増山 光洋
育英短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09143351)
no.24, pp.57-70, 2007-02

There are numerous problems in a volleyball-league system that is composed of company-run teams alone in Japan. This system has long developed and gained status, producing many capable national players, and exhibiting the highest performance in a world contest. As time goes by, the system is faced with grave challenges that are imposing a serious threat to its existence. As many company-run teams of other sports such as soccer have become independent of their corporations, the conventional system is needed to change so as to play a leading role as a general sports club to galvanize local citizens' sport life and at the same time to improve the level of performance in sports. In 2001, Tokyo Verdy Volleyball Club was established as an interdependent club unlike a conventional company-run team, based on the management system of a J-league professional soccer club, attempting to participate in the volleyball league made up of companyrun teams and other activities. It actually doesn't belong to a corporate but supports itself by attaining sponsorship from many companies. It also regularly takes part in local activities. In spite of many problems lying in the new system of the Club, it would be a model case of volleyball team management in Japan.
鵜生川 恵美子 Ubukawa Emiko
育英短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09143351)
no.36, pp.41-54, 2019-03-15

Spirituality has been discussed as an important topic in many other settings as well as inmedical ones. It has also been considered to possibly emerge when people are under criticalcircumstances such as death, dying, and bereavement. Therefore, spirituality can be said to be depicted in death-related literature for children.There are, however, a limited number of researches on death in childrenʼs literature. Furthermore,few studies have been published on spirituality in death-related childrenʼs literature. This article presents a brief overview of the trends in academic researches on death-relatedEnglish literature for children and then introduces Dr. Corrʼs research on spirituality in suchchildrenʼs literature published in 2004 as an indicator for further research on spirituality inEnglish childrenʼs literature. It is hoped that his research on spirituality in death-related childrenʼs literature will be aspringboard for similar researches on Japanese childrenʼs literature and a comparative studybetween English childrenʼs literature and Japanese one in the spiritual setting.
佐藤 達全
育英短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09143351)
vol.24, pp.23-36, 2007-02-01

The actual conditions of playing the bully in elementary, junior and senior high schools have been reported and pupils or students who were bullied have committed suicide one after another. Moreover, bully and injury cases or murder cases caused by one's true mother (father) or by the people living together have occurred endlessly. The construction of society and one's view of worth changed, we cannot deny the fact that one's view of life has been changed. However, "to foster life" and "to nurture a feeling of sympathy" should never be forgotten, whichever period or society we may live in. As such problems have occurred so often, special correspondence is pressing in school. But I think that even in the period when the higher education had not been so popular as today, we were taught at home that playing the bully is wrong. When a member of a Japanese family at home calls himself (herself) as the first person or calls the other member as the second person, the junior member doesn't call the senior member using personal pronouns. On the contrary, the senior member takes to the junior member without using terms that shows his (her) family relation. In Japan the fasis of telling oneself or calling the other member of a family is on "which relation a member has to the youngest member of a family." These things have been one of the primary factors of fostering "the mind of sympathy, " I think. Therefore, I consider this problem paying special attention to the members' way of calling each other in a family in Japan.
千田 誠二
育英短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09143351)
vol.19, pp.1-8, 2002-02-01

本研究は,英語教育におけるTeacher Talkの手法の一つ,MERRIER Approach(渡辺, 1995)の効果を調べたものである。中でもExample(例示)とRedundancy(発想を変えた言い換え)に注目し,この手法による教師の英語インプットを吸収した学習者が,後にどのような発話をするに至ったかを量と質の両面から分析した。教材はショートストーリーを用いて,統制群・実験群ともに2回聞かせた。ただし,実験群には2回目にMERRIER ApproachのExampleとRedundancyを多用して聞かせた。その後学習者にストーリーの内容を書き出させ,量的な観点からは総語数と従属節数,質的な観点からは独創的語彙数と統語変化数それぞれの伸びを測った。その結果,実験群すなわちMERRIER ApproachのExampleとRedundancyを通してストーリーを聞いた学習者は,総語数の伸びが統制群よりも有意に高いことを示した。一方,他のデータに有意な差は見られなかった。本結果から,MERRIER Approachによるインプットを学習者に与えることで,ストーリーの内容が深く理解され,発話の面にも好影響を及ぼすことがわかった。
佐藤 達全
育英短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09143351)
vol.20, pp.43-58, 2003-02-01

高橋 ひさ子
育英短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09143351)
vol.20, pp.1-13, 2003-02-01
