錦織 壮
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.30, no.1, pp.97-128, 1978

The present author has studied from various viewpoint 14 patients who had epileptiform convulsive disorders under choronic Meprobamate intoxication and 47 additional cases which were already reported in Japanese and other languages.<BR>1) There were no specific convulsive predi sposition and family history in the author's cases. Remarkable personality disorder of these cases were often seen in the peoples who addicted any drugs and others. They had no intellectual defect.<BR>2) Generally, convulsive seizure broke out when one took Meprobamate more than 3g daily over one to several years.<BR>3) In the literature, ev ery other author understood that these convulsive seizures had occured only as abstinence syndrom. It is certain that the majorities of these convulsions occur as abstinence syndrom but others occur during the intake of this drug. Delirium or disturbance of alertness also would develop likeweise. The present author differentiated four types regardig to the occurrence of convulsive seizure as well as the intake of this drug. A: Convulsion precipitated by abrupt withdrawal. B: Convulsion which occured during intake of this drug. C: Convulsion which occured under marked consciousness disturbance. D: Convulsion which occured particularly during the treatment of marked consiousness disturbance. Clinical types mentioned above were not always same in one patient.<BR>4) A lmost all the convulsive seizures appeared to be of epileptic nature but they often came out in the form of status epilepticus.<BR>5) Neurological signs and s ymptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting, shaking and ataxia would frequently accompanied convulsions.<BR>6) Before and after convulsion, the r e was stormy consciousness disturbance which was certainly different from initial and postical twilight state. Convulsive seizures associated with fever and neurological symptoms and severe consciousness disturbance tend to have the form of status epilepticus. Therefore these signs and symtoms suggest some serious oragnic brain damage. In this regard, the present author discovered in the literatures three cases, of whom two died during status epilepticus and the other got into comatose with fever from delirium.<BR>7) EEG finding s showed convulsive readiness under Meprobamate abuse, so it is quite natural that the convulsive seizure appears even under its abuse. Moreover, some focal signs in EEG suggest localized damage.<BR>8) It was not effective to gi ve Meprobamate for the treatment of abstinence syndrome. When, once convulsion and related disorder happened to occur, such disorders would reoccur short after re-use of Meprobamate. However, if a patient does not fall in abuse again, another convulsive disorder does not occur and clinical outcome is very favourable, so that it is not necessary to prolong anticonvulsant medication. These convulsive disorders do not look over as accidental outbursts in the patient with convulsive predisposition or as rebound phenomena after long abuse of Meprobamate that has mild anticonvulsant action.
瀬戸 義文
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.8, no.4, pp.328-336, 1956-12-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

A trachoma survey has been made for 2.460 children of 3 primary schools in the T. area; 686 children are found positive and treated on a mass basis. The results obtained are as follows:1. The incidence is higher in household with limited space than in spacious household. It shows no difference between urban water works population and local well water population. It is much lower in household with private bath than that without it. It is also lower, in household with health insurance than that without it.2. Pre-treatment and post-treatment observations made comparatively over a period of 6 months reveal that early stage conjunctival signs (denoted by I. II. and III. types) are easily curable. Treatment at this early stage seems necessary. Some cases belonging to II and III types which are not treated on a mass basis have developed typical trachoma. Typical trachoma(denoted by IV∼X types)are found very difficult to cure.3. The new incidence is higher among the lower class students.
城戸 一哉
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.25, no.1, pp.96-103, 1973-03-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

Part I. Actions on the vas deferens preparation1) Trimetazidine gave scarcely any influence on the tension of the vas deferens preparation, when the drug was given to it independently.2) Noradrenaline induced the contraction of the preparation and this contraction was potentiated by the pre-addition of trimetazidine.3) When the tension of the preparat i on had been increased by the noradrenaline addition, the succeeding addition of trimetazidine could induce the contraction as if the more noradrenaline was added there.4) The vas deferens response to noradrenaline reduced in the calcium-free Locke's solution when the preparation had been kept in this medium for a fairly long time.5) In high calcium media, the potentiation of the noradrenaline contracti on by trimetazidine in the preparation was more remarkable than that seen in a Locke's solution, but the effect of trimetazidine was not so remarkable in low calcium media.6) In high or low potassium media, this kind of effect of trimetazidine was as much as that seen in a Locke's solution.7) In low sodium media, this effect of trimetazidine was much more remarkable than that seen in a Locke's solution, while it was scarcely seen in high sodium media. From these results, it was assumed that the potentiation of the noradren aline contraction by trimetazidine was caused by its action that can increase the available calcium ions released from the tissue, and that this action was manifested in low sodium or high calcium media while suppressed in high sodium media.Part II. The actions on the small intestine preparation1) Trimetazidine in high concentrations dec reased the smooth muscular tone and suppressed its spontaneous contractions.2) Trimetazidine in high concentrations suppressed the actions of barium chloride, nicotine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and histamine on the smooth muscle tone of the small intestine. From these results, it was assumed that trimetazidine has the anti-nicotinic action, and that the drug can suppressed the spontaneous contraction of the smooth muscle in the small intestine through its action suppressing the permeability of calcium or barium ions in the muscle membrane, in a different manner from that seen in the smooth muscle of the vas deferens.
大矢 睦 大矢 大
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.42, no.3, pp.215-219, 1990-09-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

There exists in human psychology the narcissism that is self-love, self-esteem and selfrespect. The narcissism would be divided into normal and pathological ones, both of which are hard to be differentiated from each other in the actual issues. Even those who possess a narcissistic personality usually appear to function socially quite well, and they are never to consult a psychiatrist. However, few need to see the psychiatrist and may present seriously disturbed behavior.In the present com munication, the authors have reported a 26-year-old female patient with the narcissistic personality in pathological sense. After having graduated from a university school, she became to work for a company and increasingly attained good social adjustment as an office lady. Somewhat abruptly, one of her male colleagues made a proposal to her. She was rapt up with this fact of the proposal itself and engaged to him without thought Then, she realized that she came to scorn him badly. After all, she broke off the engagement just before the wedding, and became to show frequently self-destructive behaviors. Urged by her mother, she first visited our hospital against her will.The authors have described the psychotherapeutic procedures c arried out for her in the actual treatment and reviewed Kernburg's research on the pathological narcissism.
唐川 正洋
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.45, no.3-4, pp.188-195, 1993-12-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

大沢 忍
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.16, no.1, pp.12-17, 1964-03-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

Asclepius was the god of medicine who cured physical ailments of men and lived about 13th century B. C.. After his death, man warshiped him as a god for his medical powers. The legends that grew round him and the tale of his birth and death which the ancient writers have preserved for us were the products of man's imagination and gratitude.According to the myth, he was the son of Apollo, and learned the art of medicine: and how to cure the many diseases that plagued mankind on Mt. Pelion or Mt. Tithion, and it is told that his 17th descendent in line was Hippocrates the father of medicine. A serpent was the symbol of Asclepius, and it was from this that a serpent has become the symbol of medicine throughout the world due to the fact that just as the snake sheds its skin and regenerates itself, so does sick man regenerate himself when cured of illness (Fig.1. ).Asclepia were treatment centers and worshipping sites of the cult of Asclepius. The most reknowned of these in antiquity were those of Cos and Epidaurus. The sanctuary of Epidaurus functionated from 600 to 400 B. C., and represents a striking chapter in the civilization of the ancient Greeks.The road leading to Epidaurus from Athens (172 Km) along Saronic gulf, through Mycenean necropolis, Argolis and the outskirts of Nauplia is very enjoyable. And finally, in a calm town Epidaurus, at the edge of the beautiful forest of pine the remains of the shrine of Asclepius and the museum can be discerned (Fig.3. ). The remains of the famous sanctuary of Asclepius are situated about 12 Kilometres from the ancient and famed city of Epidaurus, which city played an important role in Greek history until the last years of Roman rule in Greece. The remains uncovered to the present date from the 5th century B. C. to the 2nd century A. D.. The ruins the propylaea, the temple of Asclepius, the rotunda or altar, stadium and many other sacred buildings in the sanctuary have been excavated. One of the most sacred and important building was aveton or adyton (or clinic in modern sense) mentioned in inscriptions and in which the patient slept at night and waited for the apparition or dream of Asclepius who cured them.Another one of the most important and of all the monuments in the Asclepius sanctuary the best preserved by far, is the theater. Even in antiquity it was considered as a wonder. According to the traveller Pausanias (160 A. D. ) it was the most remarkable theater in his time from the point of view of symmetry and beauty. It is awork of the architect Polycleitus (4th Cent. B. C. ) and even to-day the theater can held 14,000 spectators. The striking thing about the theater is its remarkable acoustics. Even a whisper at the centre of the orchestra can be heard in any part of the structure, and the spectators seated in the topmost tiers can hear just as clear as those seated in the first rows (Fig.2. ).In the Museum, many excavated things, architectual reproductions and important inscriptions can be seen. The most important objects, mainly sculptures of Asclepius and pediments of temples of Asclepius are exhibited in the Archeological Museus of Athens, and casts of them can be found in the Epidaurus Museum. Marble slabs on the wall on which record of cured patients are inscribed and those excavated bronze surgical instruments, coins and some other small articles which are shown in glass cases are much highly appreciated.
山崎 章 河島 長義 谷口 智通 中川 隆
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.30, no.3, pp.453-460, 1978

大原 一枝 千葉 圭子 牧野 カズエ
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.12, no.3, pp.419-421, 1960

Radermin (Barium sulphate hydrosol paste 760.0g, glycerin 200.0g, sulfathiazole 20.0g, Vit. A (6000i. u. ) and D2 (600 i. u. ) complex 2.5g, Vit. B2 5g, Vit. B6 5g, paraoxybenzoic acid methyl 2.5g, C. M. C.5.0g) was used topicaly in 25 cases of tinea pedis, corporis et faciei, contact dermatitis, solar dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, eczema and ecthyma vulgare with favorable effects. Barium sulphate hydrosol is usable as a base of paste as well as zinc oxyde. It is suggested that &ldquo;radermin&rdquo; might be used as a base of sun-screen.
大久保 康人
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.33, no.4, pp.532-565, 1981-12-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

Four hundred and ninety six families with rare blood phenotypes of the ABO, I, P, Rh, Kell, Duffy, Diego and Jr were detected in Japanese Red Cross Blood Centers, and all these blood samples were re-tested and confirmed in Osaka Red Cross Blood Center. Some of them were reconfirmed by Dr. Ruth Sanger, MRC Blood Group Unit in London.These rare bloods, except Fy (a-), Di (b-) and Jr (a-), were recognized mostly by ABO groupings and antibody screenings.Another ninety seven persons with rare bloods were found among the propositi's family members. Consanguinity rate of the Rh11, Rhmod and -D- was 69.2%, and that of the p phenotype 56.5%, the total consanguinity rate being 63.3%.While most of the -D- (including cD-) propositi experi enced abortion or stillbirth, some of the p female propositi did not suffer from such episodes.Most of the i propositi had a congenital cata ract, but recently an i adult free from the disorder was found in Hokkaido. We think the co-occurrence of the i phenotype and congenital cataract to be due to linkage rather than to pleiotropism.Most Jr (a-) female propositi had anti-Jr' in their sera, but none of them had experienced abortion, stillbirth or hemolytic disease of the newborn.
西山 直志
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.34, no.1, pp.193-216, 1982-03-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

5-fluorocytosine (5-FC), which is currently used against fungal infections with low toxicity, lacks antineoplastic activity in man because of the absence of cytosine deaminase (CDase) in mammalian cells. If enough of 5-FC is delivered to the tumor tissue and CDase in the encapsulated form is implanted in the tumor bed, it is expected that 5-FC would be deaminated to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and antineoplastic activity will develop at the local site with minima l systemic toxicity. In the present study, basic experiment of antineoplastic effect induced by combined administration of 5-FC and CDase on the tissue cultured neoplastic cells was reported.CDase was extracted from cultivated Escherichia coli K-12 strain and purified. Based on the differential absorption of 5-FC at A280 and 5-FU at A280, CDase activity was measured by spectrophotometric analysis, which substantiated the conversion of 5-FC to 5-FU by CDase. For in vitro studies on its cytotoxicities,2 established cell lines including HeLa and EA-285 glioma cells, and 12 human brain tumor cells in one passage culture (3 glioblastomas,1medulloblastoma,2 astrocytomas,5 meningiomas, and 1 neurinoma) were used, and changes in cellular proliferations and morphological alterations of cultured cells, induced by this combined treatment, were examined.The results from these studies showed that the combined administration of 5-FC and CDase resulted in significant growth inhibition at higher than 5μg/ml of 5-FC on both HeLa and EA-285 glioma cells although 5-FC or CDase per se had no cytostatic effect. CDase was found to be little inactivated for at least a month in in vitro at 37°C. In cultured human tumor cells, significant growth inhibition was also noted at higher than 25μg/ml of 5-FC. Malignant tumor cells had slightly higher sensitivity to this treatment than benign ones.The light microscopy revealed cellular damage including loss of cyto p lasmic details, nuclear pyknosis and fragmentation. Changes in the fine structure of the cell surface such as flattening of the surface, decrease and shortening of the cell process, and loss of microvilli were noted by scanning electron microscopy.The effect of the drugs on the cell cycle traverse of established cells was also studied by a qualitative comparison of the DNA histogram using fluorocytograph. Fluorocytographic study confirmed that the converted 5-FU at higher than 25μg/m1 resulted in an irreversible block in the early S phase with a lethal effect on both established cells.To know the site of action of the converted 5-FU in the cell cycle, firstly the phase intervals of HeLa cell cycle were determined by evaluating the changes of DNA. histograms of the cells synchronized with the excess thymidine. G1, S, and G2M phase were estimated to be 12,5, and 5 hours respectively. Secondly, analysis of the cell growth and the patterns of the DNA histograms after the drug administration at various phases of the synchronized cells were performed. The site of action of the converted 5-FU was found to be mainly in S phase although the cells in G1 and G2M phases were also influenced.The author confirmed that 5-FC was converted to 5-FU b y adding CDase and significant antineoplastic activity developed in in vitro. And the author discussed the effects of converted 5-FU on the cell cycle progression as a mechanism of 5-FC and CDase treatment, and a design of capsule containing the enzyme for future clinical application.
岡 秀郎
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.36, no.1, pp.131-152, 1984-03-20 (Released:2013-02-19)
6 6

Objectives of this paper were to elucidate essential electrical discharge patterns of lower limb muscles and their variabilities during a normal gait cycle.Subjects employed in the experiments were 217 healthy adults of both sexes, ranging in age from 18 to 22 years, and they had no disorder in the lower limb or the central nervous system in their medical history. Electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from the Tibialis anterior (Ta), the Gastrocnemius lateral head (Gl), the Vastus medialis (Vm), the Gluteus maximus (Gm), the Rectus femoris (Rf), the Medial Hastrings (MH), and the Biceps femoris (Bf) by conventional method using surface electrodes. Angular changes of the ankle, knee and hip joints and time signals at the heel and the toe contacts with the ground were simultaneously recorded with the EMGs.The essential EMG pattern s of the lower limb muscles during a normal gait cycle were conclusively summarized: 1) The ankle joint muscles; i) The marked discharge of the Ta was observed in the period from the end of the swing phase to the early part of the stance phase, and in the period from the end of the stance phase to the early part of the swing phase. ii) The Gl showed the main discharge in the latter half of the stance phase, and showed almost complete electrical silence in the former half of the swing phase.2) The knee and hip joint muscles; i) The discharge of the Vm started at the latter half of the swing phase and increased abruptly just before or after the heel contact. The marked discharge of the Vm lasted into the first double leg support period. ii) The discharge of the Gm started at the latter half of the swing phase and increased just before or after the heel contact. The Gm showed the continuous discharge during the former half of the stance phase. iii) The main discharge of th Rf was similar to that of the Vm, and the Rf did not show distinguished activity in the former half of the swing phase. iv) The MH and the Bf showed the marked discharges from the the latter half of the swing phase to just before or after the heel contact, but little or no discharge in the former half of the swing phase.In addition to the essential EMG pattern s, the variations in the EMG patterns which were found to be within ranges of the normal activities were as follows: 1) The ankle joint muscles ; i) The distinguished discharge of the Ta at about the mid-swing phase appeared in about 85% of the subjects. ii) The discharge variation of the G1 was hardly observed during the gait cycle.2) The knee and hip joint muscles; i) The discharge of the Vm was seen around the mid-stance phase and in the second double leg support period in about 20% of the subjects. ii)The discharge variations of the Gm were similar to those of the Vm. iii) The discharge of the Rf appeared around the mid-stance phase in less than 20% of the subjects and at the end of the stance phase in about 80%. iv) In about 60% of the subjects the marked discharges of the MH and the Bf in the latter half of the swing phase decreased or disappeared abruptly around the heel contact; however, in the other 40%, the discharges continued until the midstance phase. The discharges of the MH and the Bf at the end of the stance phase were observed in less than 20% of the subjects.The marked discharges of the MH and the Bf decreased or disappeared abruptly at the moment when the Rf abruptly increased its electrical activity around the heel contact, and the spike sessation lasted until the moment when the Rf decreased its activity. It was suggested that the spike inhibition in the MH and the Bf might be due to an antagonistic inhibition caused by facilitation of the Rf.
神山 秀三
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.36, no.2, pp.240-285, 1984

In 74 ICR/JCL mice aged 4 weeks (35 males and 39 females) fed on a vitamin E deficient diet for 55 weeks ceroid occurring in the liver tissues was observed at several stages of the experimental periods. Ceroid could be histochemically identified since 15 week feeding. Electron microscopical examination revealed swollen mitochondria and numerous autophagic vacuoles in the degenerated, atrophic liver cells consisting of dark cells and light cells.<BR>Some of dark cells phagocytized by Kupffer cells were seen discharged into sinu soid. Ceroid in the liver from mice fed on a vitamin E deficient diet appears to have been derived from complicated materials such as cell debris containing cellular membrane, degenerated mitochondria and autophagic vacuoles in the necrotizing liver cells.<BR>When observed in the electron microscope cero id formed in the liver from vitamin E deficient mice showed characteristic patterns such as band, lattice and parallel lamella pattern. Each band in the band pattern has a width measuring 45 to 60Åand each electron lucent space, a width measuring 70 to 90Å. The lattice pattern consists of three bands intersecting at an angle of 60 degrees forming a triangular space. Each band in the lattice pattern has a width similar to that of the band pattern.<BR>Parallel lamella pattern c onsists of lamellae of low electron density 90 to 120Åin width and each electron lucent space 45 to 55Åin width. From the above findings it has been eviden ced that ceroid appearing under the vitamin E deficient condition is electron microscopically characterized by the presence of the band, lattice and parallel lamella patterns.<BR>It is noted that n one of these patterns was found in ceroid formed in situ several weeks after insertion of a piece of liver tissues from untreated donor mice into the subcutaneous tissue of recipients.
大沢 忍
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.16, no.1, pp.12-17, 1964

Asclepius was the god of medicine who cured physical ailments of men and lived about 13th century B. C.. After his death, man warshiped him as a god for his medical powers. The legends that grew round him and the tale of his birth and death which the ancient writers have preserved for us were the products of man's imagination and gratitude.<BR>According to the myth, he was the son of Apollo, and learned the art of medicine: and how to cure the many diseases that plagued mankind on Mt. Pelion or Mt. Tithion, and it is told that his 17th descendent in line was Hippocrates the father of medicine. A serpent was the symbol of Asclepius, and it was from this that a serpent has become the symbol of medicine throughout the world due to the fact that just as the snake sheds its skin and regenerates itself, so does sick man regenerate himself when cured of illness (Fig.1. ).<BR>Asclepia were treatment centers and worshipping sites of the cult of Asclepius. The most reknowned of these in antiquity were those of Cos and Epidaurus. The sanctuary of Epidaurus functionated from 600 to 400 B. C., and represents a striking chapter in the civilization of the ancient Greeks.<BR>The road leading to Epidaurus from Athens (172 Km) along Saronic gulf, through Mycenean necropolis, Argolis and the outskirts of Nauplia is very enjoyable. And finally, in a calm town Epidaurus, at the edge of the beautiful forest of pine the remains of the shrine of Asclepius and the museum can be discerned (Fig.3. ). The remains of the famous sanctuary of Asclepius are situated about 12 Kilometres from the ancient and famed city of Epidaurus, which city played an important role in Greek history until the last years of Roman rule in Greece. The remains uncovered to the present date from the 5th century B. C. to the 2nd century A. D.. The ruins the propylaea, the temple of Asclepius, the rotunda or altar, stadium and many other sacred buildings in the sanctuary have been excavated. One of the most sacred and important building was aveton or adyton (or clinic in modern sense) mentioned in inscriptions and in which the patient slept at night and waited for the apparition or dream of Asclepius who cured them.<BR>Another one of the most important and of all the monuments in the Asclepius sanctuary the best preserved by far, is the theater. Even in antiquity it was considered as a wonder. According to the traveller Pausanias (160 A. D. ) it was the most remarkable theater in his time from the point of view of symmetry and beauty. It is awork of the architect Polycleitus (4th Cent. B. C. ) and even to-day the theater can held 14,000 spectators. The striking thing about the theater is its remarkable acoustics. Even a whisper at the centre of the orchestra can be heard in any part of the structure, and the spectators seated in the topmost tiers can hear just as clear as those seated in the first rows (Fig.2. ).<BR>In the Museum, many excavated things, architectual reproductions and important inscriptions can be seen. The most important objects, mainly sculptures of Asclepius and pediments of temples of Asclepius are exhibited in the Archeological Museus of Athens, and casts of them can be found in the Epidaurus Museum. Marble slabs on the wall on which record of cured patients are inscribed and those excavated bronze surgical instruments, coins and some other small articles which are shown in glass cases are much highly appreciated.
小川 道子 上田 敏彦 大久保 滉 森井 外吉
関西医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00228400)
vol.28, no.3, pp.544-555, 1976-09-20 (Released:2013-02-19)

Reported: This autopsy case of myasthenia gravis in a 41 year old female revealed thymus hyperplasia with germinal centers remaining in the fatty tissues. The infiltration of lymphocytes (lymphorrhage) was remarkable only in the tissues near the thymus, namely the intercostal muscles, myocardium, and thyroid; in the other affected skeletal muscles, it was only slight. The Lymphorrhage in the myocardium was so remarkable that was histologically diagnosed as subacute myocarditis.Discussed: In agreement with recent studies, these findings seem to suggest the view that myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease.