山畑 淳子
埼玉女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Saitama Women's Junior College (ISSN:09157484)
no.3, pp.151-164, 1992-03

This paper deals with the life of Lucy Snowe in Villette: her restricted independent process and a cry of the soul. It is said that the ending of Villette is ambiguous. This novel suggests compromise with real life; Lucy Snowe had to accept reality, suffering from her solitude. In the patriarchical society, women had to make a choice whether they should settle down in home or be groping for independence throughout their lives.
安田 寛
埼玉女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Saitama Women's Junior College (ISSN:09157484)
no.4, pp.1-8, 1993-03

La propriete privee est placee sous la protection de l'Etat, plus precisement des tribunaux judiciaires. Cette protection met la propriete en defense, d'une part, centre les atteintes purement materielle qui lui sont portees, d'autre part, contre des atteintes dites juridiques.
杉山 明子
埼玉女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Saitama Women's Junior College (ISSN:09157484)
no.4, pp.9-23, 1993-03

The primary vascular system in the stem, the nodal anatomy and the leaf primary venation system have been studied and discussed with special concern to the phylogeny of the angiosperms.
桾沢 栄一
埼玉女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Saitama Women's Junior College (ISSN:09157484)
no.4, pp.25-52, 1993-03

On this essay, I reserch Laski's design of the pluralistic theory of state and essential parts of it. Furthermore I reserch his ideas of political-economic systems and his ideas of liberty with his developing of the pluralistic theory of state. And we may be able to find the difference between his theories in early days and these in this 1920's, because of his pragmatic method. I study his fundamental ideas, overseeing archetypal parts instead of marking surface parts. Of cause it is 'how to best realize oneself' and 'how to secure liberties'.
佐藤 節子
埼玉女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Saitama Women's Junior College (ISSN:09157484)
no.4, pp.53-79, 1993-03

The purpose of this study was to see how the impressions of dance works change, when works were presented at different orders. Subjects of this experiment were the students of junior college who were not specialists in dance. As stimuli, 10 dance works in the world were selected from videos, 3 terms such as music+movement, music alone, and movement alone were provided, and also 3 kinds of orders were provided. Subjects rated 35 adjectives in 4 scales for each stimuli. Methods used in this study to calculate the data were factor analysis and other statistics. As the results, following inferences were derived. 1.Most works didn't change their impressions by different orders. Causes of changing impressions were considered to be following 4 points, (1)the work had special charateristics, (2)the work was presented at its earlier order, (3)the work was presented under the term of movement alone, (4)the work was influenced by preceded works. 2.When the work was under the terms of previous 4 points, the scores of ratings would vary. Because subjects were not ready to decide the standard points. 3.The first impression theory was not clearly derived in this study. Bcause it may have been experienced, but was not a strong influence to calculate in a figure.
高林 茂樹
埼玉女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Saitama Women's Junior College (ISSN:09157484)
no.4, pp.81-90, 1993-03

This paper offers a survey of similarity and clustering method. It also shows cluster analysis about questionary on student's studying computer. This cluster analysis found that students consist of three clusters.
林田 弘美
埼玉女子短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Saitama Women's Junior College (ISSN:09157484)
no.4, pp.179-198, 1993-03

This article discusses and explores some reasons for the poor proficiency in English shown by Japanese learners which has drawn increasingly fierce criticism from every sector of society and for which school is said to blame to a large extent. A questionnaire was administered to 251 junior college and university students to discover their motivations for English learning. A content analysis of the responses revealed that most of them do not have a clear reason for wanting English fluency and a definite goal for which to study it. This indicates the difficulties college English teachers meet in class and it is suggested that we should define what degree and in what way formal education can and has to do to help foreign language learning.