久保田 泰夫 Yasuo KUBOTA 東京工芸大学芸術学部基礎教育課程 Division of Liberal Arts and Science Faculty of Arts Tokyo Polytechnic University
東京工芸大学芸術学部紀要 = Bulletin, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics (ISSN:13418696)
vol.3, pp.57-69, 1997

This paper is intended to provide the Japanese readers with some idea of the organization and the argument of Roger Williams' The Blovdy Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience published unanimously in London in the summer of 1644. This book is considered as the most important of Williams' writings, and has most often been referred to in the academic discussion of the protracted argument between Willimas and John Cotton over religious liberty and the church/state relationship. Essential points of Williams' argument are presented succinctly and straightforwardly in the three prefaces of the book rather than its main body ; which, in the form of dialogue between two imaginary sisters, Peace and Truth, and full of Scriptural and historical references, consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to Williams' confutation of Cotton's reply to the plea for religious liberty which was allegedly written by an Anabaptist imprisoned in Newgate. The second part is Williams' examination and criticism of A Model of Church and Civil Power composed by New England ministers to defend the cooperation of the church and the civil government. That part will be dealt with in another paper. In the present paper, I intend to focus on an accurate philological interpretation of main points of Williams' argument in the prefaces and first half of his book and also to trace his Separatist principles to a fifteenth-century French theologian Sebastien Castellion.
西村 安弘 Yasuhiro NISHIMURA 東京工芸大学芸術学部映像学科 Department of Imaging Art Faculty of Arts Tokyo Polytechnic University
東京工芸大学芸術学部紀要 = Bulletin, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics
no.23, pp.11-26, 2017

Kon Ichikawa, a prolific director who made over 80 films in his life, was under the influence of foreign films including The Spirits of St. Luis (1957) and Murder on the Orient Express (1974). Both of them are connected with an American hero Charles Lindberg who flew over the Atlantic Ocean alone and whose little daughter was kidnapped and killed. Comparing Ichikawa's Alone Across the Pacific (1963) and The Inugami Clan (1976) with those films, we might find out the specific characters of his films.
圓井 義典 Yoshinori MARUI 東京工芸大学芸術学部写真学科 Department of Photography Faculty of Arts Tokyo Polytechnic University
東京工芸大学芸術学部紀要 = Bulletin, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics
vol.23, pp.1-10, 2017

This paper aims to clarify the meaning of “photography” using the theory of prehensions by Alfred North Whitehead. It could be said that “photography” was generalized and became a theoretical matter in the field of art theory or media theory in the 1960s. However, the goal of discussing photography in this context has not been achieved. Thus, the author attempts to reconsider “photography” on the basis of individual experience as a person who takes or views photographs. When a person expects to photograph an event, he or she considers two aspects: “subjects (that are photographed)” and “good opportunities (for the photo shoot)”. These aspects mean that the subject aims to prehend some data, as propositional feelings, with the datum “photography”. If a subject similarly prehends as the datum “a photo” from another datum, which may be prehended as “a pattern” on a paper or monitor, this datum is connected with the datum “photography” as a potentiality. Moreover, any datum felt by a subject is never primarily the same in the theory of prehensions. Although the technology of making still pictures has completely shifted from analog to digital, the datum “photography” continues to exist even today. Thus, it could be said that the datum “photography” comprises multiple discontinuous data – and not merely the experiences of technology – prehended as a single continuous datum by a subject.
牟田 淳 Atsushi MUTA 東京工芸大学芸術学部基礎教育課程 Division of Liberal Arts and Science Faculty of Arts Tokyo Polytechnic University
東京工芸大学芸術学部紀要 = Bulletin, Faculty of Arts, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics
vol.23, pp.65-73, 2017

Focusing on the relationship between the preferred shape and the aspect ratio, we selected the face as an example of shape and examined the relationship between the preferred face and the facial aspect ratio, based on the hairstyle. We carried out this examination with about 1000 participants in Japan and the West respectively. To determine the aspect ratio of the face, we classified the hairstyle into three types: The hairstyle that revealed the forehead; the hairstyle that concealed the forehead with the front hair dangling; the hairstyle with the front hair divided. These three hairstyles are classified as the elongated face, the not elongated face, and the middle elongated face respectively.As a result, we found that the middle elongated face is favored by about 40 percent of participants and is the most favored of the three hairstyles, statistically. The elongated face and the not elongated face were also each favored both by about 30 percent of participants. Comparing the results that show that a square rectangle is most favored statistically, we found that the preferred aspect ratio of shapes is different between rectangles and faces.Conversely, in the West, we found that the elongated face is favored by more than 90 percent of participants; the results of which are similar to the results that show that a golden rectangle is relatively favored in a rectangle case.