鴨池 治
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.35, pp.123-129, 2012

This paper investigates the problems raised from the recovery process of the Great Earthquake occurred at 15:46, March 11th 2011. Its magnitude was 9.0 which is greatest on record and came along with the biggest Tsunami. About 20 thousand people died and 300 thousand houses are collapsed. It is said that the amount of damage is 16〜25 trillion yen. The recovery plans of prefectures, cities and towns are made and Reconstruction Agency was established on February 10th 2013. There some problems on the recovery process. The biggest one is how to finance the cost of recovery, The present government plans the increase of income tax as well as consumption tax for the social securities expenditure. But the increase of tax may bring about the deep business slump and reduce the tax revenue. The conclusion of this paper is that the government should issue national debts and the Nippon Bank should underwrite them.
諏訪 一夫
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.30, pp.13-21, 2009

It is argued that financing local bonds by the public funds provided by the central government and the compensation through the Local Allocation Tax have largely reduced the interest payments on local bonds. This reduction in interest payment on local bonds has induced inefficient local expenditure which has led to rapid accumulation of local public debt. In this paper, the validity of this line of argument is examined by estimating the effect on reduction of interest payments in Nagoya City for the period since 1989. As the result of the estimation, financing local bonds by the public funds reduced the interest payments by Nagoya City in the first half of 1990s, but it increased the interest payments in the second half of 1990s and in 2000s. And it is also clarified that the effect on the reduction of interest payments through the compensation by the Local Allocation Tax is limited for Nagoya City due to its high level of fiscal ability.
野澤 隆
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.32, pp.15-32, 2010

The paper examines whether postal savings in Japan before world war II had been small savings or not. This topic has been argued for a long period, but we can not get a clear conclusion. This paper analyzes it concretely through various materials and data. Its main point is a special attention to savings in corporative society. Especially, this paper investigates for which name had been deposited, representative name or individual name. Through clarifying this problem this paper aims to throw some light on the discussion about the so-called "smallness" in postal savings. This paper analyzes three periods separately, (1) before World War I, (2) during World War I and july 1937, (3) until the end of World War II. However, about period (3) our research is very limited because the government compelled people to deposit money in all banking facilities especially in postal savings banks, in this period.
平野 大昌
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.31, pp.49-65, 2010-03-31 (Released:2016-11-30)

This paper analyzes effects of internship on undergraduates' attitude toward work. The analysis in this paper is taken account for types of internship program and routes to internship participation. From the results estimated by ordered probit model, it is shown that a practical internship program enhances undergraduates' attitude toward work and understanding about type of job, but an internship as part-time job weakens them. In addition, a long term internship and a task achievement type internship improve them among undergraduates who participated in an internship without a relation of university. Those effects are not observed among undergraduates who participated in an internship as a class of university.
佐々木 昇一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.45, pp.39-52, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

本論文は、日本の労働市場における男性の学歴や就業形態間の賃金格差、また男女間の 賃金格差や女性の労働市場への参入障壁といったジェンダー格差が結婚行動を通じて家計 間の階層選別に与える影響について検証することを目的とする。 そこで、日本の夫婦の結婚、出産などに関する国内最大規模の個票データを用いて理論仮説を実証的に検証した。 その結果、男性の学歴間または就業形態間の賃金格差が大きいほど結婚を通じた家計の階層選別の程度を有意に高める効果を持つことが確認された。また、賃金や雇用に関するジェンダー格差が大卒女性の結婚行動に与える効果については、既婚女性の正規就業率が高いほど結婚を通じた階層選別の程度を緩和させる可能性が示された。 さらに、理論仮説に忠実に就業形態に基づく女性の下方婚についての推計を行った。 その結果、非正規就業男性と正規就業女性の所得の上昇が階層選別の程度を緩和する可能 性を有することが示された。 これらのことから、結婚を通じた階層選別の程度を緩和するためには、学歴間の賃金格 差を縮小させることに加え、就業形態間の賃金格差を縮小させることや結婚後の女性の正 規就業率を上昇させるといったジェンダー格差を是正する政策が必要であることが示唆さ れる。
小林 毅
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.46, pp.1-10, 2017

何 芳
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.47, pp.129-146, 2018

野澤 隆
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.32, pp.15-32, 2010-09-30 (Released:2016-11-30)

The paper examines whether postal savings in Japan before world war II had been small savings or not. This topic has been argued for a long period, but we can not get a clear conclusion. This paper analyzes it concretely through various materials and data. Its main point is a special attention to savings in corporative society. Especially, this paper investigates for which name had been deposited, representative name or individual name. Through clarifying this problem this paper aims to throw some light on the discussion about the so-called "smallness" in postal savings. This paper analyzes three periods separately, (1) before World War I, (2) during World War I and july 1937, (3) until the end of World War II. However, about period (3) our research is very limited because the government compelled people to deposit money in all banking facilities especially in postal savings banks, in this period.
小宮山 康朗
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.22.23, pp.37-53, 2006-03-01 (Released:2016-11-30)

It has been widely believed that GDP is the most reliable indicator to evaluate the progress of the society. These days, the women, participating in the business sector and adding the economic value to GDP, are perceived in a positive way to have contributed to our society by many Japanese research works. On the other hand, such research results tend to regard homemakers as unproductive because these homemakers just stay in their domestic community and do not create any market value. However GDP does not reflect social losses or negative effects caused by business activities against people in community such as, for instance, children's quality of life. At the same time GDP does not count any positive values contributed by, for instance, various unremunerated work of homemakers in their domestic communities, either. This paper considers ways in which the true economic impact of the non-market activities might be more accurately assessed. Alternative measurements are thus presented and utilized herein to analyze the positive economic and social value generated by the above.
村田 治 後藤 達也
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.19, pp.235-243, 2004-03-30 (Released:2016-11-30)

The purpose of this paper is to show whether the Debt Neutrality Proposition stand up or not in Japan. First of all, we survey the literature on the empirical studies of Debt Neutrality Proposition on Japan, and classify the literature into four categories. The first is concerned with macro consumption function (Consumption Function approach). The second category of the literature is about the demand function for wealth (Wealth demand Function approach). The third is the literature which focuses on the consumption function, that is based on the Euler equation which Aschauer has derived (Euler Function approach). The fourth is concerned with the consumption function which is based on Blanchard and Weil model (Blanchard and Weil approach). We investigate the literature carefully, and adopt the Consumption Function approach and the Wealth demand Function approach. Especially, from the standard IS-LM model, we derived the condition for which the Debt Neutrality Proposition does stand up. Main results of the estimates are as follows. The Debt Neutrality Proposition does not come into existence in Japan until 1990. However, in recent years after 1990, the Debt Neutrality Proposition does stand up.
佐々木 昇一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.43, pp.31-41, 2016

This paper examines the effect of the aggravation of youth employment environment on their marriage behavior in Japan. Especially, I focus on the effect of increase the irregular employee rate as the designation on the single rate and analyze empirically, using extensive individual Japanese date from Employment status survey, which examined a large sample. The empirical results show that increases both male and female irregular employment rates have significant effects on the rising each opposite genders' single rates, in the case of sorting the marriage markets only by an age-grade and annual. Furthermore, the effects have greater influences on lower educated youth. While on the other hand, in the case of sorting the marriage markets by adding education, the results of only university graduate were not significant. These results suggest that the rigorousness of the dual labor market affects male and female marriage behavior of the low educated youth more in Japan. Therefore, policies to improve the income security of the low-income youth and to promote a shift from irregular to regular employment, especially for low educated youth, are needed to raise the both male and female marriage rates in Japan.
吉見 憲二 樋口 清秀
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.35, pp.69-81, 2012-03-31 (Released:2016-11-30)

In the present study, it paid attention to the word of mouth marketing guideline that The Word of Mouth Japan Marketing Association had announced on March 12, 2010. And, examined how this guideline had effectiveness. Firstly, the definition and the previous work about the word of mouth marketing were confirmed. After that, picked up the guideline and analyzed cases that work or not. As a result, it reached the conclusion that the effect from the viewpoint of the consumer protection is limited. Finally, it paid attention to the case of penny auction. If stealth marketing is suspected, the guideline had not functioned effectively. As the reason, the guideline has stopped at moral regulation, and it was mentioned that things, such as a punitive clause or a research function, do not exist like U.S. regulation.
佐々木 昇一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.43, pp.31-41, 2016 (Released:2016-09-30)

This paper examines the effect of the aggravation of youth employment environment on their marriage behavior in Japan. Especially, I focus on the effect of increase the irregular employee rate as the designation on the single rate and analyze empirically, using extensive individual Japanese date from Employment status survey, which examined a large sample. The empirical results show that increases both male and female irregular employment rates have significant effects on the rising each opposite genders’ single rates, in the case of sorting the marriage markets only by an age-grade and annual. Furthermore, the effects have greater influences on lower educated youth. While on the other hand, in the case of sorting the marriage markets by adding education, the results of only university graduate were not significant. These results suggest that the rigorousness of the dual labor market affects male and female marriage behavior of the low educated youth more in Japan. Therefore, policies to improve the income security of the low-income youth and to promote a shift from irregular to regular employment, especially for low educated youth, are needed to raise the both male and female marriage rates in Japan.
石井 吉春
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.33, pp.71-84, 2011

Recently, the management of the municipality hospitals has deteriorated and the approach of various public private partnerships is done in a lot of hospitals to improve management. In the case of PFI, we have only a few examples with less favorable results. But in the case of using Specified Manager and Local Independent Administrative Agency, we see a lot more cases with better results. In this research, the works of the two methods of privatization, Specified Manager and Local Independent Administrative Agency, are examined investigating the actual cases of privatization of municipality hospitals. Most cases using Local Independent Administrative Agency have proved to attain a certain level of efficient management, and most cases of Specified Manager with user-charge system have also attained effective management. However, these results may owe to the advantage of initial operations and the strong sense of crisis on the part of hospital stuff.
中川 暁敬
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.41, pp.65-76, 2015

Aging progresses, in Japanese local governments, the cost of welfare has been pressure on the budget. The reason is that, the demand of residents and system of the country has increased the cost of welfare. In this paper, we assumed that budget of the local governments are determined by the demand of residents. We examined the relationship between the current expenditure of local governments and aging by median voter hypothesis. At this time, we assumed that median voter is median age of 20 years of age or older. For the analysis of public demand function, we used the data of the local governments that have less than 100,000 and more than 50,000 populations. We were confirmed that median voter hypothesis is applied in these small and medium cities. From the results of this analysis, we were confirmed that budget of these governments are increased by median age of 20 years of age or older, average salary of civil servants and population. On the other hand, these are decreased by local tax rate and population density.
青田 良紀 田中 康秀
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.22, pp.71-79, 2006

The purpose of this study is to analyze factors of price determination and price difference of hotel rooms by hedonic approach, considering quality of hotel rooms supplied by strategic hotel owners, as IT online hotel room reservations have been penetrating. Specifically, using online hotel room reservation WEB sight data in Japan which are collected by simulation of reservation, we inspect companies' price strategy by hedonic price function. As a result of analysis, it is proved that high-grade impression, condition of location and convenience are large factors of price determination and price difference of hotel rooms.
野崎 祐子
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.22, pp.151-166, 2006

The working environment for women has improved since the late 1980s. Firstly, the higher education female ratio for full time employees has increased. Secondly, female employment opportunities have expanded by changes in the labor market system, such as implementation of the Equal Employment Act of 1986, Amendment/Expansion of the Child-Care Leave Law of 1990 and Amendment of the Labor Standards Law. On the other hand, while the gender wage differential tends to be narrowing in the long run, it has not been influenced by these laws. As for the wage differential factors, there is an area which is not explainable by analysis of the individual attribute differences of employment tenure, kind of job and the working environment, such as corporate size. Hence, discrimination exists. What effect does the increase in human capital caused through higher education and expansion of employment opportunities have on the wage differentials? By focusing on human capital factors, such as educational background and potential ability, this paper examines the wage differentials by decomposing them into wage differential endowments and discrimination. As a result, it was found that there is less discrimination towards women who are graduates of university, than women who are graduates of high school. This means that more than half of the differential can be removed by combining together the differences caused by endowments. In view of this finding, it was proposed that there is a need to employ Positive Action for actively utilizing women.