Matthias Jung Christian Weis Norbert Wehn
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology (ISSN:18826687)
vol.8, pp.63-74, 2015 (Released:2015-08-01)

In systems ranging from mobile devices to servers, Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM) have a big impact on performance and contributes a significant part of the total consumed power. Conventional DDR3-based solutions are stretched thin as their maximum bandwidth is limited by the I/O count and interface speed. As new solutions are coming onto the market (JEDEC DDR4, JEDEC WIDE I/O, Micron's hybrid memory cube: HMC or JEDEC's high bandwidth memory: HBM) it is critical to evaluate the performance of these solutions and assess their suitability for specific applications. Furthermore, in systems with 3D stacking, the challenges of high power densities and thermal dissipation are exacerbated. It is crucial to have a flexible and holistic DRAM subsystem framework for exhaustive design space explorations, which can handle all this different types of memories, as well as the aspects of performance, power and temperature.
Ippei Torii Kaoruko Ohtani Takahito Niwa Naohiro Ishii
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.633-639, 2012 (Released:2012-07-15)

This paper attempts to activate a large scale shopping district (shotengai) using new internet techniques. Recently decline of shotengai is a serious problem by development of large shopping centers. We made a new approach with internet techniques to activate shotengai, which is a typical Japanese shopping district. The Osu Shotengai is one of the most famous shotengai in Nagoya, Japan, which includes about 400 stores. We developed Osu shotengai official web site, called “At Osu.” First, the information of 400 stores in Osu shotengai, which includes 9 streets, was collected. Then we created an interactive “Information Visualization System” to put fresh information of shotengai on the web site in real time. It includes “Comment Upload System, ” where store owners can upload their comments and informing news directly on the web site. Further, we developed a new approach to stimulate store owners motivations for participating in the web site. And we also mention about an attractive and interactive web design using twitters to get opinions of users. By developing the new web site, the number of visitors of “At Osu” has increased rapidly. Many articles about this new approach to activate shotengai with a web site were published in newspapers or magazines and we have receives many inquiries.
Masahiro Ide Kimio Kuramitsu
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
IPSJ Online Transactions (ISSN:18826660)
vol.6, pp.9-16, 2013 (Released:2013-01-29)

In recent years, as a method to improve the language performance of scripting languages has attracted the attention of the Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation techniques for scripting language. The difficulty of JIT compilation for scripting language is its dynamically typed code and in its own language runtime. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance overhead of JIT compilation of runtime library's overhead by using a statically typed scripting language. In this study, we use a statically typed scripting language KonohaScript to analyze language runtime performance impact of the code generated by the JIT compiler.
Satomi Saito Koji Maruhashi Masahiko Takenaka Satoru Torii
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.24, no.2, pp.217-226, 2016 (Released:2016-03-15)

Brute force attacks are used to obtain pairs of user names and passwords illegally by using all existing pairs to login to network services. These are a major security threat faced by network service administrators. In general, to prevent brute force attacks, administrators can set limitations on the number of login trials and shut down the traffic of brute force attacks with an intrusion prevention system (IPS) at the entry point to their services. In recent years, stealthy brute force attacks that can avoid the security rules and IPS and intrusion detection system (IDS) detection have appeared. Attackers tend to arrange a large amount of hosts and allocate them fewer login trials than the limitations administrators set. In this paper, we report a kind of distributed brute force attack event (brute force attacks with disciplined IPs, or DBF) against the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) by analyzing IDS logs integrated from multiple sites. In DBF, a particular number of attacks is repeated automatically from a host to a service over a period. For this reason, existing countermeasures have no effect on DBF. We investigate the structure of DBF and improve the existing countermeasure system. We also present TOPASE, which is replaced at each step of the existing countermeasure system and is suitable for DBF countermeasures. TOPASE analyzes the regularity of login trials between a source host and a destination host. Furthermore, TOPASE intercepts the network traffic from the source host of the brute force attack for a specific period. As a result of the evaluation with our IDS log, we estimate the performance of TOPASE and clarify the factors that maximize TOPASE's effectiveness.
Veluchamy Glory Sandanam Domnic
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.2, pp.185-191, 2015 (Released:2015-03-15)

Indexing plays an important role for storing and retrieving the data in Information Retrieval System (IRS). Inverted Index is the most frequently used indexing structure in IRS. In order to reduce the size of the index and retrieve the data efficiently, compression schemes are used, because the retrieval of compressed data is faster than uncompressed data. High speed compression schemes can improve the performance of IRS. In this paper, we have studied and analyzed various compression techniques for 32-bit integer sequences. The previously proposed compression schemes achieved either better compression rates or fast decoding, hence their decompression speed (disk access + decoding) might not be better. In this paper, we propose a new compression technique, called Optimal FastPFOR, based on FastPFOR. The proposed method uses better integer representation and storage structure for compressing inverted index to improve the decompression performance. We have used TREC data collection in our experiments and the results show that the proposed code could achieve better compression and decompression compared to FastPFORand other existing related compression techniques.
Yuuichi Nakano Mitsuo Iwadate Hideaki Umeyama Y-h. Taguchi
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics (ISSN:18826679)
vol.7, pp.2-15, 2014 (Released:2014-01-17)

Type III secretion system (T3SS) effector protein is a part of bacterial secretion systems. T3SS exists in the pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria. How the T3SS effector proteins in these two classes differ from each other should be interesting. In this paper, we successfully discriminated T3SS effector proteins between plant pathogenic, animal pathogenic and plant symbiotic bacteria based on feature vectors inferred computationally by Yahara et al. only from amino acid sequences. This suggests that these three classes of bacteria employ distinct T3SS effector proteins. We also hypothesized that the feature vector proposed by Yahara et al. represents protein structure, possibly protein folds defined in Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database.
Yui Noma Makiko Konoshima
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.22, no.1, pp.44-55, 2014 (Released:2014-01-15)

Since Hamming distances can be calculated by bitwise computations, they can be calculated with a lighter computational load than L2 distances. Similarity searches can therefore be performed faster in Hamming distance space. On the other hand, the arrangement of hyperplanes induces a transformation from the feature vectors into feature bit strings, which are elements of the Hamming distance space. This transformation is a type of locality-sensitive hashing that has been attracting attention as a way of performing approximate similarity searches at high speed. Supervised learning of hyperplane arrangements enables us to devise a method that transforms the higher-dimensional feature vectors into feature bit strings that reflect the information about the labels applied to feature vectors. In this paper, we propose a supervised learning method for hyperplane arrangements in feature space that uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. We consider the probability density functions used during learning and evaluate their performance. We also consider the sampling method for data pairs needed in learning and evaluate its performance. The performance evaluations indicate that the accuracy of this learning method, when using a suitable probability density function and sampling method, is greater than those of existing learning methods.
Junko Sato Kouji Kozaki Susumu Handa Takashi Ikeda Ryotaro Saka Kohei Tomizuka Yugo Nishiyama Toshiyuki Okumura Shinichi Hirai Tadashi Ohno Mamoru Ohta Susumu Date Haruki Nakamura
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics (ISSN:18826679)
vol.6, pp.9-17, 2013 (Released:2013-05-28)

We developed a new information management system, Protein Experimental Information Management System (PREIMS), which has the ontology-based functions for quality control, validation, scalability, and information sharing. Its contents are mainly experimental protocols for the analyses of protein structures and functions, and their results. They are stored separately in the PREIMS database (DB), as the ontology based protocol data and the result data. The synchrotron experimental information was stored as the latter result data in Extensible Markup Language (XML). Furthermore we converted those protocols in the format of Resource Description Framework (RDF) for integration with other biological information resources.
芝崎 泰弘 船越 孝太郎 篠田 浩一
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
vol.14, no.3, pp.163-166, 2015-08-24

Sun Bo Luo Xiapu Akiyama Mitsuaki Watanabe Takuya Mori Tatsuya
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing
vol.26, pp.212-223, 2018

<p>Mobile app stores, such as Google Play, play a vital role in the ecosystem of mobile device software distribution platforms. When users find an app of interest, they can acquire useful data from the app store to inform their decision regarding whether to install the app. This data includes ratings, reviews, number of installs, and the category of the app. The ratings and reviews are the <i>user-generated content</i> (UGC) that affect the reputation of an app. Therefore, <i>miscreants</i> can leverage such channels to conduct <i>promotional attacks</i>; for example, a miscreant may promote a malicious app by endowing it with a good reputation via fake ratings and reviews to encourage would-be victims to install the app. In this study, we have developed a system called <i>PADetective</i> that detects miscreants who are likely to be conducting promotional attacks. Using a 1723-entry labeled dataset, we demonstrate that the true positive rate of detection model is 90%, with a false positive rate of 5.8%. We then applied our system to an unlabeled dataset of 57M reviews written by 20M users for 1M apps to characterize the prevalence of threats in the wild. The PADetective system detected 289K reviewers as potential PA attackers. The detected potential PA attackers posted reviews to 136K apps, which included 21K malicious apps. We also report that our system can be used to identify potentially malicious apps that have not been detected by anti-virus checkers.</p>
Kenichiro Nakai Yasuhiko Takenaga
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of information processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.723-726, 2012-07-15

Pandemic is a multi-player board game which simulates the outbreak of epidemics and the human effort to prevent them. It is a characteristic of this game that all the players cooperate for a goal and they are not competitive. We show that the problem to decide if the player can win the generalized Pandemic from the given situation of the game is NP-complete.Pandemic is a multi-player board game which simulates the outbreak of epidemics and the human effort to prevent them. It is a characteristic of this game that all the players cooperate for a goal and they are not competitive. We show that the problem to decide if the player can win the generalized Pandemic from the given situation of the game is NP-complete.
XU@QIAO XU RUI CHEN YEN-WEI Igarashi Takanori Nakao Keisuke Kashimoto Akio
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
情報処理学会論文誌 論文誌トランザクション (ISSN:18827772)
vol.1, pp.231-241, 2009
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This paper introduces a framework called generalized N-dimensional principal component analysis (GND-PCA) for statistical appearance modeling of facial images with multiple modes including different people, different viewpoint and different illumination. The facial images with multiple modes can be considered as high-dimensional data. GND-PCA can represent the high-order dimensional data more efficiently. We conduct extensive experiments on MaVIC Database (KAO-Ritsumeikan Multi-angle View, Illumination and Cosmetic Facial Database) to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and compared the conventional ND-PCA in terms of reconstruction error. The results indicated that the extraction of data features is computationally more efficient using GND-PCA than PCA and ND-PCA.
Haraguchi Kazuya Tanaka Ryoya
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:03876101)
vol.25, pp.730-734, 2017

The Building puzzle(a.k.a., the Skyscraper) is a Latin square completion-type puzzle like Sudoku,KenKen. and Futoshiki. Recently, Iwamoto and Matsui showed the NP-completeness of the decision problem version of this puzzle, which asks whether a given instance has a solution or not. We provide a stronger result in the present paper;it is still NP-complete to decide whether we can complete a single line of the grid (i.e., a l×n or an n×l subgrid)without violating the rule.
Jung Matthias Weis Christian Wehn Norbert
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology (ISSN:18826687)
vol.8, pp.63-74, 2015

In systems ranging from mobile devices to servers, Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM) have a big impact on performance and contributes a significant part of the total consumed power. Conventional DDR3-based solutions are stretched thin as their maximum bandwidth is limited by the I/O count and interface speed. As new solutions are coming onto the market (JEDEC DDR4, JEDEC WIDE I/O, Microns hybrid memory cube: HMC or JEDECs high bandwidth memory: HBM) it is critical to evaluate the performance of these solutions and assess their suitability for specific applications. Furthermore, in systems with 3D stacking, the challenges of high power densities and thermal dissipation are exacerbated. It is crucial to have a flexible and holistic DRAM subsystem framework for exhaustive design space explorations, which can handle all this different types of memories, as well as the aspects of performance, power and temperature.
Watanabe Yuhei Iriyama Takahiro Morii Masakatu
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing
vol.25, pp.288-295, 2017

<p>WEP has serious vulnerabilities, and they cause various key recovery attacks. Although a more secure protocol such as WPA2 is recommended, according to each research by IPA and Keymans NET, WEP is still widely used because of the lack of knowledge about security of the wireless LAN. On the other hand, it takes large costs to replace a wireless LAN equipment in large-scale facilities. They need a secure method which can be used on their equipment by updating the firmware of WEP. In 2011, Morii, one of us, et al. showed IVs which prevented the Klein attack, the PTW attack, and the TeAM-OK attack. However, they did not present how to obtain such IVs and evaluate security of them. This paper shows the secure method of WEP and how to use it as fast as WEP. We show an IV which prevents the establishment of previous key recovery attacks. Moreover, we show how to use our IV efficiently on the operation of WEP. Our method requires about 1.1 times the processing time for the encryption than WEP. As a result, our method can prevent previous key recovery attacks and realize communication as fast as WEP.</p>
Jonas Kölker
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.694-706, 2012 (Released:2012-07-15)
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In a Kurodoko puzzle, one must colour some squares in a grid black in a way that satisfies non-overlapping, non-adjacency, reachability and numeric constraints specified by the numeric clues in the grid. We show that deciding the solvability of Kurodoko puzzles is NP-complete.
Kazunori Fujiwara Akira Sato Kenichi Yoshida
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.21, no.3, pp.517-526, 2013 (Released:2013-07-15)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a key naming system used in the Internet. Recently, the deployment of IPv6 (especially after the World IPv6 Launch) and DNS prefetching in web browsers has significantly changed DNS usage. Furthermore, content delivery networks (CDNs) use complicated DNS configurations together with small TTL values to control their traffic. These three factors significantly increase DNS traffic. Thus, the importance of DNS traffic analysis has been increasing to properly maintain DNS operations. This paper presents an analysis of DNS full resolver traffic at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. What we found are 1) The deployment of IPv6 has increased queries from clients as much as 41%, 2) The deployment of CDNs increases the use of small TTL values, the use of CNAME resource records and the use of out-of-bailiwick DNS server names. Since these increases are making the DNS cache hit rate low and the DNS response slow without recognition by Internet users, this paper seeks to warn application designers of potential system design risks in current Internet applications.
Kazuya Murao Junna Imai Tsutomu Terada Masahiko Tsukamoto
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.25, pp.59-66, 2017 (Released:2017-01-15)

There have been several studies on object detection and activity recognition on a table conducted thus far. Most of these studies use image processing with cameras or a specially configured table with electrodes and an RFID reader. In private homes, methods using cameras are not preferable since cameras might invade the privacy of inhabitants and give them the impression of being monitored. In addition, it is difficult to apply the specially configured system to off-the-shelf tables. In this work, we propose a system that recognizes activities conducted on a table and identifies which user conducted the activities with load cells only. The proposed system uses four load cells installed on the four corners of the table or under the four legs of the table. User privacy is protected because only the data on actions through the load cells is obtained. Load cells are easily installed on off-the-shelf tables with four legs and installing our system does not change the appearance of the table. The results of experiments using a table we manufactured revealed that the weight error was 38g, the position error was 6.8cm, the average recall of recognition for four activities was 0.96, and the average recalls of user identification were 0.65 for ten users and 0.89 for four users.