Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.6, pp.107-116, 2011-03-31

The "International Women's Day" celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2010. The 2010 International Women's Conference was held in Copenhagen commemorating the day proposed by female activist Clara Zetkin at the International Socialist Conference in 1910. At theconference, feminists and politicians mainly from western countries had panel discussions in which they engaged in a number of debates concerning the necessity and the problems of modern feminism. According to the Gender Gap Report at the 2010 World Economic forum, Northern Europe nations such as Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden rank high on the list of countries where the gap between men and women is narrow. Unfortunately, the same report shows that Japan ranked 94th out of 134 countries. These results are calculated by the gender gap index in terms of women's employment opportunities, education, health, and political roles. Japan's particular concern is the lacking of women's participation in the spheres of employment and politics. In order to improve this situation, this report intends to highlight Northern European countries' past efforts and their current attitudes in the field of gender equality. On the other hand, the 2010 Corporate Gender Gap Report indicates that only 4% of CEOs in Japan are female, a fact that is caused by lack examples of women in positions of power, the cultural background of the male hegemony, and a shortage of networks and employee training. Moreover, there are many cases in which women leave their jobs when they marry or have children. It is therefore becoming more difficult for them to advance in society or to climb to managerial post. Japan faces a large number of challenges in terms of gender issues, which cannot be separated from the traditional Japanese understanding of hierarchy, family and image of women in the public sphere. This report is aiming at opening new perspectives on gender equality in Japan by introducing current views proposed by female activists from around the world at the 2010 International Women's Conference.
堀 真悟
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
no.10, pp.33-60, 2015

The objective of this paper is to critically examine the problemssurrounding a constructionism of social problems, which is rooted in theconcept of claim-making activity, by returning to its original model. The concept of claim-making analyzes the activities of people whoconstruct social problems, the idea for which was taken from the surge ofminorities who came out in the 1960s and 70s. However, theconstructionism of social problems has an underlying methodologicalproblem, as it ignores its pair concept: that of the closet. Until now, themagnetic field of epistemological power that is able to understand people's activities in advance–what Eve Sedgwick termed "the epistemology ofthe closet" ̶has been overlooked. When researchers use the concept ofclaim-making, they make the activities of people both divisible andcomprehensible, which in turn makes Erving Goffman's "encounter"possible. Yet, at the same time, it is an act of power that involves theremoval of things that are not understandable, and through this,researchers obtain a kind of self-contained pleasure through theirdiscovery of "truth." The key to overcoming such problems inherent in the constructionism ofsocial problems lies within the experiences traditionally discarded as being"incomprehensible." Third World feminist scholar Mari Oka recalled suchexperiences as being a type of "missed encounter." Through conducting aceaseless dialogue with the experience of "missed encounters," which arerecursive in nature like trauma, one can re-imagine/re-create the realityone has safely inhabited until the present. In fact, this may be the onlysignificant task permitted by a constructionism of social problems.
田島 悠来 タジマ ユキ Yuki TAJIMA
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
no.8, pp.53-81, 2013

Using men's studies,this paper will examine the images and reception of"Johnny's"in "myojo" magazine(Shuueisha).At the same time,it willdeepen the understnading of its conception through interviews with theeditor.Magazines from November 2002-October 2012,including thefront cover,reader's page and colored photographs,will be analyzed.Theresearcn focuses on finding a connection between Johnny's and thereaders,and how the relationships between Johnny's stars are depicted.Especially regarding the latter point,this essay argues that there is a connecion to the theories of Eve Sedgewick on"homosocial,homophobia,and misogyny"(1985-2001). The above leads to the conclusion that,in Myojo,Johnny's arerepresented as tne readers'love interests,so the magazine functions asthe site of a pseudo-romance between the readers and the entertainers.In addition,it seems clear that this is the editor's purpose.In themagazine,while excluding women and emphasizing the bond betweenJohnny's members,homosociality is highlighted,and further,assosiatedwith homosexuality in both discourse and symbolism.Conversely,Johnny's express their manliness through their rivalries and their highlevel of athletic ability,which constitutes an opposing image to that ofhomosexuality.In conclusion,although the magazine depictshomosocial relationships between Johnny"s members without homophobia,there is no connection to Sedgewick's theories because these relationshipsare created by a female perspective,are about aheterosexual love imagined by the editors,and occur in the limited spaceof"readers will outgrow the material sooner or later."
プラガットウティサーン チュティア
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.1, pp.29-50, 2005

性的虐待が文学研究で取り上げられるようになったのは最近の現象である。しかし,性的虐待の物語の稀少さはタイ社会で性的虐待がほとんど起きていないことを意味するものではない。性的虐待の語りの最も重要なテーマの一つは,虐待の体験者たちが見せる,自らの物語を語ることへの欲望と,その物語を語り得ないことに対する無念さとの狭間の緊張である。性的虐待の問題は,それを表現する媒体としてだけでなく,虐待の意味性を構築し挑戦する役割を果たすものとしての言語の問題と切り離すことはできないのだ。重要になるのは,語りと事実の間の呼応関係ではなく,ある歴史的状況のもとに物語が生産され消費される,その文化的枠組みの中に虐待の語りを位置付け考えることだろう。文化的現象としての性的虐待の語りの登場は,体験者の声と支配的言説の間に緊張を生み出し,そこにおいて私たちは体験者の役割と支配的文化における治癒力を考察することができる。この研究では,性的暴力がタイ社会で声を奪われていた理由を,SEA 賞の受賞者であるアンチャンの最新小説であるOn the Mouth of the World(2003)におけるレイプの表象を通じて考えたい。この小説は性の問題を正面から取り上げた数少ない文学作品の一つである。前書きの中で作者は執筆意図をタイ社会に置いてタブーとされてきた性の問題に光を当てることだと明言している。この小説は,アンという名の女性の物語が男性のナレーターのジョンによって語られる。ジョンによれば,アンは上流家庭に生まれた若く美しい,性的魅力のある女性である。彼女は反伝統主義者であり,ジョンを含む数え切れないほどの男性と遊びまわり関係を持つことで性差の既成概念を超越している。物語の転換点は彼女が妊娠に気付いた時点である。自分が父親かもしれないと考えたジョンは,彼女を助けようと考え結婚して家族を持とうと彼女に申し出る。しかし,彼女はその申し出を断り,代わりに子供時代に体験し現在のセックスに対する中毒を招くこととなった,義父や祖母付の運転手,自分の教師との性体験を告白する。アンの語りを聞いたジョンは彼女から離れる決意をする。彼は自分の語りを,おそらく変質的な性的欲望によって引き起こされたであろう彼女の悲劇的な死の報告と,ニーという女性との結婚から生まれた女の子をアンと名づけたことで締めくくる。この小説はタイ社会における性的虐待の典型的な受容と理解を表現した模範的なテクストとして読み解くことができる。アンについての物語であるが,彼女の物語の書き手となり自らの視点から彼女を解釈し評価するのは,男性の語り手であるジョンである。彼の語りにおいてジョンはアンを善良な少女か悪い少女のどちらかとして捉え,彼女のセクシュアリティに対する不安と,それを従属させたいという自らの欲望をその2 項対立に反映させる。自らの物語を語ることを押し通し父権的社会からは容認されていない役割を身に着けることで,アンは困難な状況にある女性を助け出す英雄というジョンのロマン主義的概念を打ち壊し,彼の物語が直線的な語りと整った結末を達成することを妨げる。アンの死は,既存文化の語りに自らの物語をはめ込むことを拒否する女性への父権の暴力を象徴していると言えるだろう。フェミニスト批評がもたらした解釈戦略によって,アンの物語を読み直し,男性的な語りの中に埋め込まれた女性のプロットを再発見することが可能になった。知識生産の状況に注目することによって女性の物語を発掘することができるのだ。奇妙に近しさのある虐待体験の世界から響くアンの声は,変質的な性的嗜好を持つ堕落した少女というよりは,無力で怯えた性暴力の被害者の物語を語る。この小説における真の悲劇は,アンの語りを読み理解することができず,結果として彼女を救うことに失敗するジョンにある。性にまつわる物語を語ることは簡単ではなく,リスクと期待が共に伴う。明白にレイプの証言であるアンのジョンに対する告白は,彼女が自分自身を誘惑の対象ではなく誘惑者であると主張する,ねじれた結末がある。一般的には物語の虚構性の証明と見なされるこのような矛盾は,被害者が自らの体験に意味性を与えようとする苦悩を表わしているのだ。ここに見られるのは,体験を乗り越え生き残るための被害者の関与と戦略だけではなく,虐待側が無垢を主張し虐待された側が恥と罪悪感を背負うというレイプの神話を被害者自身が内在化するという,複雑な過程である。つまり,学者や専門家が沈黙の打破を抵抗の現われとして称揚するのに対し,アンの告白から浮かび上がることは,レイプの言葉と男女間関係性の支配的構造が女性の抵抗を通じて自らを語り続けているということである。
飯田 麻結
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
no.11, pp.91-121, 2016

This paper examines how the notions of affect, the national body andhomonationalism have been deployed and articulated in the aftermath ofthe London Riots that took place in August, 2011. With reference to TomWhyman's article "Beware of cupcake fascism" published on The Guardian in2014, which illustrates oppositional responses to the riots, I will investigatethe way the cultural tropes of cake and cupcake could be associated withemerging debates within feminist and queer politics. As the incidentshave brought out several structural deficiencies in terms of race, class andpoverty, it is significant to pay careful attention to the ongoing constructionof the bodies of others in contrast with the government's comprehensiverecovery scheme entangled with the declaration of the national ideal aswell as the re / production of privileged citizens. It must be stressed thatthe government insisted on mending "broken society" with a specific focuson conservative values of family and ideal Britishness regardless of rioters'varying backgrounds and causes of social oppression. Whyman's article doesnot only offer a critical insight into differential orientations towards what isdeemed a national crisis, it also reveals the rhetorical affirmation of middleclassvalues against possibilities of social change by claiming emotionalothers as the objects of "clean-up," who disturb the existent boundaries ofthe national body. Reflecting upon Sara Ahmed's influential argument ofthe stickiness between bodies and emotions, I will first attempt to unfoldthe complicated process of incorporation into the body of the nation,which is followed by an in-depth analysis of legitimate and alternativehistoricity in relation to "good-life-fantasies" and Lauren Berlant's conceptof "cruel optimism" that the nation promises as a normative condition ofeveryday lives, which is, however, suspended for the maintenance of the future. The arbitrary appropriation of the imagined past for a better futurethen secures the national ideal, while it inevitably bears a historical burdensuch as the privilege of whiteness and the liberal-bourgeois subjecthood.In addition, the metaphors attached to the objects of consumption willfurther be discussed with regard to homonationalism defined by Jasbir K.Puar, in that the rioters' bodies marked as others are meticulously expelledfrom neoliberal political economy behind the logic of social progress. Theriots bring to the fore the intersection of affective politics, queer alternativehistoriography and the rise of homonationalism against universalising andidealising narratives deployed by the nation in the face of a crisis, whoseunderlying imperative may sound surprisingly familiar.
羽生 有希
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
no.11, pp.149-174, 2016

Resonating with early queer theory's motifs such as appropriation, LeeEdelman's No Future or its central theme, queer negativity, has received notonly applause but also fair criticism, and thereby occupied one of the centralpositions in recent queer theory. In response to such criticism, Edelmanclarifies that the negativity he proposes should not be equated with thesimple negation of particular political positions, and its refusal of "positiveidentity" should rather be directed to the identity principle on which ourwhole society rests. Although such a radical challenge to positive identitycannot be underestimated, we might question whether such a drive-like,amorphous queer resistance tacitly preserves or rehabilitates the positiveidentity it purports to negate. It should also be asked how, while criticizingsuch an insidious risk, we can reframe queer negativity.In order to answer these questions, this paper firstly examines thesimilarities between the argument of queer negativity and that of Frenchfeminist theory, focusing on the concept of improper subject; botharguments, relying on Lacanian psychoanalysis, insist on dis (ap) propriationof identity.After demonstrating their connection, the second section of this paperexplores the criticism offered by Gayatri C. Spivak of such insistence on thedivided subject, and, by doing so, marks the risk that the argument of queernegativity might entail. This section first considers her criticism againstJacqueline Rose. Based on Derridean affirmative deconstruction and hisuse of catachresis, Spivak proposes to understand the subjectivity of thedecentered subject not as a privileged right but as "a bind to be watched".She also warns against Rose's reduction of the difference between theontico-epistemological subject and the ethicopolitical subject. Through a reading of such criticism, this paper suggests that an argument like thatof Rose implicitly obliterates the trace of the wholly-other, which is onlynoticeable by attending to the catachresis "woman", and that it reintroducesthe sovereign subject.The latter part of the second section connects such metaphysicalarguments with the political analysis also made by Spivak. This partexplores the criticism against Foucault / Deleuze, focusing on (A) the statusof the "desire" as catachresis and (B) the inattention to the gap betweendescriptive representation and political representation, which can berespectively compared with (A') the status of the catachresis "woman" and(B') the reduction of the difference between the ontico-epistemologicalsubject and the ethicopolitical subject. The inattention to the gap betweenDarstellung and Vertrerung leads to, according to Spivak, the perpetuation ofbourgeois ideology. Functioning with that kind of ideology, the confusion ofthe desire of the empirical instance with that of the transcendental instancerehabilitates the S / subject and implicitly preserves the transparent subjectof the theorists. This paper, based on the similarities between the argumentof queer negativity and that of the French feminist theory demonstratedearlier, lastly directs the criticism on French theory offered by Spivak to theargument of queer negativity. It concludes that queer negativity is to be"watched" in order to affirm the radical negativity of the other.
村瀬 幸浩 ムラセ ユキヒロ
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU
vol.8, pp.113-131, 2013-03-31

The theogy of <Sex=Instinct> is still causing problems whenconsidering sexual education.Basically,by continuing to ask what kindof instinct this is,it sustains procreation.However,there is no suchinstinct.It is quite ordinary nowadays that there are peopre who decidedthey do not want children,or people who cannot have children,orpeople who will not have sex,or people who do not want to get mariied.In fact,the reasons people choose to have sex,and with whom theypartner,and their reasons for doing so,differ depending on their way oflife and their ideas about life.Thereorore, it is important to create ourunderstanding based on <Sex=Cultre>.Further,it is necessary to learnabout sex apart from misunderstandings regarding sex,sexualdiscrimination and stereotypes. The goal of teaching about sex is to help people think about theirway of life and decide how they want sex to be.Within the realm ofteaching,three ropics should be addressed:science,relationshipsand diversity.Scnience allows us to learn about sex based on facts andreality.For example,in order to understand birth cotrol and how to avoid pregnancy,we must understand female biorhythms.Additionally,to understand gender identity disorder,we should learn about birthand how life begins.Relationships give perspective,forcing peopleto think deeply about how good and bad sex reflect good and badcommunication.The division between pleasurable sex and sexualviolence is also shared in this point of view.Diversity is inside all of us,which means that erotic attraction is not formed in or based on whetheryou are called a man or a woman.Diversity is a human condition.Myargument is based on these three perspectives.
ダイアナ・コー ダイアナ・コー Diana Khor
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU
vol.5, pp.45-59, 2010-03-31

ラジャラクシュミ パルタサラティ
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.1, pp.51-66, 2005

このペーパーではインドにおける現代に至るまでのジェンダー表象およびグローバル化の中での変化のありかたの包括的分析を行う。インドの社会実情は多文化混在性と密接に結びついており,それは地域により父権主義的なものからから女系制まで存在するジェンダー関係の現状にも反映されている。ここでは,ジェンダー観の発達および内在化に強い影響を与えた5個の要素に焦点を当てて議論したい。具体的には,インド神話体系・宗教・歴史・文学およびマスメディアを取り上げる。多面的なインド文化では,多くの対立的要素,例えば伝統とモダニティ,都市文化と地方文化、精神主義と現実主義、識字文化および非識字文化といった事柄が共存するパラドクスが見られる。他言語・他宗教・他民族・階層社会というインド社会の多様性にも関わらず,そこにある統一的アイデンティティが確実に存在しているのは,やはり文化活動の影響に負うところが大きいだろう。神話体系はインド文化にとって最も豊饒な基盤のひとつであり,現在に至るまでインド社会の精神性の根源はヒンドゥー教聖典であるプラーナの編まれた時代にある。ジェンダーによるステレオタイプや役割の発展過程の研究において,叙事詩や民話,伝説が参照される要因はここにある。インド社会内の父権的構造によって採用されてきた宗教原理や伝統についての議論は,ジェンダーによる差異化がいかに着実に男性の社会における優位性を確立し女性の生を周縁化してきたか,また寡婦殉死や持参金制度,女児殺し,寡婦や未婚婦人の蔑視,強姦をはじめとする女性に対する暴力全般などの社会悪の根源がここにあることを明らかにする。外国勢力の侵入の歴史を辿ると,紀元前325 年のギリシャによるパンジャブ地方浸入および紀元747 年のアラブ浸入,15 世紀に始まるムガール帝国による支配,イギリスによる植民地支配などによる数次にわたる男性優位性思想導入の影響を見て取ることができる。文学はそれを生んだ社会を映す鏡の役割を果たす。一般大衆向け作品に見られるジェンダー表象は男女に対するステレオタイプ化されたイメージとアイデンティティの変化を見せてくれる。過去において,そしておそらく現在においても,女性に対するイメージには両義的なものがあり,神格化されたイメージと侮蔑的で貶められたイメージが並立して見られる。男性キャラクターの描かれ方と照らし合わせるとき,現代社会における女性の地位および役割の変化の中,アイデンティティクライシスが進行しつつあることが見て取れるだろう。映画やテレビドラマ,広告や印刷メディアが男女の生活におよぼす影響は非常に大きい。映画は現在の社会の傾向を指し示す理想的なメディアである。年間製作本数の膨大さにおいてインド映画界は世界最大規模を誇る。メディアテクストの多義的な意味性に女性性の現実ではなく男性の幻想の反映を見て取るのは難しくない。娯楽映画では,男女を伝統的アイデンティティのもとに表現するため,さまざまな方策をとっている。採算性が最優先されるため,男性観客向けアピールとしてセックスと暴力に力点が置かれている。インド社会全域に浸透しているテレビも映画に影響を与えている。連続ドラマの多くは女性を中心に据えているが,否定的な側面が強調されている。そこでは女性は悪意に満ちているか,あるいは弱い人間として描かれる。広告で男性の下着からトイレ・浴室用製品にいたるまで,グラマラスな人形として女性イメージが多用されている。締めくくりとして,インド社会の精神性と文化構造の継続性および安定性が,黙々たるインド女性によって保たれてきたことを示したい。この文脈において,女性の人生は徳性の担い手として娘・妻・母としての義務と役割を果たすことにあると考えられてきた。全人格的存在としての個人が役割の枠組みから離れることは許されず,女性の多くが,既成の枠組みを超えるのではなく,その枠組みを尊厳あるものとして扱い,結果としてそれを保持してきた。しかし現在,成長と生活の場には新しい状況がある。現在女性が立っている空間はいまだかつて存在たことのない場所だ。そこには新しい指針が打ち立てられなければならない。女性が旧来の世界を脱却し,新しい世界に足を踏み入れ,新しい意味性を獲得し作り出すためには,まず自らの内面に潜む因習を乗り越える必要がある。現在の世界的および地域的状況は,女性と男性が対話に基づき,平等で幸福な人間社会を協力して築くことを行動に移す環境を整えつつある。
北仲千里 キタナカチサト Chisato Kitanaka
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU
vol.5, pp.95-110, 2010-03-31

Domestic violence typically tends to be regarded as a crime against women. Menand LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people) who suffer violence fromtheir partners have been left out from the domestic violence prevention policy. A recent investigative survey found that some male and LGBT victims asked the DV Center for help. However, a major institutional problem is that the DV victim center was originally set up on a former existing women's support center. The definition of a sex crime is also a problem. Rape is defined as a behavior in which a man rapes a woman. The fact that there is little understanding among support staff is a major problem as well.
高橋すみれ タカハシスミレ Sumire Takahashi
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU
vol.04, pp.17-38, 2009-03-31

"Women's language" in fiction has been discussed in terms of its role in constructing or representing gender norms in society and culture. Research in recent years has included a re-examination of this relationship between gender norms and women's language in fiction. However, there has been little focus on the relationship between the fact that certain characters speak in "women's language" and the context surrounding their speech in the narrative structure. This paper examines the meaning and function of one female character's use of women's language in the narrative structure of a Japanese girl's comic called Raifu (Life). From a certain point in the series, the character starts to make extensive use of female-specific sentence endings that are not used in modern-day speech. If we consider the intention behind her speech in context, the use of women's language can be linked to her artful strategy of attacking the heroine. On the other hand, given her marginalized position in the story, her use of women's language identifies an important role that she has come to play in the narrative structure. With regard to the role of women's language here, it could be argued that this is a story that not only depicts solidarity among girls, but also female conflict.
田島 悠来 タジマ ユキ
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
no.8, pp.53-81, 2013

Using men's studies,this paper will examine the images and reception of"Johnny's"in "myojo" magazine(Shuueisha).At the same time,it willdeepen the understnading of its conception through interviews with theeditor.Magazines from November 2002-October 2012,including thefront cover,reader's page and colored photographs,will be analyzed.Theresearcn focuses on finding a connection between Johnny's and thereaders,and how the relationships between Johnny's stars are depicted.Especially regarding the latter point,this essay argues that there is a connecion to the theories of Eve Sedgewick on"homosocial,homophobia,and misogyny"(1985-2001). The above leads to the conclusion that,in Myojo,Johnny's arerepresented as tne readers'love interests,so the magazine functions asthe site of a pseudo-romance between the readers and the entertainers.In addition,it seems clear that this is the editor's purpose.In themagazine,while excluding women and emphasizing the bond betweenJohnny's members,homosociality is highlighted,and further,assosiatedwith homosexuality in both discourse and symbolism.Conversely,Johnny's express their manliness through their rivalries and their highlevel of athletic ability,which constitutes an opposing image to that ofhomosexuality.In conclusion,although the magazine depictshomosocial relationships between Johnny"s members without homophobia,there is no connection to Sedgewick's theories because these relationshipsare created by a female perspective,are about aheterosexual love imagined by the editors,and occur in the limited spaceof"readers will outgrow the material sooner or later."
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.6, pp.79-91, 2011-03-31

This study examines how picture books provide children with an opportunity to be aware of issues of gender and sexuality by focusing on foreign picture books dealt with a homosexual couple and their children. It explores the possibilities and limits of the works' messages concerning "the diversity of family" through analysis of images of "family" in picture books. Published in 2009, Patricia Polacco's In Our Mothers' House has gained reputation as an important work itself without being subjected to homosexual bashing. Although this reflects current changes in the public's social background and awareness, this research note demonstrates that the couple in this work is depicted in a relationship with stereotypical concepts of the family, following the conventional family norm, even though it deals with homosexual couples. The study also suggests that picture books are a medium that provides children encounters with new knowledge that can enforce the traditional norm of family.
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.4, pp.17-38, 2009-03-31

"Women's language" in fiction has been discussed in terms of its role in constructing or representing gender norms in society and culture. Research in recent years has included a re-examination of this relationship between gender norms and women's language in fiction. However, there has been little focus on the relationship between the fact that certain characters speak in "women's language" and the context surrounding their speech in the narrative structure. This paper examines the meaning and function of one female character's use of women's language in the narrative structure of a Japanese girl's comic called Raifu (Life). From a certain point in the series, the character starts to make extensive use of female-specific sentence endings that are not used in modern-day speech. If we consider the intention behind her speech in context, the use of women's language can be linked to her artful strategy of attacking the heroine. On the other hand, given her marginalized position in the story, her use of women's language identifies an important role that she has come to play in the narrative structure. With regard to the role of women's language here, it could be argued that this is a story that not only depicts solidarity among girls, but also female conflict.