宮本 硬一
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.16, no.4, pp.145-148, 1961-03-30 (Released:2010-02-25)
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This investigation was made in 1958 to estimate the amount of damages to be done by the prevailing easterlies to the rice yield in the area at the leeward of the windbreak on the seashore near Yamoto Town, Miyagi Prefecture, as a result of the cutting-down of the forest for the purpose of enlarging the landing strip of Matsushima military air depot.The outline of the information I have obtained on the effective limits of the windbreak and the estimated distance distribution of decrease in rice crop, will be given below.(1) On the map I drew two lines (A) and (B), one on the paddy fields exposed to the breeze and the other on the paddy fields at the leeward of the shelter-belt of trees. The measuring spots were placed at every 100 meters on the lines. The comparison was made between the rice yields at the corresponding spots of each line, and the difference between them was considered being made by the shelter-belt of trees. The same comparison was made at the area on the other side of the air depot. For comparison at the measuring spots I used the average rice yield per 10 a figured out by the Yamoto Agricultural Insurance Association.(2) The effective zone of the windbreak on rice yield was found out having a radius of about 400 meters from the forest, in other words, a screen of trees gives useful shelter to about a distance of thirty times its height. This finding was in accord with the calming effect of the forest measured by the Sendai Meteorological Observatory.(3) In case when the windbreak is cut down, it can safely be guessed that between the distance of the forest and the rice yield will be formulated by the following equation (see Fig. 3):Y=0.07x+68 (σ=2.2)Therefore, after the windbreak has been destroyed, the paddy fields near the forest are supposed to show about 30 percent decrease in production as compared with the non-effective site. The decrease percentage increases with the distance—about 7 percent every 100 meters—and at a point 400 meters from the screen of trees, the rice production comes to be free from the influence of the forest.
星野 和生
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.51, no.1, pp.61-68, 1995-03-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
長谷場 徹也 伊藤 代次郎
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.38, no.3, pp.269-277, 1982-12-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
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葉の熱収支式を解いて, 葉温と気温もしくは相対湿度との関係を求めた。この際, 熱及び水蒸気の葉面境界層輸送係数には, 浮力, 葉面温度分布, 群落内気流の乱れ及び葉の揺れの効果を考慮した。また, 気孔開度は, 日射量, 気温及び相対湿度の関数として与えた。気孔開度が日射量によるとともに気温の上昇に伴って飽和曲線的に大きくなる場合に, 気温が低いと葉温は比較的高いが, 湿度が一定で気温が上昇すると, 葉気温差はほぼ直線的に小さくなって, ある気温で葉温は気温と等しくなり, それ以上の気温で葉温は気温より低くなる。この“equality ternperature”は日射が強く相対湿度が高くまた風が弱いほど高くなる。さらに, equality temperature は作物の生まれた土地の温度条件に関連する遺伝的特性としてきまること, ならびに, equality ternperature は光合成の適温に重要な意味を持つことが示唆された。気孔開度は日射量と気温とに依存するが, 相対湿度に対しては一定の場合, 高湿になるに従い, 葉温は直線的に上昇する。次に, 気孔が低湿時に開く場合も, 葉温は湿度の上昇に伴ってほぼ直線的に上昇するが, 高湿時には気孔が相対的に閉じて葉温はやや高くなる。低湿時に, 気孔が閉じる場合には, 葉温は相対的に高くなる。実測値から得られた葉温と各気象要素とのそれぞれの関係は葉の熱収支のシミュレーションの結果とほぼ一致した。
丸山 篤志 大場 和彦 黒瀬 義孝
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.56, no.4, pp.275-282, 2000-12-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
2 1

Effects of wind and salt water exposure on yield of paddy rice were investigated by using a wind tunnel and sprinkler. Rice plants were exposed to seventy-two different treatment combinations of salt concentration, wind duration, cultivar (Hinohikari and Yumehikari) and growth stage. Photosynthesis on the day after treatment was decreased by wind and salt water exposure. Percentage and weight of filled grain at harvesting, and consequently yield were also decreased by wind and salt water exposure. Yield reduction in Hinohikari was more than Yumehikari due to a difference in wind tolerance between the two cultivars. The amount of adhered salt on the rice plants grown outdoors decreased after treatment due to rainfall, but the yield reduction was the same as cropping under cover (no rainfall) after treatment.The amount of adhered salt on the panicle after treatment was directly proportional to salt concentration in the sprayed water. Using the proportional coefficient, relationships between the amount of adhered salt on the panicle and relative yield of paddy rice were determined. Relative yield of paddy rice decreased from 1.0 to 0.2 when treated at heading time and 8-12 days after heading as the amount of adhered salt increased from 0 to 6mg per panicle. In the same way, relative yield decreased from 1.0 to 0.7 when treated at 21-25 days after heading. These relationships will be useful in predicting the yield of paddy rice affected by strong wind and salt from the sea caused by typhoons.
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.77, no.2, pp.139-149, 2021 (Released:2021-04-10)

Rice is the most important cereal crop in Japan, and therefore the impact of projected climate change on its production and quality has been assessed using rice growth models accounting for the effects of rising temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on important growth processes. Recent experimental studies, however, have shown some negative effects of interactions between [CO2] and temperature on yield and quality of rice which were not accounted for by previous impact assessments. This study examined the importance of [CO2]×temperature interactions in the nationwide impacts of climate change on grain yield and quality of rice in Japan by 2100. We introduced new functions accounting for the effects of interactions on yield. Then we adopted the acceleration by elevated [CO2] in the estimation of the occurrence of chalky grains, an indicator of appearance quality of rice. We applied the modified model to Japan at a spatial resolution of 1 km using 10 climate scenarios (5 Global Circulation Models×2 representative concentration pathways [RCPs]) from 1981 to 2100. The effects of the newly introduced negative effects of [CO2]×temperature were evaluated by comparing simulations with and without the interaction in each scenario. Nationwide production was estimated to decrease by up to 28% and the percentage of white chalky grains to increase up to 16% relative to the previous assessment results, especially in RCP8.5, in which larger increases were projected in both temperature and [CO2]. The result suggests that the positive effect of elevated [CO2], which had been expected to offset the negative effect of increased temperature on rice productivity, may be limited in the future, and rice quality degradation may be more severe than predicted previously.
Kozue YUGE Miho ITOU Yoshisuke NAKANO Masaharu KURODA Tomokazu HARAGUCHI
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.60, no.5, pp.717-720, 2005 (Released:2016-12-30)
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The solar radiation incident on the soil surface below a plant canopy varies temporally and spatially, because the shadow of the canopy intercepts the light. The complicated solar radiation environment, brought by the plant shadow, affects the surrounding environment, including the soil moisture, soil temperature, energy balance on the soil surface, and so on. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of an isolated plant on the surrounding environment. To clarify the complicated solar radiation environment on the soil surface, the shadow tracks of the isolated plant are described using the geometry of plant structure and sun locations. The soil surface temperature was measured instantaneously using an infrared thermal imaging camera to evaluate the effect of the spatial distribution of the solar radiation on the thermal environment. Observation results indicated that the spatial distribution of the soil surface temperature is generated by the shadow of the isolated plant. To evaluate the shadow effect on the soil moisture and temperature, a numerical model for soil moisture and heat transfer was introduced. The simulation result indicated that soil moisture and temperature change spatially and temporally, affected by the complicated solar radiation environment. The daily soil surface evaporation was quantified using the numerical model. The results indicate that the soil surface evaporation changed spatially because of the irradiance distribution generated by the plant shadow.
行村 義雄
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.5, no.3, pp.144-147, 1950-05-05 (Released:2010-02-25)
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.77, no.1, pp.24-51, 2021 (Released:2021-01-10)
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Soil respiration (Rs) is the largest flux of carbon dioxide (CO2) next to photosynthesis in terrestrial ecosystems. With the absorption of atmospheric methane (CH4), upland soils become a large CO2 source and CH4 sink. These soil carbon (C) fluxes are key factors in the mitigation and adaption of future climate change. The Asian region spans an extensive area from the northern boreal to tropical regions in Southeast Asia. As this region is characterised by highly diverse ecosystems, it is expected to experience the strong impact of ecosystem responses to global climate change. For the past two decades, researchers in the AsiaFlux community have meaningfully contributed to improve the current understanding of soil C dynamics, response of soil C fluxes to disturbances and climate change, and regional and global estimation based on model analysis. This review focuses on five important aspects: 1) the historical methodology for soil C flux measurement; 2) responses of soil C flux components to environmental factors; 3) soil C fluxes in typical ecosystems in Asia; 4) the influence of disturbance and climate change on soil C fluxes; and 5) model analysis and the estimation of soil C fluxes in research largely focused in Asia.
八鍬 利助
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.10, no.3-4, pp.153-155, 1955-03-30 (Released:2010-02-25)
Akihiko ITO Kazuhito ICHII
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.77, no.1, pp.81-95, 2021 (Released:2021-01-10)
1 3

A wide variety of models have been developed and used in studies of land-atmosphere interactions and the carbon cycle, with aims of data integration, sensitivity analysis, interpolation, and extrapolation. This review summarizes the achievements of model studies conducted in Asia, a focal region in the changing Earth system, especially collaborative works with the regional flux measurement network, AsiaFlux. Process-based biogeochemical models have been developed to simulate the carbon cycle, and their accuracy has been verified by comparing with carbon dioxide flux data. The development and use of data-driven (statistical and machine learning) models has further enhanced the utilization of field survey and satellite remote sensing data. Model intercomparison studies were also conducted by using the AsiaFlux dataset for uncertainty analyses and benchmarking. Other types of models, such as cropland models and trace gas emission models, are also briefly reviewed here. Finally, we discuss the present status and remaining issues in data-model integration, regional synthesis, and future projection with the models.
日野 義一
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.35, no.4, pp.229-234, 1980-03-20 (Released:2010-02-25)

東北地方南部太平洋側特有の春季多照条件を効果的に利用する栽培法として, 4月下旬の田植えについて検討して来た。その結果, 従来の田植時期 (5月10日) に比べて, 生育, 収量が向上することがわかったため, 1977, 1978の両年現地実証試験を宮城県内で行なった。両年次の早植時期 (4月下旬) における県内温度分布では, 最高気温は比較的高い14~17℃の範囲であるが, 平均気温は8~12℃, 最低気温は2~6℃の範囲に分布し, この時期には, 低温障害発生危険温度を示す。しかし, 水田水温の推定値からみれば, 最高水温は24~28℃, 平均水温11~15℃, 最低水温3~9℃となって, 最低水温のやや低い地帯があるが, 水田水温全体からみれば, 低温障害の恐れのある地帯は極あて少ないことがわかった。なお, 主な試験地における水田水温 (地表温度) の平均温度はほとんど12℃以上で経過していた。田植日から最高分げつ期までの積算値でみると, 日照時数では両年次で, 早植 (4月20日) は標準植 (5月10日) より約70~100時間多い。気温, 水田水温では両田植日間にあまり大きな差がない。早植はやや少ない気温を示しているが, 水田水温では, 早植が多くなっている。最高分げつ期から出穂期まで間の積算値では, 日照, 気温, 水田水温とも田植日による差は小さい。この間に含まれる梅雨期の影響が大きい。出穂後40日間の積算値では, 日照, 気温, 水田水温とも早植の方が標準値より多く, 登熟期間中の気象は早植の場合に好条件となった。各試験田の初期生育量 (乾物重量) は, 早植ほど増加傾向を示し, さらに4月末までに田植えした場合の収量は両年次とも600kg/10a以上となり, 現地においても早植栽培の効果が確認された。
Masayasu MAKI Kosuke SEKIGUCHI Koki HOMMA Yoshihiro HIROOKA Kazuo OKI
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.73, no.1, pp.2-8, 2017 (Released:2017-01-10)
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Food security has become a serious concern recently in Southeast Asia. The reduction of agricultural land because of economic development is decreasing the food supply. Simultaneously, due to rapid population growth, the food demand is increasing. Therefore, to ensure a stable food supply, it is important to estimate the supply capability of rice, which is the staple food in most Asian countries. In this study, a crop model (SIMRIW-RS) that can combine remote sensing data with a crop model (SIMRIW) was used to estimate rice yield at a regional scale. This model was applied to the estimation of rice yield in paddy fields located in the suburbs of Vientiane, Laos. Satellite (COSMO-SkyMed)-derived data for leaf area index (LAI) were integrated into SIMRIW-RS, and the transplanting date detected by COSMO-SkyMed was used to set the starting date of the simulation. Results were verified by surveying farmers. Transplanting dates were detected with high accuracy in all but a few fields. On the basis of the results of regression analysis between actual LAIs and the corresponding backscatter coefficients of COSMO-SkyMed, we suggest that COSMO-SkyMed can estimate LAIs at early growth stages when LAI is small. The results of yield estimation after integrating the LAIs derived from COSMO-SkyMed data into SIMRIW-RS indicated that the estimation accuracy of the rice yield was improved compared with the estimation result without adjusting parameters in the model, and this held so long as LAI was retrieved with high accuracy by satellite data. However, when LAI could not be estimated accurately, integration has the potential to worsen the model’s accuracy compared with the estimation result without any such readjustment. This study therefore indicates that SIMRIW-RS has the potential to estimate rice yield accurately when the LAI of rice is estimated with high accuracy from satellite data.
本間 幸治 青野 靖之 小元 敬男
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.51, no.4, pp.321-327, 1995-12-10 (Released:2010-02-25)

The relationship between temperature and the southern limits of temperate deciduous trees in Japan is discussed by using two indexes of temperature. One is the mean temperature of the warmest month to represent summer condition, and another is the chilling hours (accumulated hours below 7.2°C (45°F)) for winter. Eight species of deciduous trees (Zelkova serrata, Fagus crenata, Aesculus turbinata, Pterocarya rhoifolia, Betula ermanii, Quercus mongolica, Ulmus davidiana and Acer mono) were chosen for this purpose. It appeared that the chilling hours are effective in determining the southern limit of Zelkova serrata, suggesting at least thermal condition in winter is important in the warm side distribution for this species. For other species, the case in which winter condition may affect southern limits is found in the coastal areas and the relatively low latitude region of Japanese mainland.The impact of global warming on the potential probability of occurence for Fagus crenata in Osaka Prefecture and its vicinity is also examined. For a 1.5°C mean temperature rise, the potential probability becomes 0.02-0.21 from the present 0.13-0.68 in Mt. Izumi-Katsuragi and Mt. Koya area, and 0.24-0.70 from 0.65-0.76 in Mt. Kongo. For a 3.0°C rise, the probability decreases to 0.04-0.34 in Mt. Kongo. In the other two areas, it will become almost 0 suggesting the climatic condition becomes too warm for the occurence of this species.