木村 栄宏 粕川 正光
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.4, no.1, pp.25-36, 2007-09-28 (Released:2016-12-28)

Currently, career education is becoming very important for a university. The information literacy program occupies the very big position as the foundation of career education. In order to perform effective career education, the contents of information literacy education is important. In recent years,since “information” become a common core subject in Japanese High school, the contents of the information literacy education in a university are also changing. In this paper, we report an investigation of a university new student's information literacy capability, and discuss about change of information literacy capability before and after becoming “information” a common core subject. And from a viewpoint of career education, we propose about use of YES-Programs, and use of National Examination for Information Processing Technicians as a performance goal in an information literacy program.
岩田 元一
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.4, no.1, pp.37-48, 2007-09-28 (Released:2016-12-28)

The EU Water Framework Directive was adopted in 2000 to establish a legal framework in order toprotect clean water and restore its availability in adequate quantities across Europe. The key objectiveof the directive is to achieve the “good water status” for all European waters by 2015. Publicparticipation is one of the main instruments addressed by the directive in order to achieve thisobjective. This paper examines the concept of public participation in the directive and the role ofenvironmental information in public participation. The results will be useful when improvements inpublic participation systems are to be considered in Japan.
森 浩典
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.5, no.1, pp.24-35, 2008-12-05 (Released:2016-01-01)

In June 2006, the world's largest company, Mittal Steel (Netherlands), merged with the second largest, Arcelor (Luxembourg), forming a massive steel manufacturer occupying a 10% share of global steel production.Global-scale restructuring continues to accelerate, likely exerting a great influence on the Japanese iron and steel industry. Important issues are to preserve growth and to survive in the 21st century. As a necessary action of that purpose, it is important to maintain improvement against huge material suppliers and influential users to take the effective purchase preventive measures from huge competitors, and to build appropriate partnership with other companies.It is expected not to plan cost competitiveness predominance and scale expansion but also to take action on new issues such as the environmental safeguard in order to realize sustainable development. New value creation is demanded from the Japanese iron and steel industry.
山本 忠士
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.5, no.1, pp.44-57, 2008-12-05 (Released:2016-01-01)

Fukuzawa Yukichi of Japan and his Chinese counterpart Zhang Zhi Dong lived in the same era and greatly influenced youth in their respective countries. Both men published a book under the same title, An Encouragement of Learning. A major difference between the two men was namely that Fukuzawa lived abroad in Western countries whereas Zhang did not. Therefore Fukuzawa understood cultural issues imbedded in daily life which were taken for granted by Westerners. Zhang on the other hand could not understand these issues having not experienced life in Western culture.
青山 周
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.6, no.1, pp.2-13, 2009-12-20 (Released:2016-01-01)

In this essay the writer traces the historical process of the making and carrying out of policies concerning environmental protection by the Chinese government since 1980s. While making great progress in national economy, China has made efforts in the field of environmental protection for the last three decades: it has spent a large amount of money to save energy and reduce pollution. However, back in 1980s the need for economic growth came first, so the issue of environmental conservation was outweighed. Although the government came to realize the necessity of tackling the environmental problem in the 1990s, it failed to make effective, practicable and lasting policies on the matter. In the 21st century, the government has to change the situation. Confronted with the whole issues of environmentalism, the first thing that the government has to do is to modify the “Economic Development First” principle and work out the best fit between economic development and environmental protection.
小森 正彦
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1-10, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

Based on the framework of four fields in knowledge creation, three government financialinstitutions have been investigated.At the Development Assistance Fund of Viet Nam, only exercising field has been developed.Knowledge utilization is limited to the realm of explicit knowledge.At the Development and Infrastructure Bank of Malaysia, merely systemizing field andexercising field have been developed. Knowledge utilization is also limited to the realm of explicitknowledge.At the Development Bank of Japan, originating field and dialoguing field, as well assystemizing field and exercising field, have been developed. Both explicit knowledge and implicitknowledge are utilized for knowledge creation.There are two types of collective learning loop. Shallow loop ends only within explicitknowledge. Deep loop circulates into implicit knowledge, too. Utilization of implicit knowledge makessuch difference.Collective learning, based on the utilization of organizational knowledge, helps forecastchanges in circumstances, thereby enabling agile actions toward self-transformation.
立石 佳代
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.11-22, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

Modularity is a technique to separate the inner structures and the interface among them by setting uparchitecture in the relationships among modules that are the constitutional units of a machine. Interfacestipulates in detail how modules interact, how they are placed (or connected), and how they exchangeinformation. By disclosing the interface the supplier can maintain specialty and differentiation and hencethe supplier can take an advantage over the users since the users must rely on them. The source of acomplex system is the complex interactions among many parts. Knowledge about a system is a complexknowledge system that involves subsystem selection to be combined and the logic that works behind thesystem, which is an implicit knowledge that is difficult to formalize and transfer. The knowledge systemis indispensible for product development projects. Modularity is considers to be inadequate forautomobiles, which need the integrity of whole product, however, modularity of core parts such ashybrid systems has been under way in Japanese companies.
丑山 幸夫
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.23-34, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

This paper discusses about the global strategies of the multinational corporations of which headoffices are located in the U.S.A., Europe, and Japan. In recent tire industry, a few manufacturers hold alarge part of the global market and the worldwide competition is keen in this business. The aim of thispaper is to compare the global strategies practically by following the history of the management of therepresentative tire manufacturers in the world. And applying the framework of Bartlett, C. and S.Ghoshal, this paper intends to unveil the features and effective measures of their global strategies.
森 浩典
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.35-46, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

The profit structure of Japanese iron and steel industry ought to be sustainable, not temporary one.The industry should not expect the demand exceeded the supply of steel, nor depend on specialprocurements, but it is necessary to accelerate thoroughness of rationalization of the industry itself andstructural reform.Amid ongoing globalization of the markets, both in production and consumption, competitions in theindustry extends not only domestic but also all over the world. In this regard, the importance and thevalidity of "reorganization" are shared concerns among the industry.This paper examines about the measures for "reorganization" of Japanese iron and steel industry.
木村 栄宏
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.47-57, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

A term "EAP(Employee Assistance Program) " has been considerably perceived by Japanesecompanies in recent years. Most of the companies may see EAP as a tool for caring the mental healthof employees, but EAP, in essence, is a very important part of business strategy. The introduction ofEAP would fulfill a crucial role of promoting the human capital management, such as productivityimprovement, prevention of talent drain, and enhancement of recruitment. It is highly desirable thatEAP would come into wide use as a part of business strategy in Japanese companies.
熊谷 優克
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.3, no.1, pp.58-69, 2006-09-16 (Released:2016-12-31)

Japanese Internet banks are generally believed to be a low profit business model. The main Internetbanking strategies for the Japanese brick-and-mortar banks are just leading segmented low profitmass customers to use Internet banking, instead of branch channels. This paper examines theimportant meaning of the newly established Japanese Internet banks and also suggests the strategicdirection of Internet banking for the Japanese banking industry. Japanese customers, includingcorporate customers, will look for more sophisticated Internet banking channels.
大嶋 淳俊
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.4, no.1, pp.1-12, 2007-09-28 (Released:2016-12-28)

In recent years, many corporate universities have been established by Japanese large corporations. This trend is influenced by advanced U.S. corporate universities and recent changes of Japanese economic climate and human resources management situations. To identify the characteristic of Japanese Style “Corporate Universities” and also understand the direction of Japanese corporate human resources management, this paper review the development of corporate universities in U.S. and Japan and analyze advanced case studies in utilizing information technology as the corporate human resources development platform.
三木 佳光
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.4, no.1, pp.13-24, 2007-09-28 (Released:2016-12-28)

As far as Japanese society is concerned, Men used to looked down on Women for ages. However, the concern with Diversity Management has been growing for the last several years in Japan. Within many corporations to promote and develop the global management, there are a lot of diversities, such as nationalities, cultures or creeds, etc. Above all, Japanese excellent corporations should call for precise definitions on diversity so as not neglect it. One cannot emphasize too much the potential danger of breaking up the employee-loyalty, during the corporations have been neglecting the diversities.I found it pretty hard for companies to adapt the diversity. And so, in this article, it should be helpful to describe some important factors of being reluctant to approve of diversity. I answered that what the corporation is supposed to do about Diversity. I did not try to beat around the bush and I directly stressed that the corporation should be fair to all kinds of employees with letting go of the company-negative outlook on the diversity. In conclusion I suggested on effective merits of Diversity Management to contribute to the reinforce of global competitiveadvantages.
村上 恒夫
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.61-72, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

How an IT-based society should inform its citizens of potential natural disasters in advance so that they can take preventive measures. This is the main point that this paper is going to consider.The process of urbanization has gone so far as to reach rural and mountainous regions and to expose inhabitants concerned to the threats of natural disasters. Populated areas have expanded. More and more people have come to inhabit areas where no or few people lived formerly. In proportion to that, workings of nature are no longer mere forces of nature, but have become causes of an increasing number of actual threats and disasters. The point is whether local governments or municipal corporations are sufficiently equipped and prepared to provide that kind of information which residents of areas concerned really need and find useful in preventing disasters?The author has looked through disaster prevention information websites, especially of local governments. The examination revealed that some local governments are doing the very best they can to provide necessary information and others make little effort, that the methods they use of providing information are quite various, that this diversity and difference in turn give rise to information gaps between one government and another. These and other facts all point to an important issue: there is still a long way to go before most local governments can provide necessary and sufficient information of natural disasters by means of IT.
三上 季彦
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.73-84, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

After the end of World War II, Japanese economy continued to grow phenomenally for a long period of time. This is largely due to a system, called the main bank system, under which business corporations and their main banks are closely and effectively connected. While the system works well, everything goes well. However, when the bubble economy of the 1880s burst, the Japanese economy plunged into a slump which lasted for some ten years – a period usually called “a lost decade.” The system stopped working properly. This malfunction reflects an inadequate monitoring of corporate management and an insufficient risk control of financing.This essay attempts to define the main bank system in a new and broad perspective and consider the relationships between business corporations and their main banks.
五十嵐 雅郎
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.1, no.1, pp.85-96, 2004-05-10 (Released:2017-01-02)

The Japanese businesses used to set management goals on attaining a certain rate of increase in sales or increasing the share in the domestic industry, but they have finally begun to place emphasis on return on equity (ROE), which is an indicator of how efficiently shareholders’ equity is being used. Calls for more rigorous corporate governance from domestic and foreign institutional investors are behind this shift. The new trend is expected to accelerate innovations in the Japanese companies’ management system as well as in management control measures. In fact, high-growth companies have been adopting economic value added (EVA) or market value added (MVA) as their management benchmarks in increasing numbers.
佐々木 健
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.2, no.1, pp.1-12, 2005-06-18 (Released:2017-01-02)

This is an attempt to revaluate the world of ideas of Adam Smith in an intellectual-historicalperspective. Instead of judging his system of ideas simply in terms of whether it is “modern” ornot, whether he is a founder of a system of “modern sciences” of society, or from a viewpoint oflogical or theoretical consistencies in his system, the author considers the whole complex of hisideas at those points where two different dimensions of thought meet together. Intellectualexperiments are made by putting his key concepts and main fields of intellectual inquiry at where ahorizontal anthropological plane of each individual field of thought is crossed by a verticalcosmological or theological axis of a hierarchy of values and orders. In this manner, by locatinghis notion of “economy” in the hierarchical order of “divine economy”, “cosmic economy” and“political economy”, as well as in the context of the history of the notion of economy that tracesback to the Aristotelian concept of “oikonomia”, we can get a definite notion of what “politicaleconomy” was about in its early days as a “modern” discipline, and also in what kind of climate ofopinion and against what intellectual background it made itself into what it really became. Thisis a frame of reference in terms of which the author is going to examine the whole world ofSmith’s ideas, so that he can understand what Adam Smith means to the present scene ofphilosophical thinking, and grope his way through an inquiry into what the Society of Mankindought to be in the 21st century.
大畑 剛
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.2, no.1, pp.13-24, 2005-06-18 (Released:2017-01-02)

Policy responses to LTCM rescue in 1998 was that only extreme leverage was the causeof the trouble and appropriate leverage and speculation which utilize short selling andderivatives gives liquidity and efficiency to the market. Leverage should be dealt byprivate counterparty discipline.Securities Exchange Commission are concerned with thegrowth of hedge funds without basic information on them. They basically regard hedgefund as useful to investors and securities market and has come up with the idea ofregistration of hedge funds, which hardly disrupt their investment activities. Hedge fundsare very American in that they naively believe that speculation motivated by greed givesmarket liquidity and efficiency.
臼杵 政治
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.2, no.1, pp.25-36, 2005-06-18 (Released:2017-01-02)

In the last few years, we have witnessed two alterations in financial accounting and reporting rules concerningpension plans. In the United Kingdom, accounting rule FRS 17, which stipulates the immediate recognition of actuarialgains and losses, will come into force in 2005. Meanwhile, in the United States, FAS 132 was amended in 2004 tostipulate the detailed disclosure of financial expectations and results of pension plan operations and management policies.It is probable that one of these two changes will spread to financial reporting in Japan, as IASB has already adopted themin its new rules. The financial impact that the adoption of these two changes could have in Japan is ambiguous, anddepends in large part on investor behavior. Considering the similarity to current accounting standards and the consistencywith their underlying concepts, it is more likely for Japan to introduce a comprehensive disclosure rule for pensionssimilar to FAS 132 in the U.S than the immediate recognition of actuarial gains and losses similar to FRS17 in the U.K.
小森 正彦
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.2, no.1, pp.37-49, 2005-06-18 (Released:2017-01-02)

Japan’s industrial clusters are sometimes projected in inconvenient sites apart from existingagglomeration. MEXT’s Knowledge-intensive Clusters are dispersed to eighteen local regions,excluding the capital region which retains many of the country’s scientists and research facilities. In thecapital region, several state-of-the-art research centers are not networked well, making face-to-facecommunication difficult. Mobilization of knowledge-worker stocks is not always easy in such artificiallocations. They need to be equipped with quality of life and proximity to facilitate knowledge workers’sustainable interaction.Many of the current cluster projects target at life science, which tend to be more risky than ITand other industries. The United States mitigate such risks through venture business utilization andample fund provision by NIH and venture capital firms. Japan’s clusters need to effectively mobilizestartup companies and government budgets that are currently dispersed among related ministries.For region’s endogenous development, universities should provide necessary human capital andknowledge. Market needs must be closely monitored, and startups should be further mobilized.Supporting institutions should network the related parties and integrate the individual efforts. Japan’smatured and high-standard market would sophisticate life-oriented products and services. Life scienceand other technologies are to improve our quality of life.