寺島 宏貴 Terashima Hirotaka
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.7, pp.159-182, 2013-03

This paper is extended to the philosophy of "Kougi Seitai" (a thought of the parliamentary system 公議政体) to carry out "Kougi" as the open forum in the New Government before the Restoration of Imprial Rule (王政復古) in an, 1867. Concretely, reevaluation of the "Shoku- Sei-An" (New government organization idea) which was authored and edited by Sakamoto Ryoma (坂本龍馬) together with Ozaki Saburo (尾崎三良) from political history view. It considered specially one of the precondition of publishing the "Shoku-Sei-An"the political activities taken by Sanjou Sanetomi(三条実美)especially after his banishment to Dazaifu (太宰府) caused by coups of 18th August 1863 (Bunkyu-3). In this study, it is considered how the political situation in Dazaifu area had exerted the influence on to the system of the "Shin-Kansei An" as well as to the publisher of the document by examining historical materials in which the document "Shin-Kansei An" was published. Here, it was focused to (1) chronological background and (2) political background of the new government organization idea. In this point the power of five court nobles at zaifu existed as the symbol of political activity of taken by Sakamoto and his group members. In connection with this, Toda who was Sanjo's vassal together with Sakamoto maneuvered that Sanjo shall be nominated as the Chief adviser of the Emperor (kanpaku) of the New Meiji Government. However, the achievement of this conspiration has been ended with the dream, because the time frame when the five court nobles return to Kyoto from Dazaifu has been tponed and this resulted difficult to realize the idea of the "Shin-Kansei An" . Sakamoto and his colleague members of the group named Kaien Tai(海援隊)has developed this project collaborating with the members of the Kougi Seitai group h as Gotou Shoujirou (後藤象二郎) of the Tosa Clan (土佐藩) , however, finally they concluded the project to summarize this to the plan to select Tokugawa Yoshinobu (徳川慶喜) as the ief adviser.
佐藤 直樹
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.8, pp.77-97, 2014-03

In the 19th century there were many colonies of foreign artists in Rome, but we have limited documents about their international exchanges. The purpose of this article is to find some traces of visual cross-references between international artists there, analyzing especially the works by a German landscape painter, Johann Christian Reinhart. At his time, Rome was occupied by Napoleon and the French Academy had established a branch school at the Villa Medici in the center of Rome. In spite of the French rule, not only political but also cultural, the overall majority of the artists operating in Rome was German. Reinhart, the leading figure of the German artists, had rediscovered Tivoli, Castelli Romani and some picturesque areas around Rome, of which he likely got information from French artists in Rome. With these new subjects he created a realistic and heroic engraving series titled "Mahlerisch-radierten Prospecte aus Italien" (1792-99). The series inspired international young artists to go sketching in the surroundings of Rome, and it was originally planned by Reinhart as a collaboration with two French artists whose names are not mentioned in any of his letters, because he recognized that the French had advanced in the outdoor painting and he wished to learn its realistic representation. In the end he could not work together with them, but he developed his picturesque engravings in his own new style. Reinhart painted "Four Views from Villa Malta" (1831-35) in tempera for King Ludwig I. of Bavaria. Villa Malta was the king's residence in Rome and he wanted to bring the unforgettable city views as large paintings back to Munich. Reinhart's challenge was to reproduce a precise panorama, the so-called Veduta. For these panoramic views he might have used a new optical instrument, the Camera Lucida, which had been invented in England in 1786 and was used by British landscape painters for tracing the reflected scene through a prism. I suppose that Reinhart had gained the information about this tool from his artistic milieu, for example the French engraver Noël-François Bertrand and the British painter Samuel Bellin, who were also active in Rome in the same period. The similarity of their optic angles cannot be imagined without them using the instrument. My research has just started, therefore I would like to study further the possibility of the three artists having shared the Camera Lucida in Rome.
中島 浩貴
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.11, pp.41-57, 2017-03

Die Article erörtert, wie der militärische Diskurs des Deutschen Kaiserreich kulturell angenommen werden. Das Zentrum der Betrachtung ist Colmar von der Goltz und Friedrich von Bernhardi. Und Die beide kann militärisches "Meinungsbildner(Opinion Reader)" zum Ausdruck bringen. Sie beabsichtete von Orient(Osmanisches Reich und Japan, usw.)-Image militärisches Argument zu rechtfertigen. Diese Article gliedert sich in dem drei Abschnitt. In ersterem Abschnitt, es handeltete sich darum, welche Aufgabe im osmanischen Reich Hermuth von Moltke zu schaffen konnte. Besonders, Das wird die Frage, das Schriftsteller der Moltke-Biografie die Absicht, in bestimmte Werturteilung ihn zu einschätzen, zu hat. In zweiter Abschnitt, Goltz's Buch "Jungdeutschland Bund" wird erwogen. Auch dieses Buch wurde die militärische Vortrefflichkeit der Türken und des Japaners dargestellt. Besonders, Japanisches "Buschido" hat eine tiefe Bedeutng. In dritter Abschnitt erwägt Bernhardi's Buch "Eine Weltreise 1911-1912". Das Buch erwähnt die Beide der damalige japanische Situation und seiner militärische Behauptung. Die japanisch-originale Charakter wurde insbesondere Bellizismus an Militärischen Geistgebunden. Zum Schluss, diese Article wurde behandelt, dass der Orient-Image(Orientalismus), die neueste militärische Frage zu lösen, benutzt wurde.
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.7, pp.61-81, 2013-03

フリードリヒ・シュレーゲルがその思想的活動の初期に発表した一連の古典文献学的著作の背景には、1797年の『ギリシア文学研究論』にも現れている通り、近代文学の再生というプロジェクトがあった。このプロジェクトを支えるのは、近代の芸術の改良か、さもなくば没落かという危機意識であった。シュレーゲルによれば、古代文学の見直し、つまりギリシア・ローマ文学の全面的なクリティークこそが近代文学の発展に向けて不可欠の前提となる。過去と未来へと同時に眼差しをけるこの構想が必然的に要請するのは、古代詩芸術のためのヴィンケルマン流の考古学と、近代的なクリティークとの結合である。こうした試みを丹念にたどることによって、シュレーゲル独自の「文献学の哲学」の真相が見えてくる。それ、でに「フラグメント」と化した古代文学・哲学の諸作品を既定の区分に従って類別するのではなく、また古典的対人工的というクリシェーに留まることなく、作品自体の自律的・内的な構造に基づいて特性描写する新たな分類学の理論であり、さに、文学の歴史を単なる年代記として構成するのではなく、一にして全なる「ポエジーの宇宙」として体系づける、そのような歴史哲学と緊密に結びついている。本稿は、こうした古代文学のクリティークという観点のもと、上記主要著作に先立つ種々の覚書や断章群 -批判校訂全集未収録のものも含めて- の分析を通じ、ロマン主義文学の本質をなす「普遍文学(宇宙のポエジー)」のプロジェクトへと至るシュレーゲルの文献学的営みの意義を明らかにする。
武田 利勝
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.7, pp.51-60, 2013-03

1802年から1808年までの一時期は、フリードリヒ・シュレーゲルの人生における旅の時代と言ってよい。この間、彼はドイツ中東部を離れパリへと向かい、更に当地で知己を得たボアスレー兄弟らとともにライン地方を巡っている。そしてこれらの旅の足跡は、「フランスへの旅」(1803)および「旅書簡」(1806年)として結実した。 最初の旅記述を全体として規定するのは、革命期の混乱にあるヨーロッパへの慨嘆であり、そこへ至るヨーロッパの歴史への批判的眼差しである。シュレーゲルは古代以来のヨーロッパの歴史を「加速の一途を辿る分裂の傾向」と特徴づけ、自身の生きる1800年前後の時代においてその傾向は「極限」に達した、と診断する。限界にあるという意識は同時に、失われた「中心」への意識とともにある。「中心」の探求は彼にとって、一連の旅行記に先立つ『イデーエン』断章以来のテーマであった。そこでは様々な位相における、そしてなお見出されえない「中心」が予感的に指示されるが、それらは次第に「我らのうちなる」「有機体」という理念的な形姿を帯びてゆく。「来たるべき時代」は「有機的な時代」でなくてはならないという命題が、いわば彼の歴史哲学の核心にして全体となるのだ。しかもそれは想像力と機知のみに開かれるという意味において、たえず有機体の「仮象」なのであって、この仮象性ゆえに、あらゆる「いま・ここ」のうちに限界から中心への変容可能性が萌芽として見出されうる。本稿は、シュレーゲルの二つの旅記述をこのような有機体の仮象の探求と見なすが、その際、旅の途上にある彼の眼差しを規定するものとして、彼独自の「解剖学」概念に注目する。彼において解剖学は純粋に医学的なものではなく、いたるところに隠された「断片」に光をあてる、いわば考古学的な関心に基づいている。かかる解剖学的な手つきによって探り出された「断片」が、とりわけ二つ目の旅記述においては、ライン地方に残るいくつかのゴシック建築、あるいはそれらの廃墟である。そしてシュレーゲルにとって「いかなる体系も断片から生長する」のであってみれば、例えば当時周知とされたあの建築様式と植物とのアナロジーもまた、彼の関心においては建造物そのものがなお有機的な生長の内にあることの証と見なされる。こうしてシュレーゲルにおける中世への憧憬もまた、単なる感傷的な復古趣味の枠組みを超え出る。あらゆる現在が過去と未来の「中間のMittel時代」として漂っているという意識は、「極限」にあるというもう一方の時代意識に対して、すべてがなお有機的な生長うちにあるという仮象を提示しうるのである。
根占 献一
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.8, pp.59-73, 2014-03

Availing myself of the opportunity of my lecture, I explained the origins and development of the idea of Renaissance and Humanism, principally in Italy and Germany of the 19th and 20th centuries. Semper and Burckhardt wrote the important books about the style and culture of the Renaissance. In those times Italy was seeking for the unity of country called the Risorgimento. Besides these scholars, Reumont, Gregorovius and Temple Leader of the same 19th century individually wrote many books about the history of Rome, the story of the Medici, and Englishmen active in Renaissance Italy. Interestingly enough, The Risorgimento had the same meaning as the Renaissance. Therefore Bettinelli published Del Risorgimento d' Italia negli studi, nelle arti e nei costumi dopo il Mille in 1775. The use of the term Risorgimento continued until the second half of the 19th century. About the middle of this century Voigt published Die Wiederbelebung des classischen Alterthums oder das erste Jahrhundert des Humanismus, very important study, that would be translated Il Risorgimento dell'Antichità classica ovvero il primo secolo dell'Umanesimo in Italian. And now the age of the Risorgimento, that is to say, the Renaissance signified the times of Humanismus (humanism, humanisme, umanesimo). Half years ago before this publication Niethammer de facto coined the term of Humanism related to the classical languages of Greek and Latin. But the Renaissance gave birth to the term of humanist, the teacher of these languages. The term of the Humanism had never existed in the Renaissance when there had been instead the term of studia humanitatis (humanities). In Germany the concept of Humanism was not a little complicated according to its ages. Especially there were two kinds of it in the 20th century, the third (der dritte) Humanismus after both the (first) Renaissance Humanism and the (second) Neuhumanismus at the times of Niethammer, and the Bürgerhumanismus. The latter is more important than the former, because, using the Bürgerhumanismus, Civic Humanism in English, Baron, American historian born in Berlin, emphasized the publican liberty of Florentine citizens against the tyranny of Milan, and gave the great contribution to the political and social interpretation, not cultural, of the Florentine Renaissance in the early years of the 15th century, the Quattrocento.
丸畠 宏太 Maruhata Hiroto
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.6, pp.99-117, 2012-03

In der Zeit von der Napoleonischen Vorherrschaft bis zur Reichsgrundung „von oben" wird in Deutschland das demokratische Prinzip der Volksbewaffnung durch die Wehrpflicht in den Obrigkeitsstaat eingeordnet und ihm dienstbar gemacht. Mein Beitrag behandelt diesen Prozess anhand des Bedeutungswandels bestimmter militarischer Begriffe wie Volksbewaffnung, Konskription, Wehrpflicht und milizartige bewaffnete Organisationen (Burgerwehren usw.). Es kann gezeigt werden, dass sich die Veranderung militarpolitischer Begriffe besonders zu Anfang der 1830er Jahre, in der 1848er Revolution und in der Zeit der Vereinigungskriege vollzog.
van LAAK Lothar ファン・ラーク ローター
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
no.6, pp.163-171, 2012-03

アネッテ・フォン・ドロステ=ヒュルスホフの詩集『荒野風景』に所収の詩「泥炭岩の坑」は、人間が自然のなかでどういう位置を占めているかという問いを投げかけている。この問いは、神学的な、知の歴史に関する、そして美学的な側面を含んでいる。伝統的な古い知(神話学と神学)と近代的知(地質学や生物学などの自然科学知)は共に自然の内的経験を素通りしてしまうのに対して、文学的かつ美的に展開する構想力の人類学的な力は、自然への扉を開くことができる。とはいえ、宗教的あるいは科学的な世界記述とその経験は、根本的に否定されるのではなく、 像 を創造しそれに形姿を与える構想力のプロセスのなかで統合されるのだ。イメージドロステ=ヒュルスホフは、カントが区別する再生産的構想力と生産的構想力の次元を再び結合する。〔すなわち〕彼女は、一方において、カントが再生産的構想力にしか分類しなかった夢を再評価する。彼女は他方でまた、近代的科学を基本的に承認し、ユーモアに満ちた調子で詩を終わらせることによって、夢を相対化する。このように、「泥炭岩の坑」は、夢と知、ポエジーと科学、宗教と現実の間に新たな平衡を生み出すことによって、ロマン派的傾向と写実主義的傾向の間にあって、19世紀の文学史に占める彼女の位置、彼女の写実主義が持つロマン派的性格、そして文学と知の新しい関係をより正確に規定する美学的な自己省察への寄与としても読むことができるのである。
伊藤 真実子 Ito Mamiko
19世紀学研究 (ISSN:18827578)
vol.6, pp.59-78, 2012-03

Japan has incorporated aspects of different civilizations for hundreds of years. Until recently, most cultural imports came from China. Japan adopted Chinese characters into its writing system, Confucianism into its philosophy, and the Chinese form of the Encyclopedia (Leishu). For many years, the Japanese encyclopedia took the form of an edited translation of a Chinese one, especially in the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth Century. In 1637, "the Sancai Tuhui"(三才図会)was edited by Wang Qi in China. This work was quickly transmitted to Japan and translated within thirty years as "Wakan Sansei Zue"(和漢三才図会 )by Terashima Ryoan, in 1713. This Japanese encyclopedia was popular. The price was not so high since it was a printed book and not a hand-written manuscript, and the pictures made it easy to understand. Because of this, it was reprinted several times over 200 years. Why did these encyclopedias enjoy such popularity? One reason was the progress of print techniques that lowered prices, and another factor was the popularity of natural history. Natural history has had a wide appeal not only in Europe but also in Asia in the 100 years from the mid-Eighteenth century. Because of "closed country," Japan remained political stable. It allowed for a flourishing of culture and hobbies. One aspect of this was an interest in natural history. It spread not only among intellectuals and wealthy aristocrats, but also among the general public. With the popularity of natural history, many variations of the encyclopedia were edited, both digests (handbooks for daily use) and specialized ones. Natural history became popular as a scholarly pursuit as well. Li Shizhen’s "Bencao gangmu"(本草綱目)was published in 1596, and was imported to Japan by 1604. The most famous translation of it in Japan was "Yamato Honzo"by Kaibara Ekiken. He picked included things found in Japan, and added a large number of animals, plants, and minerals to the original. In the first half of the Eighteenth Century, the government adopted new policy: the development of domestic pharmacopeia. Therefore, new species or subspecies were sought. Scholars met to identify between things and names elaborated in books. In time, they brought rare articles together and organized exhibitions(薬品会) . In 1757, scholars nationwide attended the exhibition in Edo, and if they could not come to Edo, it was possible to send items through the network of the pharmacies. This is the origin of the modern exhibition in Japan. Around 1800 the Tokugawa government got a western encyclopedia from the chief of the Netherland’s factory at Nagasaki. It was the first encyclopedia from Europe. After the Meiji Restoration, huge western knowledge flowed into Japan. The Meiji government worked on translating western encyclopedias. It brought not only new knowledge, but transformed the existing order of knowledge. This paper will focus on the history of translation of encyclopedia in Japan. Encyclopedia was a mirror of culture, sense of value, custom, thought, idea, scholarship and trend at that age and at that country all over the world. Hence, in this paper, I argue how did the Japanese translate and incorporate another country’s encyclopedia into her own country.