宮治 美江子
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2015, no.86, pp.21-29, 2015-01-31 (Released:2015-05-21)
杉村 和彦
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2007, no.70, pp.119-131, 2007-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)
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本稿は, アフリカ・モラル・エコノミーの特質とその動態のありようをザイール (現コンゴ民主共和国)・クム社会の共食慣行を中心に, 消費の世界から再検討している。本稿で検討するクム人の生活では, 現金とかかわる消費生活は, 日常的な消費物資から婚資や医療費にいたる様々なレベルにおいて, 多層なかたちでモラル・エコノミーが発現し, その過程において, 現金という他の財と比較してなかなか分配されにくい富が, いわば自発的に村の中で平準化され, また共有化される大きな契機となっている。また, 現金経済が流入する中での「扶養」を介した「分ける」人としての富者像は, クムの中で, 社会的富としての山羊を保有し, 複数の妻を持って子供や親族に恵まれている富者像とつながるモラリティを有している。このようなクムの富者は, 共食慣行を軸にその背後の生活過程を支える消費の共同体を前提とし, その中で示される「物的生産」次元ではない, 人間の再生産を軸とする「社会的富」にかかわる富者像というものである。このように,「共食」に生きるクムの農民の世界には, リネージの拡大を目指し,「生産」の意味を「人間の再生産」の中に置こうとする価値の次元が存在するが, そこには同時に, 日常的に消費の世界を介して,「分け合って」暮らすことによって再生産する農民の世界が浮かび上がってくる。そして同時に, この「食」をめぐる「共同の場」は, 生活集団を再生産させ, まさに親族構造を生み出す中核としても機能している。このようなクムの共食の世界は, 経済学批判として展開した, 分配をめぐるポラニー派の経済人類学と「生産」の意味を反転させようとしたマルクス主義経済人類学という, これまで引き裂かれてきた二つの視角を接合することを要請し, そこにアフリカ小農のモラル・エコノミーのかたちとその原像を浮かび上がらせる。
松沢 勲
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1967, no.4, pp.1-24, 1967-04-15 (Released:2010-04-30)

The African rift valley, one of the most outstanding topographic and geologic features of the earth's crust, is also accompanied with many peculiar geophysical phenomena, that is, anomalies of gravity, heat flow, and geomagnetism, which suggest the connection to the earth's interior. Based upon many studies hithertio made, the hypothesis of mantle convection can most adequately elucidate the peculiarities of the rift valley.As it is well known, unit cell of the convective current causes a horizontal tensional stress at the bottom of the crust situated on the lateral flow, and a compressional stress at that on the downward flow. Therefore, if it is permissible to consider that the rift valley has been torn away by the lateral tension attributed to the mantle convection, the genetical relationship to the compressional area should be clarified.Judging from the geohistorical studies, the African rift valley commenced with the gentle up-doming movement in the Mesozoic era. It followed the rifting with volcanic actions at the Tertiary period, which feebly continued up to the recent. Namely, it coincides with the Alpine orogenic cycle in age. The problem is thus focused on the point that although the Alpine orogenic belt, which is undoubted compressional zone at that time, is oriented in E-W direction from the Mediterranean coast to the Himalayan undulation, the tensional zone of the African rift valley has N-S trend on the whole.Judged by the geotectonic studies, the crustal framework of the Africa is composed of three continental cores implying the oldest Precambrian rock in the world, such as west Africa, Congo, anb Kalahari cratons, which are joined with the latest Precambrian—earliest Palaeozoic Mozambique belt. All of them consist of metamorphic rocks, however, the rocks of continental cores may be harder and stiffer than those of the Mozambique belt. Furthermore, the extention of the belt is trending nearly N-S direction in East Africa, and the interior structure of the belt also takes the same direction in general.It is of the present writer's opinion that these factors, tectonic elongation, interior structure, and less hardness of rocks of the Mozambique belt controlled the disharmonic trend and location of the African rift valley against the Alpine orogenic belt.
星野 光雄
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1989, no.34, pp.9-22, 1989-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

Late Precambrian granitic rocks occurring in the Mahé and Praslin island groups of the Seychelles Islands are divided petrographically and chemically into two assemblages. One is older (ca. 710Ma) I-type assemblage of granodiorite and tonalite, and the other is younger (ca. 680Ma) A-type assemblage of sub-alkaline granite and typical alkaline granite.Fe and Na contents of the ferromagnesian minerals increase systematically from I-type granodiorite through A-type sub-alkaline granite to A-type alkaline granite. These evolutionary trends of the ferromagnesian minerals suggest an intimate genetic relation between I-type magma and A-type magma in Seychelles.The same association of I-type and A-type granites as in Seychelles occurs in the Hijaz region of the Arabian Shield, where the activity of I-type granite took place between 820 to 715Ma and that of A-type granite did between 686 to 517Ma. Such an association of granites is considered to occur extensively in the Arabian-Nubian Shield.Undoubtedly, the Seychelles Islands are continental fragment left behind as a result of the disruption of Gondwanaland and, as stated above, petrological correlation suggests that the Seychelles Islands originally joined with the Arabian Shield.
今中 亮介
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2014, no.84, pp.1-16, 2014-05-31 (Released:2014-07-17)

神代 ちひろ
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2014, no.84, pp.17-30, 2014-05-31 (Released:2014-07-17)

榊原 寛
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2009, no.74, pp.19-36, 2009-03-31 (Released:2010-05-27)

本稿の目的は, 革命や観光地化を経た近年のザンジバル島がどのような文化変容を経験しているか, その動態を描き出すことである。ザンジバル島は19世紀に中継交易港として栄え, アラビア半島やインド亜大陸からの多くの移民により「ストーンタウン」が形成された。この町の建築には, 当時の豊かな商人や貴族によって豪奢な木彫ドアが取り付けられた。しかし1964年に勃発したザンジバル革命によって島の社会構造や民族構成は大きく変化し, 豊かな住民や職人が島外へ流出するとともにドア製作の伝統も衰退したとされる。だがその後の政府の尽力などにより, 現在では製作は復活し, 新たな世代の職人も生まれている。このような背景を踏まえ, ザンジバル革命前のドアと, 革命後のドアとのデザイン面での変化とその要因を, 残されたドアの調査と職人への聞き取りから考察した。この研究から明らかになったのは, 第一に, アラブ・インドからの影響下で生成されたストーンタウンの文化と, より「アフリカ的」であるとされる郊外の文化とのダイナミックな相互交流のプロセスであり, 第二に, 現在のドア職人によってアラブ・インド・アフリカなどの各文化要素が自由に取捨選択され, 融合され, 新たな文化が生み出されつつある胎動であった。
宮治 一雄
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1984, no.25, pp.114-120, 1984-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)
北川 勝彦
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1989, no.35, pp.47-63, 1989-12-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

This study consists of a provisional synthesis of research on Japan's relations with Africa based on an extensive examinations of pre-war Japanese consular reports regarding economic conditions in Africa. The purpose of this study is to make an interpretation of how economic relations between Japan and Africa developed in the period between 1913 and 1924. Japanese scholars have recently come to appreciate the value of consular reports as historical sources. Consular reports provided detailed information on a wide variety of commercial topics by agent stationed all over the world. They were printed and made available to merchants and businessmen from 1881 to 1943. This study focuses on the fifth series, entitled the Official Commercial Reports (Tsushoo-Koohoo), published from April 1913 to December 1924.After the First World War the number of commercial reports coming from Japanese consuls residing in various parts of Africa and other areas increased and the range of topics grew as well. The reports on North Africa almost all on Egypt and afterwards reports on Tunis, Algeria, French and Spanish Morocco were added. Special attention was paid to the number and tonnage of ships passing through the Suez Canal. There were also reports on cotton crops, on Japanese merchandize such as cotton textiles, knit-ware, matches and brushes. Reports on South Africa focused on the Union of South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia, and South West Africa. The wide range of reports on the Union of South Africa included reports on foreign trade, on mining, on market for wool and wool products, on ports and harbors, on expected yield of cotton crops and on Japanese general merchandize such as cotton goods, medicines, glass bottles, matches, cement, fishing instruments and the like.
井関 和代
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1982, no.21, pp.57-74, 1982-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

There are, at present, in Togo and Ghana, numerous textile workshops where long, narrow strip cloth of a width of approximately ten centimeters, are woven. These long strips are sewn together to produce one large piece of cloth which is then used as wearing apparel. Kente cloth, the representative type from this region, was in the past used only as clothing by the court of the Asante kingdom. In recent times, Kente cloth began to be worn by the general population and now it is produced by both the Ewe as well as the Asante. As the finished cloth was quite similar, it was not clear, however, whether or not these two different peoples employed exactly the same techniques during the weaving process. In order to determine where such points of similarity or difference in method might exist, this author spent the three months from December 1980 to March 1981 at the workshop of Mr. Adjakpley Kafu Mawu, located in Asshoun in the village of Tsévié, which is located in the coastal region of the Republic of Togo. The results of the investigation, described below, indicate that there are, in fact, striking differences between the respective techniques used in the preparation, that is, the looming of the warp threads.The production of Kente cloth begins by counting out the desired number of threads and cutting them to the length of what will be the finished material. Each tribe uses both different numbers of warpbeams and spaces them differently, and the methods by which the warp threads are wound are completely different. In order to loom the threads, by passing them through the heddles and reeds, the Ewe let them hang from the loom where as the Asante spread them on the ground. In addition to such technical differences, the looms themselves are not identical. Although both peoples use standing looms, the Ewe use crossbeams around which the finished cloth is wound as well as backbeams which form part of the posts of the loom, and are therefore fixed in position. The Asante, on the other hand, arrange these two features so that they can be adjusted to the seated height of the weaver. In addition, the Ewe use stone blocks or string to fix the crossbeams into position, while the Asante employ the backbeams for this purpose. Nevertheless, when the Kente cloth is finally removed from the loom, it is impossible to tell from the finished product alone whether the weaver was an Ewe or an Asante.If only the production techniques form the basis of comparison, it may be said that those of the Asante are superior. In defense, however, it must be noted that the Ewe have only recently begun to weave this type of cloth. The traditional techniques which the Ewe have preserved over the years are manifested in their production of this type of cloth as well as in the traditional cloth which they have always produced, known as Lokpo cloth, and it is only in the final designs that are woven into the finished cloth that the Asante features can be seen.