和田 隆夫
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.1, pp.59-69, 1994-04-15 (Released:2018-01-10)

Als ich uber gesetzliche Erbteil bei nichtehelichen Kindern in Japan untersuche, halte ich den Schutz nicht nur vor nichtehelichen Kindern, sondern vor hausliche Gemeinschaft fur wichtig. Daher verstehe ich es, dass die Erbschaft fur fruhere eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft ohne Erblasser eine grosse Hilfe ist.
宮林 茂樹
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.1, pp.71-81, 1994-04-15 (Released:2018-01-10)

Bestimmten die deutsche Ehegatten keine Ehename, so wurde nach §1355 Abs.2 Satz 2 des Burgerlichen Gesetzbuchs (BGB) der Geburtsname des Mannes zum Ehenamen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat mit seinem BeschlВ vom 5. Marz 1991-1 BvL 83/86 ; 1 BvL 24/88-diese Regelung fur mit dem Grundgesetz unvereinbar erklart und den Gesetzgeber verpflichtet, das Ehenamensrecht insoweit neu regeln. Der Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung entspricht dieser Verpflichtung. Danach konnen die Ehegatten wahlen, ob sie einen gemeinsamen Familiennamen fuhren oder den zur Zeit der Eheschliessung gefuhrten Namen beibehalten wollen. Die namensverschiedenen Ehegatten, sollen den Gebrtsnamen der aus ihrer Ehe hervorgegangenen Kinder einvernehmlich bestimmen. Treffen sie keine Bestimmungen, so erhalten ihre Kinder einen aus den Namen der Eltern zusammengesetzten Doppelnamen.
山崎 誠一
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.2, pp.13-26, 1995-10-16 (Released:2018-01-10)

There was a long walk to reach Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this paper, I want to search the process of making this Convention. Next, I want to examine "Consideration of reports submitted by states parties under article 44 of the Convention : SWEDEN, FRANCE, PHILIPPINE." After these search, I want to discuss Japanese report 1996 should be.
下條 芳明
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.2, pp.27-44, 1995-10-16 (Released:2018-01-10)

In modern Europe, in the beginning, the interests of the ethnic minorities were protected by international law. After the first World War, the rights of the ethnic minorities and the cultural autonomy were constitutionalized in Northern Europe such as Finland and the Baltic states as well as the socialist states. Recently, they are dealed with as the important constitutional rights in Western States, for example, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, and Canada. In general, the concept of the ethnic minority rights consists of two elements; namely, one is the prohibition against discrimination on account of nationality or race, the other is not only protecting but also developing the peculiar cultur of the ethnic minority groups, especially, language, education, religion and traditional customs. I think it necessary for giving consideration to the human rights of the ethnic minority groups to respect their cultural particularity.
佐藤 薫
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.2, pp.45-63, 1995-10-16 (Released:2018-01-10)

Il y a un cas d'utiliser une autre oeuvre par modification pour qu'on exprime sa idee. Particulierement c'est notable dans la parodie. Dans le cas, la derogation produit entre la liberte d'expression et le droit d'auteur, le droit au respect de l'oeuvre. Mais la liberte d'expression doit justifier une telle initiative sous condition. Si ce genre est exonere de droit d'auteur et droit au respect de l'oeuvre. c'est a la condition qu'il y ait necessite de l'utilisation, qu'il n'y ait aucune confusion possible entre l'oeuvre originale et l'oeuvre parodiee.
小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.1, pp.1-11, 1994-04-15 (Released:2018-01-10)

The 17 Articles Constitution by established Prince Shotoku has been neglected as one of no value by many constitutionalists of Japan. But such a tendancy is not right. In this essay, I emphasized (1) importance as the first written constitution of Japan, (2) importance as a national essential polity of Japan, (3) importance as the first written constitution all the world, (4) importance as a useful constitution for the future on this subject.
久保 憲一
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.1, pp.25-36, 1994-04-15 (Released:2018-01-10)

A number of scholars of the Japanese Constitutional Law believe that status of Japanese Emperor was demoted from the head of the Empire (combining in Himself the rights of sovereignity) to the symbol of the State and of the people after the defeat in the World War II. I disagree with this perspective. Because it is based on old formula and traditional definition of monarchy, it is an obsolate point of view. The purpose of this paper is to substantiate my disagreement with the above conception.
林 弘正
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.16, pp.115-152, 2009

In this article, I have referred to the current state of child abuse in Japan and listed serious problems in solving from the viewpoint of the criminal law. The prevention of child abuse is indispensable to constructing of social systems and it needs multidisciplinary corporation with the other organizations and various occupations like the Multidisciplinary Team. We have to continuously study and share experience that leads to protect child from abusing and prevent child abuse. The childhood sexual abuse is one of child abuses that victims are forced to be imposed a lot of emotional burden and the most of victims has frequently suffered from PTSD. Especially in the case that perpetrators are father by birth or teacher. In such case the victims are forced more difficulties in recovery due to self-reproach. So childhood sexual abuse should be considered this status and take measures to prevent from the viewpoint of the public health. I would like to propose three new provisions for childhood sexual abuse in order to prevent childhood sexual abuse and regain the victim's self-esteem. 【Proposal 1】Make a new provision that the age of object raises from 13 to 14 in case of crimes of rape and forcible indecency. 【Proposal 2】Make a new provision to forbid childhood sexual abuse by a person who is at a certain position like a person being relatives, the one living with a child obliged to care for, or the one obliged to teach or guide.
奥村 文男
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.3, pp.53-69, 1996

Most scholars interpret, this "Political Authority" as a "Governmental Power." However, today in Japan, we cannot imagine religious groups will exercise a "Governmental Power" literally. Therefore, this interpretation has only a historical meaning. Recently many problems have been caused by religious groups such as OUM Shinrikyou. Considering the many problems surrounding religious groups, "Political Authority" should be properly interpreted based on such new movements.
眞次 宏典
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.10, pp.93-120, 2003

Whenever we discuss about modern constitutions and political order, the notion of 'an absolute', namely divine or despotic power appears in our discourse. Such notions as natural law, natural rights, the basic norm, sovereignty and constituent power show the existence of 'an absolute' in our theories of the modern constitution and political order. If seems that 'an absolute' has been indispensable to the theories of the modern state and the constitution. But is it true? Examining the notion of 'an absolute' in our theories of the modern state and the constitution, this paper makes a critical analysis of the reason as to why 'an absolute' appeared in the modern age.
長谷川 史明
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.13, pp.133-151, 2006

Although Western constitutionalism has little to do with a written constitution, since the Meiji Era constitutional theorists in Japan have concentrated their studies mainly on the written constitutional Code or documents. So, it tends to overlooked that modern constitutionalism originated in medieval constitutional thought, especially Christian doctrines and the rule of law tradition. I think that the following two stands form the central factors of the Western constitutionalism. First, arbitrary power-exercised by the power-holders should be denied and rejected. And secondly, in order to restrict the exercise of such arbitrary power, the rule of law should be available and applied. In this essay, I concentrate my attention on the Western characteristic Weltanschauung or Ontologie, that is to say, "All things are created by the Creator", and attempt to point out that Roman Catholic Church offered a notion of the separation of the power-holder and the decision-maker. And probably, this notion is one of the basic ideas that Western constitutionalism contains.
安保 克也
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.15, pp.101-126, 2008

It seems that wars in the 21st century are mainly in the form of Cyber Warfare rather than a more conventional style of confrontation. Cyber Warfare breaks out without declaration. Therefore, under the current Japanese legal system it is difficult to prevent Cyber Warfare, which is fought in the lawless zone called Cyberspace. If there were any legal regulations, such as international treaties, these laws would be broken easily with the new technology that is available. This paper tries to analyze how different nations tackle Cyber Warfare and how Cyber Warfare could be interpreted legally. It also makes several how suggestions on the Japanese defense policy against Cyber Warfare.
小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.10, pp.17-37, 2003

English unwritten constitution is a great help to (a) maintenance of old and good tradition and civilization, (b) flexible correspondence to changing social circumstances, (c) stability of legal life by no calling an unconstitutionality in question. On the other hand, in Japan, the problem of amendment to the Japanese Constitution is greatly discussed now. Many drafts of the new constitution appear. But, in my opinion, an unwritten constitution is extremely suitable for the new Japanese constitution, because historically Japan is elder than England. In this thesis, a table of contents is as follows : (1) general idea of an unwritten constitution, (2) sources of law of the English unwritten constitution, (3) merits of the English unwritten constitution, (4) the significance of an unwritten constitution in Japan, (5) sources of law of the Japanese unwritten constitution, (6) a comparative study of Magna Carta in England and the 17 Articles Constitution in Japan, (7) Conclusion.