上原 公子
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.26, pp.10-24, 2019 (Released:2020-06-20)

The improper control of Ishiharaʼs Tokyo metropolitan government has completely destroyed democratic and independent education in the country. However, this means that the Board of Educationʼs mission is the old Fundamental Law of Education, Article 10ʠEducation shall not be subject to improper control but it shall be directly responsible to the whole peopleʡ. It is also a question of whether we were able to protect or not. Once, Kunitachi supported the decision of the board of education which chose the four town system at the time of ʼKinpyouʼ. There was a trusting relationship between the Board of Education and the public through an incessant dialogue. Ishiharaʼs intervention has systematically divided the relationship by capturing the superintendent of education, dispatching the staff of the guidance section from the Metropolitan Education Commission, conducting short-term transfer personnel affairs of the teacher and the principal, vetoing the election of the education committee of the assembly, and conducting attacks using the media. By doing these things, the Board of Education and education itself were taken away from the local citizens. The only way to counter this is to foster the power of citizen autonomy through open education.
青木 純一
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.18, pp.40-52, 2011-07-15 (Released:2017-11-18)

The purpose of the article is to show that the special zones for structural reform in the field of education have been unsuccessful in making good use of the local government initiatives and their distinguishing features. The information the government had disclosed intentionally, leading to poor initiatives of local governments, gave birth to a substantial number of special zones. Most of them, however, proposed fairly similar ideas without fully taking into account their defining features. Some local governments, for example, have had their incentives to provide the measures for regional revitalization and the countermeasures against declining birthrate and depopulation. It could be concluded that the government and the local governments have only exploited the zones for achieving their respective aims.
長島 啓記
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.27, pp.10-24, 2020 (Released:2020-10-01)

In Germany, tuition fees in higher education institutions were abolished in 1970. The federal government adopted a policy of expanding higher education, and the number of new and enrolled students continued to increase. From the mid-1980s, against the backdrop of deteriorating educational conditions, a move towards collecting tuition from long-term students began to gain momentum. The federal government revised the Framework Act for Higher Education in 2002 and stipulated the provision of free tuition, but in 2005, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that it was unconstitutional. Since then, some states have introduced a system that collects tuition from all students, including long-term students. However, it was abolished due to a change of state government and opposition from students, and it has remained so to this day. In light of this situation in Germany, we will examine who should bear the costs of higher education.
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.27, pp.126-134, 2020 (Released:2020-10-01)

The aim of this paper is to study education reform, making a study of education welfare, giving attention to the “transition from school to society” of people with handicaps. First, I explain the relationship between education reform and education welfare. Second, I introduce the policy of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture about lifelong-education for people with handicaps. Third, I consider subjects for “transition from school to society” . On the whole, I explain that education welfare is related to education policy by the creation of new educational value, not only equality of opportunity.
中嶋 哲彦
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.13, pp.26-35, 2006-06-30 (Released:2017-12-03)

Some observers say that the government has the policy to deregulate the whole system of public education and decentralize educational decision-making, though Japanese school system has been highly centralized traditionally. They believe that the decentralization and deregulation policy will help to reform public schools. For example, the national government has the legal liability to pay half of the elementary and junior high teachers' salary. It has contributed to realize the equal opportunity of education for all students regardless of the funding ability of their own municipalities. But, for some observers, it has prevented local governments from developing their own educational policies. So they insist on abolishing the national funding system for compulsory school teachers' salary, deregulate the teacher allocation standards and give the prefectural government more funds with discretionary powers. I think these observers may overlook the real nature of these policies. From my point of view, the deregulation policy will organize the education system more competitively and create serious gaps between the wealthy municipalities and the poor municipalities, high-income families and low-income families. It will make the educational opportunity highly unequal and extremely unfair. Moreover, the decentralization policy will help to exempt the national government from the liability to achieve the national minimum of the public education and transfer it to the local governments. The decentralization policy will not give them more autonomy at all. Under the deregulation and decentralization, the local government will have less funds for their public schools and more liabilities to convince the students and parents of poor public education. Now each local government should realize the liabilities to achieve the welfare of their citizen again, exercise the autonomy to manage the public school according to the local consensus, and protest the national government's policy if necessary.
広井 多鶴子
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.19, pp.40-57, 2012-07-15 (Released:2017-11-17)

Child abuse has become a social problem since the 1990's. The press says repeatedly that child abuse is "increasing" and "getting worse", even the government has taken many measures against child abuse after the Child Abuse Prevention Law was enacted in 2000. In this paper, I describe how the measures have changed the discourse about family and the system and policy of child welfare, tracing the process that child abuse has turned into a social problem. The measures against abuse made the concept of abuse itself change and expand, and added many restrictions to parents' behavior. On the assumption that abuse is caused mainly through domestic pathology rather than by income differential, the measures have changed the system that supervised and guided parents. The measures regarding parents as the child's assailants rather than as protectors of the child's rights, both parents' responsibility and the government authority to intervene in a family have been strengthened sharply.
広瀬 裕子
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.21, pp.25-46, 2014-07-15 (Released:2017-06-23)

This paper inquires into the education reform case carried out using the method of New Public Management (NPM) in the London Borough of Hackney in the UK. During both the Conservative and the Labour Governments in the 1990s, education reforms with the NPM method were adopted widely. The Hackney case was an extreme case of them. The Hackney Council became the first local authority to be judged as failing in running local education, as a consequence, its power to deliver education services was removed from the Council by the central government to be transferred to a private company. Eventually, in 2002, and independent non-profit organization, the Hackney Learning Trust, took over all the power from the Council to run education, under a ten-year contract. Although the Learning Trust undoubtedly had improved the whole range of education in Hackney, the Trust was closed without extending the contract when the contract ended in 2012. The education services in Hackney were returned to the Council. In this NPM education reform case, it should be noted that the private company was not considered to be the permanent agent to deliver education in the local area, but a temporary effective operator to work intensively to recover the malfunctioning local authority. The closure of the successful Trust suggests that the Hackney case was not a simple case of NPM privatisation in educational administration, but this should be interpreted as a case of an education governance reform by the private sector in an emergency, in which the local government had lost their ability to improve their malfunctioning public services.
宮口 誠矢
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.24, pp.124-137, 2017 (Released:2018-08-27)

The present paper aims to review the current theoretical arguments in the U.S. on the homeschooling regulations and draw some significant implications. The main points of the arguments are as follows: Should regulations on homeschooling be based on the principle of child welfare policy or based on the principle of education policy? In the latter case, should the state impose not only the output regulations but also the input regulations upon homeschooling? The different claims on these points reflect conflicting views on childrenʼs autonomy. By reviewing these arguments, the present research paper reached the following conclusions. Firstly, parents who homeschool their children should perform some public tasks as teachers who provide compulsory education. Secondly, studies on such public tasks are important not only for homeschooling but also for school education. Lastly, by studying homeschooling regulations, the stateʼs role in education can be justified.
広瀬 裕子
no.21, pp.25-46, 2014-07-15

This paper inquires into the education reform case carried out using the method of New Public Management (NPM) in the London Borough of Hackney in the UK. During both the Conservative and the Labour Governments in the 1990s, education reforms with the NPM method were adopted widely. The Hackney case was an extreme case of them. The Hackney Council became the first local authority to be judged as failing in running local education, as a consequence, its power to deliver education services was removed from the Council by the central government to be transferred to a private company. Eventually, in 2002, and independent non-profit organization, the Hackney Learning Trust, took over all the power from the Council to run education, under a ten-year contract. Although the Learning Trust undoubtedly had improved the whole range of education in Hackney, the Trust was closed without extending the contract when the contract ended in 2012. The education services in Hackney were returned to the Council. In this NPM education reform case, it should be noted that the private company was not considered to be the permanent agent to deliver education in the local area, but a temporary effective operator to work intensively to recover the malfunctioning local authority. The closure of the successful Trust suggests that the Hackney case was not a simple case of NPM privatisation in educational administration, but this should be interpreted as a case of an education governance reform by the private sector in an emergency, in which the local government had lost their ability to improve their malfunctioning public services.
広井 多鶴子
no.19, pp.40-57, 2012-07-15

Child abuse has become a social problem since the 1990's. The press says repeatedly that child abuse is "increasing" and "getting worse", even the government has taken many measures against child abuse after the Child Abuse Prevention Law was enacted in 2000. In this paper, I describe how the measures have changed the discourse about family and the system and policy of child welfare, tracing the process that child abuse has turned into a social problem. The measures against abuse made the concept of abuse itself change and expand, and added many restrictions to parents' behavior. On the assumption that abuse is caused mainly through domestic pathology rather than by income differential, the measures have changed the system that supervised and guided parents. The measures regarding parents as the child's assailants rather than as protectors of the child's rights, both parents' responsibility and the government authority to intervene in a family have been strengthened sharply.
宮下 与兵衛
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.21, pp.147-156, 2014-07-15 (Released:2017-06-23)

The purpose of this paper is to research the following question through three case studies. Can the students participating in community development enhance their citizenship and does it lead to school improvement? Students, parents, teachers, and community residents organized the 'School Forum', the purpose of which was to discuss both school improvement and community development at three high schools: Nagano TATSUNO High School, Hokkaido BIEI High School, and Ibaragi OGAWA High School. In these School Forums, each of the students decided by themselves to engage in some volunteer activities. For example, TATSUNO High School students addressed garbage collection, researching some regional issues, and holding a symposium for community improvement. BIEI High School Students engaged in volunteer activities for cleaning up their town. OGAWA High School Students rallied to fix dangerous railway lines near their school. The students realized that both protecting their school and participating in the community shared a common interest, and these were issues that needed to be addressed. Overall, the students improved their sense of citizenship through communication with community residents and through community involvement.
山内 優子
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.19, pp.66-72, 2012-07-15 (Released:2017-11-17)

Child Poverty in Okinawa comes from two factors: Starting from zero because of the Battle of Okinawa and American Occupation lasting 27 years. These years made the big difference between the Japanese mainland and Okinawa in education and welfare. The Child Welfare Law was enacted 6 years later than in Japan. Public nursery schools were also established later than in Japan. So uniquely in Okinawa, unauthorized nursery schools exceed authorized ones. Many incidents and accidents by the US military caused the campaign for a return to the homeland. Such fluid society could have an influence on children. Even after Okinawa was returned to Japan, many divorces were due to economic factors. The divorce rate of Okinawa has been the highest in Japan since 1985. At night mothers have to work leaving their children at home in order to make a living. So the children wander at night and this leads to juvenile delinquency. To cut off the reproduction of poverty, we claim the establishment of 'Okinawa Child Raising Plan'.
永瀬 一哉
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.8, pp.184-199, 2001-06-23 (Released:2017-12-24)

I have taught the children of permanent residents of Indo-China (including Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) living in Japan, especially the 'Nanmin Nisei,' or the second generation of refugees and displaced persons who appear Japanese at a glance and whose primary language is Japanese. In the process of teaching them, the following characteristics are instantly perceived: they are often slow learners and they suffer from lack of understanding of the contents of each subject taken at school, although they can make themselves understood in Japanese in their daily life. These characteristics seem to involve a factor different from their slow-learning Japanese counterparts. My study begins by assessing how Indo-Chinese children proceed in their educational route in Japanese senior high school by investigating the schools where they currently or formerly attended. The length of stay of about 380 Indo-Chinese children living in Japan and their senior high school records were examined. Focused on the examination, analyses were made using statistics. The results follow. The deviation (i.e. hensachi 1 in Japanese) of the entrance examination of the schools these students attended was under 40. This suggests a weakness in the efficacy of compulsory education for Indo-Chinese students. Students were classified in three groups as follows, and appear in descending order by performance on the entrance exam: (1) children who came to Japan at junior high school age; (2) children who came to Japan before they entered elementary school (including those born in Japan); (3) children who came to Japan during elementary school. In short, the children who had the shortest stay in Japan by the time they took the senior high school entrance examination scored higher than the other groups, despite having less time with the language. In other words, those who came latest to Japan were superior to those who came to Japan before they entered elementary school, seeming to be better Japanized in terms of study at school. The children who came to Japan during elementary school followed these two groups, performing lowest of all. These results are necessarily concerned with the acquisition of one's native language when considered in conjunction with previous studies of other researchers on language learning. People generally acquire the foundation of the structure of a language grammar by the time of entrance into elementary school. This language is not fully mastered and made one's own until around 11 or 12 years of age, however. The children who had already come to Japan before they entered elementary school and with the ones who were born in Japan as children of immigrants probably have problems with control of their native language. This is because the former children immigrated from Indo-China to Japan (or the range of Japanese culture) at the age of the accomplishment of the foundation of a language grammar, and the latter joined the Japanese community after living in an environment of the use of their native language since infancy. However, this is before they enter elementary school. The children who come to Japan during elementary school, that is, the ones who seemed to accomplish the foundation of the structure of a native language grammar and enter a developmental and applied stage, seemingly more easily adjust themselves to the situation than the children who were suddenly forced to change their language to another for study, these exposed to Japanese at school without much experience with the language. The children who came to Japan at junior high age scored higher in the understanding of their study at school. Since native language ability is sufficient at this age, and their acquisition of Japanese and the understanding of the subjects they learn at school are performed on the basis of the understanding of their acquired native language, it seems that they show better result(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
鈴木 文孝
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.24, pp.40-46, 2017 (Released:2018-08-27)

Since pupils with Gender Identity Disorder often have needs for special support in school life, there are demands for schools to cope with individual cases considering the feelings of pupils and their guardians. It is also necessary to arrange a school environment to enable pupils to ask for advice with peace of mind, and to improve the counseling system. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is conducting various measures relating to such pupils. For example, in 2014, “Survey on Measures Taken in Schools for Gender Identity Disorder”was conducted by the MEXT. In 2015, a notification“On the Realization of Carefully Crafted Measures for Pupils with Gender Identity Disorder”was also submitted. Moreover, in 2016, a reference material for teachers“On the Realization of Carefully Crafted Measures for Pupils Concerning Gender Identity Disorder, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity”was made. This paper explains the outline of such recent measures taken by the MEXT.
宮口 誠矢
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.27, pp.25-38, 2020 (Released:2020-10-01)

Homeschooling in a broad sense implies not only educational opportunities where parents solely provide formal education for their children who do not go to school at all. In the United States, homeschools and schools are involved in various ways. The article aimed to review such homeschooling systems in the U.S. and to suggest the issues to be explored. There are some systems or programs, such as dual enrollment and assistance programs, to offer some public support for homeschools run by parents. Schools or public agencies, in some cases, run homeschools by themselves. Through examining these homeschools, I find two theoretical types of homeschooling: one as“exit”from schools, and the other as“extension”of schools. Both types of homeschools require consideration of measures to evaluate input or outcome. In addition, the“exit”type of homeschools raises the issues of what actors other than schools can properly provide compulsory education and of what tasks these providers undertake. When more than one person or institution provide compulsory education for a child, it should be made clear how they are collectively accountable for education. Finally, I offered some policy recommendations for the revision of compulsory education system in Japan.
妹尾 渉
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.22, pp.70-77, 2015-07-15 (Released:2017-06-20)

In this paper, I examine the difficulty associated with the education policy from an economic point of view. At first, I comment on the "market failure" caused because of the special characteristics of the goods of "education" while being based on a standard concept of economics. From there, it is shown that public intervention by the government, that is an education policy, is necessary for education. Then, the political agreement formation pays its attention to a necessary point for the realization of the education policy practically. From there, it is clear that the incentive structure of society is likely to cause difficulties to the realization of education policy. Finally, for the realization of the education policy, I show that a framework of policymaking that interwove the concrete measures of the education policy to be required and in addition the social incentive structure is necessary, and examine the framework.
宮口 誠矢
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24349461)
vol.27, pp.25-38, 2020

Homeschooling in a broad sense implies not only educational opportunities where parents solely provide formal education for their children who do not go to school at all. In the United States, homeschools and schools are involved in various ways. The article aimed to review such homeschooling systems in the U.S. and to suggest the issues to be explored. There are some systems or programs, such as dual enrollment and assistance programs, to offer some public support for homeschools run by parents. Schools or public agencies, in some cases, run homeschools by themselves. Through examining these homeschools, I find two theoretical types of homeschooling: one as"exit"from schools, and the other as"extension"of schools. Both types of homeschools require consideration of measures to evaluate input or outcome. In addition, the"exit"type of homeschools raises the issues of what actors other than schools can properly provide compulsory education and of what tasks these providers undertake. When more than one person or institution provide compulsory education for a child, it should be made clear how they are collectively accountable for education. Finally, I offered some policy recommendations for the revision of compulsory education system in Japan.