小南 一郎
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.71, pp.1-68, 1999-03-26

5 0 0 0 OA 漢學の成立

井上 進
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.61, pp.223-319, 1989-03-31
安岡 孝一
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.83, pp.349-360, 2008-09-25

This is a report of the proceedings of the research seminar "Constructing Kanji (漢字) Informatics", which was held from 2004 to 2008, coordinated by Yasuoka Koichi. The seminar started out with considering a hierarchical model for representing digital text using a model consisting of four layers as follows : image layer, text layer, syntax layer and semantic layer. To better understand the relationship of the image and text layer, we spent some time analyzing and trying to understand the rules for vertical layout of complex text in Japanese and other East Asian languages, including the handling of pronounciation guides (so called 'ruby') The next step was to invert the direction and try to identify characters on the image representation of a text, in the same way an optical character recognition program procededes. This turned out to be not so easy, especially with stone rubbings that exhibit a irregular layout of the characters, but worked reasonably well for characters in a regular grid. In moving to the syntactic and semantic layer, the final topic for the seminar was to consider methods for adding punctuation marks (dots) to a Chinese text without any punctuation. After trying a number of different statistical approaches, like looking at characters that appear before or after punctuation dots in already punctuated texts, 2-grams, or even rhyme patterns it became evident that a purely statistical approach would not give the desired results, but that it was necessary to also to take grammatical relations into account. The most promising approach in this respect seemed to be use text with reading marks for kanbun, which do provide some basic grammatical annotation. It was therefore decided to devote a follow up seminar to the development of a corpus of kanbun annotated text that could be used as training and test material for morphological and syntactical parsers.
濱田 正美
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.55, pp.353-401, 1983-03-15
岡村 秀典
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.84, pp.1-54, 2009-03-30

Chinese bronze mirrors are highly appreciated by Chinese and Japanese archaeologists, for they are particularly useful for chronological studies. Aside from the actual design, inscriptions can be found on a great many mirrors of the Han age. The mirror inscriptions have already been transcribed, first by Song dynasty scholars, and then by Qing dynasty epigraphists. In 1920s, Luo Zhen-yu published a fairly extensive collection of mirror inscriptions, and depended implicitly on his deciphering B. Karlgren collected 257 lines in his "Early Chinese Mirror Inscriptions" (BMFEA, No.6, 1934) and made an extremely important interpretation of the meaning. Many of mirror inscriptions are versified, Karlgren as a Western pioneer of Chinese linguistics also indicated the rimes throughout. I organized the Research Project on Chinese Mirror Inscriptions to make a safe interpretation of all the inscriptions known so far, and to investigate the changes of the poetry style during 400 years of Han dynasty. According to my chronology, the Western Han mirrors can be roughly divided into four period. Many of the inscriptions of Period II and III are composed of lines of four-character or three-character, and some of them were imitative of poetic style of Chu Ci (楚辭) and on this ground generated the seven-character verses known as Bai Liang (柏梁) style. The seven-character verses were popular in Period IV, frequently referred to the Confucian scheme conceived the cosmos as the si-shen and presence of Yin Yang Wu Xing and also to the existence of the immortal beings. The latter half of this period was in the time of Wang Mang, he spread propaganda about his political achievements in the mirror inscriptions.

2 0 0 0 OA 王杖十簡

冨谷 至
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.64, pp.61-113, 1992-03-31
狹閒 直樹
東方學報 (ISSN:03042448)
vol.86, pp.565-610, 2011-08-31

Nishi Amane 西周, was one of the first Japanese students sent to Europe by the shogunate government. In addition to the knowledge of the Western Learning, Nishi had solid foundation of the philosophy of Zhu Xi 朱熹 as well as that of Ogyu Sorai 荻生徂徠, the latter enabled him to view the former relatively. While in Holland, Nishi studied under Professor S. Vissering of Leiden University, who offered him lectures consisting of five subjects instrumental in building a new nation. Nishi also learned French and made a considerable progress in philosophy which he considered as the basis for every academic discipline. Nishi found that the Modern Western Learning was superior to the Oriental Learning, because it was based on the principle of the dignity and equality of all human beings. After returning home, Nishi translated and published the lectures of Professor Vissering. Yoshino Sakuzo 吉野作造 highly praised them as “the only light illuminating the world of darkness” for those who wanted to understand the way the Modern Western societies were constructed. In transplanting the Western Modern Learning, Nishi deliberately originated technical terms such as ʻenʼeki, (演繹 deduction) ʼ ʻkinou (歸納 induction), ʼ ʻtetsugaku (哲學philosophy), ʼ etc., after giving serious consideration to the accumulated knowledge of Han learning in Japan. Nishiʼs work paved the way for the formation of the “Cultural Sphere” in Modern East Asia.