布目 寛幸
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.491-500, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)

Recently, “Nijiku” sports motion theory has been proposed and is being widely disseminated for many types of sports events including association football (soccer). It appears that this theory has some scientific basis for improving performance in sports. However, as the theory did not follow the necessary procedures, to date, its scientific validity has never been examined. This paper was designed to precisely examine the scientific validity of the “Nijiku” sports motion theory in relation to soccer from the viewpoint of science philosophy and biomechanics. Falsifiability is an important concept in science. However, only a few objective data—the ground reaction force of the supporting leg during soccer kicking and the peculiar motion referred to as “unfasten knee” motion—were demonstrated in the related literature with incorrect interpretation, and there were no falsifiable data to prove the existence of “Nijiku” during sports actions. Thus, it has been considered that the “Nijiku” sports motion theory runs contrary to the principle of science. Moreover, there are many misleading descriptions, particularly with regard to the effect of gravity. As a result, it can be considered that the “Nijiku” sports motion theory is classified as a “pseudoscience” labeled inaccurately or misleadingly portrayed as science. Scientific counterarguments to stimulate debate on these matters by the proponent and/or supporters are expected.
布目 寛幸 池上 康男

サッカーにおいてより速いボールを蹴ることは重要な能力のひとつである。日々のトレーニングを通じて選手達は以下に足部と脚の運動量を効果的にボールに伝える術を習得する。本研究では、子どもから青年期までのサッカー選手を対象にインステップキックにおけるボールインパクトの特性の横断的な変化を概観した。8歳~24歳までの選手(プロ選手を含む)を対象に2台の超高速度カメラを使い、ボールインパクト局面における下腿部、足部、ボールの動きを毎秒2000コマの速度で撮影した。3次元映像解析法から足部の3次元的な動きを定量化するとともに、よいボールインパクトの指標であるボール/足部速度比を求めた。さらにボールインパクトに有効なstriking mass(有効質量)との関係を求めた。ボールインパクト直前の足部速度、ボール初速度、ボール/足部速度比は年齢とともに一定の増加傾向を示した。ボールインパクト中の足部の動きは年齢を問わず、ほとんどの被検者で底屈、外転、外反していた。本研究ではAsami and Nolte(1983)による足関節の固定具合がよりボールと足部のインパクトの重要な要素であるという示唆とは異なり、前述した受動的な足関節の動作とボール/足部速度比との有効な関係をみつけることができなかった。(足部)有効質量は、被検者の体重(r=0. 89),足部質量(r=0. 91)およびボール/足部速度比(r=0. 89)と強い相関を示した。Lees and Nolan(1998)は、足関節の固定により、足部のみならず下腿部の質量を有効質量に加えることができると推測しているが、本研究の結果からは、足部がボールにその重心付近の適切な位置でインパクトするならば、サッカーインステップキックのボールインパクトは、ほぼボールと足部のみの衝突であると考えることができた。したがって、身体のサイズ≒足部の質量は、ボールインパクトの効率に大きな影響を与え、特に身体のサイズが小さい子どもはこの観点から技術的ではなく、物理的なハンデがあると考えられた。
布目 寛幸
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.491-500, 2008-12

Recently, "Nijiku" sports motion theory has been proposed and is being widely disseminated for many types of sports events including association football (soccer). It appears that this theory has some scientific basis for improving performance in sports. However, as the theory did not follow the necessary procedures, to date, its scientific validity has never been examined. This paper was designed to precisely examine the scientific validity of the "Nijiku" sports motion theory in relation to soccer from the viewpoint of science philosophy and biomechanics. Falsifiability is an important concept in science. However, only a few objective data-the ground reaction force of the supporting leg during soccer kicking and the peculiar motion referred to as "unfasten knee" motion-were demonstrated in the related literature with incorrect interpretation, and there were no falsifiable data to prove the existence of "Nijiku" during sports actions. Thus, it has been considered that the "Nijiku" sports motion theory runs contrary to the principle of science. Moreover, there are many misleading descriptions, particularly with regard to the effect of gravity. As a result, it can be considered that the "Nijiku" sports motion theory is classified as a "pseudoscience" labeled inaccurately or misleadingly portrayed as science. Scientific counterarguments to stimulate debate on these matters by the proponent and/or supporters are expected.
井上 功一郎 布目 寛幸
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.173_2, 2019

<p> 本研究は、サッカーのインステップキックによって、左右方向にボールを蹴り分けるためのインパクト技術について明らかにすることを目的とした。7名の大学サッカー選手が、30度の助走から11m前方のサッカーゴールに向けて、静止したボールをインステップキックする試技を行なった。その際、ゴールを縦に3等分した左、中、右の3つのエリアをそれぞれ狙った。足部とボールのインパクトの様子は、3台の高速度ビデオカメラを用いて2000Hzで撮影した。対象者1名あたり各エリア6試技、総計126試技のデータを取得し、分析した。インパクト時点における足部の甲の向きが、左右のボール進行方向に強い影響を及ぼす要素のひとつであることが明らかとなった。一方で、左右のボール進行方向と、インパクト時点における足関節の関節角度との間には、関係性が認められなかった。これらのことから、左右にボールを蹴り分けるためには、足部の姿勢を調整し、狙った方向に甲を向けてインパクトすることが重要であり、さらに、この姿勢の調整は、股関節など、足関節よりも近位の関節で行われるものと考えられた。</p>
布目 寛幸
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.491-500, 2008

Recently, &ldquo;Nijiku&rdquo; sports motion theory has been proposed and is being widely disseminated for many types of sports events including association football (soccer). It appears that this theory has some scientific basis for improving performance in sports. However, as the theory did not follow the necessary procedures, to date, its scientific validity has never been examined. This paper was designed to precisely examine the scientific validity of the &ldquo;Nijiku&rdquo; sports motion theory in relation to soccer from the viewpoint of science philosophy and biomechanics. Falsifiability is an important concept in science. However, only a few objective data&mdash;the ground reaction force of the supporting leg during soccer kicking and the peculiar motion referred to as &ldquo;unfasten knee&rdquo; motion&mdash;were demonstrated in the related literature with incorrect interpretation, and there were no falsifiable data to prove the existence of &ldquo;Nijiku&rdquo; during sports actions. Thus, it has been considered that the &ldquo;Nijiku&rdquo; sports motion theory runs contrary to the principle of science. Moreover, there are many misleading descriptions, particularly with regard to the effect of gravity. As a result, it can be considered that the &ldquo;Nijiku&rdquo; sports motion theory is classified as a &ldquo;pseudoscience&rdquo; labeled inaccurately or misleadingly portrayed as science. Scientific counterarguments to stimulate debate on these matters by the proponent and/or supporters are expected.