布目 寛幸
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.491-500, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)

Recently, “Nijiku” sports motion theory has been proposed and is being widely disseminated for many types of sports events including association football (soccer). It appears that this theory has some scientific basis for improving performance in sports. However, as the theory did not follow the necessary procedures, to date, its scientific validity has never been examined. This paper was designed to precisely examine the scientific validity of the “Nijiku” sports motion theory in relation to soccer from the viewpoint of science philosophy and biomechanics. Falsifiability is an important concept in science. However, only a few objective data—the ground reaction force of the supporting leg during soccer kicking and the peculiar motion referred to as “unfasten knee” motion—were demonstrated in the related literature with incorrect interpretation, and there were no falsifiable data to prove the existence of “Nijiku” during sports actions. Thus, it has been considered that the “Nijiku” sports motion theory runs contrary to the principle of science. Moreover, there are many misleading descriptions, particularly with regard to the effect of gravity. As a result, it can be considered that the “Nijiku” sports motion theory is classified as a “pseudoscience” labeled inaccurately or misleadingly portrayed as science. Scientific counterarguments to stimulate debate on these matters by the proponent and/or supporters are expected.


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[バイオメカニクス][身体運動][科学][ニセ科学論] 前にもどこかで紹介したけれど、スポーツバイオメカニクスにおいてもニセ科学論的議論がある一例として。
[バイオメカニクス][スポーツ科学][身体運動][科学] 小田らの二軸論の批判的検討。”科学的でないにも関わらず,あたかも科学であるかのように振舞うものを「疑似科学」という.”と指摘。

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科学とは。 https://t.co/kiIeQ1UCZP
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