今田 和美
Slavistika : 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科スラヴ語スラヴ文学研究室年報
vol.13, pp.183-195, 1998-03-31

さて、これまで述べてきたような「孤独」と「救済」「したたかに世間を渡っていくための武器」あるいは「作品の喜劇性を引き出す」といった語りの様々な役割は、作品のテーマ (不幸な人間とそれを取り巻く社会の冷酷さ・無常さ) や文体 (感情を排した客観的な語り口、高密度の語りの流れを伴う「意識の流れ小説」、口語や俗語といった低位の文体と官庁風事務文体すなわち高位の文体の混合による言葉の異化)、あるいは非常にペシミスティックで陰気な世界観と並んで、ペトルシェフスカヤの初期作品から一貫して見られる特徴である。いわゆる「ポストモダン」的な複雑で難解な作品が隆盛を極める90年代のロシア文学界において、あくまでリアリズムに徹し日常の細部描写を積み重ねる、というペトルシェフスカヤのスタイルには、批判もある。「口当たりの良さと刺激を求める一般読者層の要望にも前衛的な難解さを求める専門家の要求にもこたえず、現実逃避する読者にひたすら過酷な現実を突きつけている、という意味で非現実的である」という、最近文学新聞に載った批判は、決して唯一のものではない。確かに、「一貫性」とは裏を返せば「同じ事の反復」であり、ペトルシェフスカヤはその危険性を自覚するかのように『時は夜』以降「モノローグ」の執筆を一時中断し、その前後から詩や幻想的な童話、ポスト・ユートピア的な近未来小説、怪談風の作品など、積極的に他のジャンルや形式を開拓している。しかし、そうした新しいタイプの作品においても、多様な役割を持つ「語り」が核となっていることには変わりがないし、今後もそうであるだろうと考えられる。
野中 進
Slavistika : 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科スラヴ語スラヴ文学研究室年報
no.35, pp.359-371, 2020

The article examines a very famous phrase from N. Gogol "What are you laughing at? You are laughing at yourself!" («The Inspector General», 5th Act) in comparison with as famous as the phrase by Horace "Quid rides? Mutato nomine, de te fabula narrator (Why do you laugh? Change only the name and this story is about you)" («Satires», I, 1, 69–70). Although it is impossible to prove Gogol's allusion to Horace, we should pay attention to the similarity of their phrases, which is worth a "typological" comparison. It is the idea of reflexivity of laugh that makes these phrases similar in their message. As is well known, notions such as "reflexivity" (A. Giddens) or "the second-order observation" (N. Luhman) are regarded as essential features of modernity. Horace's and Gogol's phrases present a version of reflexivity in that those who laugh at someone or something else, understand their laugh returns to themselves. Thus, being comical or ironical plays an important role in helping us see ourselves in the way we reflect what and how we are doing. In the second half of the essay we pay attention to the spreading and perception of Horace's and Gogol's phrases. The Japanese writer Soseki Natsume (1867–1916) wrote a novel called "Sanshiro" which depicts an episode where university students gather to have a party. At this party, one student makes fun repeating Horace's phrase «De te fabula» without, as it seems, fully understanding its meaning. The episode shows the young Japanese elite who regard themselves leaders of the modernization of Japan actually failing to understand European culture and the meaning of modernization. Soseki believed that they would encounter the problem of modernization more deeply than he ironically dipicted in his novel. The modern Chinese writer Lu Xun (1881–1936) gives an interesting example of Gogol's influence. He explains his methodology of literature in that he tries to make his readers see themselves as the protagonists in situations depicted humorously in his works. In this context he refers to Gogol's phrase "You are laughing at yourself". These two examples of the perception of Horace's and Gogol's phrases in East Asia show how they spread among those countries which found themselves «late starters» of modernization. One of their tasks is to develop their own modernization and modernity, not to imitate those of the forerunners, i.e. Western Europe. For that purpose it is important to understand and develop the idea of reflexvity which they thought belongs to the main ideas of modernization.[寄稿]