Daisuke Shimada Atsushi C. Suzuki Megumu Tsujimoto Satoshi Imura Keiichi Kakui
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.22, no.2, pp.151-159, 2017-11-25 (Released:2017-12-05)

A new species of free-living marine nematode, Oncholaimus langhovdensis sp. nov., is described from the intertidal zone of Langhovde (near Syowa Station), Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. It closely resembles 11 congeners in the conico-cylindrical tail shape present in males and amphid and excretory pore positions, short spicules, and Demanian system structure present in females. However, it mainly differs from these congeners in body size, de Man’s ratios, tail length and shape, and Demanian system structure present in females. Oncholaimus langhovdensis sp. nov. also resembles four congeners known only by females, but it can be distinguished from them based on the tail length and uvette position. In addition to O. langhovdensis sp. nov., two undescribed species (Tripyloididae gen. sp. and Axonolaimidae gen. sp.) and four unidentified species (Sphaerolaimus sp., Oncholaimidae gen. sp., Comesomatidae gen. sp., and Chromadorida fam. gen. sp.) were found from the same locality.
Mizuki Matsunuma Nozomu Muto
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.107-116, 2020-05-15 (Released:2020-05-15)

A single pelagic juvenile (23.1 mm standard length) of a lophiid fish, collected from 100–115 m in depth in the East China Sea, was identified as Sladenia zhui Ni, Wu, and Li, 2002, originally described from the East and South China Seas, on the basis of meristic counts [I-I-I-I, 10 dorsal-fin rays (2 post-cephalic spines); 7 anal-fin rays; and 19 pectoral-fin rays] and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Reported here for the first time, juveniles of Sladenia Regan, 1908 are uniquely characterized by inflated, balloon-like skin surrounding the head and body, and undeveloped head spines. The Japanese names “Daruma-ankou-zoku” and “Daruma-ankou” are proposed herein for the genus Sladenia and S. zhui, respectively.
Koichi Hoshino Kunpei Kosaka Kota Sawada Masashi Kiyota
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-13, 2022-01-01 (Released:2022-01-01)

An oreosomatid of the genus Allocyttus McCulloch, 1914 is fished commercially on the Emperor Seamounts. However, the species’ identity is uncertain, as is the taxonomy of the oreosomatid species of the seas around Japan, where the names Allocyttus verrucosus Gilchrist, 1906 (type locality: off South Africa) and A. folletti Myers, 1960 (type locality: off California) have both been used. From its anticipated susceptibility to over-exploitation, it is urgent to establish the correct taxonomic identity to facilitate effective management measures. Meristics, morphometrics and scale characters of the specimens from the Emperor Seamounts and Japan agreed well with data of the holotype of A. folletti and differed from those of A. verrucosus, confirming that those specimens represent A. folletti. Oreosomatids reported from the western North Pacific in the literature were identified as A. folletti. From the data of the present study and historical references, A. folletti is thought to be distinguished from A. verrucosus by the following characters: more dorsal- and anal- spines+rays (36–42 vs. 33–38 and 31–35 vs. 27–33 respectively), more total vertebrae (37–41 vs. 34–38), greater numbers of enlarged scales of dorsal- (S-DFB) and anal-fin base (S-AFB) (31–42 vs. 26–31, and 29–37 vs. 25–28 respectively), more spines on the margin of S-DFB and S-AFB (up to 7–12 vs. 3–6), a shorter preanal-fin length (53.8–63.6% vs. 64.8–83.7% of SL), a longer caudal peduncle (10.4–15.6% vs. 6.1–10.2% of SL), a shorter head (32.9–40.4% vs. 38.5–48.4% of SL), and cycloid scales on the mid-side of body (vs. ctenoid). Available data indicate that A. folletti reaches up to 537 mm SL, larger than A. verrucosus (up to ca. 325 mm SL). From the anticipated slow growth and longevity, concern is raised regarding the susceptibility of A. folletti to over-exploitation.
Hiroshi Kajihara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.1, pp.25-35, 2022-01-01 (Released:2022-01-01)

The three heteronemertean nominal species Ascaris longissima Gunnerus, 1770, Borlasia angliae Oken, 1815, and Nemertes borlasii Cuvier, 1816 have been considered as synonymous, denoting the same species to which the valid name Lineus longissimus (Gunnerus, 1770) has been applied. These three nominal species are the type species of the genus-group names Lineus Sowerby, 1806, Borlasia Oken, 1815, and Nemertes Cuver, 1816, respectively, which are in turn the type genera of the family-group names Lineidae McIntosh, 1874, Borlasiidae Diesing, 1862, and Nemertidae Ehrenberg, 1831. Therefore, Lineus Sowerby, 1806 (currently in use) is a senior subjective synonym of Borlasia Oken, 1815 and Nemertes Cuvier, 1816 (both currently not in use), while Lineidae McIntosh, 1874 (currently in use) is a junior subjective synonym of Borlasiidae Diesing, 1862 and Nemertidae Ehrenberg, 1831 (both currently not in use); in addition, Micruridae Ehrenberg, 1831 (not in use) is also a senior synonym of Lineidae McIntosh, 1874. Borlasiidae Diesing, 1862 and Nemertidae Ehrenberg, 1831 have not been used as valid after 1899, while Lineidae McIntosh, 1874 has been used in at least 216 works published by 437 authors since 1971 until 2021, thus satisfying the conditions stipulated in Article 23.9.1 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Borlasiidae Diesing, 1862 and Nemertidae Ehrenberg, 1831 are herein declared nomina oblita with respect to Lineidae McIntosh, 1874, the latter being regarded as a nomen protectum under Article 23.9.2 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. However, reversed precedence of Lineidae McIntosh, 1874 over its senior synonym Micruridae Ehrenberg, 1831 requires a ruling by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, as the latter name was used as valid between 1998 and 2009
Osami Nakamura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.1, pp.111-125, 2021-04-06 (Released:2021-04-06)

Three new proturan species, Eosentomon villare sp. nov., Pseudanisentomon nasuense sp. nov., and P. villaticum sp. nov., collected from the Nasu Imperial Villa, Tochigi Prefecture, central Japan are described. Eosentomon villare sp. nov. is characterized by the absence of foretarsal sensillum b′1, a long empodium on the hind tarsus, four pairs of anterior setae on abdominal tergite VII (A1, 2, 4, and 5), two anterior and seven posterior setae on sternite VIII, and six setae on sternites IX–X. Both P. nasuense sp. nov. and P. villaticum sp. nov. also lack foretarsal sensillum b′1. Pseudanisentomon nasuense sp. nov. has long empodia on the middle and hind tarsus and five pairs of anterior setae on abdominal tergite IV. Pseudanisentomon villaticum sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by the number of anterior setae on abdominal tergite VII (three pairs: A2, 4, and 5), the absence of foretarsal sensillum c′ and seta x, and rudimentary setae 1 and 2 on tergite XI. In addition to descriptions of these new species, an updated key to species of Pseudanisentomon Zhang and Yin, 1984 is provided.
Alexandr N. Mironov Toshihiko Fujita
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.1, pp.101-110, 2021-03-22 (Released:2021-03-22)

Hirsutocrinus duplex, a new genus and new species of the Bathycrinidae, collected from Okinawa, Japan at a depth of 596–606 m, is described. The main diagnostic characters of the new genus are the presence of side plates in pinnules and of knobby processes on Brs 1–2. Knobby processes on secundibrachials are found for the first time. Monachocrinus A. H. Clark, 1913 shares side plates with Hirsutocrinus. It differs from the new genus in having knobby processes on IBrs 1, parallel ridges on the articular surface of knobby processes, proximal and distal arm pattern a b+c d+e f, saccules, in lacking knobby processes on IBrs 2 and Brs 1–2, pinnule on every second Br, x-shaped tube-feet plates, needle-like spines on external surface of IBrs and Brs. The cover and side plates are similar to each other in Monachocrinus, and quite different in Hirsutocrinus. Hirsutocrinus duplex is the shallowest species in the abyssal family Bathycrinidae usually known from 1100 to 9735 m. Other than H. duplex, only three among 25 nominal bathycrinid species are known from depths less than 1000 m.
Mikihito Arai Toshihiko Fujita
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.1, pp.7-21, 2021-01-01 (Released:2021-01-01)

Five species of sea stars of the families Ophidiasteridae and Goniasteridae including two new species, Bathyferdina caelator sp. nov. and Fromia labeosa sp. nov., were collected by dredging from the mesophotic zone of the Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Bathyferdina caelator is distinguished from B. aireyae Mah, 2017 by the presence of glassy bosses (crystal bodies) on actinal and adambulacral plates and the absence of them on marginal plates. Fromia labeosa has large, elliptical pedicellariae on the actinal plate and is further distinguished from its congeners based on characters of the abactinal and superomarginal plates, granules, actinal papulae, furrow spines, and the subambulacral spines. We also provide descriptions for three mesophotic species, Fromia eusticha Fisher, 1913, Ogmaster capella (Müller and Troschel, 1842), and Tamaria tenella (Fisher, 1906), which are poorly studied in Japanese waters.
Teruaki Nishikawa Hiroshi Namikawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-5, 2021-01-01 (Released:2021-01-01)

Overlooked since its establishment, Ascidia sydneiensis protecta Van Name, 1945, originally described as having mantle musculature comprising short parallel fibers restricted to the dorsal margin, compared with musculature along the entire margin (except for a central muscle-free area) found in the so-called “A. sydneiensis group”, is treated as a full species, Ascidia protecta. A detailed examination of the type and non-type specimens of the latter, all collected from the Gulf of California, confirmed the mantle musculature arrangement in the species, as well as revealing several new features (particularly in the alimentary tract), although not supporting a protective function of the anterior tunic to retracted siphons, as suggested in the original description. A comparison of A. protecta was made with congeneric species with similar musculature.
Kyoji Fujiwara Hiroyuki Motomura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.23, no.1, pp.87-93, 2018-05-25 (Released:2018-05-26)
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Lepadichthys akiko Allen and Erdmann, 2012, previously known only from the holotype from West Papua, Indonesia, is recorded from Japan and Palau for the first time, based on underwater photographs and two specimens, respectively. The latter (12.3 and 14.0 mm standard length) revealed new diagnostic characters of the species: viz., 3 of 5 gill arches with 2 filaments and 4 or 5 gill rakers on each arch; single nasal and postocular canal pores; and no lacrimal, preopercular or mandibular canal pores. The new specimens are described in detail, including a revised diagnosis and comparisons made with congeners.
Kazuya Nagasawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.369-375, 2020-11-16 (Released:2020-11-17)

Females of the lernaeopodid copepod Salmincola markewitschi Shedko and Shedko, 2002 were collected from the buccal cavity of whitespotted char, Salvelinus leucomaenis (Pallas, 1814), in a mountain stream of Nagano Prefecture, Honshu Island, the largest main island of Japan. The females are described as the first record of S. markewitschi from Honshu Island, because the species has so far been reported from the Russian Far East and the southern Kuril Islands east of Hokkaido Island, Japan. The copepod previously reported as Salmincola californiensis (Dana, 1852) from the same host species from the same stream and a nearby hatchery is herein regarded as S. markewitschi. As the species closely resembles Salmincola carpionis (Krøyer, 1837), it is desirable to re-identify the copepod specimens reported before as S. carpionis from Japanese salmonids, especially Salvelinus spp. Contraction of the formalin-fixed and preserved specimens, especially their second maxillae, of S. markewitschi is discussed. Information on the known hosts and distribution records of S. markewitschi is also compiled.
Ronald Sluys
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.361-367, 2020-11-16 (Released:2020-11-17)

Recent views on the goals and methods of historical biogeography have sought support in the distinctions between three phases of biogeographic study and between three aspects of biogeographical hypotheses that were made by Ian. R. Ball in 1975 and 1990. Here it is shown that these recent perspectives on Ball’s philosophy concern misinterpretations of his views that, therefore, are incorrectly used in the development of a theoretical framework for the formation and testing of biogeographic hypotheses. This re-evaluation of Ball’s views also serves as a template for a critical appraisal of several recently published standpoints on the goals and methods of biogeography. Recent panbiogeographic studies postulate wide-spread ancestors in the explanation of present-day vicariant distributions. Wide-spread, even cosmopolitan, ancestral distributions also underlay early applications of taxon-cladistic biogeography, but this notion of primitive cosmopolitanism has been abandoned and replaced by the more realistic assumption that the ancestor had a more restricted distribution. The notion of primitive cosmopolitanism, or at least greatly widespread ancestors, has resurfaced in historical biogeographic hypotheses featuring in modern panbiogeographic studies. This explanatory model is combined with the concept of polymorphic ancestors, which may give rise to parallel evolution of descendant taxa through the process of recombination of ancestral characters. Ample parallelism is well-known in phylogenetic analyses, while it is known also from cases of relatively recent urban evolution. Recent insights into developmental genetics, character identity, and homology concur with the polytopic and polytypic biogeographic model. Progress in historical biogeography is expected to be based on calibrated timetrees and on a pluralistic approach in which the boundaries of various biogeographical hypotheses are clearly demarcated, thus delimiting the domain in which potentially falsifying observations are applicable.
Kyoji Fujiwara Kiyoshi Hagiwara Toshiyuki Suzuki Hiroyuki Motomura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.355-359, 2020-11-16 (Released:2020-11-17)

A single specimen (31.7 mm in standard length) and an underwater photograph of Acentrogobius limarius Allen, Erdmann, and Hadiaty, 2015 (recently described from Batanta Island, West Papua, Indonesia) from Amami-oshima and Iriomote-jima islands, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, respectively, represent the first Northern Hemisphere records of the species, the former being the northernmost record. A full description of the specimen is given and the new standard Japanese name “Hokosaki-kirara-haze” proposed for the species.
Takuma Fujii Yuko F Kitano Hiroyuki Tachikawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.275-282, 2020-10-28 (Released:2020-10-28)

Three species of the family Euphylliidae (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Hexacorallia, Scleractinia) have been formally recorded for the first time from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, based on specimens. Their unique polyp morphology, such as the combination of extended tentacle, are considered to be useful for taxonomy at the species level in genus Fimbriaphyllia Veron and Pichon, 1980 and Euphyllia Dana, 1846. One reason that their distribution might have been overlooked is the insufficiency of environmental surveys, including turbid, sheltered, and upper mesophotic environments.
Masayuki Osawa Yuzo Ota
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.295-307, 2020-10-28 (Released:2020-10-28)

Six decapod crustacean species, including one gebiidean and five anomurans, are reported as new to the marine fauna in the Sea of Japan based on material collected from the coast of Tottori Prefecture, western Japan. Among them, the munidid squat lobster Paramunida tricarinata (Alcock, 1894) is new to the Japanese fauna. In addition to the six species, the occurrence of the diogenid hermit crab Paguristes versus Komai, 2001 in the Sea of Japan is confirmed on the basis of specimens newly obtained from Tottori Prefecture. The current knowledge on the fauna of Gebiidea and Anomura in the western Japanese coast of the Sea of Japan is also briefly summarized.
Natsumi Hookabe Shinji Tsuchida Yoshihiro Fujiwara Hiroshi Kajihara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.183-188, 2020-08-08 (Released:2020-08-08)

The monostiliferous hoplonemertean Proamphiporus kaimeiae sp. nov. is described based on a single specimen collected from the bottom of the Northwest Pacific, 262 m deep, off Tohoku in Japan, by use of a remotely operated vehicle during a cruise organized by Tohoku Ecosystem-Associated Marine Sciences (TEAMS) research project in 2019. The position of the cerebral organs in the new species, being posterior to the proboscis insertion, is unusual for Eumonostilifera, which is one of the diagnostic traits of the so-far monospecific Proamphiporus Chernyshev and Polyakova, 2019, and Amphiporus rectangulus Strand, Herrera-Bachiller, Nygren, and Kånneby, 2014. The latter is herein transferred to Proamphiporus to yield a new combination, Proamphiporus rectangulus comb. nov., based on the reported internal morphology. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, and histone H3 genes placed P. kaimeiae in a clade comprised of Proamphiporus crandalli Chernyshev and Polyakova, 2019 and Proamphiporus rectangulus.
Jumpei Nakamura You Sakurai Tetsuo Yoshino Hiroyuki Motomura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.129-133, 2020-05-15 (Released:2020-05-15)

During the past three decades, ten specimens (174.1–235.1 mm standard length) of the Bluespotted Hind Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828), distributed in the eastern Indian and western Pacific oceans, have been collected from the southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan, although the species has been formally recorded from Japanese waters only on the basis of a single photograph, with the northernmost specimen-based record being Taiwan. The Ryukyu Island specimens, described here in detail, represent the first specimen-based records of C. cyanostigma from Japan, in addition to the northernmost record of the species. The new standard Japanese name “Samidare-hata” is proposed for the species.
井上 久夫
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:02870223)
vol.16, pp.23-32, 1979-06-30 (Released:2018-03-30)

端脚目,ヒメハマトビムシOrchestia platensis KROYERの胸部第7節背面に見られる斑紋が,4種の基本的斑紋型に分類された。斑紋の安定性を調べるため,長期間にわたって飼育観察が行われた結果,第一斑紋型は一貫して安定性を保つこと,また他の3種の斑紋型は,ときに相互移行をすることが明らかにされた。さらに,種内構造の分析の一端として,4種の斑紋型について第2触角の基部末端節と鞭状部の長さが測定され,両者の相対関係が各斑紋型の間で比較された。その結果,雌雄共に第1斑紋型と他の3種の斑紋型の間には,第2触角の相対成長に関しても明らかに相違が見られた。しかし,後者すなわち他の3種の斑紋型の間でははっきりした違いを見い出すことができなかった。これらの結果は,曰本の海浜に生息するヒメハマトビムシ個休群は,少なくとも二つの異なる形態型からなっていることを示唆するものと思われる。
Keiichi Kakui Takafumi Nakano
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.24, no.2, pp.179-180, 2019-07-25 (Released:2019-07-25)

The genus-group name Curtipleon Bǎcescu, 1976 is not available due to Bǎcescu’s failure to fix its type species in the original publication. This genus-group name should be attributed to Sieg (1983)—the work accidentally validated the genus-group name under Article 13 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
Akifumi Ohtaka Stuart R. Gelder
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.20, no.1, pp.67-71, 2015-05-25 (Released:2018-03-30)
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A new species of ectosymbiotic branchiobdellidan, Cirrodrilus iwakiensis sp. nov., is described from Cambaroides japonicus (de Haan, 1849), the endemic freshwater Japanese crayfish, collected in Aomori Prefecture, northern Honshu Island, Japan. The anatomical features used to identify C. iwakiensis are compared with those of its closest congener, C. nipponicus (Yamaguchi, 1932), as well as C. aomorensis (Yamaguchi, 1934) and C. tsugarensis Gelder and Ohtaka, 2000 distributed in the same region.