中西 不二夫
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.18, no.75, pp.44-46, 1952-11-25

The criterion for rupture of brittle materials like cast iron is σ=σ_B, where, σ is mean value of normal tensile stress on the surface of rupture ; the mean is generally a weighted mean, the effectiveness to the load being taken into account, and σ_B is ultimate tensile strength. The strength, when a rotating disk of brittle material bursts in a diametral section under centrifugal force, can be obtained from the same condition, σ being, in this case, the ordinary average value. For ductile materials the condition of strength may be put σ=σ_B', where, σ_B'is tensile strength under uniform stress, or in this case the strength of a rotating ring. The strength calculated from this condition was compared with experiments hitherto carried out.
奥島 啓弐 岩田 一明
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.28, no.193, pp.1034-1043, 1962-09-25

Cutting mechanism of materials accompanying strain-hardening was analysed on the basis of the flow region concept. The effect of microstructure of materials on machinability of carbon steels (S15C, S40C, and SK4) was investigated from the viewpoint of chip formation. The effect of microstructure of materials on the cutting force, the location and the size of the flow region, the mean friction angle on the tool face, the conventional shear angle were discussed. The effects of feed and side rake angle on cutting process were also discussed. It was found out that inclination of the starting boundary line of the flow region was almost constant, and inclination of the end boundary line and the size of the flow region showed a maximum value at the lamellar portion of pearlite of 20 to 30%. Shear stress in the flow region and the conventional shear stress showed a tendency to decrease with an increase in the lamellar portion of pearlite.
斎藤 喜夫 谷田 好通
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.42, no.364, pp.3871-3880, 1976-12-25
松岡 久光 浦川 和馬
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.18, no.76, pp.33-36, 1952-12-05

No experimental data have been known quantatively concerning the effect of the low water level on the coefficient of heat transfer of boiling α. In preceding experiments we carried out, the normal water level was between 6 and 8 cm., and in the present experiment it is lowered from 6 to 0.5 cm., A heating surface which is made of a brass plate has diameter of 10 cm., Heat flux was changed from 8750 to 21800 kcal/m^2h. The conclusions are summarized as follows : (1) There is a notable difference between the temperature distribution corresponding to the level higher than 4 cm. and that lower than 3 cm., (2) It was found that the number of vapor columns on a surface n and α remained unchanged to a certain point, and then they increased slightly with the decrease in depth. (3) Being independ of the water level, every datum could be arranged on only one curve when we take a coordinate of α vs. n.
佐藤 武
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.22, no.115, pp.181-187, 1956-03-25

In this paper, free vibrations of the Greek-Crossed Bar, which is formed by two bars intersecting on their middle points at right angles, are studied analytically. And the normal modes of the vibrations and the characteristic equations for determining the natural frequencies are shown. Numerical calcurations are carried out in detail and the influences of the dimensions and the physical prperties of the two bars on the natural frequencies are also discussed.
溝口 孝喜
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.7, no.26, pp."I-1"-"I-7", 1941-03-20

第1報に於て任意の質量力の作用する場合の二次元應力問題に関する基礎微分方程式(14)′, (27)′を導出した。第2報に於ては二次元歪問題に関する基礎微分方程式(54), (55)を導出し、周囲条件に対する吟味、質量力がポテンシャルを有する特別な場合等に就て論じ、本理論が單に質量力の作用する場合のみでなく外力が平板面内に横たはる場合にはその外力は質量力と看做し二次元應力問題の一般理論が適用出来ることを述べた。本報に於ては、これ等の質量力又は外力の一般的表はし方、及び基礎微分方程式の一般的觧き方につきその方針を論じたものである。尚、式及び図の番号は第1報、第2報より引続き使用する。
中原 一郎 安部 和夫
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.29, no.197, pp.59-71, 1963

Many Bourdon tubes consist of the curved tube of an elliptical or flat-oval cross section. But to date, practically satisfactory formulas for the elliptical Bourdon tubes have not been made. In this paper, Bourdon tubes of the two-circular-arc cross section are analysed on the basis of Wolf's theory, and the practical formulas are derived for the calculation of sensitivities, stresses and torques of Bourdon tubes. If the ratio of two circular-arc radii is chosen properly, this cross section represents the flat-oval, approximately elliptical or guitar shape. For practical purposes, theoretical results for Bourdon tubes of approximately elliptical cross section are presented in curves. The theoretical predictions show agreement with many experimental results reported by H.L. Mason. Also the sensitivities, stresses and torques obtained for the flat-oval Bourdon tubes are theoretically compared with those for the approximately elliptical Bourdon tubes respectively.