苅谷 康太
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2016, no.89, pp.1-13, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-05-31)

松下 周二
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1981, no.20, pp.90-113, 1981-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)
中村 香子
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2017, no.92, pp.69-81, 2017-12-31 (Released:2018-12-31)

小川 さやか
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2004, no.64, pp.65-85, 2004-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

従来の都市研究において, 互酬的な規範を伴う経済関係は, 小農社会の「伝統」を端緒とし, 親族, 同郷者あるいはエスニックグループなどといった特定の閉鎖的な集団において機能するものと分析されてきた。しかしながら, 本論では, 地方都市ムワンザ市の古着流通で行われている信用取引を事例に, 互酬的な規範を伴う経済関係は, 必ずしも農村共同体で見られる「モラル」から発するものではなく, 都市での生活信条や経済活動を通じた連帯を基盤として, 利益と感情の同時充足を目指す商人たちの自立的で創造的な試みとして生成しうることを指摘する。ムワンザ市の古着流通では, 資本をもつ中間卸売商と資本を持たない小売商の間で, 担保なしに商品が前渡しされ, その商品の返品や仕入れ価格の再設定が可能で, さらに生活補助も兼ね備えた特異な信用取引が行われている。この信用取引は, 商人双方に多大な経済的利益をもたらすものであるが, 経済的な利害関係だけでなく, 互酬的な規範を伴った水平的な社会関係を基盤として成立している。本論では, マリ・カウリ取引と呼ばれるこの信用取引が, どのような論理で行われ, 維持されていくのかを中間卸売商と小売商の間の協力関係と対立関係の両面から検討する。
上田 将
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1977, no.16, pp.23-35, 1977-03-30 (Released:2010-04-30)

In this paper I consider kithitu (pl. ithitu) among the Kamba, a ‘Bantu speaking’ people in Central Kenya. Kithitu is a kind of magical medicine (muthea) in a broad sense. Its form is a medicine container, such as an animal's horn or a human tibia, in which magical medicine is packed. Medicine is mainly made from plants, but it is very difficult to know the constituents of medicine because secrecy about the ingredients is strictly kept.There are many kinds and many uses of ithitu among the Kamba, but in this paper I examine Kilonzo's kithitu which is very well-known in the northern part of Kitui District. There are many oral traditions and much gossip about the kithitu in which its potency and the people's fear of it are always expressed.Here I consider how the Kamba explain the various qualities and power of the kithitu, including:1. The owner must keep his kithitu in the bush (kitheka) far away from his homestead (musyi). If he puts it in his homestead, the people of his homestead will die because of the strong effective power of the kithitu.2. After using the kithitu, the owner and the persons concerned must not leave it without wiping off their eyes, hands and the soles of their feet with a mixture of juice from some plants and the soil of an ant hill, or with mwoyo (the undigested contents of a goat's stomach), because they have to cleanse the destructive power of the kithitu before coming back to their homes.3. The kithitu sometimes comes near to the owner's homestead from the bush and cries like a man asking a goat's blood to drink. On such occasions, the owner must kill a goat and take the blood to the kithitu immediately. It is said that if he neglects this, all the members of his homestead will die.4. The owner of strong kithitu can not have his real sons. It is believed that his real sons die young one after another because he always uses the kithitu.5. The kithitu is used in oaths as kuya kithitu (to eat kithitu). It has the power to judge the truth. The accuser and the accused go to the bush and each of them swears over the kithitu, saying that if he tells a lie the kithitu may kill him. But people don't swear over the kithitu directly without kusuna kavyu (to lick a hot knife), ordeal as the first step, because the kithitu is so dangerous that a liar is killed with it. Swearing over the kithitu is connected with law, morals, values, legal procedure, clan conferences (mbai), political power and so on.The kithitu is used as uoi (magical power to knock down an enemy or a rival). When some person encounters serious difficulties brought by his enemy, he visits and asks the owner of the kithitu to kill his enemy. The owner chants a spell against the enemy, striking the kithitu with a twig.The Kamba categorize uoi into two parts: Uoi wa mundu ume (uoi of man) and uoi wa mundu muka (uoi of woman). The kithitu belongs to the category of uoi of man. It has the characteristics shown below:(1) A person who wants to use the kithitu must pay money to the owner. It costs about three hundreds shillings (equivalent to about fifteen thousands yen). Kuthooa kithitu (to buy kithitu) means to use kithitu as uoi.(2) Women and children cannot approach and use the kithitu because administering it is always attended by some danger and secrecy. Only the male adults can use it.(3) It is forbidden to use the kithitu without socially justified reasons. To use kithitu is basically permitted by the society, but only if people follow the prescribed pattern of usage. The kithitu as uoi is deeply related to the kamba magico-religious beliefs a
溝邊 泰雄
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2003, no.62, pp.31-42, 2003-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

本稿は, 19世紀末のゴールド・コーストにおけるアフリカ人植民地政府官吏の実態を概観し, 世紀転換期におけるいかなる状況の変化が, 彼らの植民地政府に対する認識の変化を生じさせたのかを考察する。19世紀末までの西アフリカ海岸地域は, 病気, 資金, 現地についての知識不足などの厳しい制約のために, ヨーロッパ人が本格的にアフリカヘ侵入できる状況になかった。その為, 植民地政府は西洋教育を受けた一部のアフリカ人を官吏として採用し, 彼らの重要性を認識していた。そして, その「植民地」の運営にアフリカンエリートも進んで参加しようとした。しかしながら, 世紀転換期を迎える頃になると, 植民地政府官吏を輩出してきたアフリカンエリートの中から, 植民地政府がアフリカ人に向けて突き付けた様々な植民地政策に対して, 活発に改善要求を行う者が現われるようになった。そして, そうした一連の「アフリカ人」の権利回復運動が, 結果として, 20世紀アフリカ史の重要テーマであるパン・アフリカニズムや反植民地思想の形成の根幹となる,「部族」を超えた連帯意識を生み出す原動力となっていく。こうしたアフリカンエリートの植民地政府及びその背後に位置する大英帝国に対する認識の変化こそが, アフリカン・ナショナリズムのみならず, その後の「アフリカ人国家」建設にも少なからぬ影響を与えていったと考えられる。
多田 功
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1972, no.12, pp.15-20, 1972-12-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

The Ethiopia highland is surrounded by desert and tropical forest-rain areas, and the highland itself surpass 2, 000m in average from sea level. Because of this geographic feature, miscellaneous infectious and parasitic diseases are seen in this country depending on the individual locations. There is not only a plenty of oral and respiratory infections of bacterial, rickettsial, protozoal and helminthic diseases, but also various arthropods-transmitted diseases which are scattered widely by various insects vectors. The shortage of medical facilities and staffs in this country prolongs unfortunately prompt improvement of the present situations. It should be moral obligation for the so-called developed countries to relieve inhabitants from these infectious and parasitic diseases. It seems that those who love Ethiopia and Ethiopians should frankly suggest and recommend people the possible means for the improvement from medical and administrative view points. It does not only mean to help the people under miserable conditions, but it does mean to help ourselves, because all of us are equally involved in mankind.
増田 研
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2016, no.90, pp.37-46, 2016-12-31 (Released:2017-12-31)

土井 茂則
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.28, pp.48-69, 1986

Republic of Kenya achieved independence from England in 1963. But it is well known that the process of her independence was not so easy. There were so many conflicts against British colonial rule in Kenya. Mau Mau revolt was the largest and most intensive uprising in Kenya independent movement. Several reasons of this uprising already have been said by writers, historians, politicians and Mau Mau survivers. But even now no fixed theory to interpret Mau Mau revolt is appeared. It is obvious that Mau Mau revolt was the fight for Kikuyu land and freedom of Kikuyu people by Kikuyu people. The problem is that Mau Mau revolt included the phase of independent movement of nationalist, or not. Because most people who took part in this uprising were almost Kikuyu people, above all young Kikuyu people who had no land to cultivate. In this respect Mau Mau revolt was regarded as civil war between "haves" and "have-nots" in Kikuyu land.<br>Kikuyu Central Association in 1920s and Kenya African Union in 1940s were leading organization of political movement in Kenya. These organizations were led by more or less "haves" who were educated in the school of the Christian Missionaries. They were not always against British colonial rule and their purpose was wealth and political power in colonial system. Their movements were improvement of life to accept European life style and European civilization. Mau Mau revolt was different from these movement. Because most of people who took part in Mau Mau uprising were young and had not education of Christian Missionaries. In this point Mau Mau revolt was anti-European Christian civilization movement to keep identity of African.<br>In the beginning of 1900s Christian Missionaries came to Kikuyu land. They established Christian Missionaries schools. In 1910s they want to suspend the custom of girl's circumcision in Kikuyu land. Some of the Christian Missionaries decided to compel Kikuyu people give up the custom of girl's circumcision in 1920s. But Kikuyu people repulsed these policies of Christian Missionaries. As a matter of course, anti-Christian Missionaries movement was increased in violence in Kikuyu land. Kikuyu people denied to educate their children in schools of Christian Missionaries. They established their own schools and churches, which were Kikuyu Independent School to educate their children and Kikuyu Karinga School to educate Kikuyu traditional religion apart from Christian Missionaries.<br>The conflict between Kikuyu and Christian Missionaries in Kikuyu land had given influence on the independent political movement, especially later Mau Mau movement. In fact there are several reasons of Mau Mau revolt under British rule, which is labour policy, land policy and so on. The conflict between Kikuyu and Christian Missionaries was also one of the most important impact on Kikuyu Nationalism Movement.
五島 忠久
Japan Association for African Studies
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1967, no.5, pp.19-26, 1967

The formula of the syllabic structure of the English words is (C<sup>3</sup>)(C<sup>2</sup>)(C<sup>1</sup>)V(C<sub>1</sub>)(C<sub>2</sub>)(C<sub>3</sub>)(C<sub>4</sub>). Examples may be given:<br>C<sup>3</sup>C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>VC<sub>1</sub>: strong/stro_??_/<br>C<sup>1</sup>V: see/si_??_/<br>C<sup>1</sup>VC<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>: length/le_??_kθ/<br>VC<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>C<sub>4</sub>: absence/æbsns/.<br>Swahili has the following formula: (C<sup>3</sup>) (C<sup>2</sup>) (C<sup>1</sup>) V.<br>V: ona /<i>o</i>-na/'to see'<br>C<sup>1</sup>V: ja/ja/'to come'<br>C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>V: anza/a-<i>nza</i>/'to begin'<br>C<sup>3</sup>C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>V: hamstashara/ha-<i>msta</i>-ša-ra/'fifteen'<br>Thus, syllables in Swahili regularly end in vowels. Many loan-words taken from English, therefore, have adapted their syllabic structure to that of Swahili, changing their one-syllable type into two- or three-syllable one.<br>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. C<sup>1</sup>VC<sup>1</sup>): basi/ba-si/ (<E. bus/bas/)<br>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. C<sup>1</sup>VC<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>): banki/ba-nki/ (<E. bank/bæ_??_k/)<br>C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>VC<sub>1</sub>): brashi/bra-ši/ (<E. brush/braš/)<br>C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>VC<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>): stampa/sta-mpa/ (<E. stamp/stæmp/)<br>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>2</sup>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. C<sup>1</sup>VC<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>): sampuli/sa-mpu-li/ (<E. sample/sæmpl/)<br>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. C<sup>1</sup>VC<sub>1</sub>C<sub>2</sub>): dazani/da-za-ni/ (<E. dozen/dazn/)<br>Some words have the same syllabic structure as the original ones.<br>V-C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. V-C<sup>1</sup>V): eka/e-ka/ (<E. acre/ei-k_??_/)<br>C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>1</sup>V (<E. C<sup>1</sup>V-C<sup>1</sup>V): gita/gi-ta/ (<E. guitar/gi-ta_??_/)
橋本 栄莉
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2012, no.81, pp.31-44, 2012-12-31 (Released:2014-03-28)

西村 智昭
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.44, pp.29-46, 1994
5 8

The population density of western lowland gorillas in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, northern Congo, was estimated both by the "bed-census" method and the "counting" method based on bed-count and direct observation. The density was calculated as 1.92-2.56animals/km<sup>2</sup> and 2.29-2.61 animals/km<sup>2</sup> respectively. Because this was the first time to attempt the "bed-census" method in the Ndoki forest, direct comparison of population density was possible between western lowland gorilla populations at all study sites. It was concluded that the density of the Ndoki gorillas was highest. High population density of the Ndoki gorillas was considered to be possible because they have access to a wide repertoire of foods such as highly nutritious terrestrial herbaceous vegetation (THV) and various kinds of fruits and seeds, corresponding to the seasonal fluctuation of food availability. Although the feeding habits and habitat were different between western and eastern gorillas, they shared a basically one-male group composition, large group size, and unit groups that largely shared their home ranges with each other.
松浦 直毅
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.2010, no.77, pp.19-30, 2010-12-31 (Released:2013-12-06)

曽我 亨
アフリカ研究 (ISSN:00654140)
vol.1998, no.52, pp.29-49, 1998-03-31 (Released:2010-04-30)

This paper analyzes the “camel trust system” (dabare) of the Gabra, pastoralists in a Eastern Province of Kenya. Gabra people transfer their camels as gifts, and on the basis of short term loan, trade and “trust”.Trust, the most ordinary of these four, is a long term loan. Usually, an owner trusts out (loans) most of his camels to other Gabra, and he lives on camels trusted in (borrowed) from other Gabra. Trustees can keep trusted camels as long as the owner does not ask for their return. Trustees have the right of use of the camel and what it produces, most importantly milk. As well, trustees can in turn, trust offspring to another Gabra. Trustors and trustees are recognized as “jal” (special friend), connected by the trusting of camels. This “jal” chain creates multiple networks in the Gabra society.The first part of this paper outlines the trust system of the Gabra and analyzes the relationships which are found in the “jal” networks. There are two important relationships. One is a direct relationship between trustor and trustee, characterized by intimacy and loose reciprocity. The other is an indirect relationship between the owner of a camel and the trustees of that camel's offspring. A camel owner has the right to demand a gift from the trustee, however, in some cases, this demand is deemed too high, and the trustee does not accede to the owner's demand, in which case the owner will compulsorily recall his camel from that trustee. The latter relationship is particular to the Gabra trust system.Secondly, this paper analyzes three features which the trust system generates in the Gabra society. (1) Trust system organizes the Gabra into particular clan. The trust system strongly unites the owner's clan's members. As clans ideally own numerous camels, owners of camels and his clan members keep a close eye on trustees to ensure they breed a camel correctly. The trust system mobilizes and unites the members of the owner's clan. (2) Trust system have the Gabra conform themselves to the discipline. As the owner and his clan's members keep close watch on trustees, trustees try to keep the regulations of trusted camel. Moreover, as the owner who is offended with trustee often compulsorily recalls his camels form that trustee, trustees must always be deferent to camel owners. By virtue of these, trustee are obliged to assume a discipline-abiding attitude with respect to any Gabra who is closely watching him. (3) Trust system makes Gabra imagine the ethnicity. The owner and trustees often live in different region in Gabra land. Trust system connects these people who mutually live in “outside” of their daily-world. By virtue of these, the Gabra recognize the reality of their ethnicity.It is likely that these features resulted from the detachment of the right of ownership from the people who directly exchange the camels.