宮坂 篤 中島 隆 丸山 篤志 脇山 恭行
The Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu
九州病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:03856410)
vol.57, pp.1-6, 2011

水稲の高温登熟障害対策の一つとして着目されている登熟期の用水かけ流し処理が,水田圃場内の水温および株間温湿度の変化と紋枯病発病および白未熟粒発生に及ぼす影響について,3 年間の圃場試験によって検討した。イネ紋枯病自然発生圃場(10m×50m) において,登熟期に水温約21℃の地下水を常時かけ流し,水口から3m,6m,12m,24m,36m および48m 地点における上記項目を経時的に調査した。用水かけ流し処理によって,水口側から水尻側に向かって水温が上昇する温度勾配が得られた。株間の気温および相対湿度については,かけ流しの処理の効果が年次により異なり,一定の傾向は認められなかった。紋枯病発病程度および白未熟粒発生程度は,いずれも水口から3mおよび6m地点で低かった。これらのことから,登熟期の用水かけ流し処理に伴う低水温によって,紋枯病発病程度および白未熟粒発生程度が低減されることが示唆された。
丸山 篤志 大場 和彦 黒瀬 義孝
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.56, no.4, pp.275-282, 2000-12-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
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Effects of wind and salt water exposure on yield of paddy rice were investigated by using a wind tunnel and sprinkler. Rice plants were exposed to seventy-two different treatment combinations of salt concentration, wind duration, cultivar (Hinohikari and Yumehikari) and growth stage. Photosynthesis on the day after treatment was decreased by wind and salt water exposure. Percentage and weight of filled grain at harvesting, and consequently yield were also decreased by wind and salt water exposure. Yield reduction in Hinohikari was more than Yumehikari due to a difference in wind tolerance between the two cultivars. The amount of adhered salt on the rice plants grown outdoors decreased after treatment due to rainfall, but the yield reduction was the same as cropping under cover (no rainfall) after treatment.The amount of adhered salt on the panicle after treatment was directly proportional to salt concentration in the sprayed water. Using the proportional coefficient, relationships between the amount of adhered salt on the panicle and relative yield of paddy rice were determined. Relative yield of paddy rice decreased from 1.0 to 0.2 when treated at heading time and 8-12 days after heading as the amount of adhered salt increased from 0 to 6mg per panicle. In the same way, relative yield decreased from 1.0 to 0.7 when treated at 21-25 days after heading. These relationships will be useful in predicting the yield of paddy rice affected by strong wind and salt from the sea caused by typhoons.