese automobile supplier system, in spite of its reputation as a world model, is forced to transform itself.
情野 瑞穂
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.49-60, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

Today the Islam world is confronted with difficult problems of radical political campaigns largely imbued with ideologies of “Islam Fundamentalism”. In several Southeast Asian countries, fierce political movements are often conducted by groups of radical fundamentalists. This is particularly true in the Philippines and Indonesia.However, Malaysia can be regarded as an exception. With the former Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad exercising strong leadership in taking effective measures for public security and economic takeoff, this country has succeeded in subduing extreme fundamentalist movements. Mahathir has been instrumental in securing the peace of the country; during the 22 years in office, by peace-keeping policies, he contributed to establishing the national stability of a country which comprises Malaysians, Chinese, Indians, and other ethnical groups.On October 31, 2003, Mahathir resigned from his post. Abdulah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi succeeded him and took over his office. It is true that Abdulah is now revered and respected by the people. However, his ability as a political leader is still to be seen. Since in Malaysia, internal security and economic development of the country largely depends on the social stability of the Islam groups, it is absolutely necessary to keep security within the country. This is the first thing he has to do. It is up to the new prime minister, and everything depends upon his ability to carry out his own policies and administer the country.
安保 克也
vol.6, no.1, pp.39-50, 2009

In many cases, what a private person or persons, a group or groups, whether known or not, express on the computer network can be defamating others or regarded as defamation. <br>The Internet is a useful tool for expressing ourselves. However, the ability to express ideas anytime, anywhere on the Internet creates a risk of defamation by others, and such defamating and illegal acts could easily be expanded and reproduced by copying them. The resulting amount of damage caused can easily become much greater than before the use of the Internet was common in society. <br> By analyzing decisions of courts of justice on defamation on the computer network, this article examines the responsibility of those who express themselves on the Internet and of the Internet service providers respectively. <br>It also examines the significance of the Japanese Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders.
増子 保志
vol.12, no.1, pp.27-35, 2015

With the start of the "Fifteen-Year War" against China by the outbreak of the Manchurian Incident on September 18, 1931, the press reports of the period came to be focussed on military operations in mainland China. The nation-wide hurly-burly in wartime, brought about by dramatic changes of the social situation, prepared a way to the establishment of war footing. In this atmosphere "Sensou Bidan" or "amazing stories of self-sacrificing warriors" were fabricated to "applaud their valiance." Was it the State Power that forced the press to invent such tales? Or was it the press which prepared the path to this propagation? In order to see that the state power and the press went hand in hand in each stage of the war, I will take up "Nikudan Sanyushi" ( "In Praise of the Three Suicide-Bombing Heroes") which marked the summit of the campaign.
村中 朋之
vol.9, no.1, pp.46-57, 2012

In his <i>Heibiron</i> or <i>On Preparing for War</i>, Miura Goro, one of Generals of Meiji, made a proposal concerning the strategy of national defense. His way of thinking about this matter placed him outside the mainstream of the army because it was quite different from that of the leading faction at the period of mid-Meiji. This group of people, such as Yamagata Aritomo, Katsura Taro, envisioned a strategy of national defense in which mobile power of divisions was to be kept in proper control. In contrast, Miura stressed the importance of a defense strategy which would make it possible to destroy invading enemy or enemies most efficiently at the point where they were to land the island country. This argument led to the idea of establishing "Gokyougun" (national defense army) which consisted of one million people. In this article the author considers Miura's notion of this strategy and his reasons for thinking it necessary, finally making clear that a radical change in the concept of war was going on in his thought and arguments.
栗崎 由貴子
Japanese Society for Global Social and Cultural Studies
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.9, no.1, pp.3-12, 2012

In this essay the author will consider an aspect of the theory of language in Ernst Cassirer's philosophy of symbols. In Chap.6, Part 2, Vol. 3 of his <i>Philosophy of Symbolic Forms,</i> he takes up the pathology of symbolic consciousness in discussing the Phenomenology of Knowledge. He examines Kurt Goldstein's notion of "impairment of categorical attitude". Goldstein is persuaded that an analysis of symptoms characteristic of amnesic aphasia will finally prove quite important to inquire into the way humans set themselves up against the world. Cassirer regards the same pathological cases as pathways by following which we can discover the process in which human mind acquires its ability to make the symbolic form of language and develops its cognitive powers. How Cassirer incorporates Goldstein's observations into his own system of philosophy? This is what we are concerned with in this thesis.