磯部 笑子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.15, no.1, pp.35-45, 2018-12-23 (Released:2018-12-25)

The ethical theories of R. M. Hare are divided into early and later stages. In the early stage, more concretely, in his The Language of Morals (1952), he pointed out properties of prescriptivity and universalizability which moral terms such as ‘good’, ‘right’, and ‘ought’ had. According to him, moral terms, especially ‘ought’, have prescriptive meaning as commands or imperatives, and such prescription can be universalized. In Part 2 of his book, Hare pointed that the primary meaning of ‘good’ was commendation. In this paper, I consider Hare’s analysis of ‘good’. First, I outline his analysis of moral terms (§1, §2, §3).Next, I explore the consideration of ‘good’ given by P. T. Geach and J. L. Mackie, by which it turns out that Hare’s analysis of ‘good’ should be actually considered in level of illocutionary acts that was introduced by J. L. Austin in his How to Do Things with Words (1955) (§4 and §5). Finally, I give the new analysis of other several uses of ‘good’ from the point of view of the speaker’s intention (§6).
藏屋 伸子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.16, no.1, pp.24-35, 2019-12-24 (Released:2019-12-24)

This research investigates the potential of current Machine Translation (MT) services as a learning tool based on Oshima (2010). Oshima (2010) tested the performances of common MT services by focusing onvarious sentence structures in business and scientific texts. As a result, she suggested several potential measures for effective MT use in English writing and also possible teaching plans of English writing. This paper carries out new translation trials to evaluate the latest MT services and uses some source texts from Oshima (2010) to identify whether her suggested measures are still valid. Findings indicate that the measures can still be applied but are not straightforward and cannot be utilized by lower-level English learners working alone, which can need the assistance of an instructor. Therefore, the latest types of MT services can potentially be used as a learning tool for English writing.
佐野 博己
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.16, no.1, pp.47-57, 2019-12-24 (Released:2019-12-24)

I conducted a nationwide survey to inquire about the skills needed for sufficient performance of SpecialNeeds Coordinators in Japanese Public High Schools. As a result of statistical analysis, it is shown that therequired skills of sufficient coordinators are composed of four abilities: the ability to collaborate with others, the ability to lead others, the ability to support others, and the ability to plan. It became clear, however, that most coordinators lacked confidence in their proficiency with these four abilities, which require specialized knowledge. In particular, coordinators lacked the ability to plan, especially in creating two crucial documents called the “Individual Instruction Plan”, and the “Individual Educational Support Plan”. Additionally, incompetent planning abilities negatively affect the proficiency of the three other abilities. Coordinators need to improve on their ability to plan to improve the other three skills as well.The “Individual Instruction Plan” and the “Individual Educational Support Plan” are both documents that form the basis of reasonable considerations for students by schools. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is calling not only to create a plan, but also to implement, evaluate, and improve the planning process. However, many high schools are failing to reach this outcome, and improvements in this process are shown to develop.
柏田 三千代
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.16, no.1, pp.58-69, 2019-12-24 (Released:2019-12-24)

In order to explain why a definite number of new nurses leave work soon after they are employed, this paper considers, by examining documents concerned, what are the relationships of new nurses with senior members acting as preceptor, and with those other seniors who are not preceptor. New nurses respect those senior preceptor nurses and are on good terms with the elders by trying to imagine themselves in senior nurses’ position, while elders put themselves in the situation where they themselves were when practicing under their own preceptors in former years. On the other hand, where they work with non-preceptor elder members, several new nurses are on bad terms with seniors, and lack respect, love, or admiration for them, sometimes becoming hostile. It is in this latter case where it is necessary to improve the situation.
髙畑 正子 日浅 友裕 奥村 玲子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.16, no.1, pp.70-77, 2019-12-24 (Released:2019-12-24)

In teaching practices of nursing care for grown-up patients, if you as students can improve your ways of action to perform assigned tasks and achieve goals properly, then can you get more self-efficacy? The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is any connection between the two issues.A questionnaire survey was carried out of 65 students who took adult nursing practice at Faculty of Nursing, A University. The practice evaluations of “Understand patients and their families,” “Practice nursing care to solve health problems,” “Understand nursing aids for changing patients’ way of life” and “Find nurses’ own tasks for learning” were related to awareness of students’ self-efficacy. And further, “Relationship with patients,” “Relationship with bedside training teachers,” “Relationship with instructors of coping with surrounding conditions” were related to the same category. “Relationship with patients” was related to two factors necessary for raising levels of self-efficacy: “Human relationship formation skills” and “Basic nursing skills.”
泉谷 清髙
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.14, no.1, pp.27-38, 2017-12-24 (Released:2017-12-24)

In the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, the shortage of petroleum products lasted about 1 month not only in the affected area but also in the Kanto area. In the affected Tohoku area, the fuel shortage had been finally solved after both of the shipping channel to Sendai-Shiogama Port and the coastal oil terminal recovered. This research clarified how the recovery of the channel and the oil terminal contributed to the resolution of the fuel shortage. As a result, it turned out that there are two important factors for predicting the supply of petroleum products and the impact by its shortage at the time of a disaster. Those factors are “shipping capacity (kl / day) of oil terminals” and “the situation of electric power supply.” TEPCO generates 66% of the electricity from LNG thermal power, which indicates the inherent weakness in LNG thermal power generation after a disaster.
田中 隆
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.14, no.1, pp.62-73, 2017-12-24 (Released:2017-12-24)

This study utilizes time-series data on the excess influx of population to the Greater Tokyo Area (Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa Prefectures) as well as indices of income per capita of this same region to conduct an analysis of the causal relationship between inter-regional income disparity and domestic demographic shift. Data from 1972 to 2014 were analyzed using the Granger causality test, which revealed the existence of a causal effect of inter-regional income disparity on demographic shift but not vice versa. This result suggests that this population influx into the Greater Tokyo Area could be motivated by higher income in that region. The data also revealed that the higher income was brought about by the concentration of industries with high labor productivity in the Greater Tokyo Area, particularly in Tokyo itself.
柏田 三千代
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.14, no.1, pp.74-83, 2017-12-24 (Released:2017-12-24)

How old are Japanese nurses-to-be when they enter nursing school? Are they enrolled as future nurses immediately after graduating from high school? Are there a number of aged freshpersons who choose a career of nursing after they have worked in other fields? This paper tries to make clear current situations in which Japanese nurses have to take into account their age and educational backgrounds when they choose a nurse training institution. By an examination of reports by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the following comes out. In 4-year university course and 3-year junior college program most enrolled students are under the age of 20. On the other hand, in the 3-year program of nursing school, while a greater part of new students are under 20, the years of age of the others range widely from 20s to 30s. This group also includes graduates of 4-year universities who studied other subjects. The oldest student that entered the 2-year nursing course was over 40 years old. From this result, it is inferred that such age-specific differences will appear from economic reasons related to the number of years of study and tuition and scholastic ability.
山形 泰之
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.14, no.1, pp.84-94, 2017-12-24 (Released:2017-12-24)

Concerned with the question of religious awareness in the thought system of Kant, this essay considers his philosophical position in the Critiques in reference to the situation where humans are brought face to face with God. Lots of students have attempted to examine Kant's own standpoint about the relationship between human beings and God; especially those academic works which concentrate attention on the teachings of Critique of Practical Reason stress that his theoretical position is one of ethical, not religious, apparatus of discovering God by way of moral aspects of human beings. Yet, in spite of their findings, many of those theoretical and terminological inconsistencies about basic character of human beings which are found in Kant's own system of ideas remain unaccounted for. In this essay the author tries to open up a new perspective in which to grasp Kant's own view of the limited nature of human beings as finite beings with innate depravity, and of a necessary logical shift from ethics to religion.
清水 利宏
Japanese Society for Global Social and Cultural Studies
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.15, no.1, pp.3-11, 2018-12-23 (Released:2018-12-25)

栗﨑 由貴子 荒木 有里
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.37-48, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-30)

Competence to communicate is essential for those who work at medical institutions. Various kinds of communication trainings have been provided in professional health care education, and acquiring good skills in medical interviews has been a major interest in higher education. However, many of those trainings have paid little attention to interactive communication with patients and competences for inter-professional collaboration. It is important that students have a chance to participate in the dialogue as a member of community of inquiry into the issues they are sharing. This experience will help students understand human diversity in terms of both aspects of sameness and difference. The method of “Socratic Dialogue” was introduced as a part of training for health care professionals. We report educational implications of offering opportunities to experience community inquiry.
宮本 裕司
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.49-60, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-26)

This paper focuses on the aspects of art for art's sake and religious sense through The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) which was written by Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray is one of the most well-knownworks by Wilde and has been regarded as the immoral novel. However his short fictions for children, namely, The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888) and The House of Pomegranates (1891) are filled with his religious sense. I have investigated religious aspects in The Picture of Dorian Gray, and have clarified not only the coexistence of art for art's sake and his religious sense but also the conflict between both of them.
草野 純子 安田 裕子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.61-71, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-26)

The purpose of this study is to examine cases of the “past life therapy” of “spiritual” pain by means of the method of Dr. Brian Weiss's “past life therapy” by surveying summaries of patients' age, occupation,religion, symptoms, treatment and psychological state. Through this case study, the authors of this essay wish to pave their way to consider the tendency of spiritual pain, and to clarify the issues and direction of future care. In the framework of the “past life therapy,” “spiritual” pain of life in this world is a pain which is visible to the real being because this catches the pain as it is. A sufferer's sense of being seen by the real being leads the sufferer to reduce pain. According to the theory, talking about death and experiences of world after death “widen our horizons”, and “values and behaviors change when the sufferer wakes.” This enables the sufferer to “transcend” this world and rise to a multilateral dimension of mind, spirit, or soul.This world briefed here is a main subject of our analysis.
平山 惠美子 柿原 加代子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.72-79, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-26)

When patients leave hospital and wish to continue to receive medical care and treatments at home, what kind of support and aid should be provided by ward nurses to the patients concerned and their family members?Nurses' opinions and views and cases of patients and their families were examined by reference to Anne Bishop’s perspective of nursing. The analysis showed the following. Firstly, nurses tend to perceive home care purely in a medical framework; they have some difficulty in understanding that the contexts of everyday living for patients and their families differ from those of medical providers. In the second place, adhering too much to nursing manuals at hospital, nurses tend to have pre-conceived notions of patients' abilities, while elderly invalids find it hard to go through advanced procedures which nurses require. This creates a gap between techniques that nurses consider necessary and those that patients’ families want to know about. In the third place, nurses are considerate towards patients and their families, get along with them cordially, and collaborate closely with home care specialists. To conclude, it is necessary that nurses have a clear notion of the situations which patients and their families are set in and confronted with in their every-day life at home, and by doing so, offer aids and assistance according to their desires and wishes.
山本 勝久
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.80-85, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-27)

Zenmaro Toki(1885-1980) is well-known both as a poet and as a translator of Tu Fu’s poetic works. After retiring from a newspaper company, he devoted himself to study on classical Chinese literature. He made remarkable achievements in this field after the Second World War. He wrote many scholarly essays on Tu Fu’s poems. These essays need to be read in a new light and deserve to be revalued on their merits.
柿原 加代子 平山 恵美子 宮田 智子
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.13, no.1, pp.86-93, 2016-12-25 (Released:2016-12-30)

Abstract:The principal aims of the present study were to elucidate differences by life stage and comparatively examine the utility of the model by Holland et al. used for analysis of the psychological progress in patients with breast cancer during the fight against the disease following the notification of cancer. We comparatively examined the behavior of patients with breast cancer using phases 1–3 of the model by Holland et al. to classify and categorize each psychological state. The results revealed the following points:1) with regard to the psychological process following notification of breast cancer, there were cases in which the patients passed from phases 1 and 2 to reach the phase 3 of "adaption" and cases in which the patients shifted to phase 3 without going through phases 1 and 2. In addition, individual differences were remarkable during the periods of each phase. The model of Holland et al. is useful as a reference in understanding the psychological process of breast cancer patients following notification of cancer, thereby making it possible to elucidate the characteristics of the individual psychological processes of patients with breast cancer. 2) In the case of young women, especially single women with no spouse, the psychological impact of "anxiety" "shock," "fear concerning the future," etc. was great. In particular, patients specifically manifested complex psychological anxiety and fear concerning damage to femininity and motherliness.That is, the psychological process following notification had a significant effect on life stages. 3) The results show that support by nearby family members, health care practitioners, and other persons who have experienced breast cancer contributes to the amelioration of the various anxieties and fears that breast cancer patients feel after notification and promotes adaptation.
清水 利宏
Japanese Society for Global Social and Cultural Studies
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.14, no.1, pp.3-14, 2017-12-24 (Released:2017-12-24)

関 博之
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.14, no.1, pp.15-26, 2017-12-24 (Released:2017-12-24)

This article is a case study of the U.S. defense budgeting for fiscal year 1991. The Cold War had just ended and the United States had to reconsider its defense strategy and budget due to this substantial change in the security environment. Moreover, financial constraints promoted political arguments between the George H. W. Bush Administration, the House of Representatives, and the Senate over the defense budget. My research questions are as follows: How do the political actors (administration and Congress) of the United States move for formulating the defense budget when there is a significant change in the security environment? Has the Congress assumed a lesser role in defense budgeting, especially since World War II, as most researchers, such as Samuel P. Huntington (in his well-known book The Soldier and the States), say? This article is a descriptive analysis of how the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (NDAA 1991) was established. The bill was deliberated from January to November of 1990; analysis revealed that the Congress did play a leading role in establishing the defense budget when the security environment around the U.S. largely changed. This finding refutes the widely accepted theory that the Congress assumes a reserved attitude to defense budgeting.
山形 泰之
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.12, no.1, pp.93-103, 2015-12-25 (Released:2015-12-30)

In this essay the author is concerned with the development of Kant's philosophy in which the Critiques lead to the notions of God and religion, in particular reference to his analysis of the 'teleological judgment' in Critique of Judgment. Kant's discussion in this part of the work concerning what makes a human being really moral directs us toward a new phase of thinking beyond the general scheme of Critique of Practical Reason. On this new horizon of thought, a moral human being, in pursuing ultimate good, is supposed to be moving toward the goal of superlative good of humans. And this is exactly where God comes down to relate Himself with humans. It is this idea of the relation between God and humans which provides a key to Kant's perspective on religion (re-ligio).The relation between Divine Being and human beings is considered in terms of its logical structure against the background of the progress from the Critiques to Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.
清水 利宏
Japanese Society for Global Social and Cultural Studies
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.12, no.1, pp.104-115, 2015-12-25 (Released:2015-12-30)
