五十子 敬子
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.17, pp.1-29, 2010-12-24 (Released:2018-01-10)

Freedom of decision-making means that people are free to make up their own minds and take responsibility for their decisions. The Preface to the Japanese Constitution stipulates "We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land". In the third chapter, it defines freedom more precisely. In this paper, I will mainly discuss self-determination regarding death, starting with the definition of self-determination. The general definition of 'self-determination' is similar to 'autonomy', originally used to describe political self-government in ancient Greece. Subsequently, the term was used in moral philosophy to mean individual self-government. Although it is argued that the capacity for individual autonomous control is what distinguishes human beings from animals, at the same time, autonomous choices may conflict with other individual and social values. Secondly, I will discuss whether self-determination regarding therapy is a constitutional right, and how mentally incapacitated adults can take such decisions. I will compare Japanese, American and British judgments on these issues, and definitions of commission and omission. I would also like to suggest that Japan should move forward in reaching consensus on this.
倉山 満
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.107-131, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Yoshino Sakuzo is often called "the most significant political scientist in Taisyo era". His legal logic and his work should not be ignored. With a view of Yoshino as a political scientist, we must pay great attention to work of this great jurist. Yoshino strongly demanded Democracy in Japan. Especially he insisted on the party government system, because he wanted to reflect the public opinion thorough the general election. He also made an effort to establish the convention of the constitution. Although the corruption of two major parties disappointed him and most Japanese people, normal constitutional practice was repeated and put an emphasis on. Finally, Yoshino's ideal did not come true. From 1932 to 1945, normal constitutional practice was abolished. However, every cabinet could not ignore the House of Representative. The convention of the constitution, in which the cabinet distrusted by the House of Representative selects the choice of resignation or the dissolution, remained. Yoshino idealized british constitutional government, and demanded the practice and the convention in Japan. Though he never admired american constitutional code, Yoshio is nowadays considered Wilsonian or Wilsonist. We must correct such an evaluation of him.
浮田 徹
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.133-148, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Die Familie stehen unter besonderen Schutze der Staatlichen Ordnung. Fur die Familie immer es um Die Familienlastenausgleich im Sozialrecht gehet. Im System von Renten- und Pflegeversicherung, der Ausgleich zwischen erziehenden und nicht erziehenden Mitgliedern der sozialen Versicherung kann erfolgen. Das ist sehr wichtig fur Deutschland.
野畑 健太郎
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.15, pp.1-29, 2008-12-27 (Released:2018-01-10)

A definite legal provision on patients' rights of self-determination in medical care cannot be found in Japanese law or the Japanese Constitution. Patients' rights of self-determination are recognized in the realm of learning and the judicial precedents of some lower courts in Japan nowadays. However, it is not evident whether patients' rights of self-determination found in some lower court's judgments in Japan is a right of civil and criminal law or a right of Constitution which means a human right to self-determine. Although patients' rights of self-determination have been argued in terms of medical practices, death with dignity, and so on, they have been not discussed as a constitutional right until the present day. Only whether disregard of the patients' rights of self-determination brings about civil or criminal responsibility has been questioned. Nowadays, although there are some theoretical viewpoints which regard patients' rights of self-determination as a constitutional right, or a human right, originally they are considered a right of civil and/or criminal law in doctor-patient relationships. Hence, it is doubtful that regarding patient's right as a constitutional right, or a human right without examining some theoretical problems on article 13 of the Japanese Constitution. The purpose of this study is to investigate the constitutional theoretical problems about patients' rights of self-determination, by discussing the judicial precedents of some courts related to patients' rights of self-determination.
小野 義典
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.15, pp.53-75, 2008-12-27 (Released:2018-01-10)

Dieser Bericht steht darauf, ich lasse die Sache, die schwer ist, fur die konventionelle Verfassungsvorherrschaftstheorie uber jeder nationalen Verfassungsmethode in EU-Gebiet erklarbar zu sein und Verbindungen des Vertrages und ich, heutzutage den Trend darin hinzufugen und fuge die Prufung hinzu. Unter EU-Vertrage und verfassungsmassigen Wirkungsverbindungen untersuche ich, ob es den Fall gibt, dass eine Verfassung die Vorherrschaft vom Vertrage besonders annimmt. Ich uberprufe, ob EU-Vertrage in einen Vertrag eingeschlossen wird und gedacht wird. Ich erwage der Ubertragung von Hoheitsrechten in EU-Mitglieder Staaten.
大西 斎
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.15, pp.77-100, 2008-12-27 (Released:2018-01-10)

This paper overviews the history and the background surrounding the judgment system for teachers who are unable to provide adequate guidance. It also examine what effort the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Education Board are making in their dealing with such teachers. The paper then analyzes the court cases where the lawsuit was brought against those teachers who are unable to provide adequate guidance. Furthermore, the paper attempts to identify, through the analysis of the court precedents, the relation between the teachers who are unable to provide adequate guidance, and the discharge without honor and the disciplinary action. Finally, the paper considers how to improve the quality of teachers, after examining the above.
安保 克也
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.15, pp.101-126, 2008-12-27 (Released:2018-01-10)

It seems that wars in the 21st century are mainly in the form of Cyber Warfare rather than a more conventional style of confrontation. Cyber Warfare breaks out without declaration. Therefore, under the current Japanese legal system it is difficult to prevent Cyber Warfare, which is fought in the lawless zone called Cyberspace. If there were any legal regulations, such as international treaties, these laws would be broken easily with the new technology that is available. This paper tries to analyze how different nations tackle Cyber Warfare and how Cyber Warfare could be interpreted legally. It also makes several how suggestions on the Japanese defense policy against Cyber Warfare.
和田 幸司
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.15, pp.127-149, 2008-12-27 (Released:2018-01-10)

This paper is primarily concerned with those individuals who promoted religious solidarity among burakumin, or discriminated communities, and in the early modern period laid the foundation for Saisei Temple in Takaya village, Taki county, Tanba. My target audience is mainly people interested in the history of the burakumin or Shin Buddhism. The main findings of my research are as follows: 1. The kebozu, or priests, of a burakumin community are little different from those of the general populace. 2. The temples in burakumin communities in Tanba struggled financially. 3. The kebozu played an important political role in early modern Takaya village.
福岡 久美子
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.87-109, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Recently, the Child Abuse Prevention Law and the Domestic Violence Prevention Law were enacted. These laws concern not only problems of social welfare and criminal law, but also some important problems relating to fundamental rights and principles of the Constitution. In this paper, I will point out some issues for further consideration and discussion.
吉川 仁
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.111-132, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

I have been interested in the legal problems on the relationship between social groups and their members because social groups are essential for human beings to develop themselves and to live happily. There are many kinds of social groups. From my viewpoint, however, post-war theories on the Japanese Constitutional Law have not sufficiently propounded the persuasive classification of them. In this paper I examine the meaning of the words 'commune' and 'community', which has been used in several recent papers and suggest useful way of classification of social groups from the viewpoint of the Japanese Constitutional Law.
渡邊 亙
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.153-180, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Die Frage uber die Moglichkeit der in Eigentum und Freiheit eingreifenden kommunalen Satzungsgebung stellt ein rechtsdogmatisches Topos dar, in dem sich die Forderung einer sachgerechten Problemlosung in ortlichen Gemeinschaften durch Satzungen und die europaische Verfassungstradition des Grundrechtschutzes durch Gesetze uberschneiden. In diesem Aufsatz wird es diese Frage unter dem rechtsvergleichenden Gesichtspunkt betrachtet. In Deutschland wird der Selbstverwaltungsbegriff nicht nur im kommunalen Bereich, sondern im Sinne einer allgemeinen Verwaltungsform dezentraler Art verwendet. Nach der herrschenden Auffassung bedarf es einer besonderen gesetzlichen Grundlage dort, wo Satzungen in Freiheit und Eigentum eingreifen oder ihrerseits zu Eingriffen ermachtigen sollen. Die Grunde, die das Bundesverfassungsgericht im Facharzt-Beschluss von 9. 5. 1972 fur die berufsstandische Selbstverwaltung hierzu genannt hat, lassen sich jedenfalls im Prinzip auch auf die gemeindliche Selbstverwaltung ubertragen. Die japanische kommunalrechtliche Theorie und Praxis zeigt die Moglichkeit einer den Kommunen entgegenkommenden Auslegung der Selbstverwaltungsgarantie. Diese Auslegung fuhrt zwar nicht zur unbegrenzten Anerkennung der kommunalen Satzungsgebung. Sie birgt jedoch ein hoheres Risiko fur die Grundrechtsverletzung durch die kommunale Satzungsgewalt, Die Grenze der Satzungsgebung muss deswegen zwischen der sachgerechten Problemlosung in ortlichen Gemeinschaften durch Satzungen einerseits und dem in der Verfassung beabsichtigten Grundrechtsschutz durch Gesetze andererseits sorgfaltig austariert werden.
小森 義峯
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.1-20, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

After the Second World War, in Europe, many states had been moving to European Unity. For example, there were stages of OEEC (Organization for European Economic Cooperation), ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community), EEC (European Economic Communities), Euratom (European Atomic Energy Communities), EC (European Communities), TEU (Treaty on European Union) and the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (not yet effect). In my opinion, the fundamental character of "EU" is a confederation (Staatenbund) neighbor with a federal state (Bundesstaat). This thesis aims a reference to the future World Federation.
大矢 吉之
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.21-51, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Ichiro Ozawa, representative of Democratic Party which won the House of Councilors election objected to extension of Antiterrorism Law, and the law lapsed on November 1. As for the reasons of his opposition, he said that the refueling activity of the Marine Self-Defense Force in the Indian Ocean is a cooperation to the American war and the use of the right of collective self-defense is not recognized by the Japanese constitution. He published his essay in "Sekai" magazine and clarified the thought. This article examines these problems critically.
奥村 文男
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.53-70, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Ex-Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited Yasukuni Shrine in accordance with his promise in August 2001 and thereafter. A few suits for the damages against his visiting Yasukuni Shrine were brought into the courts. All suits against these cases were dismissed by all of the courts including the Supreme Court. However, several courts approved the plaintiffs' claims in the 'obiter dictum' as Koizumi's visits to Yasukuni Shrine were unconstitutional. In my paper, I pointed out such ways of decisions, which the lower courts ruled on, were beyond the titles granted to the courts and deprived defendants of their rights of appeals to the higher courts.
東 裕
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.71-90, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

The constitution of the Republic of the Fiji Islands (1997), the third constitution of Fiji since its independence in 1970, introduced multi-party cabinet system. The section 99(5) of the constitution prescribes that "In establishing the Cabinet, the Prime Minister must invite all parties whose membership in the House of Representatives comprises at least 10% of the total membership of the House to be represented in the Cabinet in proportion to their numbers in the House." To achieve a national unity, the first step and only solution in Fiji's constitutional problems is to form a power-sharing government among all ethnic communities, and the constitution should arrange to encourage the emergence of multi-ethnic government. This is the intention of the Fiji Constitution Review Commission (FCRC) which made the draft of multi-party cabinet clause. In this essay, firstly, I'll take up Ratu Mara's 'government of national unity' and FCRC's 'multi-ethnic government' as the ideal precedents in Fiji's history and the constitution of South Africa as the institutional precedent to search the origin of multi-party cabinet system, and secondly, the four multi-ethnic parties formed in Fiji since 1999 to consider the actual function of the system.
長尾 英彦
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.14, pp.91-106, 2007-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

YAMATO(Spediteur) behaupt, dass die neue System der Postpaketgebuhren wird einer unberechtig Ausverkauf und Kartellgesetz-ubertretung. YAMATO fordert das Verbot. Das Gericht weist die Behauptung ab. Wahrscheinlich ist es angemessen. Denn, Ich denke, dass das Unternehmensausfuhrung des YAMATO sei unbewegt und so das Postpaket macht es schwierig nicht. Aber, angesichts anderes Falls, vermute Ich, es besteht eine Tendenz des Gerichtes, der Anerkennung des "unberechtig Ausverkauf" eng Schranken zu setzen.
岸本 正司
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.95-122, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

In this paper, I discuss grounds for the necessity of establishing a new guideline for teaching the Japanese Constitution to Japanese high-school students, and then, present my teaching plan based on the guideline. The aim of the teaching plan is to let students understand the process to enactment of the Japanese Constitution from truly objective and fair perspective which is different from the viewpoint of traditionally used textbooks.
小林 幸夫
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.123-142, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

In the Western Occupied Germany after the 2nd World War the occupation army government provided the German administrative agencies for occupation control, which meant also the trial of the later German political machines. And to discover the Western Democratic Federal system suitable for Germany was attempted between the Occupation army government and the Germam authorities, or among the German authorities. My monograph dealt with the German "Bundesrat" in such attempt, until the Herrenchiemsee convention just before opening the assembly to enact German Fundamental Law.
下條 芳明
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.12, pp.143-166, 2005-12-17 (Released:2018-01-10)

In Thailand, the constitutional monarchy was first introduced on 24 June 1932 when Thai Military officers and civil servant of the People's Party staged a coup. Since 1932, Thailand has been governed by a series sixteen constitutions. Such a remarkable change caused the dominant ruling of Thai Military. The basic structures of Thai Constitutions are divided into two groups. The first is the provisional model, in which members of the unicameral Parliament is all appointed by the government, and no political parties can be formed and no elections are to be held. The second is the regular model, in which the elected legislature and political parties play a main role in the political process. After the Cold War, because of the bloodsheds in May 1992, the time was ripe for reform aiming at the constitutinal democratization. As a result of the democratic reform process, the 16th Constitution of Thailand was promulgated on 11 October 1997. The 1997 Constitution will set about drastic political reform and root out the systematic corruption blamed for stunting the growth of democracy. However, I pay attention to preserve the traditional principles of the constitutional monarchy in this constitution. Especially, "the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of the State" (Section 2) is adopted as representing the ethnic identity of Thailand.
金 炯盛
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.13, pp.1-17, 2006-12-26 (Released:2018-01-10)

Unlike the past, modern society has been changed greatly on many sides. Especially, it is extremely revolutionary concerning about marriage and family. We are going to go over the normative meaning of marriage and family in constitution and analyze precedents that recently concerned. Article 36 of Korean constitution is as follows; Article 36 (1) Marriage and family life shall be entered into and sustained on the basis of individual dignity and equality of the sexes, and the State shall do everything in its power to achieve that goal. This emphasizes on individual dignity and equality of the sex. There are a lot of theories which are the general rule, the guarantee of system, natural liberties and the right to live for the legal character of the article. Precedents accepts these three things-the general rule, the guarantee of system, natural liberties-and it is seemingly right. Precedents protected a monogamy family system by making a application of adultery case (the criminal law Article 241), the unconstitutional petition of the income tax law Article 61, the unconstitutional recommendation of the civil law Article 809 (1) etc. At the same time, it firmly says equality between husband and wife and the freedom of marriage with declaring unconstitutionahty of the Article of civil law which rules the patriarchal family registry system (Hojuje), Moreover, the decision of Hojuje from the constitutional court is very important in the meaning of the harmony between tradition and the principle of equality. In the mean time, by the judgement above, traditional family and marriage system has been disappearing. These systems are suddenly reorganizing based on the dignity and equality of the individual. At this point, we had better find the alternatives about the system how to settle in the new structure.