角田 美知江
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.34, pp.27-35, 2011

In this paper, I examine the market entry from a point of view of consumer behavior and marketing communication strategies. Many past studies on the market entry has been discussed with the order of entry. But we cannot discuss it only with the order of entry. Carpenter and Nakamoto (1989) argue that pioneer brand advantages are preserved in the prototypicality of the product. That is, learning pioneer brands for consumers means learning the new product category. We have to explore the mechanism through which consumers get general knowledge of the product category, recognize differences among the competing brands, and make a final choice from them. Also we have to know how consumer behavior relates to pioneer advantages. Therefore, I examine the Specific health food market as a case of it.
吉田 浩
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.32, pp.123-129, 2010

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the conditions of information to be presented when the people select social security policy in aging Japan. In the following, firstly, we discuss the importance of information in selecting the policies. We examine some desirable approaches to reach the consensus through the discussion. Secondly, we survey current and future population, labor, national finances and social security in Japan. Thirdly, we evaluate the policies relating to social security of Japan quantitatively. Finally, we consider the reason why it is difficult to solve the issues on social security under the aging society and what the role of our association should have to play.
久米 功一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.29, pp.33-43, 2009

To examine the causality between subjective happiness of individuals and their earnings, we estimate effects of happiness on the earnings by using panel datasets. Specifically, following an empirical method proposed by Graham et al (2004), we used residuals of the happiness regression as unobservable subjective happiness to estimate earnings equations. The empirical results show that the degree of subjective happiness is determined by relative income position and prospect for the future, and that unobservable happiness can be regarded as cognitive biases which have different effects on earnings by gender and income levels. These evidences suggest that we need to pay more attention to prospect, relativity and unobservable happiness in the future happiness research.
小野 展克
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.28, pp.55-70, 2008

This paper shows how the mass media reports the management crisis of companies. Through my research, it is found that media reports could have a huge impact on corporate credibility as well as on the fate of the reported companies. As a result of One-factor ANOVA (analysis of variance) and t Test, I have found that when companies decide on voluntary liquidation such as through debt waivers, the media often uses the words that make readers image about corporate turnaround, such as "rebuilding" and "support." On the other hand, in the case of the legal liquidation such as using the Corporate Rehabilitation Law, words that tend to damage the image of corporate credibility, such as "bankruptcy," and "failure," were used in many media reports. How the media reports company liquidation greatly vary depending on whether companies go bankrupt voluntarily or by using functions of the court.
家森 信善
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.19, pp.267-274, 2004

Japanese Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC) has provided the deposit insurance since 1971. The Deposit Insurance Act allowed the DIC to protect the full values of deposit, only when its depositor has less than 10 million yen in deposits. However, the law was amended in 1996, and the DIC was authorized to protect not only all depositors, but also all creditors. Although some argued that depositors' bank runs and financial panics did not occur due to this blanket insurance, other economists criticized that the moral hazard of depositors became serious due to this blanket insurance and proposed its abolishment. This paper considers whether the abolishment of the blanket insurance is appropriate for current Japanese economic conditions, by studying the details of deposit insurance systems of the United States, Korea, and Germany. This paper finds that (1) the effective coverage provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (i.e., the U.S. deposit insurance) is larger than what is considered in Japan, (2) the United States and Korea started the limited protection scheme after the banking problems were almost solved, and (3) Germany still provides the blanket insurance, but does not suffer from the moral hazard problem.
小宮山 康朗
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.22, pp.37-53, 2006

It has been widely believed that GDP is the most reliable indicator to evaluate the progress of the society. These days, the women, participating in the business sector and adding the economic value to GDP, are perceived in a positive way to have contributed to our society by many Japanese research works. On the other hand, such research results tend to regard homemakers as unproductive because these homemakers just stay in their domestic community and do not create any market value. However GDP does not reflect social losses or negative effects caused by business activities against people in community such as, for instance, children's quality of life. At the same time GDP does not count any positive values contributed by, for instance, various unremunerated work of homemakers in their domestic communities, either. This paper considers ways in which the true economic impact of the non-market activities might be more accurately assessed. Alternative measurements are thus presented and utilized herein to analyze the positive economic and social value generated by the above.
植野 和文
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.25, pp.81-92, 2007

This paper aims to show a mechanism that people produce satisfaction by the combination of filling two kinds of desires based on T. Scitovsky's theory. Some hypotheses are first put as; i) Satisfaction consists of comfort and pleasure. ii) When people feel discomfort, they act to relieve it and consequently get comfort. They simultaneously enjoy pleasure generated in the process, iii) When people feel boredom, they act to pursue a certain stimulus and also enjoy pleasure generated in the process. iv) Generation of pleasure induces more desire for pleasure and then drives people to actions to relieve discomfort or to pursue stimulus, often resulted in spoiling their satisfaction produced by filling the two kinds of desires. Results are as follows. People would need a manner to restrain the pursuit of pleasure from running recklessly hard if they wanted to produce enough satisfaction through filling their desires. The manner would be that people skillfully combine a desire for comfort as the goal of an act with a desire for pleasure as the power of practicing the act, then make a comprehensive plan for the process of filling the desires ,and finally carry out the plan. Thus it would be possible that people get comfort and enjoy pleasure simultaneously to maximize the satisfaction. This manner is probably to be useful for the argument on an affluent life.